Spring Integration(MQTT): Retrieving published message - java

I am new to spring boot and am trying to use the sample example from the spring integration in order to subscribe and publish using MQTT. I manage to integrate it with Thingsboard and the logger in the code below is able to receive the published message from Thingsboard.
public static void main(String[] args) {
public MqttPahoClientFactory mqttClientFactory() {
DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory factory = new DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory();
MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
options.setServerURIs(new String[] { "URI HERE" });
options.setUserName("ACCESS TOKEN HERE");
return factory;
// consumer
public IntegrationFlow mqttInFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(mqttInbound())
.transform(p -> p)
private LoggingHandler logger() {
LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler("INFO");
return loggingHandler;
public MessageProducerSupport mqttInbound() {
MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter adapter = new MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter("Consumer",
mqttClientFactory(), "v1/devices/me/rpc/request/+");
adapter.setConverter(new DefaultPahoMessageConverter());
return adapter;
This is the console output. I am able to receive the published json message that was sent from the thingsboard dashboard. I am wondering if there is a call method to retrieve the json message string so that I can process it further. Thank you.
2019-02-01 14:06:23.590 INFO 13416 --- [ Call: Consumer] LoggerBot : {"method":"setValue","params":true}
2019-02-01 14:06:24.840 INFO 13416 --- [ Call: Consumer] LoggerBot : {"method":"setValue","params":false}

To handle the published messages, subscribe message handles to the flow to consume the messages.
public IntegrationFlow mqttInFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(mqttInbound())
.transform(p -> p)
.handle( mess -> {
public IntegrationFlow mqttInFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(mqttInbound())
.transform(p -> p)
public class MyService {
public Object handleHere(#Payload Object mess) {
System.out.println("payload "+mess);
return mess;
Note: As we discussed, there are lot of different ways of achieving it.
This is just a sample for your understanding.


Spring Integration WireTap Selector doesn't work

I create the IntegrationFlows in DSL:
return IntegrationFlows
.wireTap(notificationChannel, wt -> wt.selector(m -> (m.getPayload() instanceof Throwable)))
In the selector of wireTap, I tried to filter the message payload is instance of Exception.
There is also a Flow to handle notification service.
return IntegrationFlows
But it seems doesn't work. I could get the message which payload isn't instance of Exception.
Did anyone meet this issue before? Or I get something wrong?
Thank you so much.
Works well:
public class So66813194Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So66813194Application.class, args);
IntegrationFlow flow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.wireTap(notificationChannel(), wt -> wt.selector(m -> (m.getPayload() instanceof Throwable)))
MessageChannel notificationChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
IntegrationFlow notification() {
return IntegrationFlows
class So66813194ApplicationTests {
MessageChannel yieldCurveConversionResultChannel;
void contextLoads() {
this.yieldCurveConversionResultChannel.send(new GenericMessage<>("foo"));
this.yieldCurveConversionResultChannel.send(new GenericMessage<>(new RuntimeException()));
And I see in the console only this:
2021-03-26 09:36:25.367 INFO 15164 --- [ main] o.s.i.s.s.So66813194ApplicationTests : Started So66813194ApplicationTests in 1.229 seconds (JVM running for 2.365)
GenericMessage [payload=java.lang.RuntimeException, headers={id=85633b3f-7a17-6b70-8a34-9cbc5aacbf5b, timestamp=1616765785796}]
2021-03-26 09:36:25.810 INFO 15164 --- [extShutdownHook] o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer : Removing {bridge} as a subscriber to the 'yieldCurveConversionResultChannel' channel
So, that foo message from my tests is really rejected by the selector.
Perhaps your problem that some process sends messages to this notificationChannel directly - not via the mentioned WireTap...

How to set several message handlers for channel in spring integration DSL?

