I have a deployed app that is failing on Android 9. Part of its function is to configure a module over an Access Point network to allow that that module to connect to the users home network.
I have code that detects and connects to the correct WIFI network, but when I attempt to open a socket to the device, it fails - only on Android 9 and only if mobile data is enabled. If I manually disable mobile data on the device everything runs fine.
Socket open() {
Socket sock = new Socket(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
try {
sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localIpAddress(), 50000));
} catch (IOException e) {
activity.logContent("Warning: Failed to bind socket : " + e.toString());
try {
sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 5555), (int)5000);
} catch (IOException e) {
// This catch fires when Mobile Data is on.
activity.logContent("Connected to " + activity.mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID());
activity.logContent("Couldn't open socket : " + e.toString());
return sock;
I have tried this with and without the Proxy.NO_PROXY and with and without the bind() call. If the bind call is missing the error implies that the socket is attempting to connect over the cell network. (Note: activity.logContent() is an on-screen log so it is easier to see what is happening when not connected to a debugger).
Any ideas what is going wrong?
After a few days of imprecations I believe I have come to the identification of the problem and therefore to the solution:
The problem occurs due to some changes in the version of android (I presume to be 9.0 even if other changes had occurred on API 21), in particular on the creation of the socket, if the system detects that there is a "better" network (access to internet, high signal, etc, etc) socket creation refers to that network and no longer to the wifi network you would like.
I looked for ways to force the creation of the socket on the wifi network (which is the network I want) and the only way I found is this:
Simply put instead of:
Socket sock = new Socket ();
ConnectivityManager connectivity = (ConnectivityManager) MyApp.getContext().getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (connectivity != null)
for (Network network : connectivity.getAllNetworks())
NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivity.getNetworkInfo(network);
if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI)
if (networkInfo.isConnected())
Socket sock = network.getSocketFactory().createSocket();
Practically browse the networks present in the device and when you find your active wifi you do nothing but take advantage of this function to get the right socket for sure:
Now you have the working socket!
In my case it now works perfectly, if someone finds better solutions, it is welcome, but for now it is the only way I have found to make everything work as in the previous version of android.
In Android 9 there a security config about network: Android security config
Adding your domain in network_security_config might solve your problem. I had this in my network_security_config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true">119.xxx.xxx.xxx</domain>
I am not sure about the exact reason of why this is happening. However, when you are turning on your mobile data and you are only connected to the internet using your mobile data (considering your wifi is turned off), it gets the IP address from the cellular network which is no more connected in your home network. Hence, this is trivial to expect such timeout scenarios, because, it cannot reach the private IP addresses of your home network starting with 192.168.....
Now my confusion is that even if the mobile data is turned on, and both wifi and mobile data is turned on at the same time, the device should connect to the wifi as a default behavior.
Hence I would like to suggest you check the following.
Android 9 (Pie) introduces special Wifi preference, which prevents connecting to public networks automatically. You might consider checking the settings.
Please check the IP address of your device and check if it has some IP address starting with 192.168..... If not, then definitely, you are getting your IP address from your cellular network and hence it cannot reach your private IP addresses of the home network.
I'm currently developping my first app in java.
This app requires a direct connection with my BL652, which doesn' t accept any kind of pairing option. That being said, I'm stuck with the code below, which still tries to pair with my bluetooth device instead of just connecting. Therefore, I wanted to know what am i supposed to do in order to make a connection that doesnt require pairing.
Thanks in advance for any response.
String mac_address = "DA:72:21:29:0F:F0";
private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("E54B0002-67F5-479E-8711-B3B99198CE6C");
lvNewDevices.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(mac_address);
try {
socket = device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(MY_UUID);
} catch (IOException e) {
I'm not sure about connection to external hardware but it's definetly possible to connect 2 phones without pairing. I made it using Android Nearby Connections . And yeah it's basically working with BLE. As far as I know it's possible to connect to RaspberryPi using that API.
Bluetooth devices can be made to communicate with each other using master-slave configuration. I first tried with two BLE-HC05s, made one as master and the other as slave, and as expected the master is able to send data, slave is able to receive data, that can be seen using the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE. I have developed a similar app, which connects to a BLE-HC05 device, sends and receives data. But since you are trying to get data or send data to the App on your phone, Android will not support such unpaired anonymous communications. If you are having trouble with connection or pairing Bluetooth device and your app, I may help you with that. But as far as Bluetooth communication without pairing is concerned, you may not be able to find a way.
Edit: The code to connect any bluetooth device, like BLE-HC06 as you have mentioned, is 1234 (Only if you have not changed it)
hi have at home a rasperry pi running a server java app, connected to de router with the dynamic DNS configured and the in/out communication ports openned.
When i run the android apication client througt 4g everithing is working sucessfull. But when i run the same app connected to the wifi on my local net, where the server are running, the server application looks like death.
Any ideas?
router config
I think the problem is related to your DNS. If you are connected using your wifi, you have to return a local IP-Address. Do you have any chance of configuring your router to return the raspberries local IP-Address for wifi-clients?
