Catch exception from toString method in Java - java

Recently I saw following piece of code on GitHub:
private static String safeToString(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return null;
try {
return obj.toString();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return "Error occured";
I've never placed toString() method invocations inside the try-catch blocks. But now when I think about it, it might make sense. For example someone could overwrite toString() method in it's class that might throw a runtime exception, like NullPointerException. So we can try to catch Exception. But why Throwable? Do you think it makes any sense?

There is almost never a good reason to do this. The contract of toString() does not say it’s permissible to throw an exception from that method. Any code which throws an exception is broken code, and such an exception needs to be exposed and fixed, not suppressed.
In the case where you are converting some “bad” object from a library which is out of your control to a String, it might be appropriate to write catch (RuntimeExcepton e), but such a catch should be accompanied by comments which describe in detail why it is necessary, because under normal circumstances, it is not needed.
Rogue exception-throwing toString methods aside, note that Java already has at least two “safe” ways to convert a possibly null value to a String:
Objects.toString(obj, null)
…so I would question whether the safeToString method should exist at all.

There are rare cases where you might want to catch an Error like this. In general it's a bad idea however, in this case it might make sense as this is generally for logging/debugging purposes and not used directly by the application.
I would prefer something more informative such as
private static String safeToString(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return null;
try {
return obj.toString();
} catch (Throwable t) {
return obj.getClass() + ".toString() threw " + t;
class Element {
Object data;
Element e;
public String toString() {
return data + (e == null ? "" : e.toString());
Element e = new Element(); = "hi";
e.e = e; // oops
System.out.println("e: " + safeToString(e)); // doesn't kill the thread or JVM.

Throwable is the parent class of Exception and Error.
It is normally a bad idea to try and catch Error, as it is designed to not be caught.
Catching Throwable is just the overachieved and counterproductive version of catching Exception. Nonetheless, if for some reason you created another kind of Throwable you want to catch along with an Exception, that could be a way to do that in a single try/catch block. Not that it would be a clean way to do so, but it would work.
EDIT for the TL;DR : in most cases, catch Exception instead of Throwable.

It is incorrect to catch any Throwable and then continue execution since it includes Error, which is meant to be fatal:
From the Javadocs:
An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Most such errors are abnormal conditions. The ThreadDeath error, though a "normal" condition, is also a subclass of Error because most applications should not try to catch it.
That is, some Errors can be recovered (e.g. LinkageError), but others not so much.
But catching Exception might be a valid use-case for example in logging code where you don't want the execution to break simply because a call to toString() fails:
private static String safeToString(Object obj) {
try {
return obj == null ? "null" : obj.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "<exception: " + e + ">";


How to handle errors properly

I'm a beginner in java writing an frontend for a webservice.I have to validate the input to get useful error messages for the user.Currently it works this way:
public Object zipVal(String zip)
if (zip.length() == 5)
return val.getZip();
} else
return lengthError;
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
return formatError;
for zip Codes.Using Objects to declare the return type is not what I want tho(and is afaik discouraged),but I'm not sure how I should handle wrong inputs other than that.Should I just return null for every Exception and invalid input and handle such things in another method?
Edit:Added something to actually throw an Exception...
Yeah, exception handling might be one of the trickier things to consider (if one comes from a C programming background for example, where we used to be happy with < 0 return code for indicating erroneous program flow).
Normally you are pretty safe off by catching other API:s you integrate with and encapsulate them in your own exception (sort of masking them away), but by doing so don't forget to chain the original exception into your own with this constructor (and/or derivatives of such):
public MyException(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
One surely see alot of:
catch (Exception) {
return null;
and such in code as well, I wouldn't say that this is "good" object orientation, but it is still common and could be used in special occasions.
And also, its usually very important what you do (how to handle) when you catch the exception, someone told me that programing is 90% about error control and 10% about functionality :)
Here are some tutorials/resources:
If you are returning a value, then there is no need to handle the exception. It is better you declare that the method may throw the exception.
NumberFormatException is a RunTimeException. So if you wish to handle it, then better return an invalid zip (say -1) to let the caller know that something went wrong.
Otherwise, declare that you will throw a Custom Exception if NFE occurs.
This snippet may be useful.
public int setZipVal(String zip) // throws CustomException
if (zip.length() == 5)
return val.getZip();
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
// Log the error and return invalid zip
return -1;
// OR throw custom exception
throw new CustomException("Length Error"));