I wrote my first spring integration application which reads data from spring RSS and logs it into console:
public class DslConfig {
public IntegrationFlow feedFlow() throws MalformedURLException {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inBoundFeedDataAdapter(), configurer -> configurer.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(1000)))
.transform(source -> {
SyndEntry e = ((SyndEntry) source);
return e.getTitle() + " " + e.getLink();
public FeedEntryMessageSourceSpec inBoundFeedDataAdapter() throws MalformedURLException {
return Feed.inboundAdapter(new URL("https://spring.io/blog.atom"), "some_key");
public MessageChannel newsChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public MessageHandler messageHandler() {
return System.out::println;
But I have no idea how can I add one additional handler for writing result into file.
How can I achieve it ?
Additional questions:
What is the meaning of metadata key ?
There is a publishSubscribeChannel() to place in the flow and there you can add subscribe() for several sub-flows. Each of them is going to get the same message to process. If you also add an Executor to the configuration, the process is going to happen in parallel:
.publishSubscribeChannel(s -> s
.subscribe(f -> f
.handle((p, h) -> "Hello"))
.subscribe(f -> f
.handle((p, h) -> "World!"))
See more info in Docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/5.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-subflows

Spring Integration: TCP Client/Server opening one client connection per server connection

I'm trying to implement a TCP client/server application with Spring Integration where I need to open one TCP client socket per incoming TCP server connection.
Basically, I have a bunch of IoT devices that communicate with a backend server over raw TCP sockets. I need to implement extra features into the system. But the software on both the devices and the server are closed source so I can't do anything about that. So my thought was to place middleware between the devices and the server that will intercept this client/server communication and provide the added functionality.
I'm using a TcpNioServerConnectionFactory and a TcpNioClientConnectionFactory with inbound/outbound channel adapters to send/receive messages to/from all parties. But there's no information in the message structure that binds a message to a certain device; therefore I have to open a new client socket to the backend every time a new connection from a new device comes on the server socket. This client connection must be bound to that specific server socket's lifecycle. It must never be reused and if this client socket (backend to middleware) dies for any reason, the server socket (middleware to device) must also be closed. How can I go about this?
Edit: My first thought was to subclass AbstractClientConnectionFactory but it appears that it doesn't do anything except provide a client connection when asked. Should I rather look into subclassing inbound/outbound channel adapters or elsewhere? I should also mention that I'm also open to non-Spring integration solutions like Apache Camel, or even a custom solution with raw NIO sockets.
Edit 2: I got halfway there by switching to TcpNetServerConnectionFactory and wrapping the client factory with a ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory and the devices can reach the backend fine. But when the backend sends something back, I get the error Unable to find outbound socket for GenericMessage and the client socket dies. I think it's because the backend side doesn't have the necessary header to route the message correctly. How can I capture this info? My configuration class is as follows:
public class ServerConfiguration {
public AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverFactory() {
AbstractServerConnectionFactory factory = new TcpNetServerConnectionFactory(8000);
factory.setSerializer(new MapJsonSerializer());
factory.setDeserializer(new MapJsonSerializer());
return factory;
public AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientFactory() {
AbstractClientConnectionFactory factory = new TcpNioClientConnectionFactory("localhost", 3333);
factory.setSerializer(new MapJsonSerializer());
factory.setDeserializer(new MapJsonSerializer());
return new ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory(factory);
public TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inboundDeviceAdapter(AbstractServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inbound = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
return inbound;
public TcpSendingMessageHandler outboundDeviceAdapter(AbstractServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpSendingMessageHandler outbound = new TcpSendingMessageHandler();
return outbound;
public TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inboundBackendAdapter(AbstractClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inbound = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
return inbound;
public TcpSendingMessageHandler outboundBackendAdapter(AbstractClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpSendingMessageHandler outbound = new TcpSendingMessageHandler();
return outbound;
public IntegrationFlow backendIntegrationFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundBackendAdapter(clientFactory()))
public IntegrationFlow deviceIntegrationFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundDeviceAdapter(serverFactory()))
It's not entirely clear what you are asking so I am going to assume that you mean you want a spring integration proxy between your clients and servers. Something like:
iot-device -> spring server -> message-transformation -> spring client -> back-end-server
If that's the case, you can implement a ClientConnectionIdAware client connection factory that wraps a standard factory.
In the integration flow, bind the incoming ip_connectionId header in a message to the thread (in a ThreadLocal).
Then, in the client connection factory, look up the corresponding outgoing connection in a Map using the ThreadLocal value; if not found (or closed), create a new one and store it in the map for future reuse.
Implement an ApplictionListener (or #EventListener) to listen for TcpConnectionCloseEvents from the server connection factory and close() the corresponding outbound connection.
This sounds like a cool enhancement so consider contributing it back to the framework.
