Currently, I am trying to link a maven project with Java 9's module system however I keep getting the same error in every module.. (using Java 11)
Module 'common' reads package 'javafx.beans' from both 'javafx.base' and 'javafx.base'
I have been struggling with it for hours now. So far, I can conclude that every time I require javafx module it happens and it has probably something to do with duplication. In Project Structure (Intellij IDEA) two of each exists, version 11.0.2 (I have installed) and version 11.0.1 (from fontawesomefx). If I remove all the 11.0.1 versions, the implementation won't work.
module common {
exports common.sidebar;
requires de.jensd.fx.fontawesomefx.commons;
requires; // comment both javafx out, no error occurs except in the implementation.
requires javafx.controls;
pom.xml of common:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<artifactId>parent</artifactId> <!-- replaced original id -->
<groupId></groupId> <!-- replaced original name -->
I hope this is enough information otherwise I can provide more.
So I found a solution today. It is all about duplication, so I searched to see if it was possible to exclude packages from a dependency and it is!
I added the <exclusions></exclusions> tags to all another libraries with javafx as requirement and it worked!
I'm very new to Spring, and also Maven. I'm following along with the book Spring Start Here because it seems friendly. The very first project asks us to add a spring-context dependency to a new project (using maven). I'm using the Intellij Idea community version to follow along, as suggested in the book. But on following the instructions to add the dependency I get an error: Dependency 'org.springframework:spring-context:' not found
Here is my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
I think the idea is to add spring dependencies one by one in order to see their purpose. The autocompletion in idea shows an error for the lines
I have already tried updating the maven>repositories in the ide settings but still get the same error.
Also, I found the page which seems to suggest I have used the correct groupId and artifactId names
Edit: I just removed the empty version tag in the dependency.
maven usually requires the version tag to specify the version
Most cases where no version is specified are when the project inherits pom files
For example
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Unlike npm and pip, it does not automatically select the latest version
I m trying to get started with cucumber but i can't seem to figure out why the *.feature file isn't recognised.
This is what I did till this point :
Pom file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Then I made a package called features under test\java, in this package when i make the *.feature file, it comes up with a "?" next to it and it dosen't open, this should be a cucumber file right?
I have compiled the whole thing, it worked with no errors
You are using a really recent version of Cucumber (thnx!) and sometimes the IDE plugins take a while to catch up:
1. Try to upgrade your IDE and the plugin.
2. Search YouTrack for known issues related to the Cucumber plugin (and please upvote them!) or create one if it doesn't already exists.
3. Downgrade to a slightly older version of Cucumber that is working with your IDE.
I created a maven parent project with three modules :
data-service-module (uses the data-layer-module)
web-module (uses the data-services-module)
Here is a snippet from the parent pom.xml :
The data-layer-module pom.xml contains no dependencies to the other modules (it contains only its external dependencies).
The data-service-module has a dependency in its pom.xml to the data-layer-module :
And the web-module has a dependency to the data-service-module :
Everything is fine but I don't want the web-module to have access to the data-layer-module. I need to enforce the three layer web-service-data model. Which is not the case with this configuration.
I obviously tried manually excluding it from the web-module pom.xml :
But this causes compilation error since the data-service-module can't find its data-layer-module dependency.
How could this configuration be done ?
If the web module is going to run in the same jvm as the data-service-layer, then a transient dependency to the data-layer-module is necessary - this is why the exclusion you added casuses the application to fail.
You could consider making a simple api, for example data-service-layer-api, which obviously does not depend on data-layer-module, and is implemented correctly by data-service-layer.
You can still use a multi-module maven project, but now you will have 2 artifacts - a web module, and a data-service, which must be deployed separated.
It's basically a tradeoff between strict dependency analysis and project complexity.
This question already has an answer here:
Maven - transitive dependencies with different versions
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
in my opinion the maven dependency plugin is misbehaving when calculating the dependency list.
Assume these 3 projects:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Both, base1 and base2 depend on commons-lang, but each on a different version!
combined depends on both, base1 and base2.
When calling mvn dependency:list on combined, I would expect to see base1, base2 and commons-lang in versions 2.3 and 2.6, since both are used.
