sql query to check existing records - java

I have data in following format:
HashMap<PageID, Set<SubscriberIDS>>
What I need to check is how many SubscriberIDS for each of the PageIDs do not exist in a MySQL table already. MySQL table has PageID and SubscriberID columns.
This is what I have so far:
First parameter being numberOFSubscriberIDs, Second being PageId and Third being SubscriberIds
but this will need to be hit for each pageId. How do I modify it to give me number of new subscribers for each PageID using single query.

Is there any specific need to do it in one query? Because while it can, it might actually be more readable to use your original solution and invoke a query for each page id. In any case, what you want can't be done in a single line, so you need to expect to loop at a given point.
// Build dynamic query
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<PageID> it = yourMap.keySet().iterator();
PageID key = it.next();
Set<SubscriberIDS> value = yourMap.get(key);
// You need to fill the 'IN' clause with multiple parameters, one for each subscriber id
StringBuilder inClause = new StringBuilder();
for(SubscriberIDS subId : value){
if(inClause.length > 0){
inClause.append(", ");
preparedStatement.setInt(paramIndex++, subId.getId());
// For each page id we append a new 'OR' to our query
if(whereClause.lenght > 0){
whereClause.append(" OR ");
whereClause.append("(PAGEID=? AND SUBSCRIBERID IN (").append(inClause.toString()).append("))");
// Create prepared statement and set parameters
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
int paramIndex = 0;
it = yourMap.keySet().iterator();
PageID key = it.next();
Set<SubscriberIDS> value = yourMap.get(key);
preparedStatement.setInt(paramIndex++, key.getId());
for(SubscriberIDS subId : value){
preparedStatement.setInt(paramIndex++, subId.getId());
// Execute query, loop over result and calculate new subscriptions
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
int pageId = rs.getInt("PAGEID");
int newSubscriptions = yourMap.get(pageId).size() - rs.getInt("SUBSCRIBERS");
System.out.println(pageId + ", " + newSubscriptions);
Given following data in your map:
1 1,3,4,5,9
2 3,4,5,6,8,9
3 2,5,6
And following data in the DB:
1 3,4,10,11
2 1,2,5,7
3 1,2,5,6,7,8,9
This should give following output:
I haven't actually ran the code, so it might need some adjustments, but it gives you the general idea...


Column result doesn't as be expected

Here i have query to join two table and merge it into one result by using this query
String query = "SELECT * FROM tb_barang RIGHT JOIN tb_jenis ON tb_barang.kd_jenis = tb_jenis.kd_jenis ";
And here is my table structures for both of tables
Table "tb_barang"
And Table "tb_jenis"
I was expecting the output like this
However, when I take column "jenis", java throw exception into it because either out of range or column not found.
Then i check whether the column is exist or not using :
ResultSet resTabel = new mysqlDriver().getKolomBarangList();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = resTabel.getMetaData();
int colCount = metaData.getColumnCount();
if (resTabel.next()) {
for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) {
System.out.println("Col(" + i + ") '" + metaData.getColumnName(i) + "' value:" + resTabel.getString(i));
The output:
Col(1) 'kd_barang' value:BAR0000
Col(2) 'nama_barang' value:A
Col(3) 'kd_jenis' value:J_1
Col(4) 'jumlah_barang' value:1
Col(5) 'harga_satuan' value:1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 35 seconds)
How to achieve this? Thanks for response
Apparently, i was miss type the method name thanks to #forpas. the getKolomBarangList() refer to field name of table tb_barang and not executing "JOIN" clauses
protected ResultSet getBarangList()throws SQLException, NullPointerException, ClassNotFoundException{
String query = "SELECT * FROM tb_barang RIGHT JOIN tb_jenis ON tb_barang.kd_jenis = tb_jenis.kd_jenis ";
if(resForListBarang == null){
resForListBarang = alwaysDoResultSet(query);
return resForListBarang;
protected ResultSet getKolomBarangList() throws SQLException, Exception{
String query = "SELECT * FROM tb_barang";
if(getBarangKolom == null){
getBarangKolom = alwaysDoResultSet(query);
return getBarangKolom;
And the output for getBarangList() was expected as the final result
Col(1) 'kd_barang' value:BAR0000
Col(2) 'nama_barang' value:A
Col(3) 'kd_jenis' value:J_1
Col(4) 'jumlah_barang' value:1
Col(5) 'harga_satuan' value:1
Col(6) 'kd_jenis' value:J_1
Col(7) 'jenis' value:Pakan Hewan
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 21 seconds)
Thanks to anyone who helping me out :)

