I was messing around with possible "twoSum" solutions because I'm pretty bored... Anyways I'm pretty new to "Big O Time Complexity", and I was trying to figure out the time complexity of my program.
Now I don't assume my solution is at all polished or better, I was just wanting some help finding out the time complexity of it. I am very new to BIG(O) so don't dog on my skills... you can roast my code if you wish.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = {5, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2};
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(twoSum(array, 6)));
public static int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
int oldValue = 0;
int newValue;
int currentValue;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
currentValue = i;
if (currentValue != 0) { // so oldValue never causes an exception
oldValue = i - 1;
newValue = i + 1;
if ((nums[currentValue] + nums[oldValue]) == target) {
return new int[]{currentValue, oldValue};
if ((nums[currentValue] + nums[newValue]) == target) {
return new int[]{currentValue, newValue};
if ((nums[newValue] + nums[oldValue]) == target) {
return new int[]{newValue, oldValue};
return new int[]{0, 0}; // we print out 0 0 if we can't find a solution
This really won't have an ANSWER, as I don't know how time complexity works fully (as of right now) all I am asking for is someone to help me with an explanation
From what I understand, you are trying to find 2 consecutive numbers in an array whose sum is equal to the target
Firstly, you don't need to use oldValue and newValue, since when currentValue = 2, oldValue will be equal to 1, which is basically checking the same pair of numbers as when currentValue = 1 and newValue = 2. The better version of your code should be:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = {5, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2};
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(twoSum(array, 6)));
public static int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
int oldValue = 0;
int newValue;
int currentValue;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length - 1; i++) {
currentValue = i;
newValue = i + 1;
if ((nums[currentValue] + nums[newValue]) == target) {
return new int[]{currentValue, newValue};
return new int[]{0, 0}; // we print out 0 0 if we can't find a solution
Secondly, for time complexity, one trick I usually use is to look for loops in the code.
For my suggested code, in the worst case, it has to go through N - 1 = O(N) iterations and takes O(1) operation to execute each iteration. Therefore the time complexity is O(N) * O(1) = O(N).
For your original code, it has to go through N iterations in the worst case, and takes approximately double the number of operations to execute each iteration compared to my code. However, the number of iterations is still O(N) and the number of operations per iteration is still O(1), thus the time complexity of your code is also O(N) * O(1) = O(N)
Having a loop doesn't always mean the number of iterations for that loop is O(N). For example:
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
// do something
The time complexity for this loop is O(1), since the number of iterations is always 100 and is independent of any input value
for (int i = 1; i < n; i = i * 2) {
// do something
The time complexity for this loop is O(log2(n)) = O(log(N) / log(2)) = O(log(N)) (since log(2)) is a constant)
I'm trying to write this algorithm in Java following the steps below:(I know other solutions, just trying to figure out this one)
int min_diff = LARGE_NUMBER;
int diff;
for (each subset S of size n/2 of A) {
diff = abs(sum(S) – sum(A-S));
if (diff < min_diff) {
min_diff = diff;
TempSet = S;
print min_diff, TempSet;
I tried to find all subset permutations of size n/2 using the code from this link:
The code in this link print all permutations. I thought first I need to store the arrays in an ArrayList so I can use them in the for loop, but I couldn't get it to work. The code below gives wrong output (every array is 60 60 60 instead of permutations:
static List<int[]> intArrays = new ArrayList<>();
static void combinationUtil(int[]arr, int n, int r, int index, int[] data, int i)
if (index == r) {
if (i >= n)
data[index] = arr[i];
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index + 1, data, i + 1);
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index, data, i + 1);
static void printCombination(int arr[], int n, int r)
int data[] = new int[r];
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, 0, data, 0);
for(int[] arr1:intArrays){
public static void main(String[] args)
int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40,50,60};
int n=arr.length;
int r=n/2;
printCombination(arr, n, r);
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? Or how can I solve this problem following the above steps?
Your problem is when you do intArrays.add(data);
intArrays always contains the reference to data array. The array is passed by reference. You gets {60, 60, 60} because is the last state of data array (the last subset).
To fix the problem you must to do intArrays.add(data.Clone()); if exists Clone function or similar in you language or just implement it yourself.
