Java application - swing - pop up on right click changes background colour - java

I am having issues with my java application and I can't find a suitable reply.
In summary a right click triggered default pop up menu changes my chart's background color behind the pop up.
You can find images below. I am happy to keep the default popup without the "buggy" behaviour or develop my own if required.
A click of a button starts a stream of data and adds a chart to a JInternalFrame component:
If I right click on the image a default pop up comes up:
If I then click away the rectangle area covered by the popup will overlay the chart like this:
TimeseriesMonitorModel model = new DefaultTweetMonitorModel();
try {
jif.setContentPane(new TweetSeriesChartPane(model, TweetMonitor.keywords, tkc));
jif.setSize(jif.getWidth(), jif.getHeight());
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(TweetMonitor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
where jif is the Jinternalframe and
public TweetSeriesChartPane(TimeseriesMonitorModel model, String[] seriesNames, TweetKeywordCount tkc) throws InterruptedException {
this.seriesNames = seriesNames;
this.tkc = tkc;
this.model = model;
XYChartTimeseries myRealTimeChart = new XYChartTimeseries();
chart = myRealTimeChart.getChartWithTitle();
List[] tweetData = model.getFrequencyCount(new AtomicIntegerArray(seriesNames.length)); // we are starting from 0
int i = 0;
for (String keyword : seriesNames) {
List<Integer> yData = (List<Integer>) tweetData[1].get(i);
chart.addSeries(keyword, tweetData[0], yData); // adding first value
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
XChartPanel<XYChart> chartPane = new XChartPanel<>(chart);
UpdateWorker worker = new UpdateWorker(this, seriesNames, this.tkc);

I've managed to temporary solve the above.
I've checked specifically this line of code
XChartPanel<XYChart> chartPane = new XChartPanel<>(chart);
which extends Chart and Jpanel. The code is from the knowm-chart dependency
Apparently it adds a listener and the customized PopUpMenu. After reviewing it, it looks like it didn't do any repainting when the mouse was clicked outside the PopUpMenu area.
So I created a new class and tried to customise it. However, the repaint was flickering the screen and I couldn't get it to work only in the PopUpMenu area.
I ended up disabling the .addMouseListener call so now I don't get any popUpMenu. I sad compromise, but oh well.
Thanks to both, regardless of the last unneeded comment which didn't add any value.
I did read the link and I though I provided enough information.
In any case, posting to code helped me troubleshoot it


Nez / Monogame : Can't click buttons but mouse actions are properly registering

So, I dont know if I am missing something but any way I work it or look into it I am unable to click on any buttons on the screens.
I made a dialog box with a button essentially as shown in the sample projects but when ever I try to click the button nothing happens at all.
I tried firing the onClick programmatically and it works fine, I also tested that the mouse inputs were being registered okay and they were.
I am at a total loss for any reason why this wouldnt work.
My class code is below:
public class Interactable : UICanvas
public void interact()
var skin = Skin.createDefaultSkin();
var table = stage.addElement(new Table());;
table.add(talk(, "Stay a while and glisten", "Bye!"));
public Dialog talk(string title, string messageText, string closeButtonText)
var skin = Skin.createDefaultSkin();
var style = new WindowStyle
background = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(50, 50, 50)),
//Dims the background
stageBackground = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
var dialog = new Dialog(title, style);
dialog.getTitleLabel().getStyle().background = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(55, 100, 100));
dialog.pad(20, 5, 5, 5);
var exitButton = new TextButton(closeButtonText, skin);
exitButton.onClicked += butt => dialog.hide();
return dialog;
The interact() is called when running up to another entity and pressing "E".
Which causes everything to render properly but I can't click on the button.
When i try to view exitButton co-ordinates theyre always 0 no matter what although the dialog appears in the middle of the window
Monogame version: 3.7
Nez version: 0.9.2
So it seems like buttons are clickable but their click box is not even nearly aligning with where the buttons are truely rendered.
It seems that the issue is that where the button is being rendered and where the actual click box is are not the same.
I have Zoomed in the camera by 2 and the camera also follows my little character around. The dialog will then appear at the X,Y in relation to the current camera view but the actual click box appears at the X,Y in terms of the TiledMap (which is not always on screen).
Not too sure how to work around this.
So! The issue I was having was I was using one renderer for the entire this (The RenderLayerRenderer.) What I have done to fix this is start another renderer (A ScreenSpaceRenderer). This allows me to use it to render UI and its XY variables do not change but are just static to the visual area.
So i ended up with two renders like so:
addRenderer(new RenderLayerRenderer(0,new int[] { (int)RenderLayerIds.First, (int)RenderLayerIds.Second, (int)RenderLayerIds.Third}));
addRenderer(new ScreenSpaceRenderer(1, new int[] { (int)RenderLayerIds.UILayer }));
Using the first for my game rendering and the bottom on just for HUD things!

