I am new to Spring-boot/Java and trying to read the contents of a file in a String.
What's the issue:
I'm getting "File not found exception" and unable to read the file. Apparently, I'm not giving the correct file path.
i've attached the directory structure and my code. I'm in FeedProcessor file and want to read feed_template.php (see image)
public static String readFileAsString( ) {
String text = "";
try {
// text = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/src/main/template/feed_template_head.php")));
text = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("../../template/feed_template_head.php")));
} catch (IOException e) {
return text;
You need to put template folder inside resource folder. And then use following code.
public class ReadFile {
private static final String FILE_NAME =
public void initSegmentPerformanceReportRequestBean(
#Value(FILE_NAME) Resource resource,
ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws IOException {
new BufferedReader(resource.getInputStream()).lines()
.forEach(eachLine -> System.out.println(eachLine));
I suggest you to go though once Resource topic in spring.
I am able to upload multiple files to s3 bucket at once. However there is a mismatch in the file name the one I provided and uploaded file. I am interested in file name as I need to generate cloud front signed url based on that.
File generation code
final String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + pictureData.getFileName();
final File file = new File(fileName); //fileName is -> 1594125913522_image1.png
writeByteArrayToFile(img, file);
AWS file upload code
public void uploadMultipleFiles(final List<File> files) {
final TransferManager transferManager = TransferManagerBuilder.standard().withS3Client(amazonS3).build();
try {
final MultipleFileUpload xfer = transferManager.uploadFileList(bucketName, null, new File("."), files);
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOGGER.info("InterruptedException occurred=>" + exception);
} catch (AmazonServiceException exception) {
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOGGER.info("AmazonServiceException occurred =>" + exception);
throw exception;
Uploaded file name is 94125913522_image1.png. As you can see first two characters disappeared. What am I missing here. I am not able to figure out. Kindly advice.
private static void writeByteArrayToFile(final byte[] byteArray, final File file) {
try (OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(file.getName())))) {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new FileIllegalStateException("Error while writing image to file", exception);
The reason of the problem
You lose the first two charecters of the file names because of the third argument of this method:
transferManager.uploadFileList(bucketName, null, new File("."), files);
What happens in this case
So, what is the third argument:
* #param directory
* The common parent directory of files to upload. The keys
* of the files in the list of files are constructed relative to
* this directory and the virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix.
public MultipleFileUpload uploadFileList(... , File directory, ...){...}
And how will it be used:
int startingPosition = directory.getAbsolutePath().length();
if (!(directory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(File.separator)))
String key = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(startingPosition)...
Thus, the directory variable is used to define a starting index to trim file paths to get file keys.
When you pass new File(".") as a directory, the parent directory for your files will be {your_path}.
But this is a directory, and you need to work with files inside it. So the common part, retrieved from your directory file, is {your_path}./
That is 2 symbols more than you actually need. And for this reason this method trims the 2 extra characters - an extra shift of two characters when trimming the file path.
The solution
If you only need to work with the current directory, you can pass the current directory as follows:
MultipleFileUpload upload = transferManager.uploadFileList(bucketName, "",
System.getProperty("user.dir"), files);
But if you start working with external sources, it won't work. So you can use this code, which creates one MultipleFileUpload per group of files from one directory.
private final String PATH_SEPARATOR = File.separator;
private String bucketName;
private TransferManager transferManager;
public void uploadMultipleFiles(String prefix, List<File> filesToUpload){
Map<File, List<File>> multipleUploadArguments =
for (Map.Entry<File, List<File>> multipleUploadArgument:
MultipleFileUpload upload = transferManager.uploadFileList(
bucketName, prefix,
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private Map<File, List<File>> getMultipleUploadArguments(List<File> filesToUpload){
return filesToUpload.stream()
private File getDirectoryPathForFile(File file){
String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
String directoryPath = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR));
return new File(directoryPath);
This articles describes how to generate and import a PDOM index.
After invoking the generation application GeneratePDOM I got a pdom file /home/sadik/eclipse-2019-06/eclipse/pdomExample.pdom. But I have problem importing the file.
The command to generate is this:
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.400.v20190515-0925.jar -application "org.eclipse.cdt.core.GeneratePDOM" -target /home/sadik/eclipse-2019-06/eclipse/pdomExample.pdom -source /home/sadik/my-plugin-runtime-2019-06/CDTTest_Local/ -id cdttest_01 -indexer org.eclipse.cdt.core.myfastIndexer
Note the target and source arguments.
