I ran this:
Mono<Void> mono = Mono.empty();
System.out.println("mono.block: " + mono.block());
and it produces:
mono.block: null
as expected. In other words, calling block will return immediately if the Mono already completed.
Another example, resembling the real-world scenario. I have a source flux, e.g.:
Flux<Integer> ints = Flux.range(0, 2);
I make a connectable flux that I will use to allow multiple subscribers:
ConnectableFlux<Integer> publish = ints.publish();
For this example, let's say there's a single real-work subscriber:
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("publish completed"))
and another subscriber that just produces the element count:
Mono<Long> countMono = publish
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("countMono completed"))
I connect the connectable flux and print the element count:
long count = countMono.block();
System.out.println("count: " + count);
This prints:
publish completed
countMono completed
In other words, both subscribers subscribe successfully and complete, but then countMono.block() blocks indefinitely.
Why is that and how do I make this work? My end goal is to get the count of the elements.
You can get this to work by using autoConnect or refCount instead of manually calling connect().
For example:
Flux<Integer> ints = Flux.range(0, 2);
Flux<Integer> publish = ints.publish()
.autoConnect(2); // new
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("publish completed"))
Mono<Long> countMono = publish
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("countMono completed"))
// countMono.subscribe();
long count = countMono.block();
System.out.println("count: " + count);
Why does your example not work?
Here is what I think is happening in your example... but this is based on my limited knowledge, and I'm not 100% sure it is correct.
.publish() turns the upstream source into a hot stream
You then subscribe twice (but these don't start the flow yet, since the connectable flux is not connected to the upstream yet)
.connect() subscribes to the upstream, and starts the flow
The upstream, and the two subscriptions that were registered before connect() complete (since this is all happening in the main thread)
At this point the ConnectableFlux is no longer connected to the upstream, because the upstream has completed (The reactor docs are light on details on what happens to a ConnectableFlux when new subscriptions arrive after the upstream source completes, so this is what I'm not 100% certain about.)
block() creates a new subscription.
But since the ConnectableFlux is no longer connected, no data is flowing
If you were to call connect() again (from another thread, since the main thread is blocked), data would flow again, and the block() would complete. However, this would be a new sequence (not the original sequence that completed in step 4)
Why does my example work?
Only two subscriptions are created (instead of 3 in your example), one from a .subscribe() call, and one from .block(). The ConnectableFlux auto connects after 2 subscriptions, and therefore the block() subscription completes. Both subscriptions share the same upstream sequence.
Using Reactor, I have a Mono and a Flux, the Mono does some polling on a channel and the Flux publishes on this channel. In a test, I would like the Flux to start publishing data only when the Mono is effectively polling. Since the polling on the Mono does not start as soon as it is subscribed on, I have been using a fixed delaySubscription before starting the publishing:
Mono<...> polling;
Flux<...> dataPublisher;
This way is "working" but is a bit flaky, since the publishing happens at a a point in which it is possible that the polling Mono is not yet ready to poll.
I have tried to find another less flaky way to test this, but haven't find it yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
you are looking for a Sink. Basically it is a thing you can trigger which you can then use to start a new mono(single trigger)/flux(multiple triggers) with.
A simplified example:
public void pollAndPublish() {
//create a sink to trigger
Sinks.One<Boolean> sink = Sinks.one();
//start the polling mono, I'm asusming polling starts somewhere after some time, I made it 2 seconds
Mono<String> polling = Mono.just("I start polling after some time")
.map(it -> "I'm polling")
.doOnNext(it -> sink.tryEmitValue(true))
.map(it -> "I'm done polling");
//turn the trigger into a new mono and map it to your publisher flux
Flux<String> dataPublisher = sink.asMono()
.flatMapMany(it -> Flux.just("elements", "to", "publish")
//start the polling pipeline
//start the publisher pipeline
I want to have two types of retry connection with different delay (I use Redis running on Kubernetes and jedis clinet).
It is possible to do it like this, and use retryWhen two times in the same block? If not, how to do it? A unit tests provide me, that is not working correctly (I think only first retryWhen is called, but second not). Where is the bug?
public Observable<String> getMessagesFromChannel(String channel) {
return PublishSubject.<String>fromPublisher(
subscriber ->
config.executor().execute(() ->
.retryWhen(t -> t.take(config.numberOfReconnectWhenNetworkIsBreak()).delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.doOnError(ex ->
log.trace("Trying to subscribe " + config.numberOfReconnect() + " times without success"))
ts -> ts.doOnEach(
ex -> {
"Redis instance down. Error while subscribing, trying to reconnect in {} ms",
.delay(config.reconnectTimeAfterRedisInstanceDown().toMillis(), MILLISECONDS, config.scheduler()));
I've been reading throughout the Reactor documentation, but I was not being able to find proper pattern for the following problem.
I have a method that is supposed to do something asynchronously. I returns the result responses in form of a Flux and the consumer could subscribe to it.
The method has following definition:
Flux<ResultMessage> sendRequest(RequestMessage message);
The returning flux is a hot flux, results can come at any given time asynchronously.
The potential consumer could use it in following manner:
An implementation can be like this:
Flux<ResultMessage> sendRequest(RequestMessage message) {
Flux<ResultMessage> result = incomingMessageStream
.filter( resultMessage -> Objects.equals( resultMessage.getId(), message.getId() ) )
.take( 2 );
// The message sending is done here...
return result;
Where the incomingMessageStream is a Flux of all messages going through this channel.
