In one module, I use spring-boot-starter-activemq:2.07.RELEASE which depends on activemq-broker:5.15.8 which depends on guava:18.0.
In another module, I would like to use guava, so I have to use:
If I use an higher version in my pom.xml this version will be also used by activemq-broker due to the nearest definition rule of the dependency mediation (see Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism)
I don't want to provide a different version of Guava than what is asked by activemq-broker. So in order to synchronize the versions, each time there is a Spring Boot upgrade, I need to check manually the versions in order to synchronize them.
I use activemq-broker and guava as an example but my question is more general: How to automatically reuse a dependency version from one module into another?
I would define a parent for my project where dependency management will be handled.(You probably already have this). In the parents dependendency management section, I would import dependency management of activemq-parent. This way you can just define dependencies, without explicit versions in the childs.
Also you can make your parent inherit from spring-boot-dependencies to get versions properties. (In this example activemq.version is fetched from this)
Example: Parent pom
If Your parent doesn't inherit from spring-boot-dependencies, You would have to write specific version instead of ${activemq.version} for activemq-parent
After this in the child
Version of the guava will be same as activemq-parent. ( Because it is defined there)
In module where you are definign dependency
also defibe and add which ever version of guava you like to use while other can inherit other versions of guava may be from grandparent pom.
I am working on creating a common library for my team which can be used by different micro-services of our team. Common library will be service-starter which includes : specific spring boot, spring version and other compatible versions and dependencies. Is it possible to guardrail using maven such that our whole team must be on specific MUST versions of some maven dependencies like spring boot version should be common across team (We will also have other maven dependencies which can be overridden in respective micro-service pom if needed.)
You cannot stop your team from defining their own version in their project. However, you can add a <dependencyManagement>tag in your project which will define the versions you wish them to use so they won't have to decide.
But, again, nothing to stop them to override these.
You can create a parent pom that you want and put in <dependencyManagement> the dependencies that you want to be used by applications that use this parent pom.
so if another application uses as parent pom the one you have declared above and uses as dependency
(It does not contain any specific version), it would retrieve by default the version which was delcared in parent pom of 1.0
But the child pom application would always be free to declare their own version if they want, and use that instead, effectively overriding what was declared in parent pom
More about Dependency management in Maven
I want to use spring-boot-starter, but that means I have to use the "spring-boot-starter-parent" pom and cannot use the company wide used root pom.
Spring-boot-starter is a huge advantage when it comes to manage dependecy and plugin that go together. But that contradict the advantage of our company wide used root pom.
Are there further advantages of using spring-boot-starter?
Is there an easy way to only use spring-boot without spring-boot-starter?
If you do not want to use the spring-boot-starter-parent, you can still keep the benefit of the dependency management (but not the plugin management) by using a scope=import dependency, as follows:
<!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->
And here you can find an appropriate section in Spring Documentation with more details.
Add needed version of spring-boot-starter-parent as the parent to your company's root pom.xml file.
This way it is spring-boot that manages all the dependencies for all of your projects.
Your Company's parent-pom can have its own <dependencyManagement> to override and manage any internal or third-party dependencies.
The plugin management is cleaner this way. You can define your own stages on project and parent level.
Supppose I use spring 4.0 in my pom file and I want to use junit. In that case how can I declare the junit dependency to download the which compatible with the given spring version with out specify any specific junit version. This can be any dependency where I take junit as a example.
In Maven there are two possible matching things. First the dependency management of the artefact itself. spring-core:4.2.0 defines that it depends on commons-codec:1:10. So there is nothing to do for you when you want to also use commons-codec since its already in your classpath. It did not define JUnit so it did not depend on it and should be compatible with all versions.
The second thing is aBOM pom. This is used to package a lot of dependencies together and let the user select the once he needs but the bom defines the versions for you already (and so they should be compatible). Especially spring has some of this bom poms in the repo.
For example spring-framework-bom which packaged everything related to spring which you could use in your app but you will define which parts you need and do not bothering yourself with the version numbers of the sub dependencies.
For example I want to use spring 4.2 and need webmvc the jdbc stuff and something for spring tests. So will define this:
This question doesn't really make sense. If spring 4.0 depends on JUnit (you don't say which spring module you're referring to), JUnit (or any other dependency) will automatically be included in your dependencies, since it will be inherited from the spring 4.0 dependency you have already declared, and the version will match whatever version the Spring module declares in its POM.
However, it seems likely that your particular Spring 4.0 dependency does not depend on JUnit, so in which case you may just pick which ever version is suitable for your requirements.