JDBC dynamic query, only put value to string if not -1

I have a problem with JDBC and java.
I have a Query like this:
String updateSql = "UPDATE league SET season=?, playedMatches=?, percentHomeWins=?, percentDraws=?, percentAwayWins=?, averageGoalsPerGame=?, averageGoalsHomePerGame=?, averageGoalsAwayPerGame=?, percentOverOne=?, percentOverTwo=?, percentOverThree=?, percentBothTeamsScored=?, scoredGoalsTotal=? " + whereClause + " and country='" + l.getCountry() + "'";
all values after "season" can either be a number >= 0 or -1. -1 means, that there is no value. the values come from a class that holds data (like an object model).
I want only the values in my query, which are >= 0. The other one should not be in the query, because they replace data in the database, which they should not.
Can anyone help me archiving this?
Use a StringBuilder to dynamically build the SQL statement, e.g.
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE league SET season=?");
List<Integer> numValues = new ArrayList<>();
if (l.getPlayedMatches() != -1) {
sql.append(", playedMatches=?");
if (l.getPercentHomeWins() != -1) {
sql.append(", percentHomeWins=?");
// ... more code ...
.append(" and country=?");
try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString())) {
int paramIdx = 0;
stmt.setInt(++paramIdx, l.getSeason());
for (Integer numValue : numValues)
stmt.setInt(++paramIdx, numValue);
stmt.setString(++paramIdx, l.getCountry());

Spring JDBC ResultSetMetaData "getColumnName()" method returns an empty string

I have the following section of code to implement a drop-down menu. Based on the two parameters selected from the menu, I run the corresponding query by replacing the selected column with the mapped column name.
String sql = "SELECT ?, ? FROM <table_name>";
ArrayList<Some_POJO> res = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new ResultSetExtractor<Some_POJO>()
{//logic goes here.},
Now, in the logic section, I'm using the following command to map the returned values:
while(rs.next()) {
Some_POJO = new SOME_POJO();
Some_POJO.setParam1(rs.getString("SOME_COLUMN_NAME")); //ERROR
Now, the marked line fails when I refer to column by name. But what is surprising is, the following workaround works:
while(rs.next()) {
Some_POJO = new SOME_POJO();
int i = 1;
Some_POJO.setParam1(rs.getString(i)); //Works(?!)
I tried to modify the JDBC template call to return the ResultSetMetaData object instead of an ArrayList of Some_POJO:
String sql = "SELECT ?, ? FROM <table_name>";
ResultSetMetaData res = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new ResultSetExtractor<ResultSetMetaData>()
{//extractData now returns rs.getMetaData()},
System.out.println("Column cout: " + res.getColumnCount());
for(int i = 1; i <= res.getColumnCount(); i++)
System.out.println("Label: " + res.getColumnLabel(i) + "\nName: " + res.getColumnName(i));
catch(SQLException sqle)
Only to get:
Column cout: 2
Label: :1
Label: :2
Could someone please shed some light into what is happening and (except for suggestions suggesting a complete redesign) what would be the most optimal way to achieve the expected functionality? I would prefer not to use column indexes since order changes would break the functionality.
Just for refactoring code, get values as:
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(0);
result.addAll(this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, (RowMapper) (rs, rowNum) -> {
POJO out = new POJO();
return out;
For me it works fine, passing field name in method, don't think that there are some troubles with spring jdbc. Maybe is something wrong in your sql query.