Take a look here: link
A simple solution, even if it is not very elegant, is adding the following conditions to your code:
If there is an error connecting to the Dyn DNS, try to connect to the local IP address. (In case you are in the Wifi LAN)
If the local IP address fails, try again your Dyn DNS (in case the user is a real user with real communication problems)
(repeat until the connection is successful)
You can also identify your testing devices (using Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID, or the IMEI) and use the local IP only for them. Another option is making the URL configurable (with a hidden option for example).
Because of my app can run local, only needs to connect to server for updates. I have block the connection on the server app if the ip from client and server are equals.
At the moment is the best solution to keep the server app running properly.
URL whatismyip = new URL("http://checkip.amazonaws.com");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
String ip = in.readLine();
try {
SSLServerSocketFactory sslFactory = (SSLServerSocketFactory)SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault();
SSLServerSocket ss = (SSLServerSocket) sslFactory.createServerSocket(PORT);
int idSession = 0;
while (true) {
SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket)ss.accept();
if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed()) {
((ServidorThread) new ServidorThread(socket, idSession)).start();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Servidor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
I am using bacnet4j library to discover Remote BACnet devices. In the same network, everything is working as expected. But I could not find the BACnet controller device located in the different network.
String hostAddress="";
IpNetwork network = new IpNetworkBuilder().withPort(47808).withSubnet(hostAddress, 24).build();
Transport transport = new DefaultTransport(network);
LocalDevice localDevice = new LocalDevice(Integer.decode(this.settings.getDeviceId()), transport);
//Finding remote device
int remoteId=1234;
RemoteDeviceFuture remoteFuture = RemoteDeviceFinder.findDevice(localDevice, remoteId);
RemoteDevice remoteDevice = null;
try {
remoteDevice = remoteFuture.get(); //remote device is null here
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Remote device with id " + remoteId + " does NOT exist!");
The above code snippet finds remote device with a given remoteId in the same network. But it can not find a device located in different network. Is there anything wrong here?
That is actually by design. The discovery process takes place using broadcast "Who-Is" messages that are not routed via IP routers. So any devices on a different IP subnet are not discovered this way. If you know the IP address of the remote device, you may be able to configure/program the IP directly as a static IP address.
However, there is something called a BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device). One of these needs to be placed on each subnet, each configured with the IP address of the other BBMD. The BBMDs will intercept the BACnet related broadcasts on its subnet, send it across to the peer BBMD on the other subnet, which will retransmit the broadcast, effectively bridging the two (or more) subnets.
OR, your could configure/program your client as a "Foreign Device", have it register with a BBMD on the far subnet, which will achieve much the same.
BBMDs are fairly common. Most (all) BACnet/IP to BACnet MS/TP routers have the functionality. A lot of BACnet devices also allow the functionality to be enabled.
Hope this helps. See http://www.bacnetwiki.com for more.
UDP/IP Broadcasts - that are used as part of the 'Who-Is' (BACnet) service, generally are not routed by default and in most cases will not be allowed to be routed - e.g. security concerns been the main reason.
But if routing is in place, you could send unicast/directed traffic to the device in question.
(If I remember correctly, theoretically you should now be able to now send a Who-Is as a unicast/directed request - but even if I'm correct in saying that, it's highly likely that the majority of devices will only be listening for Who-Is services via broadcasts only.)
BBMD's are not strictly necessary - and have been considered as security concern as they can give out too much info.
It can be possible to use (effectively) bog-standard network routing instead of a BBMD - having traffic fly across a few different/target VLANs.
(Also be aware of mixing the use of a private IP(v4) address - of your choosing, and a public IP(v4) address - between the client & server/serving-device, you might encounter issues.)
We have an app we are making that needs to switch to cellular for some requests even when WiFi is connected.
According to the ConnectionManager documentation these following methods are now deprecated, but is not so clear on what to use instead.
public void useMobileNetworkMode(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
public void useDefaultNetworkMode(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
Do these methods still work in android 5/6? and if anyone has info or something to replace these methods with I would be very grateful!
Ok little bit more on the problem :)
I have managed to investigate ConnectivityManager and can see the networks using :
Network networkToUse = null;
Network[] networks;
networks = cm.getAllNetworks();
for (Network network : networks) {
NetworkInfo ni = cm.getNetworkInfo(network);
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", ni.getType() + " " + ni.getExtraInfo());
if (ni.getType()== ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "isWifi");
if (ni.isConnected()) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "and is connected");
if (networkToUse == null) {
networkToUse = network;
if (ni.getType()== ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "HasMobile");
if (ni.isConnected()) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "and is connected");
networkToUse = network;
It is here I kind of get stuck because I can't logically see a way of telling the app to use one of these networks when performing a HttpsURLConnection from URL.openLink();.
I have just noticed that the mobile one disappears shortly after WiFi connects. There is a moment where I get both but not for long.