However the actual output is:
[INFO] The following files have been resolved:
[INFO] commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.3:compile
[INFO] mygroup:base1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] mygroup:base2:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
It is not even using the common-lang with the highest version number, but just the one it finds first.
How can I avoid this? I need all dependencies.
According to this official documentation (with the relevant part highlighted in bold):
Dependency mediation - this determines what version of a dependency will be used when multiple versions of an artifact are encountered. Currently, Maven 2.0 only supports using the "nearest definition" which means that it will use the version of the closest dependency to your project in the tree of dependencies. You can always guarantee a version by declaring it explicitly in your project's POM. Note that if two dependency versions are at the same depth in the dependency tree, until Maven 2.0.8 it was not defined which one would win, but since Maven 2.0.9 it's the order in the declaration that counts: the first declaration wins.
Therefore, Maven picks version 2.3 because it is encountered first in the dependency resolution process. Note that if you run mvn dependency:tree on the combined module, it will show which version was used and which one was omitted.
The best solution is to explicitly pick the version you want in the combined artifact, by declaring the dependency in its POM so that Maven favors it over other versions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dependency> <!-- This will override the versions in base1 and base2 -->
Note that Maven cannot pick two versions because in this case there would be two definitions for the same classes on your project's classpath, which can lead to unexpected issues at runtime.
Maven scans the pom from top to bottom and uses the first version it encounters.
Assuming you really need both version of commons-lang, you could put those two versions in your project and use maven to package them in your jar.
Yet, how could the compiler know if a call to StringUtils.isEmpty() calls the version 2.3 or 2.6 ?
Same discussion here.
Maven always resolves conflicts using "nearest wins" strategy. You can run the following command to see why a particular version is used:
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=commons-lang
See following for more info:
Is there a way to add a pom type dependency to my POM and get all its modules?
JavaMail is a good example. Maven Central Repo has a parent POM called: com.sun.mail:all:1.5.0 with modules: mail, mailapi, mailapijar, smtp, imap, gimap, pop3, and dsn.
However, the "all" artefact only has a single file: pom.xml Is there a way to add this "all" artefact as a dependency to my POM and get all its modules? I am 90% sure this is not the right way to use dependencies in Maven, but I want to hear it from an expert on The Stack.
Related: Netbeans: maven dependencies of type pom
You have to go with
This will transitively add all dependencies declared in to your current POM.
works as a simple 'include' of artifacts versions in your dependency management. Thus, it won't add any dependency in your project.
I believe you can create your own POM which aggregates the dependencies you want, and then in your original project add a dependency on that aggregate pom. You will still have to add dependencies on each individual module in your dependency POM, but it will be abstracted from the actual project POMs and allows those dependencies to be managed in one place, which could become useful if you end up having multiple projects that depend on that set of dependencies.
In your example you could create a new pom like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
Then in your original project just add:
<project xmlns=""
The short answer: You cannot do this in Maven.
The other answers make only the "all" POM a dependency. Does not solve the issue. Another answer tries to import the dependencies of the "all" POM. I don't need the dependencies; I need the (child) modules of the "all" POM. Again, does not solve the issue.
Side note: I was using the JavaMail library incorrectly. I only needed to add one dependency: com.sun.mail:javax.mail:1.5.0
If the pom you're trying to import, contains dependencies defined in a <dependencies/> section, and you would like to import them all, you can try the code below.
(Disclaimer: I haven't done this in a while): in your <dependencyManagement/> section, add the pom dependency like this:
<type>pom</type> <!-- Not too sure if you needed this
when it's scoped as import,
but just in case -->
It may as well be the case that you define the dependency directly in the <dependencies/> section not needing the <dependencyManagement/> bit, but as far as I recall, it should be scoped import as shown above.
As someone already wrote above : You can't do it . But this is what i did and it worked .
Lets assume you have some pom file (JavaMail in your example) with following :
And You want copy all jars mentioned in this pom to some place .
This is what i did and it is fast working solution
Open original pom and just copy-paste all dependencies section from original pom file to your new pom as is .
Of course use maven dependency plugin to copy all .