I've heard that in Kotlin creation of the new objects is cheap. How is Kotlin memory aspect of object creation is different from Java? Is there difference in cost of creating objects from the data class and class?
I think you mean Kotlin targeting JVM, so I will tell you about this target.
Kotlin uses the same bytecode as Java, so performance in general is the same (some operations can be less or more optimized in Kotlin(thanks to compiler or stdlib) in compare to Java).
Data classes are just normal classes with additionally generated toString(), equals(), hashCode() and clone() methods, so they have the same performance as normal classes.
I would expect no difference if Java and Kotlin are both compiled for same target VM - it should make no difference which source code produces the same bytecode.
As for data class, Hiosdra correctly pointed out that this is just a syntax sugar to tell the compiler to derive some standard methods useful for data-holding classes (see the documentation).
In the "Kotlin for Java-Developers"-course by JetBrains (at Coursera) it is told, that Kotlin-code is compiled to byte-code directly. And that byte-code is then executed on the JVM.
But when I do:
var list = listOf<String>("A", "B", "C")
println(list::class) // => Prints "class java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"
Obviously the normal Java ArrayList is used underneath. So I confused ...
Is Kotlin just some "more modern" syntax thing, which uses Java underneath?
Practically some syntactic sugar, which is put on-top, so that one can write code in a nicier way. But underneath it's still the same old Java-thing.
Is Kotlin just some "more modern" syntax thing, which uses Java underneath?
No. You Kotlin source code >>is<< compiling to bytecodes.
But your code is using the listof Kotlin library function, and the implementation of that function is returning a value that is an instance of a Java class.
It was probably easier / quicker to implement it that way. (Based on the type of the list object, we can infer that listof is simply calling java.util.Arrays.asList(...).)
There is possibly no advantage in reimplementing it; e.g. no performance benefit.
There are possibly disadvantages; e.g. it is likely to cause problems for people who need their Kotlin code to be interoperable with Java which uses standard Java collection classes.
What are the caveats that a developer should be aware of while writing reflective code that works both with Java and Kotlin?
For example, I have an existing library that uses reflection and it works well with Java. However, when I use the same with Kotlin, my reflective code doesn't seem to pick up the annotations on fields.
Here are some of the differences that I noticed.
1. Acquiring a Class instance
// Example 1.1 - Java
Class<?> userClass = User.class; // From a class name
userClass = userInstance.getClass(); // OR from an instance
Getting a Java class instance in Kotlin
// Example 1.2 - Kotlin
val userClass = userInstance.javaClass // From an instance
I'm unable to use the .class facility or the .getClass() method in Kotlin as we do in Java.
2. Delegates
When I use delegated properties in a Kotlin class, the properties that I retrieve have the $delegate suffix. This is a bit contrary to the fields that we get in Java (I do understand Kotlin does not have fields, only properties). How does this affect meta-programming?
However, with delegates I see that most of the methods retain their behavior as they do in Java. Are there any other differences that I have to be aware of?
Making Java and Kotlin interoperable for me would require understanding about 1 discussed above, plus other limitations / differences that Kotlin brings to meta-programming.
For example, I have an existing library that uses reflection and it works well with Java. However, when I use the same with Kotlin, my reflective code doesn't seem to pick up the annotations on fields.
Can it be because the fields are private now?
Anyway, there are issues with annotations on fields at the moment, this will be fixed in on of the upcoming milestones.
Some other relevant issues:
I'm unable to use the .class facility or the .getClass() method in Kotlin as we do in Java.
Only the syntax is different: javaClass<C>() works exactly the same as C.class, and x.javaClass does the same thing as x.getClass()
When I use delegated properties in a Kotlin class, the properties that I retrieve have the $delegate suffix.
Minor correction: the fields have the $delegate suffix, not the properties.
However, with delegates I see that most of the methods retain their behavior as they do in Java. Are there any other differences that I have to be aware of?
The docs here give you a detailed description of how delegated properties are implemented.
Making Java and Kotlin interoperable for me would require understanding about 1 discussed above, plus other limitations / differences that Kotlin brings to meta-programming.
The more your Kotlin code resembles Java code, the smaller is the difference from the reflection point of view. If you write idiomatic Kotlin, e.g. use default parameter values, traits, properties, delegates, top-level functions, extensions etc, the classes you get differ from idiomatic Java, otherwise they are closely aligned.
My question is when how does the class info gets loaded during runtime?
When someone calls instanceof is that considered RTTI or reflection? Or it depends on the actual situation?
The term "RTTI" is a C++-specific term referring to the functionality of the core language that allows the program to determine the dynamic types of various objects at runtime. It usually refers to the dynamic_cast or typeid operators, along with the associated std::type_info object produced by typeid.