Version 5.0 added the ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory which would work out of the box with a TcpNetServerConnectionFactory since each connection gets its own thread.
With a TcpNioServerConnectionFactory you would need the extra logic to dynamically bind the connection to the thread for each request.
public class So51200675Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So51200675Application.class, args).close();
public ApplicationRunner runner() {
return args -> {
Socket socket = SocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket("localhost", 1234);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
public Map<String, String> fromToConnectionMappings() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Map<String, String> toFromConnectionMappings() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public IntegrationFlow proxyInboundFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundAdapter(serverFactory()))
.<String, String>transform(s -> s.toUpperCase())
.handle((p, h) -> {
return p;
public IntegrationFlow proxyOutboundFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundAdapter(threadConnectionFactory()))
.<String, String>transform(s -> s.toUpperCase())
.enrichHeaders(e -> e
.headerExpression(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID, "#toFromConnectionMappings.get(headers['"
+ IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID + "'])").defaultOverwrite(true))
private void mapConnectionIds(Map<String, Object> h) {
try {
TcpConnection connection = threadConnectionFactory().getConnection();
String mapping = toFromConnectionMappings().get(connection.getConnectionId());
String incomingCID = (String) h.get(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID);
if (mapping == null || !(mapping.equals(incomingCID))) {
System.out.println("Adding new mapping " + incomingCID + " to " + connection.getConnectionId());
toFromConnectionMappings().put(connection.getConnectionId(), incomingCID);
fromToConnectionMappings().put(incomingCID, connection.getConnectionId());
catch (Exception e) {
public ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory threadConnectionFactory() {
return new ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory(clientFactory()) {
public boolean isSingleUse() {
return false;
public AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverFactory() {
return Tcp.netServer(1234).get();
public AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientFactory() {
AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientFactory = Tcp.netClient("localhost", 1235).get();
return clientFactory;
public IntegrationFlow serverFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundGateway(Tcp.netServer(1235)))
.<String, String>transform(p -> p + p)
public ApplicationListener<TcpConnectionCloseEvent> closer() {
return e -> {
if (fromToConnectionMappings().containsKey(e.getConnectionId())) {
String key = fromToConnectionMappings().remove(e.getConnectionId());
System.out.println("Removed mapping " + e.getConnectionId() + " to " + key);
Works fine for me with a MapJsonSerializer.
public class So51200675Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So51200675Application.class, args).close();
public ApplicationRunner runner() {
return args -> {
Socket socket = SocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket("localhost", 1234);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
public Map<String, String> fromToConnectionMappings() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Map<String, String> toFromConnectionMappings() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public MapJsonSerializer serializer() {
return new MapJsonSerializer();
public IntegrationFlow proxyRequestFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundAdapter(serverFactory()))
.<Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>>transform(m -> {
m.put("foo", m.get("foo").toUpperCase());
return m;
.handle((p, h) -> {
return p;
public IntegrationFlow proxyReplyFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundAdapter(threadConnectionFactory()))
.<Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>>transform(m -> {
m.put("foo", m.get("foo").toLowerCase() + m.get("foo"));
return m;
.enrichHeaders(e -> e
.headerExpression(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID, "#toFromConnectionMappings.get(headers['"
+ IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID + "'])").defaultOverwrite(true))
private void mapConnectionIds(Map<String, Object> h) {
try {
TcpConnection connection = threadConnectionFactory().getConnection();
String mapping = toFromConnectionMappings().get(connection.getConnectionId());
String incomingCID = (String) h.get(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID);
if (mapping == null || !(mapping.equals(incomingCID))) {
System.out.println("Adding new mapping " + incomingCID + " to " + connection.getConnectionId());
toFromConnectionMappings().put(connection.getConnectionId(), incomingCID);
fromToConnectionMappings().put(incomingCID, connection.getConnectionId());
catch (Exception e) {
public ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory threadConnectionFactory() {
return new ThreadAffinityClientConnectionFactory(clientFactory()) {
public boolean isSingleUse() {
return false;
public AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverFactory() {
return Tcp.netServer(1234)
public AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientFactory() {
AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientFactory = Tcp.netClient("localhost", 1235)
return clientFactory;
public IntegrationFlow backEndEmulatorFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Tcp.inboundGateway(Tcp.netServer(1235)
.<Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>>transform(m -> {
m.put("foo", m.get("foo") + m.get("foo"));
return m;
public ApplicationListener<TcpConnectionCloseEvent> closer() {
return e -> {
if (fromToConnectionMappings().containsKey(e.getConnectionId())) {
String key = fromToConnectionMappings().remove(e.getConnectionId());
System.out.println("Removed mapping " + e.getConnectionId() + " to " + key);
Adding new mapping localhost:56998:1234:55c822a4-4252-45e6-9ef2-79263391f4be to localhost:1235:56999:3d520ca9-2f3a-44c3-b05f-e59695b8c1b0
Removed mapping localhost:56998:1234:55c822a4-4252-45e6-9ef2-79263391f4be to localhost:1235:56999:3d520ca9-2f3a-44c3-b05f-e59695b8c1b0