How can I use a JSlider (or other JComponent) in a JOptionPane option dialog?

I have a UI in which I want to display a popup with a slider bar, with a message, and have the user be able to click OK or Cancel after choosing a value (or not). JOptionPane has various show methods that seem like they'd be useful, but I was unable to find much about making them do what I want.
This is actually a question that I had to root around to find an answer to, and I'll provide it below. I hope it will be useful to someone else.
The examples I was able to find had the standard flaw of examples: they weren't close enough to what I wanted to tell me how to do this, and didn't explain enough about how things worked to alter them on my own. I finally ran across a tutorial which explained that the "messages" in the dialog could be components, and the JOptionPane code would render them. This example uses a JSlider, I assume other JComponents could be used as well.
The documentation also talks about what to do if you want to "display the dialog directly", but I never did figure out what they meant by that.
I stumbled around in various forms of JOptionPane methods before figuring out the following:
* display the dialog for entering the number of spots to move the first
* marble chosen after a 7 is played. Returns 0 if the user cancelled this
* operation.
public int getMoveCount()
int moveCount = 0;
JSlider slider = createSlider();
JPanel sliderPanel = createSliderPanel("myMessage", slider);
String title = "myTitle";
int dialogResponse = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog
(this, // I'm within a JFrame here
null, null, null
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == dialogResponse)
{ moveCount = slider.getValue(); }
else { moveCount = 0; } // works for cancel button, red 'x', and keyboard escape key
return moveCount;
private JSlider createSlider()
JSlider slider = new JSlider(1,7);
slider.setValue(7); // default to 7
return slider;

JComboBox is refering to old Frame while removeAllItems()

I tried to figure this out myself but I can't. I'm stuck at a strange problem.
I have a Java Program with multiple classes and forms (I use Intellij and the build in GUI-Creator). When I switch from one Screen to another I just call frame.setVisible(false); at the leafing window and frame.setVisible(true); at the window I want to show next.
On a Button Click I make this:
In Class 1:
if (e.getSource() == umschaltenButton) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Switched Back to MainMenu");
And here is the weird part.
In Class 2:
public void goToMainWindow() {
frame = tvElectronics.drawMainWindow(); // I get a new Frame with new Images and so on
frame.add(BotomPanel); // in here is the JComboBox
frame.setSize(LENGTH, HEIGHT);
comboBox1.removeAllItems(); // Here it tryes to refere to the old frame before i made frame = tvElectronics.drawMainWindow();
Vector<String[]> content = tvElectronics.getContent();
for (int i = 0; i < tvElectronics.getAnz(); ++i) {
comboBox1.addItem((i + 1) + ". " + content.get(i)[3]);
And so it tries to update the old frame from class2 which no longer exists because of the new one I just created. And so I have 2 frames open: one as I want it and one strange old frame form class2.
My problem is that I want bind my JComboBox to a new Frame and update it but it is still connected to the old one and that causes weird problems like jumping back in the function. I mean it is at the last line of goToMainWindow() and then it starts again at the first line.
First off you should avoid swapping JFrames as your program does since this is a very annoying GUI design. Please read The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? for more on this.
Next, it's impossible for us to tell what GUI view your JComboBox is associated with.
But having said that, it really shouldn't matter. Instead of doing what you're doing, I would give the display class that holds a JCombBox a public method that you call on the containing display class that clears the contained JComboBox's model or that places items in the model. This way, there will be no ambiguity as to which JComboBox you're referring to, and this way you avoid directly exposing a view's inner components.
As an aside, I try to gear my display or view classes towards creating JPanels, not JFrames as this will give my code much greater flexibility.
For example
// my display class
class Display1 {
private DefaultComboBoxModel<String> myModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
private JComboBox<String> myCombo = new JComboBox<>(myModel);
public void removeAllComboElements() {
public void addElement(String ele) {
Same for your Display2 class. Then you can call the correct method on the JComboBox that is held by the correct view/display.
This way, when you swap displays, perhaps by using a CardLayout, you can clear the JComboBox in the display that is being shown by calling its own method to clear its own combobox's model.