The term reflection, on the other hand, is a generic term used across programming languages to refer to the ability of a program to inspect and modify its objects, types, etc. at runtime.
The term I've heard applied to instanceof is type introspection and instanceof is sometimes referred to as object introspection, as the program is allowed to look at the running types to determine what course of action to take. I think this is a weaker term than reflection, as it doesn't allow for elaborate introspection on the fields or methods of an object, but I don't think it would be technically incorrect to call the use of the instanceof operator reflection.
As to your other question - how does class information get loaded at runtime? - that's really up to the JVM implementation. The ClassLoader type is ultimately responsible for loading classes into the system, but the JVM can interpret this however it wants to. I once built a prototype JVM in JavaScript, and internally all reflection calls just queried the underlying JS data structures I had in place to represent classes, fields, and methods. I would imagine that the HotSpot JVM does something totally different, but it's pretty much implementation-defined.
Hope this helps!
In short, the true difference between RTTI and reflection is that with RTTI, the compiler opens and examines the .class file at compile time. With reflection, the .class file is unavailable at compile time; it is opened and examined by the runtime environment.
The Scala compiler compiles direct to Java byte code (or .NET CIL). Some of the features of Scala could be re-done in Java straightforwardly (e.g. simple for comprehensions, classes, translating anonymous/inner functionc etc). What are the features that cannot be translated that way?
That is presumably mostly of academic interest. More usefully, perhaps, what are the key features or idioms of Scala that YOU use that cannot be easily represented in Java?
Are there any the other way about? Things that can be done straightforwardly in Java that have no straightforward equivalent in Scala? Idioms in Java that don't translate?
This question, in my opinion, misses the point about by asking us to compare JVM languages by looking at their generated bytecode.
Scala compiles to Java-equivalent bytecode. That is, the bytecode could have been generated by code written in Java. Indeed you can even get scalac to output an intermediate form which looks a lot like Java.
All features like traits (via static forwarders), non-local returns (via exceptions), lazy values (via references) etc are all expressible by a Java program, although possibly in a most-ugly manner!
But what makes scala scala and not Java is what scalac can do for you, before the bytecode is generated. What scalac has going for it, as a statically typed language, is the ability to check a program for correctness, including type correctness (according to its type system) at compile time.
The major difference then between Java and scala (as of course Java is also statically typed), therefore, is scala's type system, which is capable of expressing programmatic relations which java-the-language's type system cannot.For example:
class Foo[M[_], A](m : M[A])
trait Bar[+A]
These concept, that M is a type parameter which itself has type parameters or that Bar is covariant, just do not exist in Java-land.
Traits are one thing that does not have an equivalent. Traits are Interfaces with code in them. You can copy the code to all classes that have a trait mixed in, but that is not the same thing.
Also I believe scala type system is more complete. While it will eventually map to the JVM types (actually suffer erasure). You can express some things in the Scala type system that may not be possible in Java (like variances).
I think, there is no equivalent for dynamically mix in some Traits. In Scala you can add at the time you're creating new objects some Traits, which are mixed in.
For example, we create one dog which is hungry and thirsty and one dog which is just hungry.
val hungryThirstyDog = new Dog with Hungry with Thirsty
val onlyHungryDog = new Dog with Hungry
I don't know an equivalent way to do this in Java. In Java, the inheritance is statically defined.
Implicit conversions don't have a straightforward equivalent in Java.
One feature of scala that I have found a good use for is type reification through Manifests. Since the JVM strips out all type information from generics, scala allows you to conserve this information in variables. This is something that Java reflection AFAIK can't handle, since there are no arguments to types in the bytecode.
The case I needed them was to pattern match on a type of List. This is, I had a VertexBuffer object which stored data on the GPU, that could be constructed from a List of floats or integers. The Manifest code looked approximately like this:
class VertexBuffer[T](data:List[T])(implicit m:Manifest[T]) {
m.toString.match {
case "float" => ...
case "int" => ...
This link links to a blog post with more information.
There are plenty of SO pages with more information too, like this one.
Three words: higher kinded types.
Your topic is not clear wehther you mean Java the JVM or Java the language. Given that Scala runs on the JVM, the q makes no sense, as we all know Scala runs on the JVM.
Scala has a "native" support for XML. You can build the XML, find elements, match directly in the Scala code.
Examples: http://programming-scala.labs.oreilly.com/ch10.html
Some classes in the standard Java API are treated slightly different from other classes. I'm talking about those classes that couldn't be implemented without special support from the compiler and/or JVM.
The ones I come up with right away are:
Object (obviously) as it, among other things doesn't have a super class.
String as the language has special support for the + operator.
