Choosing right data structure and design for Java multithreading problem - java

I am implementing a singleton class that must handle multiple threads accessing its data structure at once.
The class has a method that returns true if the data structure already contains myObject and false otherwise. If the object has not been seen then object is added to the data structure.
boolean alreadySeen(MyObject myObject){}
MyObject has two member variables Instant expiration and String id where id acts as my key to decide whether the data structure contains myObject. I cannot change MyObject class. I need to periodically check the expiration of myObjects in the data structure and remove them if they have expired.
So I am looking to use one or more data structures that I can quickly add, delete and search by both expiration and id. I will mostly be adding elements and searching if element exists with the periodic cleanup removing expired elements.
A map like ConcurrentHashMap<id,MyObject> gives me the O(1) insert and delete but it would be O(n) to search through for expired objects.
As mentioned above I cannot change the MyObject class. So I thought about making a wrapper for that class so I can override equals() and hashcode() and then do an ordered set like ConcurrentSkipListSet<MyObjectWrapper>(new ExpComparator()) This would let me order order the set by expiration date and then I could quickly find expired ones on top. However I believe this would be O(log n) for search, delete.
Is there any better structure I could use? And if not am I better off in the long run with the map at O(1) lookup and add but periodic O(n) for delete of expiration? Or better for set with O(log n) of everything?

You lookup,add and remove operation can run at O(1),but it need other cost as follow:
First,it need double memory to store data
Second,Expiration time cannot be very accurate
we need two map,one store object,key is the id and value is object,like Map<id,MyObject> another may to store the relationship between expiration and MyObjects likeMap<Long,List<MyObjects>>,key need to calculate.
In order to simple write code i modify your MyObject class:
class MyObject {
private long expiration;
private String id;
The other code
private Map dataSet = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Map> obj2Expiration = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public boolean alreadySeen(MyObject myObject) {
boolean exist = dataSet.containsKey(myObject.getId());
if (!exist) {
Long expirateKey = myObject.getExpiration() / 5000;
List<MyObject> objects = obj2Expiration.get(expirateKey);
if (null == objects) {
objects = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
return exist;
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
public void remove() {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long needRemode = now /5000 -1;
.ifPresent(objects -> -> {


How I can access and add value from the list which is nested in the hashmap and list in Java

