Apache Beam : cannot access Pub/Sub Emulator via docker-compose - java

I have built a piece of software which is using GCP Pub/Sub as message queue, Apache Beam to build a pipeline and Flask to build a webserver. It is running smoothly in production but I have trouble to make all the piece connect together with docker-compose, in particular the Apache Beam pipeline.
I have followed Dataflow pipeline and pubsub emulator to make the pipeline listen to a GCP Pub/Sub emulator by replacing the localhost from the SO answer by the name of the service defined in my docker-compose.yaml:
build: docker_images/message_queue
- 8085:8085
build: docker_images/webserver
PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST: pubsub_emulator:8085
restart: unless-stopped
- 8899:8080
- pubsub_emulator
build: docker_images/pipeline
PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST: pubsub_emulator:8085
restart: unless-stopped
- pubsub_emulator
The webserver is able to access the Pub/Sub emulator and to generate topics.
However, the pipeline fails on start-up with a MalformedURLException:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: pubsub_emulator:8085/v1/projects/my-dev/subscriptions/sync_beam_1702190853678138166
The options of the pipeline seems fine, I defined them with:
final String pubSubEmulatorHost = System.getenv("PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST");
BasePipeline.PipeOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation()
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
Do anyone get an hint on what is happening and how to solve it ? Does the only solution imply to set the emulator and the pipeline in the same docker ?

You can try to change the value to the following:
As the error complaining from missing protocol which expected to be http in your case
According to Apache Beam SDK the value expected to be a fully qualified URL:
// getPubsubRootUrl
java.lang.String getPubsubRootUrl()
// Root URL for use with the Google Cloud Pub/Sub API.
However if you came from a python background you will notice that the Python SDK which uses gRPC Python as showing in here expecting only the server address which consist of the address and the port
# A snippet from google-cloud-python library.
if os.environ.get("PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST"):
kwargs["channel"] = grpc.insecure_channel(
grpc.insecure_channel(target, options=None)
Creates an insecure Channel to a server.
The returned Channel is thread-safe.
target – The server address


communicate with a container created with docker-compose

i have macOS 11.5, docker desktop 4.10, microservices with spring boot.
I use docker-compose to allow me to start my microservices.
A portion of docker-compose:
build: ./authentication-server
network_mode: "host"
image: authentication-server: 0.0.9
hostname: authentication-srv
- "4445:4445"
basically I need to communicate with the container, interrogating it from my pc using Postman, then a REST request.
Despite the nerwork_mode: "host" when I try to ping localhost: 4445 it tells me
"ping: cannot resolve localhost: 4445: Unknown host".
As well as trying the various container names:
"ping: cannot resolve authentication-srv: 4445: Unknown host"
"ping: cannot resolve authentication-server: 4445: Unknown host"
So my need is to communicate with a container created with docker-compose on my local pc. How can I solve? thank you

Cannot connect to remote MSSQL database from stacked docker container

I have a problem with connecting to existing remote MSSQL database from inside of a docker container running in stack.
My application consists of three modules (backend, frontend and haproxy)
Backend module is written in Java (SpringBoot app) and it's also the one that needs to connect do remote MSSQL database (by remote I mean placed on different sever, separate of docker part).
I have the following docker compose file:
I start the stack by using following command:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp
The result is, all containers are up and running, but spring app reports that connection to DB is timed out:
Server seems to be configured properly, I am able to access the host from container through telnet.
When running independently (even from docker container) backend app is able to connect to database with no problems, while stacked with docker-compose however it's unable to connect to the very same db.
I've also tried to provide db server IP instead of host name - no success.
Maybe setting up networks section in docker compose would do the trick?
Another thing you can do is to use host.docker.internal instead of the IP address of the database. This ONLY works on docker for windows or docker for mac.
Source: I want to connect from a container to a service on the host
OLD, only works when not in swarm mode
You need to specify that docker should use the same network as the host, you can do this in the following way:
version: '3'
dockerfile: web-app/something
- 8080:8080
network_mode: "host"
Reference: Use host networking
It seems that the issue was caused by networks overlapping.
Adding network configured as show below, allowed either to connect to my remote database and keep my endpoints hidden:
driver: default
- subnet:

Trouble communicating between two docker containers

I’m new to docker and I’m trying to connect my spring boot app running into my boot-example docker container to a mysql server running into my mymysql docker container on port 6603, both running on the same phisical machine.
The fact is: if I connect my spring-boot app to my mymysql docker container in order to communicate with the database, I get no errors and everything works fine.
When I move my spring boot application into my boot-example container and try to communicate (through Hibernate) to my mymysql container, then I get this error:
2018-02-05 09:58:38.912 ERROR 1 --- [ main] o.a.tomcat.jdbc.pool.ConnectionPool : Unable to create initial connections of pool.
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_111]
My spring boot application.properties are:
It works fine until my spring boot app runs in a docker container on port 8082, (after the docker image is correctly built):
docker run -it -p 8082:8083 boot-example
You cannot use localhost inside the container, it's the container itself. Hence, you will always get the connection refused error.
You can do below things -
Add your host machine IP in application.properties file of your spring boot application. (Not recommended since it breaks docker portability logic)
In case you want to use localhost, use --net=host while starting the container. (Not recommended for Production since no logical network layer exists)
Use --links for container communication with a DNS name. (deprecated/legacy)
Create a compose file & call your DB from spring boot app with the service name since they will be in same network & highly integrated with each other. (Recommended)
PS - Whenever you need to integrate multiple containers together, always go for docker-compose version 3+. Use docker run|build to understand the fundamentals & performing dry/test runs.
As #vivekyad4v suggested - the easiest way to achieve your desire, is to use docker-compose which has better container communication integration.
Docker-compose is a tool for managing single or multiple docker container/s. It uses single configuration file called docker-compose.yml.
For better information about docker-compose, please take a look at documentation and compose file reference
In my experience, it is good practice to follow SRP (single responsibility principle), thus - creating one container for your database and one for your application. Both of them are communicating using network you specify in your configuration.
Following example of docker-compose.yml might help you:
version: '2'
# your network name
driver: bridge
# PHP server
image: dalten/php5.6-apache
- 80:80
- .application_path:/some/application/path
# your container network name defined at the beggining
- somename
# Mysql server for backend
image: dalten/mysql:dev
- 3306:3306
# The /var/lib/mysql volume MUST be specified to achieve data persistence over container restart
- ./mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
# your container network name defined at the beggining
- somename
Note: Communication between containers inside network can be achieved by calling the service name from inside container.
The connection parameters to MySQL container from PHP, would in this example be:
hostname: mysql
port: 3306
database: backend
user: root
password: root
As per above suggestion, Docker-compose is a way but if you don't want to go with compose/swarm mode.
Simply create your own network using docker network create myNet
Deploy your containers listening on a created network --network myNet
Change your spring.datasource.url to jdbc:mysql://mymysql:6603/mydockerdb
By using DNS resolution of docker demon, containers can discover each other and hence can communicate.
[DNS is not supported by default bridge. A user-defined network using bridge does.]
For more information: https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/networking/