Catching the NumberFormatException

Below is the class somebody else wrote.
The problem that I am facing is that when it get's into the parse method with null as the rawString, it is throwing NumberFormatException.
So what I was thinking to do is, I should catch that NumberFormatException and set the value itself as null. So the way I did is right?
public class ByteAttr {
#JExType(sequence = 1)
private Byte value;
public static ByteAttr parse(String rawString) {
ByteAttr attr = new ByteAttr();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfEx) {
return attr;
public Byte getValue() {
return this.value;
public void setValue(Byte value) {
this.value = value;
The correct approach depends on what you want to accomplish in the program.
If it makes sense for ByteAttr.getValue() to return null later in your program, then your approach could work.
However, you need to consider whether you should be throwing an exception if parse is called with an indecipherable argument (including null). An alternative is to catch the NumberFormatException and throw a different exception that has semantic meaning in your program.
public static ByteAttr parse(String rawString) throws BadAttributeException {
ByteAttr attr = new ByteAttr();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfEx) {
throw new BadAttributeException(nfEx); // wrap original exception
return attr;
Another technique is to pass a default value to parse for those cases when rawString is indecipherable:
public static ByteAttr parse(String rawString, Byte defaultValue) {
ByteAttr attr = new ByteAttr();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfEx) {
return attr;
You need to do four things:
Decide what an unparsable number string means in the context in which you will be using the method. Does it mean an internal problem in the program? A corrupt file? A user typo? Nothing wrong but that string needs to be handled differently?
Decide the best way to handle it, taking that into account. Almost always, if the error is triggered by external input you need to report it back. Substituting null may be a good way of handling it.
Document what you decide to do. If a method is going to return null with some specific meaning, that needs to be written down as comments, preferably Javadoc commments.
Implement your decision.
I get the impression, perhaps unfairly, that you have jumped straight to step 4, without thinking through the possible causes and proper reporting of the problem.
You can add an early exit with a condition like:
if (rawString != null) {
return attr; // or other value you prefer
You can also make sure the caller of the parse method test for null value and avoid calling parse when it is.
It depends on the tolerance to null values in your application. If you expect the users to not pass null string to the parse() method, then you should do a defensive null check and throw an exception.
if (null == rawString) {
throw new CustomException("rawString cannot be null");
The same would apply to the catch block for NumberFormatException, where instead of silently setting the value of Byte attribute to null, you should throw an exception with appropriate message.
But if null is perfectly acceptable, then you should perform a defensive null check and set the Byte attribute to null. The NumberFormatException should certainly be NOT suppressed, IMHO.