Thread since it has this magical start() method despite the fact that there is no bytecode instruction that "forks" the execution.
I suppose all classes like these are in one way or another mentioned in the JLS. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyway, what other such classes exist? Is there any complete list of "glorified classes" in the Java language?
There are a lot of different answers, so I thought it would be useful to collect them all (and add some):
AutoBoxing classes - the compiler only allows for specific classes
Class - has its own literals (int.class for instance). I would also add its generic typing without creating new instances.
String - with it's overloaded +-operator and the support of literals
Enum - the only class that can be used in a switch statement (soon a privilege to be given to String as well). It does other things as well (automatic static method creation, serialization handling, etc.), but those could theoretically be accomplished with code - it is just a lot of boilerplate, and some of the constraints could not be enforced in subclasses (e.g. the special subclassing rules) but what you could never accomplish without the priviledged status of an enum is include it in a switch statement.
Object - the root of all objects (and I would add its clone and finalize methods are not something you could implement)
References: WeakReference, SoftReference, PhantomReference
Thread - the language doesn't give you a specific instruction to start a thread, rather it magically applies it to the start() method.
Throwable - the root of all classes that can work with throw, throws and catch, as well as the compiler understanding of Exception vs. RuntimeException and Error.
NullPointerException and other exceptions such as ArrayIndexOutOfBounds which can be thrown by other bytecode instructions than athrow.
Iterable - the only interface that can be used in an enhanced for loop
Honorable mentions goes to:
java.lang.reflect.Array - creating a new array as defined by a Class object would not be possible.
Annotations They are a special language feature that behaves like an interface at runtime. You certainly couldn't define another Annotation interface, just like you can't define a replacement for Object. However, you could implement all of their functionality and just have another way to retrieve them (and a whole bunch of boilerplate) rather than reflection. In fact, there were many XML based and javadoc tag based implementations before annotations were introduced.
ClassLoader - it certainly has a privileged relationship with the JVM as there is no language way to load a class, although there is a bytecode way, so it is like Array in that way. It also has the special privilege of being called back by the JVM, although that is an implementation detail.
Serializable - you could implement the functionality via reflection, but it has its own privileged keyword and you would spend a lot of time getting intimate with the SecurityManager in some scenarios.
Note: I left out of the list things that provide JNI (such as IO) because you could always implement your own JNI call if you were so inclined. However, native calls that interact with the JVM in privileged ways are different.
Arrays are debatable - they inherit Object, have an understood hierarchy (Object[] is a supertype of String[]), but they are a language feature, not a defined class on its own.
Class, of course. It has its own literals (a distinction it shares with String, BTW) and is the starting point of all that reflection magic.
sun.misc.unsafe is the mother of all dirty, spirit-of-the-language-breaking hacks.
Enum. You're not allowed to subclass it, but the compiler can.
Many things under java.util.concurrent can be implemented without JVM support, but they would be a lot less efficient.
All of the Number classes have a little bit of magic in the form of Autoboxing.
Since the important classes were mentioned, I'll mention some interfaces:
The Iterable interface (since 1.5) - it allows an object to participate in a foreach loop:
Iterable<Foo> iterable = ...;
for (Foo foo : iterable) {
The Serializable interface has a very special meaning, different from a standard interface. You can define methods that will be taken into account even though they are not defined in the interface (like readResolve()). The transient keyword is the language element that affects the behaviour of Serializable implementors.
Throwable, RuntimeException, Error
References WeakReference, SoftReference, PhantomReference
Java array as in int[].class
java.lang.ClassLoader, though the actual dirty work is done by some unmentioned subclass (see 12.2.1 The Loading Process).
Not sure about this. But I cannot think of a way to manually implement IO objects.
There is some magic in the System class.
System.arraycopy is a hook into native code
public static native void arraycopy(Object array1, int start1,
Object array2, int start2, int length);
* Private version of the arraycopy method used by the jit
* for reference arraycopies
private static void arraycopy(Object[] A1, int offset1,
Object[] A2, int offset2, int length) {
Well since the special handling of assert has been mentioned. Here are some more Exception types which have special treatment by the jvm:
All kinds of OutOfMemoryErrors
The exceptions are not special, but the jvm uses them in special cases, so you can't implement them yourself without writing your own jvm. I'm sure that there are more special exceptions around.
Most of those classes isn't really implemented with 'special' help from the compiler or JVM. Object does register some natives which poke around the internal JVM structures, but you can do that for your own classes as well. (I admit this is subject to semantics, "calls a native defined in the JVM" can be considered as special JVM support.)
What /is/ special is the behaviour of the 'new', and 'throw' instructions in how they initialise these internal structures.
Annotations and numbers are pretty much all-out freaky though.