Spring Integration using DSL for reading file from Unix location

I have a requirement where i need to look for a file continuously at unix location.Once its available then i need to parse it and convert to some json format.This needs to be done using Spring integration - DSL.
Following is the piece of code I got from spring site but it shows following exception:
o.s.integration.handler.LoggingHandler: org.springframework.messaging.MessageDeliveryException: Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel 'application.processFileChannel'.; nested exception is org.springframework.integration.MessageDispatchingException: Dispatcher has no subscribers
Below is the code:
public class FileReadingJavaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(FileReadingJavaApplication.class)
public IntegrationFlow fileReadingFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.from(s -> s.file(new File("Y://"))
e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(1000)))
New Code:
public class SpringIntegration {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringIntegration.class)
public SessionFactory<LsEntry> sftpSessionFactory() {
DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(true);
return new CachingSessionFactory<LsEntry>(factory);
public SftpInboundFileSynchronizer sftpInboundFileSynchronizer() {
SftpInboundFileSynchronizer fileSynchronizer = new SftpInboundFileSynchronizer(sftpSessionFactory());
fileSynchronizer.setRemoteDirectory("remote dir");
fileSynchronizer.setFilter(new SftpSimplePatternFileListFilter("*.txt"));
return fileSynchronizer;
#InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "sftpChannel", poller = #Poller(fixedDelay = "1000", maxMessagesPerPoll = "1"))
public MessageSource ftpMessageSource() {
SftpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource source =
new SftpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource(sftpInboundFileSynchronizer());
source.setLocalFilter(new AcceptOnceFileListFilter<File>());
source.setLocalDirectory(new File("Local directory"));
return source;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "fileInputChannel")
public MessageHandler handler() {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
System.out.println("File Name : "+message.getPayload());
public static StandardIntegrationFlow processFileFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.handle("fileProcessor", "process").get();
#InboundChannelAdapter(value = "fileInputChannel", poller = #Poller(fixedDelay = "1000"))
public MessageSource<File> fileReadingMessageSource() {
AcceptOnceFileListFilter<File> filters =new AcceptOnceFileListFilter<>();
FileReadingMessageSource source = new FileReadingMessageSource();
source.setDirectory(new File("Local directory"));
return source;
public FileProcessor fileProcessor() {
return new FileProcessor();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "fileInputChannel")
public AmqpOutboundEndpoint amqpOutbound(AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate) {
AmqpOutboundEndpoint outbound = new AmqpOutboundEndpoint(amqpTemplate);
outbound.setRoutingKey("foo"); // default exchange - route to queue 'foo'
return outbound;
#MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "amqpOutboundChannel")
public interface MyGateway {
String sendToRabbit(String data);
public class FileProcessor {
public void process(Message<String> msg) {
String content = msg.getPayload();
JSONObject jsonObject ;
Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for(int i=0;i<=content.length();i++){
String userId = content.substring(i+5,i+16);
dataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
dataMap.put("username", username.trim());
i+=290; //each record of size 290 in file
jsonObject = new JSONObject(dataMap);
Your code is correct , but an exception tells you that there is need something what will read messages from the direct channel "processFileChannel".
Please, read more about different channel types in the Spring Integration Reference Manual.
One of first class citizen in Spring Integration is MessageChannel abstraction. See EIP for more information.
The definition like .channel("processFileChannel") mean declare DirectChannel. This kind of channel means accept message on the send and perform handling directly just in send process. In the raw Java words it may sound like: call one service from another. Throw NPE if the another hasn't been autowired.
So, if you use DirectChannel for the output, you should declare somewhere a subscriber for it. I don't know what is your logic, but that is how it works and no other choice to fix Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel.
Although you can use some other MessageChannel type. But for this purpose you should read more doc, e.g. Mark Fisher's Spring Integration in Action.