Code in C#. Sorry I don't have any java compiler installed.
static int[] CloneArray(int[] arr)
int[] ret = new int[arr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i) ret[i] = arr[i];
return ret;
I'm trying to calculate the total, mean and median of an array thats populated by input received by a textfield. I've managed to work out the total and the mean, I just can't get the median to work. I think the array needs to be sorted before I can do this, but I'm not sure how to do this. Is this the problem, or is there another one that I didn't find? Here is my code:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class whileloopq extends Applet implements ActionListener
Label label;
TextField input;
int num;
int index;
int[] numArray = new int[20];
int sum;
int total;
double avg;
int median;
public void init ()
label = new Label("Enter numbers");
input = new TextField(5);
index = 0;
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev)
int num = Integer.parseInt(input.getText());
numArray[index] = num;
if (index == 20)
sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.length; i++)
sum += numArray[i];
total = sum;
avg = total / index;
median = numArray[numArray.length/2];
public void paint (Graphics graf)
graf.drawString("Total = " + Integer.toString(total), 25, 85);
graf.drawString("Average = " + Double.toString(avg), 25, 100);
graf.drawString("Median = " + Integer.toString(median), 25, 115);
The Arrays class in Java has a static sort function, which you can invoke with Arrays.sort(numArray).
double median;
if (numArray.length % 2 == 0)
median = ((double)numArray[numArray.length/2] + (double)numArray[numArray.length/2 - 1])/2;
median = (double) numArray[numArray.length/2];
Sorting the array is unnecessary and inefficient. There's a variation of the QuickSort (QuickSelect) algorithm which has an average run time of O(n); if you sort first, you're down to O(n log n). It actually finds the nth smallest item in a list; for a median, you just use n = half the list length. Let's call it quickNth (list, n).
The concept is that to find the nth smallest, choose a 'pivot' value. (Exactly how you choose it isn't critical; if you know the data will be thoroughly random, you can take the first item on the list.)
Split the original list into three smaller lists:
One with values smaller than the pivot.
One with values equal to the pivot.
And one with values greater than the pivot.
You then have three cases:
The "smaller" list has >= n items. In that case, you know that the nth smallest is in that list. Return quickNth(smaller, n).
The smaller list has < n items, but the sum of the lengths of the smaller and equal lists have >= n items. In this case, the nth is equal to any item in the "equal" list; you're done.
n is greater than the sum of the lengths of the smaller and equal lists. In that case, you can essentially skip over those two, and adjust n accordingly. Return quickNth(greater, n - length(smaller) - length(equal)).
If you're not sure that the data is thoroughly random, you need to be more sophisticated about choosing the pivot. Taking the median of the first value in the list, the last value in the list, and the one midway between the two works pretty well.
If you're very unlucky with your choice of pivots, and you always choose the smallest or highest value as your pivot, this takes O(n^2) time; that's bad. But, it's also very unlikely if you choose your pivot with a decent algorithm.
Sample code:
import java.util.*;
public class Utility {
* #param coll an ArrayList of Comparable objects
* #return the median of coll
public static <T extends Number> double median(ArrayList<T> coll, Comparator<T> comp) {
double result;
int n = coll.size()/2;
if (coll.size() % 2 == 0) // even number of items; find the middle two and average them
result = (nth(coll, n-1, comp).doubleValue() + nth(coll, n, comp).doubleValue()) / 2.0;
else // odd number of items; return the one in the middle
result = nth(coll, n, comp).doubleValue();
return result;
} // median(coll)
* #param coll a collection of Comparable objects
* #param n the position of the desired object, using the ordering defined on the list elements
* #return the nth smallest object
public static <T> T nth(ArrayList<T> coll, int n, Comparator<T> comp) {
T result, pivot;
ArrayList<T> underPivot = new ArrayList<>(), overPivot = new ArrayList<>(), equalPivot = new ArrayList<>();
// choosing a pivot is a whole topic in itself.