To test the import I wrote a class that implements IReadOnlyPDOMProvider
public class MyReadOnlyPDOMProvider implements IReadOnlyPDOMProvider {
public MyReadOnlyPDOMProvider() {
public boolean providesFor(ICProject project) throws CoreException {
return true;
public IPDOMDescriptor[] getDescriptors(ICConfigurationDescription config) {
final IPath fileBase = Path.fromOSString("/home/sadik/eclipse-2019-06/eclipse/");
final IPath projectBase = Path.fromOSString("/home/sadik/my-plugin-runtime-2019-06/CDTTest_Local/");
return new IPDOMDescriptor[] { new IPDOMDescriptor() {
public IIndexLocationConverter getIndexLocationConverter() {
return new URIRelativeLocationConverter(URIUtil.toURI(projectBase));
public IPath getLocation() {
IPath path = fileBase.append("pdomExample.pdom");
return path;
Are the paths correct? I actually don't know what location is supposed to be returned here.
I defined that class in the CDT extension point CIndex in my Plugin's plugin.xml:
I'm testing with this file (/home/sadik/my-plugin-runtime-2019-06/CDTTest_Local/tests/indexer/usage.cc):
#include <declaration.h>
int main() {
int a = testThis();
When I right click testThis() and chose go to declaration, I expect to go to the function declaration in /home/sadik/my-plugin-runtime-2019-06/CDTTest_Local/tests/indexer/declaration.h. Both files are located in the same directory.
But what happens is that an editor is opened with an empty file. The editor even tells me the path: /home/soezoguz/rtt-plugin-runtime-2019-06/tests/indexer/declaration.h.
The path is missing the project name. So I guess the pdom file stores locations below the specified source directory. How can I tell the PDOMProvider to look into the correct directory for the indexed files?
For some reason the trailing "/" has been ommited by URIUtil.toURI(...). But in the description of URIRealtiveLocationConverter it says
Note: The supplied base URI must end with a forward slash
So I create an URI instance from String and append a "/" to the String.
public IPDOMDescriptor[] getDescriptors(ICConfigurationDescription config) {
final IPath fileBase = Path.fromOSString("/home/sadik/eclipse-2019-06/eclipse/");
final IPath projectBase = config.getProjectDescription().getProject().getFullPath();
return new IPDOMDescriptor[] { new IPDOMDescriptor() {
public IIndexLocationConverter getIndexLocationConverter() {
URI baseURI;
try {
baseURI = new URI(projectBase.toString()+"/");
return new URIRelativeLocationConverter(baseURI);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
baseURI = URIUtil.toURI(projectBase);
return new URIRelativeLocationConverter(URIUtil.toURI(projectBase));
public IPath getLocation() {
IPath path = fileBase.append("pdomExample.pdom");
return path;
How to read this (fixedRate = 12000) 12000 form property file in Spring.
public void tlogZipping() throws MposWSException {
LOGGER.info("Started tlog Zipping Job............. {}" + new Date());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MposWSException(MposWSErrorCodes.FAIL_TO_CREATE_RECEIPT_ZIP_FILE, e);
LOGGER.info("Stopped tlog Zipping Job.............");
You can add your properties file to the folder where your classes are exists.
and then try this code.
#PropertySource("classpath:config.properties") //set your Properties file source.
public class YourClass{
#Value("${TLOG_ZIPPING_TIME_INTERVEL_IN_MINUTES }") //read your Property Key
private String IntervalTimeInMin; //Store in this Variable.
#Value("${anotherProperty}") //readd another Property Key
private String anotherProperty; //Store in this Variable.
For more assistence you can refer this Link Here
I'm trying to write a test for a Mule flow that will involve dropping a file in a location, waiting for it to be processed by my flow and compare the output to see if it has been transformed correctly. My flow looks as follows:
<flow name="mainFlow" processingStrategy="synchronous">
<file:inbound-endpoint name="fileIn" path="${inboundPath}">
<file:filename-regex-filter pattern="myFile.csv" caseSensitive="true"/>
<file:outbound-endpoint path="${outboundPath}" outputPattern="out.csv"/>
Is there a way I can access the inboundPath and outboundPath Mule properties inside of my test class so that I can drop files and wait for output in the correct places?