Better way for DB exception handling in java

Which one will be better: ErrorCode or Exception for that situation?
I have ever been seeing these two error handling techniques. I don't know the disadvantages and advantages for each technique.
public void doOperation(Data data) throws MyException {
try {
// do DB operation
} catch (SQLException e) {
/* It can be ChildRecordFoundException, ParentRecordNotFoundException
* NullValueFoundException, DuplicateException, etc..
throw translateException(e);
public void doOperation(Data data) throws MyException {
try {
// do DB operation
} catch (SQLException e) {
String errorCode = getErrorCode(e);
MyException exc = new MyException();
throw exc;
For second method, the error code retrieve form configuration file. We can add Error Code based on the SQL Vender Code.
#MySQL Database
Caller client for method 1
try {
} catch(MyException e) {
if(e instanceof ChildRecordFoundException) {
} else if(e instanceof ParentRecordNotFoundException) {
} else if(e instanceof NullValueFoundException) {
} else if(e instanceof DuplicateException) {
Caller client for method 2
try {
} catch(MyException e) {
if(e.getErrorCode().equals("CHILD_RECORD_FOUND")) {
} else if(e.getErrorCode().equals("PARENT_RECORD_NOT_FOUND") {
} else if(e.getErrorCode().equals("NULL_VALUE_FOUND") {
} else if(e.getErrorCode().equals("DUPLICATE_VALUE_FOUND") {
I recommend using Spring's JDBCTemplate. It will translate most existing databases' exceptions into unchecked exceptions that are specific, e.g. DataIntegrityViolationException. It will also include the original SQL error in the message.
Strange question, since both approaches do the same thing: they transform a checked SqlException in a different exception which seems to be unchecked. So the first one is the better one because it moves this into a single method.
Both leave some questions to be asked:
Isn't there some infrastructure that can do this conversion (Spring Template was mentioned in another answer)
Do you really want checked Exceptions, in my mind they are hardly ever worth the trouble.
Who is doing the real handling of the exception, does it get all the information needed? I would normaly expect some additional information about the transaction that failed inside of MyException, like: What did we try to do? (e.g. update a busines object); On what kind of object? (e.g. a Person); How can we/the user Identify the object (e.g. + person.lastname + person.firstname). You will need this kind of information if you want to produce log/error message that tell you or your user more than 'Oops, something is wrong'
Why is MyException mutable (at least in the 2nd example)
A better design than either one would be to make your custom exceptions unchecked by extending RuntimeException.
I'd want your exception to wrap the first one, so coding it this way would be better, too:
MyException exception = new MyException(e); // wrap it.
If you do that, the second one is preferred. More information is better.
IMHO, it depends as how tightly your code is coupled with SQL.
If the method is to always (*1) be coupled with SQL, I would just declare and rethrow the SQLException (after cleanup / closing resources). Upper methods that are SQL-aware would then process it as they see fit (perhaps they need all the detail, perhaps they not).
If sometime in the future you could change the method for another which does not use SQL, then I would go for the second option.
(1): Be extra pessimistic with this assumption: "I think we are not going to change" should be interpreted as "Probably we will want to change". "We are not going to change" means "We cannot change without breaking lots of other methods anyway".
One differnce would the way you will catch the exception. In the first cases you can just catch the exception and you know what the error is. In the second case you have to catch the exception and check the code to see what the error is.

Is there a sense to handle nullpointer exception by such way?

Is there a sense to handle null pointer exception by such way like
private void doWork(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
try {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
No, that doesn't really make sense.
Don't catch the exception. Just do
if (object == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument object may not equal null");
According to your suggestion the method would be document as
Do some work given argument object. If object is null it prints some garbage on standard out and does nothing else.
As a side-note, since you're still learning Java, your try-catch block:
try {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} catch (Exception e) {
... is equivalent to ...
new IllegalArgumentException().printStackTrace();
It's fine to throw an exception if a null is an exceptional state, but the try/catch does not make much sense: you throw a new IllegalArgumentException();, catch it right afterwards, print a stacktrace an continue.
If you can handle the null case and just want to report, then you should write it to a log file:
if (object == null) {
log.warn("method doWork has been called with a null argument");
// continue in the method
Otherwise the method should throw the exception back at it's caller
if (object == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hey stupid, RTFJD, NO calls with null!");
(replace exception message with something meaningful ;) )
First, that code could be written more simply as:
private void doWork(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
new IllegalArgumentException().printStackTrace();
} else {
or (almost equivalently) as
private void doWork(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
} else {
Second, is it doing something useful? Yes, it is printing is a stack trace for the current thread.
Third, is it a good idea? IMO, definitely NOT.
It is sending stuff to the standard error, which may be going to the console (where it could be lost if nobody is watching) or to /dev/null. Errors should be logged properly using your preferred logging subsystem.
It looks like it is squashing a probable error condition (i.e. the program is broken because this method has been called with an illegal argument) and then continuing. If this is really an error condition, then the code should probably be bailing out. If it is not, then the stack trace is noise.
In short, this looks like a "bandaid" solution to some problem. The correct solution is to remove this code (or replace it with code that simply throws IllegalArgumentException), and when the exception occurs figure out where it is coming from and fix the root problem.
private void throwIfNull(Object object, String message) throws NullPointerException {
if (object == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(message);
Then you can specify your method to throw the exception back to the caller, like so
private void doWork(Object object) throws Exception {
throwIfNull(object, "Object is null");
//Other work....
In this case, you know that if doWorkInternal() method is called, the object was never null.
The simplest way is
if (object != null) {
} else {
if you don't want to catch the exception inside your function and let some calling function to handle this,
its better to do this :
public void doWork(Object object) throws NullPointerException {
//code that might result NullPointerException.
//no handling of exception by yourself
But if want/should handle the exception within the definition of your method,
your code is good.
When object came as null, it will automatically throw an null pointer exception. but you didn't handle it, and you are trying to throw an "IllegalArgumentException()", which isn't possible.
if (object == null)
this line itself, an exception is thrown, and it won't execute the rest of the line.