I am trying to add value for the List which is stored in HashMap and that has one parent List.
When I try to do so I get "The method get in type is not compatible with the List"
I am trying the following code, logic is :
If I get the matching value of tID in the txnValue List I am just adding the "Values" List otherwise I am creating the new HashMap.
List < HashMap > txnvalues = new ArrayList < HashMap > ();
for (LinkedHashMap < String, Object > linkedHashMap: resultset) {
HashMap data = new HashMap < > ();
HashMap attrData = new HashMap < > ();
List values = new ArrayList < > ();
data.put("values", new ArrayList < > ());
attrData.put("attrID", linkedHashMap.get("ID"));
attrData.put("attrVal", linkedHashMap.get("VAL"));
String txnID = linkedHashMap.get("T_ID").toString();
if (! -> list.containsValue(txnID))) {
data.put("tID", linkedHashMap.get("T_ID"));
data.put("Values", values);
} else {
txnvalues.get("Values").add(attrData); // this Line throws error
Example :
//Here If linkedHashmap.get("T_ID") = 123 which matches with tID then I want to add data in the Values
//If it doesn't match then I want to create new Hashmap and update txnValues Like this
I decided to parameterize all of your various iterables. Below is the parameterized code.
List<HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>>> txnvalues = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>>>();
for (LinkedHashMap<String, Object> linkedHashMap : resultset) {//Error here
HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>> data = new HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>>();
HashMap<String, Object> attrData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<HashMap<String, Object>> values = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
data.put("values", new ArrayList<>());
attrData.put("attrID", linkedHashMap.get("ID"));
attrData.put("attrVal", linkedHashMap.get("VAL"));
String txnID = linkedHashMap.get("T_ID").toString();
if (! -> list.containsValue(txnID))) {
data.put("tID", linkedHashMap.get("T_ID")); //Error here
data.put("Values", values);
} else {
txnvalues.get("Values").add(attrData); //Error here
First, you have multiple errors in your code such as trying to put a String key and Object value into data, which is a HashMap that only takes a String key and a List(of HashMaps of Strings and Objects) value. Another such is trying to get an item from txnvalues by a String, when txnvalues is a List and therefore requires an integer index parameter.
Second, you have a variable here which is never defined: resultset. We don't know what it is or how it is used, since it's never referenced elsewhere.
Third, there are many many ways to handle nested sets. This >-> List<HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>>> is simply horrible.
Please re-write your code in a way that is readable, parameterized, and can properly compile without errors. Just parameterizing will help you keep track of which iterables take which parameters and will help prevent the problem you had when you came here for help.
I'm probably late with this answer. Nevertheless, I'll introduce a possible remedy accompanied by a detailed explanation.
At the first glance, such a deeply nested collection seems contrived and incomprehensible. But problems that you can see in this code aren't something unusual, they could be observed in many questions on StackOverflow, and in many repositories. The only difference is in concentration.
Let's try to examine it closely. A map is a data structure that is commonly misused by beginners because it allows to combine objects of different nature. I am pretty sure that provided code models something more or less tangible. Did you notice that PO tries to access an entry that has a string key called "id"? That's a clear indicator that collections here are used in place of objects.
If I say object graph can be far more complex, it probably wouldn't be something new. But how to reason about the code that is written in such a way?
Let's step aside for a moment and consider the following task:
there are a number of sailboats, you need to determine which of them will win the race and return its name as a result;
input provided as a plain text and consists of the following parameters: unique name, displacement, and weight (only these three for simplicity);
the speed of the vessel depends on its displacement and weight (i.e. formula is provided, we need only parse the values);
It is very likely that somebody can come up with such a solution:
create a Map<String, List<Double>>, where the key is a sailboat's name and the value is a list that contains displacement and weight;
then just iterate over the entry set, apply the formula and so find the fastest vessel.
Only a couple of methods, and it seems that a separate class for a sailboat will allegedly increase the overall complexity and amount of code. That's a common delusion for many students. The creation of a separate class will provide a logical structure to the code and will pay off if you would wish to extend or reuse it. Note that not only attributes of the sailboat must belong to this class but also the methods that allow to compute sailboat's speed and compare sailboats based on it.
Decomposition is a skill and it has to be exercised. And for those of you who didn't realize from the beginning that a sailboat in the previous example has to be represented by an object, I advise to try the next exercise: describe a university, a candy shop, a grocery store, a cat, anything you like but without using objects. First, think about a couple of use-cases that entail accessing some properties of the elements of the system that you're trying to model. Then draw diagrams and write the code using warriors collections and arrays, pay attention that the more complex your system becomes, the more cumbersome become all nested maps and lists, which make you write your code like this:
And then, when you see the problems, you are ready to implement the classes that make sense in your domain model and compare the two approaches.
Disclaimer: understanding decomposition is a crucial thing but class design is a very broad topic, there are lots of things to study in this area like classic principles and design patterns. But before diving into these topics, you have to have a firm understanding of decomposition and OOP. Without this knowledge even with an object-oriented approach, your solution could become convoluted and difficult to manage. But this is a step in the right direction. The fact alone that you are using an object-oriented language doesn't automatically make your solution object-oriented. It's a skill, and it has to be exercised.
It was a very long digression, now let's get to the point.
As I already said, I'm convinced that the post author had in mind some kind of natural use case. Instead of names that describe the system in this maze of data structures we can see only dump get() and put(). But there's a clue in the usage of map. An id as a key is a clear indicator that it has to be an object which is substituted by a map.
That is a start of a journey, I'll try to provide a scenario that makes sense (at least a bit) and pieces of a system that fits into a structure depicted in the scheme provided at the start of this post.
Let's consider an organization that sells something (I'm not trying to guess what was the author's intention, but providing a use case that will allow to reason about the code). There are a bunch of departments, each with a unique identifier.
Each department has a collection of products that it sells. Department gets different products from different suppliers. And in turn, each product has a unique id a collection of suppliers represented by plain string (it looks contrived, but keep in mind it's just an illustration of what the code does).
As a use-case, let's assume that the company launches a new product and it must be accessible in all its departments. The code checks whether the department has this product already, if not, the product will be added with a default set of suppliers, otherwise it merges the existing set of suppliers and the default one.
As you can see the code in the main method is very concise. Note that all the miscellanies of data structures are still there, but we are not accessing them directly. As the information expert principle suggests, this logic is hidden inside the objects. That makes this solution reusable and less error-prone.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// this list is a rough equivalent of the "List<Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>>> txnvalues"
List<Department> departments =
List.of(new Department("dep11"), new Department("dep12"));
Product newProd = new Product("id123"); // a NEW Product with id = "id123"
newProd.addAllSuppliers(List.of("supplierA", "supplierB"));
for (Department dep: departments) { // launching the new Product
public class Department {
private final String departmentId;
private final Map<String, Product> idToProduct;
public Department(String departmentName) {
this.departmentId = departmentName;
this.idToProduct = new HashMap<>();
public void mergeProduct(Product prod) {
idToProduct.merge(prod.getId(), prod, Product::merge);
public void mergeAllProducts(Iterable<Product> products) {
for (Product prod: products) {
public void addProduct(Product prod) {
idToProduct.put(prod.getId(), prod);
public void addAllProducts(Iterable<Product> products) {
for (Product prod: products) {
public String getId() {
return departmentId;
public Map<String, Product> getIdToProduct() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(idToProduct);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o instanceof Department other) {
return departmentId.equals(other.departmentId);
} else return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(departmentId);
public class Product {
private final String productId;
private final Set<String> suppliers;
public Product(String id) {
this.productId = id;
this.suppliers = new HashSet<>();
public boolean addSupplier(String newSup) {
return suppliers.add(newSup);
public boolean addAllSuppliers(Collection<String> newSup) {
return suppliers.addAll(newSup);
public Product merge(Product other) {
if (!this.equals(other)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Product merged = new Product(productId);
return merged;
public String getId() {
return productId;
public Set<String> getSuppliers() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(suppliers);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o instanceof Product other) {
return this.productId.equals(other.productId);
} else return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(productId);
Further steps:
First of all make sure that you don't have gaps in the core concepts of OOP: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Draw before you start to code, it's not necessary to create a full-blown UML diagram. Even a rough set of named boxes with arrows will help you understand better how your system is structured and how its parts interact with each other.
Read and apply. Extend your knowledge gradually and try to apply it. High cohesion, Low coupling, SOLID, and lots of helpful reading can be found here, for instance this recent post
Write a bit, test a bit: don't wait until your code became a beast. Write a bit and give it a try, add something else and take a look at how these parts fit together.
In the else block, you call get method of txnvalues which a list of HashMaps and thus it expects an integer index. I believe you assume that at this point you've got a reference to the HashMap to which you would add the values. But you don't.
So, you need to find the index where to add the values, which means you have to look through the txnvalues list again.
For this reason, you should use a different approach:
.filter(m -> m.get("tID").equals(txnID))
m -> m.get("Values").add(attrData),
() -> {
HashMap data = new HashMap<>();
// Other stuff to fill the data
Here .filter(m -> m.get("tID").equals(txnID)) corresponds to your .anyMatch(list -> list.containsValue(txnID)) (the parameter list is actually instance of HashMap).
I changed the condition: according to your data sample, you looking for Map which has txnID value for the "tID" key, therefore getting the value of this key is faster than looking through all the values in the HashMap. (It may return null.)
So filter will return only the entries which contain match the required value of the "tID" key. Then .findFirst() “returns” the reference to that HashMap. Now .ifPresentOrElse performs the actions you want:
m.get("Values").add(attrData) into the list; this corresponds your one line of code in the else block;
the other code is what you had in the if block: if nothing is found, create the new instance.