The test class I'm using is:
public class MappingTest extends BaseFileToFileFunctionalTest {
protected String getConfigResources() {
return "mappingtest.xml";
public void testMapping() throws Exception {
waitForOutputFile("out.csv", 100);
assertEquals(getExpectedOutputFile("expected-out.csv"), getActualOutputFile("out.csv"));
Which extends this class:
public abstract class BaseFileToFileFunctionalTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
private static final File INPUT_DIR = new File("/tmp/muletest/input");
private static final File OUTPUT_DIR = new File("/tmp/muletest/output");
private static final Charset CHARSET = Charsets.UTF_8;
public void setup() {
new File("/tmp/muletest/input").mkdirs();
new File("/tmp/muletest/output").mkdirs();
private void empty(File inputDir) {
for (File file : inputDir.listFiles()) {
protected File waitForOutputFile(String expectedFileName, int retryAttempts) throws InterruptedException {
boolean polling = true;
int attemptsRemaining = retryAttempts;
File outputFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR, expectedFileName);
while (polling) {
if (outputFile.exists()) {
polling = false;
if (attemptsRemaining == 0) {
VisibleAssertions.fail("Output file did not appear within expected time");
return outputFile;
protected void dropInputFileIntoPlace(String inputFileResourceName) throws IOException {
File inputFile = new File(INPUT_DIR, inputFileResourceName);
Files.copy(Resources.newInputStreamSupplier(Resources.getResource(inputFileResourceName)), inputFile);
protected String getActualOutputFile(String outputFileName) throws IOException {
File outputFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR, outputFileName);
return Files.toString(outputFile, CHARSET);
protected String getExpectedOutputFile(String resourceName) throws IOException {
return Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(resourceName), CHARSET);
As you can see I'm currently creating temporary input/output directories. I'd like to make this part read from the Mule properties if possible? Thanks in advance.
After observing your test classes and code I could see that you want to dynamically create temp folders place files in them. And the flow should read the files from Temp Directory and write output to another Temp directory. Point to be noted is that Mule's Endpoints are created when the configuration is loaded. So the ${inbound} and ${outbound} should be provided to the mule flow by the time they are provided.
So one option can be to create a dummy flow pointing to the temp folders for testing.
Create a test properties file pointing to the temp folders and load that to your flow config, so that your flow endpoints will get the temp folder paths.
In any way path cannot be provided to the flow inbound endpoints after they have been created(on config load).
As per your comment the solution with option would be like the following.
Seperate the properties loading part of the config into another config.
Like "mapping-core-config.xml,mappingtest.xml" where the mapping-core-config will have the tags to load the properties file.
Now create a test config file for the mapping-core-config.xml file which loads the test properties file. This should be used in your test config. This way without modifying or disturbing your main code, you can test your flows pointing to temp folders.
Note: The test config can reside in the src/test/resources folders.
Hope this helps.
I have a form with that code:
public Form()
File file= new File("avatar.jpg");
BufferedImage image= ImageIO.read(file);
catch (IOException ex)
System.out.println("Failed to load image");
The problem is that the code always throws the IOException and enters in the catch block.
So the file isn't read.
I have created the project with Netbeans 7.2, and the directory looks like this:
What's the problem? Maybe the file shouldn't be there but in the father directory? Or what?
Is your image being packaged within your jar? to find this out, extract you jar file like you would an ordinary zip file and check if the image is anywhere there (normally located by jarname\packagename\filename. If so then you'll need to extract your image as a resource using getResourceAsStream().
It would be something like:
public class Test {
private static final String absName = "/yourpackage/yourimage.jpg";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Class c=null;
try {
c = Class.forName("yourpackage.Test");//pkg is the package name in which the resource lies
} catch (Exception ex) {
// This should not happen.
InputStream s = c.getResourceAsStream(absName);
// do something with it.
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
name = resolveName(name);
ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader();
if (cl==null) {
return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name); // A system class.
return cl.getResourceAsStream(name);
public java.net.URL getResource(String name) {
name = resolveName(name);
ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader();
if (cl==null) {
return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name); // A system class.
return cl.getResource(name);
private String resolveName(String name) {
if (name == null) {
return name;
if (!name.startsWith("/")) {
Class c = this;
while (c.isArray()) {
c = c.getComponentType();
String baseName = c.getName();
int index = baseName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index != -1) {
name = baseName.substring(0, index).replace('.', '/') + "/" + name;
} else {
name = name.substring(1);
return name;
Accessing Resources
It looks like you have a namespace of poker.*
It all depends on where the jvm is initialized from.
Where is your main? Is it in /Users/ramy/NetBeansProjects/Poker/src?
Also, I suggest you use getResource() for all of your file loading needs, especially inside jars.
You can find out where your programs default path is by doing the following:
Without seeing the error I would say the most likely cause is it can't find the file. So I suggest you replace "avatar.jpg" in the File constructor with the absolute file path to it. e.g.
File file = new File("INSERT_PATH_TO_FILE/avatar.jpg");
You cannot assume the image will be "there" because the relative path between your .java and the image seems ok.
Accessing a resource depends of your "kind" of project (Web, standalone....). In your case, you can try to get the image from your classpath
final File inputFile = new ClassPathResource("....").getFile();
final BufferedImage inputImg = ImageIO.read(inputFile);