I have also tried this:
final ConnectivityManager connection_manager =
NetworkRequest.Builder request = new NetworkRequest.Builder();
connection_manager.registerNetworkCallback(request.build(), new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
public void onAvailable(Network network) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "FOUND A CELLULAR NETWORK " + connection_manager.getNetworkInfo(network));
request = new NetworkRequest.Builder();
connection_manager.registerNetworkCallback(request.build(), new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
public void onAvailable(Network network) {
Log.e("NETWORKINFO", "FOUND A WIFI NETWORK "+connection_manager.getNetworkInfo(network));
but as with the "list" of networks" in previous try I only ever 1 callback, even if mobile data is on as well.
Ok I seem to see mobile sometimes using above method. but it seems to create API level spaghetti hell. It sometimes also takes a very long time for the mobile callback to fire. I wonder if this is because it has to wake up the cellular modem and wait for it's handshake or something?
I had another possible suggestion using Sockets (something I have little experience with..)
Does anyone know if it is possible to build a CELLULAR SSL connection socket to do https requests using HttpsURLConnection.getSocketFactory() and SSLSocket ?
Any info would be very welcome in this week long quest :D
Found a good and categorical answer from someone at google:
How to stay connected through mobile network after WIFI is connected on Android?
However after implementation, i get a network callback for the mobile but when i open URL connection and perform a request it seems to get stuck for ages (about 4 minutes) before i get the response.
I have a Huawei 5.0.1 phone, which is the highest i have available. Obviously this is not good. However it is not tested on 5.1 galaxy S6 and works.. so could be the phone.
According to the Android documentation it is no longer working in Android version 5 and above.
This method was deprecated in API level 21.
Functionality has been removed as it no longer makes sense, with many more >than two networks - we'd need an array to express preference. Instead we >use dynamic network properties of the networks to describe their >precedence.
Found a good and categorical answer from someone at google: How to stay connected through mobile network after WIFI is connected on Android?
(Link is in edited info above)
However after implementation, i get a network callback for the mobile but when i open URL connection and perform a request it seems to get stuck for ages (about 4 minutes) before i get the response.
I have a Huawei 5.0.1 phone, which is the highest i have available. Obviously this is not good. However it is not tested on 5.1 galaxy S6 and works.. so could be the phone.
I need to detect the local IP address and subnet mask on the WiFi network, on an Android device (in order to proper calculate the UDP broadcast address strictly for the local subnet).
When the device is connected to an Access Point, the following is properly working:
// Only works when NOT tethering
WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
DhcpInfo dhcp = wifi.getDhcpInfo();
if (dhcp == null)
throw new IOException("No DHCPInfo on WiFi side.");
foo(dhcp.ipAddress, dhcp.netmask);
But it doesn't work when it's the android device providing an Access Point though tethering: DhcpInfo seem to contain info set by the DCHP server when the Android device is a client of it, not when it's the Android device itself providing the DHCP service. When in tethering, the most promising solution I could find is:
// No way to get subnet mask
WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo info = wifi.getConnectionInfo();
if (info == null)
throw new IOException("No connection info on WiFi side.");
foo(info.getIpAddress(), info.??? /* netmask*/ );
EDIT: WRONG, in my tests even this only works when NOT tethering. While tethering the IP is always 0.
But there's nothing like WifiInfo.getNetMask(), how can I get the subnet mask in that case? (This absence strikes me as really strange, since there's a plethora of other info there. Am I missing something obvious?)
Also, ideally I'd like a solution that doesn't need to discriminate if the Android device is providing tethering, and just get the local IP address and subnet mask, on the WiFi network, in any case, both when the Android device is providing or a client of an Access Point.
Even standard Java (i.e. not Android-specific) NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(), don't seem to have a way to get the subnet mask (apart from not allowing to discriminate which corresponds to the WiFi). What am I missing?
Best solution I found at the moment:
It baffles me how info/interface about tethering is so cumbersome/hidden to get, and yet not taken into consideration when you get info from WifiManager, or ConnectivityManager for the Wifi type: it all works only when NOT in tethering. I'm actually lost to that branch of investigation.
Best solution I found at the moment is using standard Java NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(), instead of any Android API.
Experimentally, Android seems smart enough to set to null broadcast for network interfaces to the external mobile network. It actually makes lot of sense since Android silently drop UDP broadcasts involving external mobile network.
// This works both in tethering and when connected to an Access Point
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while (interfaces.hasMoreElements())
NetworkInterface networkInterface = interfaces.nextElement();
if (networkInterface.isLoopback())
continue; // Don't want to broadcast to the loopback interface
for (InterfaceAddress interfaceAddress : networkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses())
InetAddress broadcast = interfaceAddress.getBroadcast();
// InetAddress ip = interfaceAddress.getAddress();
// interfaceAddress.getNetworkPrefixLength() is another way to express subnet mask
// Android seems smart enough to set to null broadcast to
// the external mobile network. It makes sense since Android
// silently drop UDP broadcasts involving external mobile network.
if (broadcast == null)
... // Use the broadcast
As for subnet mask, the result from getNetworkPrefixLength() can be coerced into a subnet mask. I used getBroadcast() directly since that was my ultimate goal.
No special permissions seem to be needed for this code (no ACCESS_WIFI_STATE nor NETWORK, just INTERNET).
Primary reference for the code snippet: http://enigma2eureka.blogspot.it/2009/08/finding-your-ip-v4-broadcast-address.html