// this implementation uses the simple strategy of grabbing something from the middle of the ArrayList.
pivot = coll.get(n/2);
// split coll into 3 lists based on comparison with the pivot
for (T obj : coll) {
int order =, pivot);
if (order < 0) // obj < pivot
else if (order > 0) // obj > pivot
else // obj = pivot
} // for each obj in coll
// recurse on the appropriate list
if (n < underPivot.size())
result = nth(underPivot, n, comp);
else if (n < underPivot.size() + equalPivot.size()) // equal to pivot; just return it
result = pivot;
else // everything in underPivot and equalPivot is too small. Adjust n accordingly in the recursion.
result = nth(overPivot, n - underPivot.size() - equalPivot.size(), comp);
return result;
} // nth(coll, n)
public static void main (String[] args) {
Comparator<Integer> comp = Comparator.naturalOrder();
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int size = 1; size <= 10; size++) {
ArrayList<Integer> coll = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
System.out.println("Median of " + coll.toString() + " is " + median(coll, comp));
} // for a range of possible input sizes
} // main(args)
} // Utility
If you want to use any external library here is Apache commons math library using you can calculate the Median.
For more methods and use take look at the API documentation
import org.apache.commons.math3.*;
//calculate median
public double getMedian(double[] values){
Median median = new Median();
double medianValue = median.evaluate(values);
return medianValue;
For more on evaluate method AbstractUnivariateStatistic#evaluate
Calculate in program
Generally, median is calculated using the following two formulas given here
If n is odd then Median (M) = value of ((n + 1)/2)th item term.
If n is even then Median (M) = value of [((n)/2)th item term + ((n)/2 + 1)th item term ]/2
In your program you have numArray, first you need to sort array using Arrays#sort
int middle = numArray.length/2;
int medianValue = 0; //declare variable
if (numArray.length%2 == 1)
medianValue = numArray[middle];
medianValue = (numArray[middle-1] + numArray[middle]) / 2;
return (numArray[size/2] + numArray[(size-1)/2]) / 2;
int middle = ((numArray.length) / 2);
if(numArray.length % 2 == 0){
int medianA = numArray[middle];
int medianB = numArray[middle-1];
median = (medianA + medianB) / 2;
} else{
median = numArray[middle + 1];
EDIT: I initially had medianB setting to middle+1 in the even length arrays, this was wrong due to arrays starting count at 0. I have updated it to use middle-1 which is correct and should work properly for an array with an even length.
You can find good explanation at
The idea it to use 2 Heaps viz one max heap and mean heap.
class Heap {
private Queue<Integer> low = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.reverseOrder());
private Queue<Integer> high = new PriorityQueue<>();
public void add(int number) {
Queue<Integer> target = low.size() <= high.size() ? low : high;
private void balance() {
while(!low.isEmpty() && !high.isEmpty() && low.peek() > high.peek()) {
Integer lowHead= low.poll();
Integer highHead = high.poll();
public double median() {
if(low.isEmpty() && high.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Heap is empty");
} else {
return low.size() == high.size() ? (low.peek() + high.peek()) / 2.0 : low.peek();
Try sorting the array first. Then after it's sorted, if the array has an even amount of elements the mean of the middle two is the median, if it has a odd number, the middle element is the median.
Use Arrays.sort and then take the middle element (in case the number n of elements in the array is odd) or take the average of the two middle elements (in case n is even).
public static long median(long[] l)
int middle = l.length / 2;
if (l.length % 2 == 0)
long left = l[middle - 1];
long right = l[middle];
return (left + right) / 2;
return l[middle];
Here are some examples:
public void evenTest()
long[] l = {
5, 6, 1, 3, 2
Assert.assertEquals((3 + 4) / 2, median(l));
public oddTest()
long[] l = {
5, 1, 3, 2, 4
Assert.assertEquals(3, median(l));
And in case your input is a Collection, you might use Google Guava to do something like this:
public static long median(Collection<Long> numbers)
return median(Longs.toArray(numbers)); // requires import;
I was looking at the same statistics problems. The approach you are thinking it is good and it will work. (Answer to the sorting has been given)
But in case you are interested in algorithm performance, I think there are a couple of algorithms that have better performance than just sorting the array, one (QuickSelect) is indicated by #bruce-feist's answer and is very well explained.
[Java implementation: ]
But there is a variation of this algorithm named median of medians, you can find a good explanation on this link:
Java implementation of this:
I faced a similar problem yesterday.
I wrote a method with Java generics in order to calculate the median value of every collection of Numbers; you can apply my method to collections of Doubles, Integers, Floats and returns a double. Please consider that my method creates another collection in order to not alter the original one.