Guava cache: how to set expiration on 'CacheLoader.load()' instead of during CacheBuilder.newBuilder()?

I am trying to create a cache using guava cache library. One my main requirement is that I want to set the cache expiry after the CacheLoader.load(..) function instead of something most of the examples I encountered on the web, like the one below.
LoadingCache<String, MyClass> myCache =
CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(MAX_SIZE).expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.Minutes).build(cacheLoader);
The reason for this is that the object retrieved from the database by the CacheLoader.load(...) function contains the expiration data. So I want to use this information instead of some "random" static value.
I want something like this.
LoadingCache<String, MyClass> myCache =
CacheLoader meCacheLoder = new CacheLoader<String MyClass>(){
public MyClass load(String key) throws Exception {
// Retrieve the MyClass object from database using 'key'
MyClass myObj = getMyObjectFromDb(key);
int expiry = myObj.getExpiry();
// Now somehow set this 'expiry' value with the cache
return myObj;
Is there any better option available than Guava cache for this purpose?
There is no such feature in Guava, as Louis already pointed out.
For example you can use EHCache or cache2k. For cache2k I can give you quick directions since this is a core feature we use regularly:
You can either implement the interface ValueWithExpiryTime on your value object, which is:
interface ValueWithExpiryTime {
long getCacheExpiryTime();
Or, you can register a EntryExpiryCalculator to extract the time value. The cache is build as follows:
Cache<Key, Value> cache =
CacheBuilder.newCache(Key.class, Value.class)
.expiryCalculator(new EntryExpiryCalculator<Key, Value>() {
public long calculateExpiryTime(
final Key key, final Value value,
final long loadTime, final CacheEntry<Key, Value> oldEntry) {
return value.getExpiry();
The time is the standard long type represented in milliseconds since the epoch. By default the expiry will happen not exactly at the specified time, but zero or a few milliseconds later, depending on your machine load. This is the most effective mode. If this is a problem, add sharpExpiry(true).
Disclaimer: I am the author of cache2k....

