GSON - How to always include millisecond in json? - java

I'm building Android application which interacts with REST API built on .NET.
If my table in SQL Server has 2 rows with the following datetime values:
2019-01-01 00:00:00.000
2019-01-01 00:00:00.113
Then the returned json will have the following values:
So I don't know how to provide the pattern for setDateFormat when creating an instance of Gson.
If I use GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"), then my gson can generalize on both cases but it loses millisecond part.
If I use GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"), then my gson won't lose millisecond part in the second case but it will throw an exception when dealing with the first case.
How can I successfully parse time in two cases but still achieve millisecond? Any provided solution would be appreciated. I don't mind if things I have to is server side or client side.

After a workaround, I found solution myself, thanks to peter.petrov
It is because I configure my API to return data in json format, rather than xml, in my WebApiConfig.cs. So I feel I can't control how it builds its time format. But I finally found it. This is my WebApiConfig.cs file:
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
json.SerializerSettings.DateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff";
Now I server always includes millisecond, no matter what.
That's it.


Weird! Long value round off issue in spring boot

When I try to serialize an object to JSON using Jackson object mapper, it works perfectly.
Whereas, when I try to access it using spring rest controller. The long value numbers are rounded off, the last 3 digits.
I read existing questions in the stackoverflow, most of them suggest changing the datatype to string. But we used the Long value reference in most of the places, changing datatype will need some refactoring.
I did my initial analysis:
We are using Jackson ObjectMapper
From Spring, it indirectly calls MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter
This problem might be somewhere around the JSONParser, where it treats any number as a double (15 digits) and after that, it's rounded off
Is there any way to fix this issue?
Is there any way to fix this issue?
There is no problem with Jackson/Java/Spring Boot, but with JavaScript/Browser.
Trying to reproduce the issue I serialized the same object and got this using curl:
$ curl localhost:8080
Here the number is correctly serialized.
The same json viewed in Firefox does truncate:
However the "Raw Data" tab displays the number correctly:
In JavaScript 1291741231928705024 is not safe integer (see Number.isSafeInteger()):
The number is greater than 2^53 - 1 so it gets rounded. Even more confusing situations are possible in JavaScript:
> 1291741231928705024 === 1291741231928705022
Possible solution
First of all check your client against this kind of problems. If it can safely deserialize such numbers then you're safe.
Or you can serialize longs as Strings (as you mentioned in the question), this is what Twitter proposes in its Twitter IDs (snowflake) article:
To allow Javascript and JSON parsers to read the IDs, Twitter objects include a string version of any ID when responding with JSON. Status, User, Direct Message, Saved Search and other IDs in the Twitter API are therefore returned as both an integer and a string in JSON responses.
Try with bigInt for your primary key

Problems parsing iso8583 message

I've download code from here and after some modifications I'm parsing almost fine my fields....
I defined the schema like this:
The problem is the field 55 that is a binary field. The standard documentation says it:
I'm having an error parsing a string that has the bitmap turned on for the field 55.
I'm having from the output:
But I expect:
The length of the iso payload converted is highly different too...
The program output is:
What I expect is:
One advice is:
I have to make the explicit conversion to hex from the resultant byte[] and viceversa.
It is:
String isoMessage = ISOUtil.hexString(packIsoMsg("0100", isofields).getBytes());
unpackIsoMsg(new String(ISOUtil.hex2byte(isoMessage), "UTF-8"));
What about the definition of this kind of fields in this class? I'm really a newbie with the standard but I arrived here because jpos doesn't work in an Android environment. Also I'm confused with the last mentioned conversion to hex.
Any help is really appreciated...
Kind regards.
DE55 is defined as a Tag-Lag-Value (TLV) field that is not in the normal Binary / text / or numeric packed format you see the rest of ISO-8583 messages typically but is in ASN.1 BER-TLV / X.690-0207 format.
Unless you account for the BER-TLV you will not successfully unpack DE55 unless it is for non-EMV/Tokenization purposes. It threw me at first as well as I was thinking something more straight forward. Be aware that sometimes the field transport format is actually longer in this format than the original plain text or other binary data output so it is not the most efficient.
There are a couple of other fields depending on the ISO specification may also use BER-TLV but DE55 is the industry standard field to use BER-TLV for EMV functionality replacing DE55's previous use as a generic and rarely used 'fee field'.
The ISO-7816 specification its ISO-8583 use in detail for EMV and Tokenization, as well there are other references and quick guides out there if you are just looking for something not so in-depth. All volumes of the ISO-7816 specification can be found openly on the internet for free, or can be purchased directly (spendy) from the ISO organization if you want them in the plain ISO format.
I am not familiar with the specific JAVA Git you referenced but this one has a help page on how to use BER-TLV. Oracle also has a page on dealing with BER-TLV here. BinaryFoo has a Git available as well.
For the purposes of initial testing, if your data is just test data (DO NOT USE PRODUCTION DATA!) you can use to verify your results. Which when I input your inputs it kicks out your expected output.
what is the field defined by sender in field 55.Assign the same in unpacking.If they are sending string it should be LLLVAR.
when sending ISO message header must be in hex format.hence they convert bytes to hex.
From the looks of it, you consider 5F2A020978 as wrong whereas you expect 5F2A020124. The EMV tag's 5F2A data (with length 02) is the transaction currency code. This means your transaction is performed in EURO currency instead of Canadian dollar as you expect. You can find a currency code list here.
Hope this helps.