java - how to inject custom PreparedStatement's paramters

I am trying to implement PreparedStatement, which won't work with sql DB.
Suppose I have the following sql query:
String selectSqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE f1 = ? AND f2 =? AND f3 > ?";
and the following code:
prest = con.prepareStatement(selectSqlQuery );
prest.setString(1, "val1");
prest.setString(2, "val2");
prest.setInt(3, 108);
ResultSet rs = prest.executeQuery();
My question is how to implement setString and setInt methods for injecting params?
For now I save parameters' indexes and values into HashMap, but after it I can't make injection into sql query string.
implementation of sql's java interfaces are part of vendor specific jdbc driver. You probably just need to get the proper jdbc jar file for you database. writing implementations of such stuff is usually just needed if you intend to write your own database driver...
Since you're writing your own driver, you can play with your class a little. Let's change the approach. If you have a query like this one:
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ? AND name = ?"
Replace the ? to turn it into
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = {0} AND name = {1}"
About your set methods, those will have to save your new parameters in an Object array, again matching against the index.
Object parameterArray = new Object[1];
public boolean setString(int paramIndex, String param) {
if(paramIndex < 0 || paramIndex > parameterArray.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set parameter " + paramIndex + ", The query only has " + parameterArray.length + " parameters.");
parameterArray[paramIndex - 1] = param;
Before executing the query, take advantage of your formatted string and set the parameters:
MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat(query);
String newQuery = messageFormat.format(parameterArray);
The format method will replace the {number} substrings for the corresponding element in the index represented by the number between brackets.