Riak 2i - Update deletes secondary indexes

I am using oficial Riak Java client v2.0.2. When I update previously written value (with 2i indexes), the secondary indexes are not preserved.
This is how I do update:
Location location = new Location(this.namespace, key);
UpdateValue updateOp = new UpdateValue.Builder(location)
.withFetchOption(FetchValue.Option.DELETED_VCLOCK, true)
.withUpdate(new RiakKVUpdateValue(values))
And this is my update class:
public class RiakKVUpdateValue extends Update<Map<String, String>> {
private final Map<String, String> value;
public RiakKVUpdateValue(HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values) {
this.value = StringByteIterator.getStringMap(values);
public Map<String, String> apply(Map<String, String> original) {
return this.value;
I haven't found anything in the docs about updating objects with 2i indexes.
Am I doing someting wrong?
Should I do manual Read/Modify/Write?
You have to fetch the index and write it back every time you update the value. See 2i Indexing an Object.
I would suggest to create a field to hold the index and annotate it with #RiakIndex. A field annotated with this annotation is populated with 2i values automatically by the Java client when fetched. Then, copy its value in RiakKVUpdateValue.apply() to retain it. Alternatively, fetch and then write back in two separate commands as you already mentioned. This will allow you to control metadata you want to write back. Don't forget to populate the VClocks.
P.S. Retaining 2i automatically can be a bad idea since it's not obvious that a user will want to keep old 2i values. I believe that's why it is left up to the user to decide.

What data structure should I use for object storage, for easily generating primary keys for new entries?

I'm doing a school project in Java and I the following question have arisen:
I have an entity with attributes - id, name, phone.. with id as the unique primary key. I want to store them in a data structure(such as list..). Then in the application I obtain the data for creating a new instance (name, phone..) and I want to create a new instance of the entity and store it in my data structure with a new unique id. The id shouldn't be random, it would be best if the id rised continuously with the size of the list. Also I dont want to reuse ids.
The first implementation that comes to my mind is to use ArrayList and simply set id as indexes. But ArrayList.remove(int index) after removal shifts all following elements to left. I assume that ArrayList.remove(Object o) works the same, but i would be gratefull i I'm proven wrong. Determining ids from last element would not work either. I could go through all of them but that seems inefiicient.
Thanks in advance for any help :)
You want to keep a counter for them. You could use a static value in the class (you may need to synchronize it for multi-threaded classes.)
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
class MyClass {
// thread safe
private static final AtomicInteger safeCounter = new AtomicInteger();
private final int uniqueId; // can never change uniqueId
private String name; // the data of the class
public MyClass(String name) { = name;
this.uniqueId = MyClass.safeCounter.getAndIncrement();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof MyClass) { // instanceof also does null check :-)
MyClass mc = (MyClass)o;
return mc.uniqueId == this.uniqueId;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return uniqueId;
If this is for homework, or if threadsafety isn't a concern, you can use a simple static int
class MyClass {
private static int nextUniqueId() {
int result = counter;
return result;
// not thread safe
private static int counter;
private final int uniqueId; // can never change uniqueId
private String name; // the data of the class
public MyClass(String name) { = name;
this.uniqueId = nextUniqueId();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof MyClass) { // instanceof also does null check :-)
MyClass mc = (MyClass)o;
return mc.uniqueId == this.uniqueId;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return uniqueId;
How about using a Factory that users a Strategy for generating your identifiers?
Edited to answer question about factories
A Factory is a design pattern that is used to encapsulate the creation of different types of Objects. A Strategy is another design pattern that is used to encapsulate the behavior of specific business logic that might have different rules or that might change over time.
In your case you clearly require a new Identifier for each object that needs to be unique. You also stated in your question comments above that eventually you will be storing your objects in a database, which also would most likely require you to get your identifier from your database in the long run.
Here is a smallish example of using a Factory to create your User Objects instead of just using new(). Please kindly disregard any spelling or compile mistakes, I wrote the following code with out the assistance of a compiler or IDE.
public interface UserFactory {
User createUser();
public interface IdentifierStrategy {
// I just picked Long for ease of use.
Long getIdentifier();
public class UserFactoryImpl {
private final IdentifierStrategy identifierStrategy;
public UserFactoryImpl(final IdentifierStrategy identifierStrategy) {
this.identifierStrategy = identifierStrategy;
public User createUser() {
Long identifier = this.identifierStrategy.getIdentifier();
User user = new User(identifier);
return user;
public class LongIdentifierStrategy implements IdentifierStrategy {
public Long getIdentifier() {
// Do something here that will return a unique long.
Long long = new Long(1);
return long;
// In the long term, you would most likely use this IdentiferStrategy
// to get your identifiers from the database.
public class JDBCIdentifierStrategy implements IdentifierStrategy {
public Long getIdentifer() {
// Get a jdbc connection from a jdbc connection pool.
// Get the next identifier from the databsae.
Long long = new Long(1);
return long;
Now, in the long run, if your requirement change for how you need to identifier your User objects, you would only need to write a new IdentifierStrategy and update your UserFactoryImpl with that new Strategy.
One important question: what's the scope of the uniqueness?
Just for the duration of a run of the application? Do you have a single thread or multiple threads, so unique across those threads? Or could there be several copies of the app running at the same time, so unique across all instances, even across many machines? Will you save the data somewhere and so need uniqueness across future runs of the program too?
Two fundamental schemes:
a). use a database, they usually offer some kind of auto-generated primary key: you insert the record, it gives you a unique key.
b). generate the key yourself, in this case: first isolate the key generation to it's own class, then you can make the generation as clever as you wish. Sketch:
some initialisation, generate an initial value, simple case it's zero, or it derives from the current date/time, or MAC address of your machine, or whatever
provide a getNextId() function, which probably needs to be synchronized if threads are involved.
A very simple scheme, which will be OK for low volume systems, just use
new Date().getTime();
You can also look for GUID generators, which produce something unique, but rather bigger than an int.
My suggestion is to have an Object Pooling for ID generation. When the entity is "deleted", the ID should be returned to the pool, and when needing a new ID, the pool should either
Give you a new ID (if old ID doesn't exists in pool) or
Create a new ID for an entity.
The problem is that you will have to create an entity management system that caters for returning the "used" ID to the pool if entity is "deleted" (bear in mind the multithreading environment, which you will need to manage).
Alternatively, use a database system which provides primary key generation (most uses AUTO_INCREMENT).