Spring Integration Channel Chaining Weirdness

I may just be missing something very simple here (or misusing something), but I was attempting to set up two direct channels such that one flow would pass some data to each sequentially. So using the Spring Integration JAVA DSL I had something like this (significantly simplified for this example):
public static final String TEST_CHANNEL = "testGateway";
public static final String TEST_UPPER_CHANNEL = "testChannelUpper";
public static final String TEST_LOWER_CHANNEL = "testChannelLower";
#Bean(name = TEST_CHANNEL)
public MessageChannel testGatewayChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct(TEST_CHANNEL).get();
public MessageChannel testChannelUpperChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct(TEST_UPPER_CHANNEL).get();
public MessageChannel testChannelLowerChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct(TEST_LOWER_CHANNEL).get();
public IntegrationFlow testFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
public IntegrationFlow testUpperFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.<String, String>transform(String::toUpperCase)
public IntegrationFlow testLowerFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.<String, String>transform(String::toLowerCase)
I'm using a REST endpoint to invoke the flow via a gateway, but when I do so it seems only one of the channels is invoked. The channel also seems to be random across invocations (sometimes going to the testChannelUpper and sometimes to the testChannelLower).
I basically end up with this across the executions :
(each time I am just hitting this endpoint http://localhost:9090/test?test=HellOoi)
Execution 1:
GenericMessage [payload=HELLOOI, headers={jobName=someActivity, history=someGateway,testGateway,testChannelUpper,testUpperFlow.channel#0, id=4aa7b075-23cc-6ab3-10a1-c7cb73bae49b, timestamp=1447686848477}]
Execution 2:
GenericMessage [payload=HELLOOI, headers={jobName=someActivity, history=someGateway,testGateway,testChannelUpper,testUpperFlow.channel#0, id=a18dcd01-da18-b00d-30c0-e1a03ce19104, timestamp=1447686853549}]
Execution 3:
GenericMessage [payload=hellooi, headers={jobName=someActivity, history=someGateway,testGateway,testChannelUpper,testLowerFlow.channel#0, id=5f0abcb9-378e-7a3c-9c93-a04ff6352927, timestamp=1447686857545}]
I believe that what I'm attempting here is also shown in the channelFlow example of the DSL wiki :
Sooo the specs on what I'm using are :
Spring Boot v1.2.2.RELEASE
Spring v4.1.5.RELEASE
spring-integration-java-dsl 1.0.2.RELEASE
JDK 1.8.0_40-b25
So... has anyone else seen this kind of behavior? Am I just abusing the channel implementation? Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!
As Gary pointed out the best way to do this is to have a pub-sub and order the consumers on this :
#Bean(name = TEST_CHANNEL)
public MessageChannel testGatewayChannel() {
return MessageChannels.publishSubscribe(TEST_CHANNEL).get();
public IntegrationFlow testUpperFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.<String, String>transform(String::toUpperCase, e -> e.order(1))
public IntegrationFlow testLowerFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.<String, String>transform(String::toLowerCase, e -> e.order(2))
What is the purpose of this...
public IntegrationFlow testFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
All that does is bridge the three channels together.
In fact, you end up with 2 consumers on TEST_UPPER_CHANNEL- the bridge in this flow and the transformer in your other flow.
By default, dispatching in direct channels uses round robin distribution. So the first message will go to the bridge, the next to the transformer, etc, etc.