You can view the dependencies which are currently included in your project (explicit and inherited) by running the following command:
mvn dependency:list
This will trace down the dependency tree and show you all the dependencies which are currently included in your project.
Recently I've been working on some improvements in a project developed some time ago, and here's what I found. A lot of dependencies in the pom files go without versions specified, and yet they are resolved. The project consists of 1 root module and 2 submodules. The Aggregator pattern is used, meaning there's no dependencyManagement section at all. The upper-project simply aggregates 2 modules and that's all it does. Subprojects don't refer to it as to a parent. They have a different parent. What I can't grasp is that neither subprojects themselves nor their parent(as a matter of fact, it doesn't have dependencyManagement either) specify versions for some of the dependencies. For instance:
Can someone help me figure this out? Is maven handling versioning with some default strategy? What is that default strategy?
Ok, I think I'm gonna answer it myself. Of course I took a look at dependency:tree, but all the dependencies that I mentioned were first-level members of the tree. What I failed to notice right away, is that dependencyManagement is not present in the parent, but it is however present in the submodules, and what is more interesting it contains:
I've never used Spring IO Platform before, so this is a totally new concept for me. As it turns out the platform includes quite a few preconfigured dependencies:
It is impossible for maven to work without defining versions of the artifacts. They should be defined somewhere in dependencyManagement tag either in the submodule or parent. Please check your pom hierarchy. Use mvn help:effective-pom in the submodule directory of the project. Also you can use mvn dependency:tree in order to find out which artifacts - along with full artifact information including version numbers - are resolved in the result of dependency management.
mvn -P<my_profile_of_interest> help:effective-pom -Dverbose
Verbose mode (Since: 3.2.0) adds XML comments containing precise reference to a place where dependency declaration is coming from.
Each maven dependency defined in the pom must have a version either directly or indirectly for example, through dependencyManagement or parent. That being said, if the version is not given, then the version provided in the dependencyManagement or the parent pom will be used.
For example: in the pom (only important sections are mentioned) given below, no version is provided for the artifact jstl. However, in the "mvn dependency:tree", it shows that jstl version 1.2 is included. And looking at the spring-boot-starter-parent, for the version 2.3.3.RELEASE pom, it includes jstl version 1.2.
In my case if i was using Spring boot starter parent to manage all dependency and lombok version is managed by Spring boot , This problem was coming due to higher java version JAVA 11 . I exported JAVA 8 in to my compile time environment and after using JAVA 8 this problem was gone.
I am fairly new to maven's capabilities..
I have seen that in pom.xml where dependencies are put, at times, only groupID and artifact id are mentioned and version is skipped. why is this?
For example the below dependency is from springsource website
But elsewhere in stackoverflow it was also mentioned that version is not optional. I would be glad if someone could explain this.
Yes, version is not optional.
Consider a multimodule application which has 10 modules, say module1, module2.. module10.Assume that all of these 10 projects use the spring-boot-starter-web. In case these 10 modules are interdependent, you might want to use the same version of the spring-boot-starter-web in each of these 10.
Now just imagine how complicated it would be if you were to maintain the same version number in all of these 10 pom files and then update all of them when you want to use a newer version of spring-boot-starter-web. Wouldn't it be better if this information can be managed centrally?
Maven has got something known a <dependencyManagement/> tag to get around this and centralize dependency information.
For the example which you have provided, below set of links will help you understand how the version number is resolved even though it's not present in the pom which you are looking at.
Look at the parent tag of the pom you are looking at (
Now lets go to that parent and see if the versions are specified in the dependencyManagement section of that pom( No it's not defined there as well. Now lets look at the parent of parent. Oh yea, we have got the version numbers there.
Similar to dependencyManagement, plugins can be managed in the pluginManagement section of the pom.
Hope that explains it.
Refer : dependencyManagement, pluginManagement
A few additions to the excellent answer by coderplus:
In a multi-module project, it is considered to be a good practice to configure the artifacts used by the project in the dependencyManagement of the root pom.xml so that you don't have to write versions in child module pom.xmls (like in some dependencies in your example).
It is also considered to be a good practice to declare versions of the external libraries that you use as properties and then use these properties in dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency/version. This is more or less done here:
In a multi-module project, you should also declare your own artifacts in dependencyManagement.
But please do not write the version explicitly (like Spring people do here), use ${project.version} instead.
So it would have been better to write:
instead of
The whole purpose is DRY, don't repeat yourself. The more redundant declarations you have in your POMs, the harder they can hit. Hunting for the obsolete dependencies is so much fun.
If the <version> isn't specified then the <version> of <parent> is used. If there is no <version> in the <parent> then the <version> in the <parent> of the <parent> is used. etc.