Java cache design question

I need to develop a simple cache (no concurrency or refresh required) to hold different types of objects. The lookup of these objects may be in a different way. Like lets say we are caching book object which has ISBN number and author. Lookup of this object can be either by ISBN number like
Book lookupBookByISBN(String isbn);
OR it could be a lookupByAuthor like
List lookupBookByAuthor(String authorName);
In a very simple way, it means I can have a Cache object which has two maps one to store book object by ISBN and another to store the same object by authorname.
Like this, think of many such object type like book, so I do not want to store the same object in different maps just because the lookup of them are different.
One way I was thinking of having a single Map whose key is a custom Key object and value is Object (so that I can store any object or list of object)
The Key object is a immutable object which might look like this
public class Key {
private final Stirng keyName;
private final String keyValue;
public Key(String name,String value) {
this.keyName= name;
this.keyValue = value;
//getters for keyName and value
//hashcode and equals to be put as a key of a map
Implementation of lookup method will be
public Book lookupBookByISBN(String isbn) {
Key key = new Key("ISBN",isbn);
return ((Book)map.get(key));
public List<Book> lookupBookByAuthor(String isbn) {
Key key = new Key("Author",isbn);
return (List<Book>map.get(key));
The insert into map needs to be carefully done as the same object needs to be inserted twice into the map.
public void putBook(Book book) {
Key key = new Key("ISBN",book.getISBN());
key = new Key("Author",book.getAuthor());
List<Book> list = map.get(key);
if (null == list) {
list = new ArrayList<Book>();
I somehow feel this might not be a good idea and I might need to put the same object in the map N number of times depending upon N dimensions by which I need to lookup the object.
Is there anyother way to design the same in a better way?
When you store an object in a collection (of any kind), you only store a reference to the object. So go ahead and use multiple maps, you will have only one copy of the actual object.
For example
Map<String,MyBigObject> map1 = new HashMap...
Map<String,MyBigObject> map2 = new HashMap...
MyBigObject mbo = new MyBigObject(...);
The single object mbo is now accessible via either map.
EDIT: If you're worried about the complexity of multiple maps complicating the code, write a class MultiMap that contains all the maps and manages them in whatever way you want. You could have methods add(MyBigObject...) which inserts the object into all the maps using the various property accessors to set the correct key, and then lookup methods such as getByAuthor(...) and getByISBN(...), and whatever else you need. Hide all the complexity behind a simple unified interace.