disable mouseEvent for a specific JButton in a group of JButtons

The flow of the program is like this : Image from 1st set of buttons (leftButtonArea) is dragged to the 2nd set of buttons (rightButtonArea).
Each image has a unique name via setName(). The name of the image that was dragged over will be compared with the name of the button which it is dragged to.
If the name matches, I wish to disable that particular button from reacting to any hover event.
.setHoverEnabled(false) doesn't work =/
A similar SO thread regarding the disabling of event listeners, but it seems like the solutions such a using a glass pane are for whole components ?
Somehow this works, but I am not sure of any side effects from this method
Found something interesting.. This could be the reason why disabled buttons still reacts to mouseEvents.
"low-level: Component, Container, Focus, Key, Mouse, Paint, Window
semantic: Action, Adjustment, Item, Text
Only semantic events are affected by disabling any component. That is because they are directly handled by the component itself which is aware that it is enabled or not.
Low level events can't be affected by disabling. If you stop to think about this when you disabled your label was it still visible. If it was then the paint event must have happened. Low level events will always happen and it is up to your handlers to query the component if it is enabled or not."
// 1st set of 4 buttons
for(int a=0; a<4; a++){
leftButtonArea[a] = new JleftButtonArea(new ImageIcon(image));
TransferHandler transfer = new TransferHandler("icon");
leftButtonArea[a].addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
JleftButtonArea leftButtonArea = (JleftButtonArea)e.getSource();
TransferHandler handle = leftButtonArea.getTransferHandler();
handle.exportAsDrag(leftButtonArea, e, TransferHandler.COPY);
// get unique name for the image that is dragged
// to rightButtonArea
name1 = e.getComponent().getName();
// creates 2nd set of 4 buttons
for(int b=0; b<4; b++){
rightleftButtonAreaArea[b] = new JleftButtonArea();
// <---- creates unique name for each leftButtonArea ----->
cc2 += 1;
// <---- creates unique name for each leftButtonArea ----->
TransferHandler transfer1 = new TransferHandler("icon");
rightleftButtonAreaArea[b].addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me){
JleftButtonArea source = (JleftButtonArea)me.getSource();
// compare unique name of image and the button in rightButtonArea
// if they are the same, disable hover for the button
if( name1.equals(source.getName())){
// this doesn't work
// Somehow this works, but I am not sure of any side effects from this
catch (NullPointerException e)
for Buttons JComponents are MouseEvent are implemented in the ButtonModel
use implemented methods for Icon in the JButton API
examples JButton & Icon, JButton & ButtonModel

SWT Link flickers with gradient background

I'm developing a an eclipse plugin that uses an SWT interface. I need to display text, and within that text there needs to be links. The only two widgets that I've found that will allow me to include clickable links in text are Link and Browser. Browser, however, is overkill for my needs, and I couldn't properly customize the look of it. This only leaves the Link widget.
The problem is I need the Link widget to inherit a gradient from the Composite in which it is in. It does this correctly, only when it is resized or scrolled the Link component flickers. The Link is the only component in which I have seen this effect.
In an attempt to fix this I've tried manipulating other components into having clickable links, but I haven't found a good solution yet.
Is there anyway to fix the flickering effect on the Link, or is there a different component which would support links?
After spending the day working on this, I came up with a workaround. I created a Composite for the text area. For each word that isn't part of a url,got its own label. For links, each letter got its own label. Then the labels for the url characters got a listener to launch a browser. Using this method provided the Link functionality, handled resizing properly, and has no flicker.
Have you tried passing SWT.NO_BACKGROUND to your Link widget? It might get a little strange... and you may have to do a little more work to get the gui drawing properly, but that would be my first guess.
Other than that, here's my Quick n' dirty implementation of a link inside of a StyledText. You will need to fill in for changing the cursor (if that's something you want), as well as coming up with a good "text to link" mapping scheme.
The only thing is I'm not sure if StyledText will inherit your background... give it a shot.
public class StyledTextExample {
public static void main(String [] args) {
// create the widget's shell
Shell shell = new Shell();
shell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
shell.setSize(200, 100);
Display display = shell.getDisplay();
// create the styled text widget
final StyledText widget = new StyledText(shell, SWT.NONE);
String text = "This is the StyledText widget.";
final StyleRange hyperlinkStyle = new StyleRange();
String linkWord = "StyledText";
hyperlinkStyle.start = text.indexOf(linkWord);
hyperlinkStyle.length = linkWord.length();
hyperlinkStyle.fontStyle = SWT.BOLD;
hyperlinkStyle.foreground = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE);
widget.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent arg0) {
Point clickPoint = new Point(arg0.x, arg0.y);
try {
int offset = widget.getOffsetAtLocation(clickPoint);
if (widget.getStyleRangeAtOffset(offset) != null) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//ignore, clicked out of text range.
while (!shell.isDisposed())
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();