Parsing Serialized Java objects in Python

The string at the bottom of this post is the serialization of a java.util.GregorianCalendar object in Java. I am hoping to parse it in Python.
I figured I could approach this problem with a combination of regexps and key=val splitting, i.e. something along the lines of:
text_inside_brackets ="\[(.*)\]", text).group(1)
import parse
for x in [parse('{key} = {value}', x) for x in text_inside_brackets.split('=')]:
my_dict[x['key']] = x['value']
My question is: What would be a more principled / robust approach to do this? Are there any Python parsers for serialized Java objects that I could use for this problem? (do such things exist?). What other alternatives do I have?
My hope is to ultimately parse this in JSON or nested Python dictionaries, so that I can manipulate it it any way I want.
Note: I would prefer to avoid a solution relies on Py4J mostly because it requires setting up a server and a client, and I am hoping to do this within a single
Python script.
The serialized form of a GregorianCalendar object contains quite a lot of redundancy. In fact, there are only two fields that matter, if you want to reconstitute it:
the time
the timezone
There is code for extracting this in How to convert Gregorian string to Gregorian Calendar?
If you want a more principled and robust approach, I echo mbatchkarov's suggestion to use JSON.

Protocol Buffer: How to define Date type?

I'm trynig to write a proto file that has a Date field which is not defined as a type into Protocol buffer.
I have read the following post but I couldn't figure out a proper solution that suits me :
What the best ways to use decimals and datetimes with protocol buffers?.
I'm trying to convert the proto file to a java .
My answer in the linked post relates mainly to protobuf-net; however, since you are coming at this from java I would recommend: keep it simple.
For dates, I would suggest just using the time (perhaps milliseconds) into an epoch (1 Jan 1970 is traditional). For times, just the size in that same unit (milliseconds etc). For decimal, maybe use fixed point simply by scaling - so maybe treat 1.05 as the long 1050 and assert always exactly 3dp (hence fixed point).
This is simple and pragmatic, and covers most common scenarios without making things complicated.
I'm not sold on this idea, but I'm really not sold on the idea of storing dates (which aren't instants in time) as a timestamp, so here's my suggestion.
Convert your date into a human-readable integer (e.g. 2014-11-3 becomes 20141103) and store this integer value. It contains exactly the data you need, is simple to create and parse, and takes up minimal space. Additionally, it is ordered and has a one-to-one mapping of dates to valid values (granted, invalid numbers are possible, such as 20149999, but these are easy to detect). In contrast, there are approximately 86400 valid timestamps that represent each day.
NB: There is a discussion on DBA SE criticizing this method of date storage, but in that context a specialized date type exists, which obviously isn't the case here.

Incremental streaming JSON library for Java

Can anyone recommend a JSON library for Java which allows me to give it chunks of data as they come in, in a non-blocking fashion? I have read through A better Java JSON library and similar questions, and haven't found precisely what I'd like.
Essentially, what I'd like is a library which allows me to do something like the following:
String jsonString1 = "{ \"A broken";
String jsonString2 = " json object\" : true }";
JSONParser p = new JSONParser(...);
p.isComplete(); // returns false
p.isComplete(); // returns true
Object o = p.getResult();
Notice the actual key name ("A broken json object") is split between pieces.
The closest I've found is this async-json-library which does almost exactly what I'd like, except it cannot recover objects where actual strings or other data values are split between pieces.
There are a few blocking streaming/incemental JSON parsers (as per Is there a streaming API for JSON?); but for async nothing yet that I am aware of.
The lib you refer to seems badly named; it does not seem to do real asynchronous processing, but merely allow one to parse sequence of JSON documents (which multiple other libs allow doing as well)
If there were people who really wanted this, writing one is not impossible -- for XML there is Aalto, and handling JSON is quite a bit simpler than XML.
For what it is worth, there is actually this feature request to add non-blocking parsing mode for Jackson; but very few users have expressed interest in getting that done (via voting for the feature request).
EDIT: (2016-01) while not async, Jackson ObjectMapper allows for convenient sub-tree by sub-tree binding of parts of the stream as well -- see ObjectReader.readValues() (ObjectReader created from ObjectMapper), or short-cut versions of ObjectMapper.readValues(...). Note the trailing s in there, which implies a stream of Objects, not just a single one.
Google Gson can incrementally parse Json from an InputStream
I wrote such a parser: See examples how to use

