Vlcj change video background color - java

I'm creating a narrative application in which I need to play videos.
When playing a media with MediaPlayer.playMedia(Media media).
In order to avoid the black background I wait the wait for the playing event before showing the media player.
player.addMediaPlayerEventListener(new MediaPlayerEventAdapter() {
public void playing(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
The problem is that this event is triggered before the video actually starts playing, so it still displays black for a little while before.
How can I find a way around this? Thanks

I don't know for certain, but you could try some other event listener methods - perhaps the videoOutput, elementaryStreamAdded or elementaryStreamSelected (and check the stream type parameter was video), or maybe wait for the very first positionChanged event (whilst not ideal, it might work well enough for your use case).


Java - Use music playback control buttons

Usually on keyboards there is buttons to stop the current track, go to the next track, or to the previous one. When I'm playing sound on YouTube for example, and press the F10 key, the video stops.
I'm creating a Java/Kotlin music player. What currently happens when I have music playing, and then I click F10, is that the last YouTube video I have in an open tab starts playing, and the music player does not get effected at all.
What I want is: When I click F10 (or the other control keys), I want my music player to get affected by them, not YouTube.
How can I achieve that?
If I understand correctly, you have an application for playing back sound, but when control keys (e.g., F10 in particular) are pressed, your browser is receiving the key, not your application.
If that is the case, the question seems is about how to use the Swing KeyListener. The KeyEvent API shows that the keycode for the key to be VK_F10. Are you having problems with implementing this? Kotlin might have it's own way of doing key listening, though. I did find this SO question on Kotlin KeyListeners.
As far as starting or stopping a sound, that is usually accomplished by wrapping the audio playback class (Clip or SourceDataLine) in a class that can receive and handle commands to start, stop or continue. Are you having problems with implementing this?
The code that links these two functional areas should be loosely coupled. With that, pursing the two matters as two separate questions will be beneficial.
If your issue is a specific OS implementation question, it would be best to clarify that in the question with additional information.

Should I release every time?

I was wondering if releasing my media player before I play a random sound is bad practice:
So I don't usually deal with media output too much, but I am making a simple app that plays a random sound every time a button is clicked (sounds [] is an array filled with raw media files)
public void onClick(View v){
if(mediaplayer != null){
mediaplayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, sounds[randomNum])
So my question is, would releasing my media player every time before creation be considered good/bad practice? Would there be any better way to do this, as releasing and re-initializing the MediaPlayer object seems like it would consume resources...
You typically use release() when you no longer want to use a MediaPlayer any more. Once you call that, it can never be used again. It effectively destroys the native components that back its functionality.
If you do release, you will have to prepare the media all over again the next time you want to play it. This can be a time consuming process. If you want a sound to play responsively to a button press, you probably don't want to have to prepare it each time.

Android Sound Resetting

My app plays a coin sound every time a button is pressed.
You can easily press faster than the coin sound. When this happens I want the coin sound to start from the beginning ever time the button is pressed.
coin_sound = MediaPlayer.create(getContext(), R.raw.coin02);
The problem with this is that loading a media file tiny as it may be is still a relatively slow process. When you start to click the button really fast the app lags hard.
Are there any solutions to my problem? The only idea I have is to do something with an array of coin_sounds, but this method seems like it will be messy and gross...
The other answer posted here is somewhat correct. You should not call create over and over.
The code in that answer has a problem, though. The reset method sends the MediaPlayer into the idle state, where it is illegal to call most other methods. If you were to go that route, you have to call methods in the following order:
The difference between calling create and the previous sequence of method calls is simply the creation of a new instance. That, however, is not the quickest way to do what should be done.
You should simply call coin_sound.seekTo(0); when you want the current playing sound to restart. So do something like:
if (coin_sound.isPlaying()) coin_sound.seekTo(0);
else coin_sound.start();
That assumes you have left the MediaPlayer in the prepared state so start can be called. You can accomplish that by calling reset, setDataSource, and prepare in the onCompletion listener. Also, make sure to call release when the sound is no longer needed.
It is because you are initiating coin_sound in the button click event, try this
initiate this variable in your oncreate method
coin_sound = MediaPlayer.create(getContext(), R.raw.coin02);
then make this your code for your button
the problem is you are recreating a new media player each time the button is clicked so the new media player doesnt think there is a sound
and do you need to start it again with coin_sound.start();? doesnt restart stop then start the sound for you?