I provide also a test, have fun. ;-)
public static <T extends Number & Comparable<T>> double median(Collection<T> numbers){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compute median on empty collection of numbers");
List<T> numbersList = new ArrayList<>(numbers);
int middle = numbersList.size()/2;
if(numbersList.size() % 2 == 0){
return 0.5 * (numbersList.get(middle).doubleValue() + numbersList.get(middle-1).doubleValue());
} else {
return numbersList.get(middle).doubleValue();
JUnit test code snippet:
* Test of median method, of class Utils.
public void testMedian() {
Double expResult = 3.0;
Double result = Utils.median(Arrays.asList(3.0,2.0,1.0,9.0,13.0));
assertEquals(expResult, result);
expResult = 3.5;
result = Utils.median(Arrays.asList(3.0,2.0,1.0,9.0,4.0,13.0));
assertEquals(expResult, result);
Usage example (consider the class name is Utils):
List<Integer> intValues = ... //omitted init
Set<Float> floatValues = ... //omitted init
double intListMedian = Utils.median(intValues);
double floatSetMedian = Utils.median(floatValues);
Note: my method works on collections, you can convert arrays of numbers to list of numbers as pointed here
And nobody paying attention when list contains only one element (list.size == 1). All your answers will crash with index out of bound exception, because integer division returns zero (1 / 2 = 0). Correct answer (in Kotlin):
override fun calculate(values: List<BigDecimal>): BigDecimal? {
if (values.size == 1) {
return values.first()
if (values.size > 1) {
val valuesSorted = values.sorted()
val mid = valuesSorted.size / 2
return if (valuesSorted.size % 2 != 0) {
} else {
AVERAGE.calculate(listOf(valuesSorted[mid - 1], valuesSorted[mid]))
return null
As #Bruce-Feist mentions, for a large number of elements, I'd avoid any solution involving sort if performance is something you are concerned about. A different approach than those suggested in the other answers is Hoare's algorithm to find the k-th smallest of element of n items. This algorithm runs in O(n).
public int findKthSmallest(int[] array, int k)
if (array.length < 10)
return array[k];
int start = 0;
int end = array.length - 1;
int x, temp;
int i, j;
while (start < end)
x = array[k];
i = start;
j = end;
while (array[i] < x)
while (x < array[j])
if (i <= j)
temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
} while (i <= j);
if (j < k)
start = i;
if (k < i)
end = j;
return array[k];
And to find the median:
public int median(int[] array)
int length = array.length;
if ((length & 1) == 0) // even
return (findKthSmallest(array, array.length / 2) + findKthSmallest(array, array.length / 2 + 1)) / 2;
else // odd
return findKthSmallest(array, array.length / 2);
public static int median(int[] arr) {
int median = 0;
for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
if (arr.length % 2 == 1) {
median = Math.round(arr[arr.length/2]);
} else {
median = (arr[(arr.length/2)] + arr[(arr.length/2)-1])/2;
return median;
Check out the Arrays.sort methods:
You should also really abstract finding the median into its own method, and just return the value to the calling method. This will make testing your code much easier.
public int[] data={31, 29, 47, 48, 23, 30, 21
, 40, 23, 39, 47, 47, 42, 44, 23, 26, 44, 32, 20, 40};
public double median()
double result=0;
System.out.println(" uneven size : "+result);
int middle_pair_first_index =(size-1)/2;
System.out.println(" Even size : "+result);
return result;
package arrays;
public class Arraymidleelement {
static public double middleArrayElement(int [] arr)
double mid;
return mid;
return arr[arr.length/2];
public static void main(String[] args) {
int arr[]= {1,2,3,4,5,6};
System.out.println( middleArrayElement(arr));
I decided to implement a very simple program recursively, to see how well Java handles recursion*, and came up a bit short. This is what I ended up writing:
public class largestInIntArray {
public static void main(String[] args)
// These three lines just set up an array of ints:
int[] ints = new int[100];
java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) ints[i] = r.nextInt();
System.out.print("Normal:"+normal(ints,-1)+" Recursive:"+recursive(ints,-1));
private static int normal(int[] input, int largest) {
for(int i : input)
if(i > largest) largest = i;
return largest;
private static int recursive(int[] ints, int largest) {
if(ints.length == 1)
return ints[0] > largest ? ints[0] : largest;
int[] newints = new int[ints.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(ints, 1, newints, 0, ints.length - 1);
return recursive(newints, ints[0] > largest ? ints[0] : largest);
And that works fine, but as it's a bit ugly I wondered if there was a better way. If anyone has any thoughts/alternatives/syntactic sugar to share, that'd be much appreciated!