how to generate sql query dynamically having specific colums

I have several tables. I have a query also. My problem is to generate the SQL query dynamically using Java.
I have the following fields in a separate table:
Collumn name status
po_number, Y
unit_cost, Y
placed_date , Y
date_closed, Y
scheduled_arrival_date Y
date_closed Y
order_quantity Y
roll_number N
product_sku N
product_category_name N
rec_vendor_quantity Y
vendor_name Y
et_conversion_unit_quantity Y
from which i have to generate a query when the status is Y, the problem here is some time the above columns
The following query is the out put of the above :
here i have inculded all the columns but i have to exculde the column which has the status of N, please help me to construt the query using java.
pi.po_number,poi.unit_cost,pi.placed_date CreateDate,
case when isnull(pi.date_closed) then pi.scheduled_arrival_date
else pi.date_closed end as ReceviedDate,
poi.order_quantity,poi.roll_number,p.product_sku product_name,
purchase_order as pi,
purchase_order_inventory as poi,
product_vendors as pv,
products AS p,
product_categories AS pc
pi.purchase_order_id=poi.purchase_order_id and
pc.product_category_id=p.product_category_id and
poi.product_id = p.product_id and
poi.product_category_id=pc.product_category_id and
pi.vendor_id=pv.product_vendor_id and
( ( pi.date_closed >= '2012-01-01' and pi.date_closed <='2012-09-05 23:59:59' )
or ( pi.scheduled_arrival_date >= '2012-01-01' and pi.scheduled_arrival_date <='2012-09-05 23:59:59') ) and
and pi.status_id = 0 and poi.transaction_type = 0
order by pi.po_number
SELECT rcm.id,rcm.tablename,rcm.columnname,rcm.size,rcm.displayorder,rcm.isactive FROM report_customise_master rcm where rcm.tablename !='employee' and rcm.isactive='Y' order by rcm.displayorder;
STEP 2 :
Java method to construct the query :
public Map getComplexReportQuery() {
String query = "SELECT rcm.id,rcm.tablename,rcm.columnname,rcm.size,rcm.displayorder,rcm.isactive FROM report_customise_master rcm where rcm.tablename !='employee' and rcm.isactive='Y' order by rcm.displayorder;";
String tableName = "", from = "", select = "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Map<String, List<String>> resultsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
Map<String, String> displayOrderMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
Map queryMap = new LinkedHashMap();
if (!query.isEmpty() || query.length() > 0) {
Connection connection = getConnection();
if (connection != null) {
try {
PreparedStatement reportQueryPS = connection.prepareStatement(sb.toString());
ResultSet reportQuery_rst = reportQueryPS.executeQuery();
List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();;
if (reportQuery_rst != null) {
StringBuilder selectQuery = new StringBuilder(" SELECT ");
StringBuilder fromQuery = new StringBuilder(" FROM ");
while (reportQuery_rst.next()) {
tableName = reportQuery_rst.getString("tablename");
List<String> columns = resultsMap.get(tableName);
if (columns == null) {
columns = new ArrayList<String>();
resultsMap.put(tableName, columns);
columns = resultsMap.get(tableName);
String columnName = reportQuery_rst.getString("columnname");
tableName = "";
for (Entry<String, List<String>> resultEntry : resultsMap.entrySet()) {
tableName = resultEntry.getKey();
List<String> columns = resultEntry.getValue();
int i = 0;
for (String column : columns) {
selectQuery.append(tableName + "." + column);
if (i != columns.size()) {
} else {
if (!tables.contains(tableName)) {
//to remove comma at the end of line
select = selectQuery.toString().replaceAll(",$", "");
tableName = "";
int i = 0;
for (String table : tables) {
fromQuery.append(" ");
if (i != tables.size()) {
} else {
from = fromQuery.toString().replaceAll(",$", "");
queryMap.put("query", select + from);
//from = from+"ORDER BY "+orderbyColumn+" "+sort+" ";
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
try {
closeConnection(connection, null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} else {
System.out.println("Connection not Established. Please Contact Vendor");
return queryMap;// return the map/ list which contains query and sory and display order
STEP 3 : Result query
{query= SELECT purchase_order.po_number,purchase_order.placed_date,purchase_order.date_closed,purchase_order.scheduled_arrival_date,purchase_order_inventory.unit_cost,purchase_order_inventory.order_quantity,purchase_order_inventory.roll_number,purchase_order_inventory.rec_vendor_quantity,products.product_sku,products.et_conversion_unit_quantity,product_categories.product_category_name ,product_vendors.vendor_name FROM purchase_order purchase_order,purchase_order_inventory purchase_order_inventory,products products,product_categories product_categories,product_vendors product_vendors}
but this not what i wanted, Please help me to construct the query i have given.
Two queries
You need to make two queries:
Query which fields are enabled
Build the second query string (the one you want to build dinamically)
It's this way because a SQL query has to tell which columns will be included before querying any data. In fact it will be used to build the internal DB query plan, it is, the way the DB motor will use to retrieve and organize the data you ask.
Query all columns
Is it necesary to query only that fields? Can't you query everything and use the relevant data?
Looking at the updated question I guess you need to dynamically add where conditions to join tables correctly. What I should do is have a reference telling me what coindition to add when a table is present.
There are at least two options:
Based on table pairs present (by example: "if A and B are present then add A.col1 = B.col2")
Based on tables present ("if B is present, then add A.col1 = B.col2; A should be present"
Based on your example I think the second option is more suitable (and easy to implement).
So I should have some static Map<String, JoinInfo> where JoinInfo has at least:
+ conditionToAdd // by example "A.col1 = B.col2"
+ dependsOnTable // by example "A" to indicate that A must be present when B is present
So you can use:
that info to add tables that should be (by example: even if A has no selected cols, must be present to join with B)
include the conditionToAdd to the where clause
Anyway... I think you are getting into much trouble. Why so dynamic?
You have to approach the thing step by step.
Firstly you have to create a query that will return all rows that have status='Y'
Then you will put the COLUMN_NAME in a list of Strings.
List<String> list = new List<String>();
And then you have to loop the List and generate dynamically your second sql statement
String sqlSelect = "SELECT ";
String sqlFrom = " FROM SOME_OTHER_TABLE "
for(String x : list){
sqlFrom += x +" , "+;
//here make sure that you remove the last comma from sqlFrom because you will get an SQLException
String finalSql = sqlSelect + sqlFrom + sqlWhere ;