Andengine: destinguish between OnAreaTouched and OnSceneTouched

Hi Everyone,
in the game I develop with AndEngine, there are a lot of sprites running around. Now every of this sprites has a TouchArea registered to the scene, because I display some informations about the sprite when it is touched. The Scene itself has a OnSceneTouchListener that I use for moving the camera around and to zoom.
My problem is, that every time the user moves the camera (by touching the display somewhere and moving his finger around) the OnAreaTouched() method of any sprite, that is accidentally under the finger, gets called, when the movement is finished (finger gets lifted). I already limited the triggering events to event.getAction()==UP (before it was a real mess of called touchAreas) but this is not enough. If the user is zooming or moving the camera, the sprites touchAreas should not be activated.
Is there any way I can distinguish between an OnAreaTouched-event and an OnSceneTouched-event? Which one is called first and can I suppress the other?
This is my OnSceneTouched() method (simplified):
public boolean onSceneTouchEvent(Scene scene, final TouchEvent event) {
boolean isZooming = event.getMotionEvent().getPointerCount() >= 2;
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
this.touchPoint = new Point(event.getMotionEvent().getX(), event.getMotionEvent().getY());
} else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
if (isZooming) {
} else {
return true;
OK, actually this is not very interesting - but as you can see I always return true to signal that the touch event was handled. Still the OnAreaTouched() gets called
This is a typical OnAreaTouched() Method of a sprite:
public boolean onAreaTouched(final TouchEvent touchEvent, float touchAreaLocalX, float touchAreaLocalY) {
if (touchEvent.getAction() == TouchEvent.ACTION_UP) {
return true;
return false;
You see, there is nothing special to it. So I hope someone can help me out here to find a solution how to suppress the OnAreaTouch-event when the OnSceneTouch-event should be used. Maybe I can somehow catch the event.getAction()==UP in the OnSceneTouched()-Method??
I hope I could explain the problem good enough for you to understand (sorry, it's not that easy for me : ). Any help is much appreciated, and thank you for you time!
After experimenting with MahdeTo's suggestion to tag the event somehow I found out the following:
the TouchEvent that triggers the OnSceneTouchEvent() Method is not the same as the one triggering the OnAreaTouched() Method.
OnAreaTouched() gets called 20 ms later than OnSceneTouchEvent()
the event calling OnAreaTouched() starts actually when the user puts his finger down on the display (than he moves it around and the OnSceneTouchEvent() gets called multiple times), when he then lifts his finger the first event stops and gets handled. (I tried it out by measuring the time)
So I came up with the solution to measure how long a touch event lasted. If the event is longer than 200 ms, I guess the user wanted not to simply click but move or zoom (because these actions usually take longer). So now the OnAreaTouched() method gets only called when someone really meant to click and not accidentally swiped over the area.
but it's still not a good solution and I would really appreciate if anyone knows more about controlling such events.
thank you
I have recently written a fairly complicated application using touch controls - pressing buttons on the screen, pinch zooming, rotating and moving objects with two fingers and more. What I ended up doing was iteratively improving the application and adding rules controlling how to respond to different combinations of touch events. Whenever something was wrong, I recorded the sequence of TouchEvents and added rules so that the misbehaving action was handled.
You can also create boolean switches that prevent the onAreaTouched to execute, just add a condition that, for example if you want to touch an object, checks whether doNotTouchObject is true or false.
Another thing I found useful were touch mode switchers. I wrote several methods that completely change the behavior when user touches the screen. I believe you can switch them on the go, so it should be possible to call scene.setOnAreaTouchListener(touchListener) while you are touching the screen.
Since un/registering touch areas is blazing fast, simply unregistering certain touch areas while you perform some action is a possibility. After the action is completed, reregister them again.
I used a combination of all of the above and it works rather well, but it is essential to keep the code clean, otherwise debugging or implementing new features will be a pain.
maybe you can use the TouchDetector.
use the clickDetector instead of process TouchUp event, then only the detected click event is processed by the sprites;
use the scroll detector for the Scene Scrolling too;
enable the SceneTouchListenerBinding and TouchAreaBinding will also help you to by pass all the unintended in-progress events.

How do I delay a method for turn-based game in Java Android

In a simple card game (human vs. CPU) the logic works, but I want to delay the computer's turn.
I have tried using Thread.sleep(int milliseconds) which works, but it messes up the order images are displayed. I'm not using a game loop, I am just dynamically updating ImageViews whenever cards are changed. The problem with Thread.sleep is all the images only update after Thread.sleep, there is no displaying only the human card before Thread.sleep. The human's card and computer's card display after Thread.sleep.
I've used Thread.sleep like so:
playPlayerCard(player); // Human first
displayPile(); // Display card pile (ImageView's)
player = nextPlayer(player); // Get's next player in Player mPlayers List<Player>
// Wait for computer to 'Think'
playPlayerCard(player); //Computer's turn
displayPile(); // Display card pile (ImageView's)
Am I using Thread.sleep() wrong? Is there a better/correct way? I've searched online and tried using new Thread(), using handler.postDelayed(Runnable r, long milliseconds) and also CountDownTimer but none work since my variables: playPlayerCard(player); aren't final variables.
I've always had problems delaying actions and the images appearing at the correct times. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Couldn't you just implement the Computer Playing logic in a AsyncTask and fire it when the human turn is done ?
I think it would make much more sense, that way, as soon as the computer is done "playing" you can determine the actions to take in the onPostExecute() method, in your case I think that would be dealing cards.
It would also be really simple to block user inputs while the computer is playing, either with a progress dialog (which isn't all that pleasent for a game I understand) or simply by disabling buttons :)
Here's the documentation for it.
Hope this helps!
I used the solution from #Jakar and changed my variables to class-scope in order to use the Handler and Runnable correctly. This worked, the delay works correctly using
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mHandler.postDelayed(r, 500);
To clarify the solution, I had to take out the arguments from playPlayerCard(Player player) and use a class-scope Player mPlayer; variable in playPlayerCard() instead.