Problem with this implementation is that consumer is subscribed after the result messages are coming, and it can miss some of them.
So, what I am looking for is a solution that will allow consumer not to depend on time of subscription. A potential consumer may not be required to subscribe to resulting Flux at all. I am looking for a general solution, but if it is not possible you can assume that number of resulting messages is not greater than 2.
After some time I created a solution that seems to work:
Flux<ResultMessage> sendRequest(RequestMessage message) {
final int maxResponsesCount = 2;
final Duration responseTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds( 10 );
final Duration subscriptionTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds( 5 );
// (1)
ConnectableFlux<ResultMessage> result = incomingMessageStream
.ofType( ResultMessage.class )
.filter( resultMessage ->Objects.equals(resultMessage.getId(), message.getId() ) )
.take( maxResponsesCount )
.timeout( responseTimeout )
.replay( maxResponsesCount );
Disposable connectionDisposable = result.connect();
// (2)
AtomicReference<Subscription> subscriptionForCancelSubscription = new AtomicReference<>();
Mono.delay( subscriptionTimeout )
.doOnSubscribe( subscriptionForCancelSubscription::set )
.subscribe( x -> connectionDisposable.dispose() );
// The message sending is done here...
// (3)
return result
.doOnSubscribe(s ->subscriptionForCancelSubscription.get().cancel())
.doFinally( signalType -> connectionDisposable.dispose() );
I am using a ConnectableFlux that connects to the stream immediately, without subscribing, which is set to use reply() method to store all messages, so any subscriber at the later point would not miss response messages (1).
There are few paths this can be executed:
Method is called and no subscription has performed on the flux
Solution - there is a timer that removes the connected flux resource after 5 seconds if no subscription is done. (2)
Method is called and subscribed to the flux
2.1. No message has been returned
Solution - there is a timeout set for getting responses (.timeout( responseTimeout )). After that .doFinally(..) cleans the resources (1)(3).
2.2. Some of response messages have been returned
Solution - same as 2.1.
2.3. All response messages have been returned
Solution - The doFinally() is executed due to max number of elements reached ( .take( maxResponsesCount ) ) (1)(3)
I am yet to perform some serious testing on this, if something goes wrong, I'll add the correction to this answer.
I have an observable that:
emits data after few seconds.
can be triggered several times.
the operation can't be executed in parallel. So we need a buffer.
I understand that this isn't clear so let me explain with example:
Observable<IPing> pingObservable = Observable.defer(() ->
new PingCommand(account, folders)
this is the main feature. It shouldn't be called again while a previous one is executing, but it should remember that user requests it again. So I created close buffer as PublishSubject
closeBuffer = PublishSubject.create();
now I'm wondering how to merge it.
I have tried this:
Observable.defer(() -> new PingCommand(account, folders)
.buffer(() -> closeBuffer)
but it is not working as I want.
I will try to explain that better:
I'm sending POST to the server - We can wait for a response several MINUTES (because it is Exchange ActiveSync PUSH). I cannot ping again while one request is sending. So I have to wait until one request is done. I don't need to buffer those observables - just information if an user is requesting ping - and send request after a first one is done. I'm just learning reactive so I don't know how to really use complicated functions like backpressure.
This is how I want this problem to be solved (pseudo code)
??????<Result> request
= ????.???()
.doOnNext( result -> { … })
.doOnSubscribe(() -> { … })
.doOnCompleted(() -> { … })
Observable<Result> doAsyncWork(Data data) { … } // this is API function
// api usage example
Subscription s1 = doAsyncWork(someData).subscribe() // start observing async work; executed doOnSubscribe
Subscription s2 = doAsyncWork(someData).subscribe() // wait for async work result …
// after some time pass, maybe from other thread
Subscription s1 = doAsyncWork(someData).subscribe() // wait for async work result …
// async work completes, all subscribers obtain the same result; executed doOnCompleted
// again
Subscription s1 = doAsyncWork(someData).subscribe() // start observing async work; executed doOnSubscribe
// async work completes, subscriber obtains result; executed doOnCompleted
Obviously, I can use if instead but I want to know how to do it in a proper way.
I have an Observable (which obtains data from network).
The problem is that observable can be fast or slow depending on network conditions.
I show progress widget, when observable is executing, and hide it when observable completes. When the network is fast - progress flikers (appears and disappears). I want to set minimum execution time of observable to 1 second. How can I do that?
"Delay" operator is not an option because it will delay even for slow network.
You can use Observable.zip() for that. Given
Observable<Response> network = ...
One can do
Observable<Integer> readyNotification = Observable.just(42).delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Observable delayedNetwork = network.zipWith(readyNotification,
(response, notUsed) -> response);
Use Observable.concatEager()
It allows you to force one stream to complete after another (concat operator), but also kick off the network request immediately without having to wait for the first argument observable to complete (concatEager):
Observable<Response> responseObservable = ...;
Observable<Response> responseWithMinDelay = Observable.concatEager(
Observable.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).ignoreElements(),
It looked like Observable.zip would be a reasonable approach, and it seemed to work well until there was an error emitted; then it didn't wait for the expected time.
This seemed to work well for me:
useCase.execute(), // can return Unit or throw error
Observable.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.reduce { _, _ -> Unit }
.doOnError { /* will wait at least 1 second */ }
.subscribe { /* will wait at least 1 second */ }