Java Null Reference Best Practice

In java, Which of the following is the more "accepted" way of dealing with possibly null references? note that a null reference does not always indicate an error...
if (reference == null) {
//create new reference or whatever
else {
//do stuff here
try {
//do stuff here
catch (NullPointerException e) {
//create new reference or whatever
The answers already given are excellent (don't use exceptions for control flow; exceptions are expensive to throw and handle). There's one other important reason specifically not to catch NullPointerException.
Consider a code block that does the following:
try {
// Some other code
catch (NullPointerException e) {
// 'reference' was null, right? Not so fast...
This might seem like a safe way to handle nullity of reference ...but what if reference was non-null and someMethod() raised NPE? Or what if there was a NPE raised elsewhere in the try block? Catching NPE is a surefire way to prevent bugs from being found and fixed.
Catching exceptions is relatively expensive. It's usually better to detect the condition rather than react to it.
Of course this one
if (reference == null) {
//create new reference or whatever
else {
//do stuff here
we shouldn't rely on exception for decision making, that aren't given for that purpose at all, also they are expensive.
Well If you aren't making decision and just verifying for initialized variable then
if (reference == null) {
//create new reference or whatever
//use this variable now safely
I have seen some auto code generator wraps up this thing in accessors/getter method.
I think in general an exception should be reserved for exceptional circumstances - if a null reference is sometimes expected, you should check for it and handle it explicitly.
From the answers its clear that catching an exception is not good. :)
Exceptions are definitely not free of cost. This might help you to understand it in depth. .
I would also like to mention an another practice while comparing your object with a known value.
This is the traditional way to do the job: (check whether the object is null or not and then compare)
Object obj = ??? //We dont know whether its null or not.
if(obj!=null && obj.equals(Constants.SOME_CONSTANT)){
//your logic
but in this way, you dont have to bother about your object:
Object obj = ???
if(Constants.SOME_CONSTANT.equals(obj)){ //this will never throw
//nullpointer as constant can not be null.
The first one, throwing exceptions is a costly operation.
The first form:
if (reference == null)
//create new reference or whatever
//do stuff here
You should not use exceptions for control flow.
Exceptions are for handling exceptional circumstances that would not normally occur during normal operating conditions.
You should use exception catching where you do not expect there to be an error. If something can be null, then you should check for that.
maybe the try catch approach will start making sense in this situation when we can start doing
try {
//do stuff here
catch (NullPointerException e) {
//create new reference or whatever
This is related to your style of development, if you are developing code using "safe" style you have to use
if(null == myInstance){
// some code
// some code
but if you do not use this style at least you should catch exception, but in this case it NullPointerException and I think preferably to check input parameters to null and not wait to throwing exception.
Since you asked for Best Practices, I want to point out that Martin Fowler suggests to introduce a subclass for null references as best practice.
public class NullCustomer extends Customer {}
Thus, you avoiding the hassle of dealing with NullPointerException's, which are unchecked. Methods which might return a Customer value of null, would then instead return a NullCustomer instead of null.
Your check would look like:
final Customer c = findCustomerById( id );
if ( c instanceof NullCustomer ) {
// customer not found, do something ...
} else {
// normal customer treatment
printCustomer( c );
In my opinion, it is permissible in some cases to catch a NullPointerException to avoid complex checks for null references and enhance code readability, e.g.
private void printCustomer( final Customer c ) {
try {
System.out.println( "Customer " + c.getSurname() + " " + c.getName() + "living in " + c.getAddress().getCity() + ", " + c.getAddress().getStreet() );
} catch ( NullPointerException ex ) {
System.err.println( "Unable to print out customer information.", ex );
An argument against it is that by checking for individual members being null, you can write a more detailed error message, but that is often not necessary.