Spring & Docker: RMI Hostname resolved to and not to its expected IP address

I am currently working on a project that associates Docker and Spring programs with an RMI service, and I can't find a way to resolve my problem.
I'm trying to deploy two Spring programs into two distinct containers, through a docker-compose.yml file. The first one exposes an RMI interface at address (everything), and on a specific port (which is EXPOSEd as well in the Docker file). And the second one is just an RMI client using the remote interface.
To access the container that exposes the RMI service from the other, I gave it an alias through the links parameter in the Compose file, like this :
- rmi-service:rmihost
When I start my containers with docker-compose up -d, if I execute the command ping rmihost from the second container, it works well. But when I try to start my Spring RMI client, I get the following error:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'my.rmi.client' defined in class path resource [META-INF/rmi-client-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.remoting.RemoteConnectFailureException: Could not connect to remote service [rmi://rmihost:11199/businessService]; nested exception is
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:
I can't figure out why it doesn't translate the hostname into the correct IP address, while I'm able to ping it. I tried adding the rmihost in the /etc/hosts file, but it doesn't change anything, it always gives the same error.
Any help or suggestion on this problem will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
EDIT Here is my docker-compose.yml file :
version: '2.1'
restart: always
tty: true
build: ./rmi-service/
image: rmi-service
container_name: rmi-service
- "11199"
restart: always
tty: true
build: ./rmi-client/
image: rmi-client
container_name: rmi-client
- rmi-service
- rmi-service:rmihost

Retry connection to Cassandra node upon startup

I want to use Docker to start my application and Cassandra database, and I would like to use Docker Compose for that. Unfortunately, Cassandra starts much slower than my application, and since my application eagerly initializes the Cluster object, I get the following exception:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: cassandra/ (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [cassandra/] Cannot connect))
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.reconnectInternal(ControlConnection.java:233)
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.connect(ControlConnection.java:79)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.init(Cluster.java:1454)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.init(Cluster.java:163)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connectAsync(Cluster.java:334)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connectAsync(Cluster.java:309)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(Cluster.java:251)
According to the stacktrace and a little debugging, it seems that Cassandra Java driver does not apply retry policies to the initial startup. This seems kinda weird to me. Is there a way for me to configure the driver so it will continue its attempts to connect to the server until it succeeds?
You should be able to write some try/catch logic on the NoHostAvailableException to retry the connection after a 5-10 second wait. I would recommend only doing this a few times before throwing the exception after a certain time period where you know that it should have started by that point.
Example pseudocode
Connection makeCassandraConnection(int retryCount) {
Exception lastException = new IllegalStateException();
while (retryCount > 0) {
try {
return doConnectionStuff();
} catch (NoHostAvailableException e) {
lastException = e;
throw lastException;
If you don't want to change your client code, and your client application's docker container stops because of the error you can use the following attribute for the client app in your docker-compose file.
restart: unless-stopped
That will restart your client application container as many times as it fails. Example docker-compose.yml file:
version: '2'
image: cassandra:3.5
- "9042:9042"
- "9160:9160"
image: your-app
restart: unless-stopped
The Datastax driver cannot be configured this way.
If this is only a problem with Docker and you do not wish to change your code, you could consider using something such as wait-for-it which is a simple script which will wait for a TCP port to be listening before starting your application. 9042 is cassandra's native transport port.
Other options are discussed here in the docker documentation, but I personally have only used wait-for-it but found it to be useful when working with cassandra within docker.
refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69612290/10428392
You could modify docker compose file like this with a health check.
version: '3.8'
image: your-applicaion-service:0.0.1
condition: service_healthy
image: cassandra:4.0.1
- "9042:9042"
test: ["CMD", "cqlsh", "-u cassandra", "-p cassandra" ,"-e describe keyspaces"]
interval: 15s
timeout: 10s
retries: 10
If you orchestrating many dockers, you should go for a docker compose with depends on tag
version: '2'
image: cassandra:3.5
- "9042:9042"
- "9160:9160"
image: your-app
restart: unless-stopped
- cassandra
Try increasing the connection timeout, it's the one thing sometimes happens on AWS and the like. I think you're looking at a late stage in the error log, at some point it should tell you it couldn't connect because of a timeout or unreachable network, and then it flags nodes as not available.
Using phantom, code is like below:
val Connector = ContactPoints(Seq(seedHost))
new SocketOptions()
Resource Link:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException #445

