I want to create a dependencie graph in netbean so I want to know if there is some tool that do it or help.
You know the dependency graph in NetBeans? When you open a pom.xml you have above the document a "Graph" button which shows you exactly what you are looking for.
If you want to implement such a graph on you own and need some help, you can have a look at the implementation: https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/tree/master/java/java.graph/src/org/netbeans/modules/java/graph
I have a task where we need to generate UML(or similar) from XML and will be able to edit text, property type and drag dependency row. But I can't find any Java lib or component wich will allow me to do such.
For example PlantText is a good lib but it does not allow to make edit.
If someone known such lib/compoment please share.
Sorry, maybe I wasn't wrote clear. Actually, I need library which I can implement into my project, and after I will be able to generate UML from my project, then edit it and save into XML.
draw.io is very good site where you can create (not only) UML's and save them to XML file so in future you can edit it. The drawback is it is not automatic and must be drawn from scratch.
I am currently using SequenceDiagram Plugin from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8286?pr= to generate Sequence Diagrams.
But here the drawback is that I am not able to save them in a format like .uml or any other format so anyone can open this file and edit it.
It only allows to export the sequnce diagram as an image.
Is there any way to save the sequence diagrams generated so they can be edited later?
As the file https://github.com/Vanco/SequencePlugin/blob/master/src/org/intellij/sequencer/diagram/app/actions/ExportAction.java shows the plugin is able to export into images only. According to the licence you can modify the software if you keep in mind this part of the licence.
I think it is a good feature you suggested, it is not an easy job tho. If you plan to extend the feature try to contact with https://github.com/Vanco. I think it would be a handy thing for all of us!
I posted it as a comment, but it is part of the answer:
Here is a github repo: https://github.com/sherif181/java-sequence-diagram-generator it is not a plugin but looks handy for your case. It will generate LaTex documents that could be edited.
I'm working with RAP and want to add something look like this image into my view. But I have no idea to call this thing to search on internet.
So sorry for unspecific question.
The picture you show is part of a FormEditor.
The top line ('Extensions') is a FormPage title.
The 'All Extensions' part is a SectionPart containing a filtered tree and button.
All these are part of the org.eclipse.ui.forms plugin Eclipse Forms
I think what you are looking for is a multipage-editor.
You can have a look at the code of the Extensions View by using the Plugin spy (select the View -> Alt+Shift+F1) to get the containing plugin and then import the plugin into your workspace.
Or you can try to work yourself into using a framework like Sapphire. Take a look at their page. The example looks like the editor you are looking for.
Ran across this on the web, and it seems like a nice way to document a project. Does anyone recognize if this is generated by a tool, and if so, what tool?
I don't know how that's been generated but if your looking for a tool to create these programmaticaly then you could use PlantUML.
I hope that helps in some way.
I'm trying to write an Eclipse plugin. It will have dependencies on the RCP for basic stuff and JDT for Java code generation. It consists of a Wizard / WizardPage which asks for a package and a few class names. When the user hits "Finish", I want the wizard to create classes corresponding to the entered values into the current Java project.
I have the basic UI working. What I cannot figure out is how to generate the corresponding class code. Eclipse documentation is a bit hard to follow. From what I can glean I need to first obtain an IJavaProject from the workspace, from that an IPackageFragment and from that I can call createCompilationUnit() to make a class.
What I can't do is find any working examples. I assume that somehow I can walk from the workspace root to where I need to be and create the unit.
Can anyone offer some pointers to simple working code?
You need to extend NewElementWizardPage and provide the functionality. See this documentation for more details
I assume that somehow I can walk from the workspace root to where I need to be and create the unit.
Yes. Take a look at IProject, IFolder, and IFile in the org.eclipse.core.resources package.
Can anyone offer some pointers to simple working code?
Eclipse itself creates a new Java class with a limited skeleton when you ask it to, using the New Java Class Wizard. That source code would be helpful to you for what you want to do. I couldn't find it with a cursory search of Eclipse and the Eclipse help. I'm guessing it's somewhere in an org.eclipse.pde package.
You might also look at Creation Wizards, which is the extension point org.eclipse.ui.newWizards.