I'd like to create dedicated task for integration test in gradle.
I have multimodule project. In project build.gradle I've task:
useJUnit {
It should run tests marked with:
but when I run this, it says Test events were not received.
What am I doing wrong?
JUnit Platform introduced tagging to replace categories.
Gradle adopted to this. See user guide test grouping
I want to create Java + Gradle + TestNg + Cucumber project for Automation
I know how to use Gradle tasks to run Cucumber test by specified tags using Junit, but I dont know how to do the same thing with TestNG.
When I use:
task test1(type: Test)
systemProperty ("cucumber.filter.tags", "#Test1")
in build.gradle it works fine with Junit, but it doesnt work with TestNG.
Thank you for any help in advance.
I have TestNg unit tests which is supposed to run with my maven clean install.
I don't have any test-suite.xmls in my pom to run testes. Expectation is to run all my test files without any configuration with the maven build.
But this is not happening.
My test class goes like this
public class CreateUtilty{
public void testScope(){
// remaing code
What could have I done wrong ?
Running testNG as you are with no configuration, the surefire plugin expects your test classes to end with Test. Try changing your test class name to CreateUtilityTest and it should be picked up.
The documentation for the maven surefile plugin contains useful information to help you get started.
To find out more about how to include/exlude tests based on naming convention read this.
Try execute your class with following syntax
mvn -Dtest=CreateUtilty test
This question is more of a best practices approach. The application we have is Spring Boot 1.5.4 and builds using Gradle. I'm in the process of creating nightly builds with Jenkins, and want to make sure all the unit tests pass in the project.
The project has a number of "tests" like this however:
#SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class})
public class DatabaseCreationProcessImplTest {
This particular class creates a sample database image for developers to work off of. Granted we could make straight SQL scripts, but a Java process is useful since there's code that also queries for data from outside sources (e.g. Liferay.)
The reason we're using a unit test for this is because developers can easily run it in IntelliJ to load a new database image. However this isn't really a "test", it's using the test runner as a quick way to run a Java process.
I'm working on setting up nightly builds and I don't want this test to be included in the builds. I can do something like the following in the build script:
test {
exclude 'com/mydomain/service/util/impl/DatabaseCreationProcessImplTest.class'
However by doing this, if running the unit test individually in the IDE with the Spring test runner, it is unable to find any tests. I thought about passing in a Boolean value in the Jenkins task for doing this, e.g.
test {
systemProperties 'property': 'value'
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed", "standardOut", "standardError"
// Exclusions go here
if (Boolean.getBoolean('exclude.tests')) {
exclude 'com/mydomain/service/util/impl/DatabaseCreationProcessImplTest.class'
However this seems like a hack/kludge... any ways looking for some "best practices" approach for handling this. Is JUnit the right way for quickly running Java processes? Are there other alternatives? Is it possible to create a Gradle script which developers can use to invoke common Java (Spring Boot) process as well?
I think you could group your not-really-tests in a test suite with JUnit's #SuiteClasses annotation:
public class NotReallyTests {}
And then use a condition that you pass from your Jenkins command line to exclude the not-really-tests suite:
test {
if (project.hasProperty('excludeNotReallyTests')) {
useJunit {
excludeCategories 'fully.qualified.name.of.your.NotReallyTests'
Your Jenkins command line would then be
$ gradle -PexcludeNotReallyTests=true
It's a little less hacky than your solution in that it keeps track of the grouping of tests that are not really tests in the codebase instead of the build.gradle file.
The Testing API for Android provides several annotations that are used to group tests together. Then you can specify which tests to run by giving one of the annotations on the command line. I do not know the details of how to implement this. It is just a suggestion for you to explore on your own, if you are interested.
I have a gradle project with "unit test" and "integration tests" tasks defined as follows:
test {
include '**/*Test.class'
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
include '**/*IT.class'
I created a run configuration in IntelliJ to run all unit tests like image shows:
And did the same with the task 'integrationTest':
IntelliJ 'understands' the test task and run it showing graphical results, like in this image:
The same doesn't happen when it runs the 'integrationTest' task. The results are shown in text, like when I run the task by command line.
Answering my own question...
As far as I know you can't make IntelliJ to run tests of a specific task and the Pattern solution doesn't work so well.
So, the only way I found to effectively separate integration tests in IntelliJ was with the use of a JUnit Category.
Create an interface to represent integration tests.
For example:
public interface IntegrationTest {
You have to annotate every integration test class with the category annotation and the created interface:
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import mycompany.mypackage.IntegrationTest;
public class DbfFileProcessorIT {
Create a build configuration filtering with Category:
Just add idea plugin to gradle works for me
plugins {
I'm using gradle to build my android project and am not able to run single local unit test. I have several test classes and one of them is MockServerTest and I only want to run test methods in this class.
I tried using gradle -Dtest.single=MockServerTest test but it turned out running all my tests, including these in other test classes.
I also tried gradle test --tests MockServerTest but an error occurred said
Test filtering is not supported for given version of junit. Please upgrade junit version to at least 4.6.
But I'm using junit 4.12 in my gradle file
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
I'm using gradle 2.4 with com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.2.3.
Also, how can I run a single test method inside a single test class?
BTW, I'm able to run single test method inside Android Studio, by right clicking on the test method and select run targetTestMethod() from the menu. But how can I achieve this in the terminal? I guess Android Studio also trigger a certain command to do this. How can I see what that command is?
Figured it out myself. I have to run
gradle testDebug --tests com.my.package.TestClassName
There are two things to note here.
1. You have to use gradle testDebug or gradle testRelease instead of just gradle test. If you have build variant, you have to use gradle testVariantNameDebug or gradle testVariantNameRelease
2. You have to specify the whole qualified class name, means including the package name.
You can use Android Gradle plugin DSL to set up test tasks filters like this:
android {
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
it.testNameIncludePattern = "*.SomeTest"
You can find more information on testOptions here and filters here.
Have you tried running gradle test -Dtest.single=MockServerTest? More information can be found here.