P.s. If you say "use Lisp" you win nothing (but respect). I want to know if this can be made to look nice in Java.
*and how well I handle recursion
Here's how I might make the recursive method look nicer:
private static int recursive(int[] ints, int largest, int start) {
if (start == ints.length) {
return largest;
return recursive(ints, Math.max(ints[start], largest), start + 1);
This avoids the expensive array copy, and works for an empty input array. You may implement an additional overloaded method with only two parameters for the same signature as the iterative function:
private static int recursive(int[] ints, int largest) {
return recursive(ints, largest, 0);
2 improvements:
no copy of the array (just using the offset)
no need to give the current max
private static int recursive(int[] ints, int offset) {
if (ints.length - 1 == offset) {
return ints[offset];
} else {
return Math.max(ints[offset], recursive(ints, offset + 1));
Start the recursion with recursive(ints, 0).
You could pass the current index as a parameter rather than copying almost the entire array each time or you could use a divide and conquer approach.
public static int max(int[] numbers) {
int size = numbers.length;
return max(numbers, size-1, numbers[size-1]);
public static int max(int[] numbers, int index, int largest) {
largest = Math.max(largest, numbers[index]);
return index > 0 ? max(numbers, index-1, largest) : largest;
... to see how well Java handles recursion
The simple answer is that Java doesn't handle recursion well. Specifically, Sun java compilers and Hotspot JVMs do not implement tail call recursion optimization, so recursion intensive algorithms can easily consume a lot of stack space.
However, I have seen articles that say that IBM's JVMs do support this optimization. And I saw an email from some non-Sun guy who said he was adding it as an experimental Hotspot extension as a thesis project.
Here's a slight variation showing how Linked Lists are often a little nicer for recursion, where "nicer" means "less parameters in method signature"
private static int recursive(LinkedList<Integer> list) {
if (list.size() == 1){
return list.removeFirst();
return Math.max(list.removeFirst(),recursive(list));
Your recursive code uses System.arrayCopy, but your iterative code doesn't do this, so your microbenchmark isn't going to be accurate. As others have mentioned, you can clean up that code by using Math.min and using an array index instead of the queue-like approach you had.
public class Maximum
* Just adapted the iterative approach of finding maximum and formed a recursive function
public static int max(int[] arr,int n,int m)
if(m < arr[n])
m = arr[n];
return max(arr,n - 1,m);
return m;
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,10,203,2,244,245,1000,55000,2223};
int max1 = max(arr,arr.length-1,arr[0]);
System.out.println("Max: "+ max1);
I actually have a pre made class that I setup for finding the largest integer of any set of values. You can put this class into your project and simply use it in any class like so:
This would return the value "120" and place it in the output. Here is the methods source code if you are interested in using it:
public class figures {
public static int getLargest(int...f) {
int[] score = new int[f.length];
int largest=0;
for(int x=0;x<f.length;x++) {
for(int z=0;z<f.length;z++) {
if(f[x]>=f[z]) {
}else if(f[x]<f[z]) {
}else {
if(z>=f.length) {
for(int fg=0;fg<f.length;fg++) {
if(score[fg]==f.length) {
largest = f[fg];
return largest;
The following is a sample code given by my Java instructor, Professor Penn Wu, in one of his lectures. Hope it helps.
import java.util.Random;
public class Recursion
static int s = 0;
public static Double max(Double[] d, int n, Double max)
if (n==0) { return max;}
if (d[n] > max)
max = d[n];
return max(d, n-1, max);
public static void main(String[] args)
Random rn = new Random();
Double[] d = new Double[15];
for (int i=0; i
d[i] = rn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("\nMax: " + max(d, d.length-1, d[0]));
Here is my alternative
public class recursion
public static int max( int[] n, int index )
if(index == n.length-1) // If it's simple, solve it immediately:
return n[index]; // when there's only one number, return it
if(max(n, index+1) > n [index]) // is one number bigger than n?
return max(n, index+1); // return the rest, which contains that bigger number
return n[index]; // if not, return n which must be the biggest number then
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] n = {100, 3, 5, 1, 2, 10, 2, 15, -1, 20, -1203}; // just some numbers for testing
Note: Version 2, below, uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes. There are several answers that helped with what I originally asked. I have chosen the Sieve of Eratosthenes method, implemented it, and changed the question title and tags appropriately. Thanks to everyone who helped!
I wrote this fancy little method that generates an array of int containing the prime numbers less than the specified upper bound. It works very well, but I have a concern.
The Method
private static int [] generatePrimes(int max) {
int [] temp = new int [max];
temp [0] = 2;
int index = 1;
int prime = 1;
boolean isPrime = false;
while((prime += 2) <= max) {
isPrime = true;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if(prime % temp [i] == 0) {
isPrime = false;
if(isPrime) {
temp [index++] = prime;
int [] primes = new int [index];
while(--index >= 0) {
primes [index] = temp [index];
return primes;
My Concern
My concern is that I am creating an array that is far too large for the final number of elements the method will return. The trouble is that I don't know of a good way to correctly guess the number of prime numbers less than a specified number.
This is how the program uses the arrays. This is what I want to improve upon.
I create a temporary array that is
large enough to hold every number
less than the limit.
I generate the prime numbers, while
keeping count of how many I have
I make a new array that is the right
dimension to hold just the prime
I copy each prime number from the
huge array to the array of the
correct dimension.
I return the array of the correct
dimension that holds just the prime
numbers I generated.
Can I copy the whole chunk (at once) of
temp[] that has nonzero
elements to primes[]
without having to iterate through
both arrays and copy the elements
one by one?
Are there any data structures that
behave like an array of primitives
that can grow as elements are added,
rather than requiring a dimension
upon instantiation? What is the
performance penalty compared to
using an array of primitives?
Version 2 (thanks to Jon Skeet):
private static int [] generatePrimes(int max) {
int [] temp = new int [max];
temp [0] = 2;
int index = 1;
int prime = 1;
boolean isPrime = false;
while((prime += 2) <= max) {
isPrime = true;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if(prime % temp [i] == 0) {
isPrime = false;
if(isPrime) {
temp [index++] = prime;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(temp, 0, index);
Version 3 (thanks to Paul Tomblin) which uses the Sieve of Erastosthenes:
private static int [] generatePrimes(int max) {
boolean[] isComposite = new boolean[max + 1];
for (int i = 2; i * i <= max; i++) {
if (!isComposite [i]) {
for (int j = i; i * j <= max; j++) {
isComposite [i*j] = true;
int numPrimes = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++) {
if (!isComposite [i]) numPrimes++;
int [] primes = new int [numPrimes];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++) {
if (!isComposite [i]) primes [index++] = i;
return primes;
Your method of finding primes, by comparing every single element of the array with every possible factor is hideously inefficient. You can improve it immensely by doing a Sieve of Eratosthenes over the entire array at once. Besides doing far fewer comparisons, it also uses addition rather than division. Division is way slower.
ArrayList<> Sieve of Eratosthenes
// Return primes less than limit
static ArrayList<Integer> generatePrimes(int limit) {
final int numPrimes = countPrimesUpperBound(limit);
ArrayList<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>(numPrimes);
boolean [] isComposite = new boolean [limit]; // all false
final int sqrtLimit = (int)Math.sqrt(limit); // floor
for (int i = 2; i <= sqrtLimit; i++) {
if (!isComposite [i]) {
for (int j = i*i; j < limit; j += i) // `j+=i` can overflow
isComposite [j] = true;
for (int i = sqrtLimit + 1; i < limit; i++)
if (!isComposite [i])
return primes;
Formula for upper bound of number of primes less than or equal to max (see
static int countPrimesUpperBound(int max) {
return max > 1 ? (int)(1.25506 * max / Math.log((double)max)) : 0;
Create an ArrayList<Integer> and then convert to an int[] at the end.
There are various 3rd party IntList (etc) classes around, but unless you're really worried about the hit of boxing a few integers, I wouldn't worry about it.
You could use Arrays.copyOf to create the new array though. You might also want to resize by doubling in size each time you need to, and then trim at the end. That would basically be mimicking the ArrayList behaviour.
Algo using Sieve of Eratosthenes
public static List<Integer> findPrimes(int limit) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
boolean [] isComposite = new boolean [limit + 1]; // limit + 1 because we won't use '0'th index of the array
isComposite[1] = true;
// Mark all composite numbers
for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++) {
if (!isComposite[i]) {
// 'i' is a prime number
int multiple = 2;
while (i * multiple <= limit) {
isComposite [i * multiple] = true;
return list;
Image depicting the above algo (Grey color cells represent prime number. Since we consider all numbers as prime numbers intially, the whole is grid is grey initially.)
Image Source: WikiMedia
The easiest solution would be to return some member of the Collections Framework instead of an array.
Are you using Java 1.5? Why not return List<Integer> and use ArrayList<Integer>? If you do need to return an int[], you can do it by converting List to int[] at the end of processing.
As Paul Tomblin points out, there are better algorithms.
But keeping with what you have, and assuming an object per result is too big:
You are only ever appending to the array. So, use a relatively small int[] array. When it's full use append it to a List and create a replacement. At the end copy it into a correctly sized array.
Alternatively, guess the size of the int[] array. If it is too small, replace by an int[] with a size a fraction larger than the current array size. The performance overhead of this will remain proportional to the size. (This was discussed briefly in a recent stackoverflow podcast.)
Now that you've got a basic sieve in place, note that the inner loop need only continue until temp[i]*temp[i] > prime.
I have a really efficient implementation:
we don't keep the even numbers, therefore halving the memory usage.
we use BitSet, requiring only one bit per number.
we estimate the upper bound for number of primes on the interval, thus we can set the initialCapacity for the Array appropriately.
we don't perform any kind of division in the loops.
Here's the code:
public ArrayList<Integer> sieve(int n) {
int upperBound = (int) (1.25506 * n / Math.log(n));
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(upperBound);
if (n >= 2)
int size = (n - 1) / 2;
BitSet bs = new BitSet(size);
int i = 0;
while (i < size) {
int p = 3 + 2 * i;
for (int j = i + p; j < size; j += p)
i = bs.nextClearBit(i + 1);
return result;
Restructure your code. Throw out the temporary array, and instead write function that just prime-tests an integer. It will be reasonably fast, since you're only using native types. Then you can, for instance, loop and build a list of integers that are prime, before finally converting that to an array to return.
Not sure if this will suite your situation but you can take a look at my approach. I used mine using Sieve of Eratosthenes.
public static List<Integer> sieves(int n) {
Map<Integer,Boolean> numbers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<>();
//First generate a list of integers from 2 to 30
for(int i=2; i<n;i++){
for(int i : numbers.keySet()){
* The first number in the list is 2; cross out every 2nd number in the list after 2 by
* counting up from 2 in increments of 2 (these will be all the multiples of 2 in the list):
* The next number in the list after 2 is 3; cross out every 3rd number in the list after 3 by
* counting up from 3 in increments of 3 (these will be all the multiples of 3 in the list):
* The next number not yet crossed out in the list after 5 is 7; the next step would be to cross out every
* 7th number in the list after 7, but they are all already crossed out at this point,
* as these numbers (14, 21, 28) are also multiples of smaller primes because 7 × 7 is greater than 30.
* The numbers not crossed out at this point in the list are all the prime numbers below 30:
for(int j = i+i; j<n; j+=i) {
for(int i : numbers.keySet()){
for(int j = i+i; j<n && numbers.get(i); j+=i) {
for(int i : numbers.keySet()){
if(numbers.get(i)) {
return primes;
Added comment for each steps that has been illustrated in wikipedia
I have done using HashMap and found it very simple
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
/*Using Algorithms such as sieve of Eratosthanas */
public class PrimeNumber {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int prime = 15;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
hashMap.put(0, 0);
hashMap.put(1, 0);
for (int i = 2; i <= prime; i++) {
hashMap.put(i, 1);// Assuming all numbers are prime
printPrimeNumberEratoshanas(hashMap, prime);
private static void printPrimeNumberEratoshanas(HashMap<Integer, Integer> hashMap, int prime) {
System.out.println("Printing prime numbers upto" + prime + ".....");
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(1)) {
for (int j = entry.getKey(); j < prime; j++) {
for (int k = j; k * j <= prime; k++) {
hashMap.put(j * k, 0);
Think this is effective
public static void primes(int n) {
boolean[] lista = new boolean[n+1];
for (int i=2;i<lista.length;i++) {
if (lista[i]==false) {
System.out.print(i + " ");
for (int j=i+i;j<lista.length;j+=i) {