My JNI library works flawlessly on Windows, however, on Linux I always get a strange segmentation fault.
siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr: 0x0000000000000000
The stack crace from the crash file is this:
C [] JNIEnv_::GetStaticObjectField(_jclass*, _jfieldID*)+0x18
C [] Logger::sendToSystemOut(bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)+0x75
C [] Logger::log(char const*)+0x4c
C [] fmodDebugCallback(unsigned int, char const*, int, char const*, char const*)+0x127
So it appears that it crashed when calling GetStaticObject field in the Logger class. This is that method:
void Logger::sendToSystemOut(bool error, std::string message) {
JNIEnv* jni = FMODWrapper::utils->getJNI();
jobject printStream;
if (error) {
printStream = jni->GetStaticObjectField(this->systemClass, this->errFieldID);
} else {
printStream = jni->GetStaticObjectField(this->systemClass, this->outFieldID);
jobject messageString = jni->NewStringUTF(message.c_str());
jni->CallObjectMethod(printStream, this->printlnMethodID, messageString);
So I'm guessing something's not right about storing the class and field IDs of these fields. But the weird thing is, I get logging output when my library starts up, even from FMOD, which the fmodDebugCallback gets called by.
Logger::Logger(const char* name) {
this->name = name;
JNIEnv* jni = FMODWrapper::utils->getJNI();
this->systemClass = FMODWrapper::utils->findClass("java/lang/System");
this->outFieldID = jni->GetStaticFieldID(this->systemClass, "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
this->errFieldID = jni->GetStaticFieldID(this->systemClass, "err", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
jclass printStreamClass = FMODWrapper::utils->findClass("java/io/PrintStream");
this->printlnMethodID = jni->GetMethodID(printStreamClass, "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
So, logging works flawlessly on Windows, but after some time crashes on Linux. Compiled with g++ on Fedora 29 64-bit.
Update: my method for getting a JNIEnv*
JNIEnv* Utils::getJNI() {
JNIEnv* jni;
int getEnvResult = FMODWrapper::jvm->GetEnv((void**) &jni, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
if (getEnvResult == JNI_EDETACHED) {
FMODWrapper::jvm->AttachCurrentThread(ANDROID_VOIDPP_CAST &jni, nullptr);
return jni;
Update 2: the code itself works up to a certain point since I'm getting log messages. Might be something to do with threads?
systemClass, errFieldId, and outFieldID are all obtained from a different JNIEnv.
The JNIEnv cannot be cached:
Keeping a global reference to the JNIEnv environment
Just as it cannot be cached, you cannot store ids that were obtained from the other JNIEnv that you should no longer be using, nor should you be using anything that came from it. You need to get them all from the current valid JNIEnv.
The problem is not with thread affinity of class references or field IDs. The problem is with using a local class reference out of its scope. This is an implementation detail of some JVMs, that local references do not actually expire.
The fix would be to use
Logger::Logger(const char* name) {
this->name = name;
JNIEnv* jni = FMODWrapper::utils->getJNI();
this->systemClass = jni->NewGlobalRef(jni->findClass("java/lang/System"));
I have a C (navive) program and a jar file with the main() method. From my native program I am initializing the JVM, and calling the main() method. I have no problems with this, everything is completely fine. But then I wanted to call back a C function from my java code.
The C function is defined in the native code in the same module as the one, that have created the JVM. The header is auto-generated, and the body is as simple as this:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_eu_raman_chakhouski_NativeUpdaterBus_connect0(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
So, from the java code I'm calling NativeUpdaterBus.connect0(), continuosly getting an UnsatisfiedLinkError. I have no System.loadLibrary() calls in my java code, because I thought, that there will be no problems calling the native code back from the java code if the target module is (possibly?) already loaded.
Well, maybe my approach is completely incorrect, but I can't see any obvious defects, maybe you could help?
What possibly could help (but I didn't tried any of these approaches, because I'm still not quite sure)
Use a kind of a "trampoline" dynamic library with these JNI methods, load it from the java code, then marshal native calls through it.
Define a java.lang.Runnable's anonymous inheritor, created with jni_env->DefineClass() but this involves some bytecode trickery.
Use an another, less invasive approach, like sockets, named pipes, etc. But in my case I'm using only one native process, so this might be an overkill.
I'm using OpenJDK 11.0.3 and Windows 10. My C program is compiled with the Microsoft cl.exe 19.16.27031.1 for x64 (Visual Studio 2017).
One possibility, as others have already mentioned, is to create a shared library (.dll) and call it from the native code and from Java to exchange data.
However, if you want to callback to a C function defined in the native code in the same module as the one the JVM originally created, you can use RegisterNatives.
Simple Example
C program creates JVM
it calls a Main of a class
the Java Main calls back a C function named connect0 in the calling C code
to have a test case the native C function constructs a Java string and returns it
the Java side prints the result
package com.software7.test;
public class Main {
private native String connect0() ;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main m = new Main();
private void makeTest(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Java: main called");
for (String arg : args) {
System.out.println(" -> Java: argument: '" + arg + "'");
String res = connect0(); //callback into native code
System.out.println("Java: result of connect0() is '" + res + "'"); //process returned String
C Program
One can create the Java VM in C as shown here
(works not only with cygwin but still with VS 2019) and then register with RegisterNatives native C callbacks. So using the function invoke_class from the link above it could look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
void invoke_class(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass helloWorldClass;
jmethodID mainMethod;
jobjectArray applicationArgs;
jstring applicationArg0;
helloWorldClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/software7/test/Main");
mainMethod = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, helloWorldClass, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
applicationArgs = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String"), NULL);
applicationArg0 = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "one argument");
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, applicationArgs, 0, applicationArg0);
(*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, helloWorldClass, mainMethod, applicationArgs);
jstring connect0(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz);
static JNINativeMethod native_methods[] = {
{ "connect0", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)connect0 },
jstring connect0(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
printf("C: connect0 called\n");
return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Some Result!!");
static bool register_native_methods(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/software7/test/Main");
if (clazz == NULL) {
return false;
int num_methods = sizeof(native_methods) / sizeof(native_methods[0]);
if ((*env)->RegisterNatives(env, clazz, native_methods, num_methods) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
int main() {
printf("C: Program starts, creating VM...\n");
JNIEnv* env = create_vm();
if (env == NULL) {
printf("C: creating JVM failed\n");
return 1;
if (!register_native_methods(env)) {
printf("C: registering native methods failed\n");
return 1;
return 0;
Creating a JVM from a C Program:
Registering Native Methods:
System.loadLibrary() is essential for the jni lookup to work. You also have a more flexible System.load() alternative.
Make sure that the native method implementation is declared with extern "C" and is not hidden by linker.
So I'm working on a C++ Dll cheat/hack for a game (Minecraft). I created a little sample JNI project just to test things out, but a couple seconds after injecting the dll, Minecraft stops responding with a 'win32 unhandled exception'. I'm not experienced enough in C++ or using the JNI to understand what I'm doing wrong...
Here's my sample code (Not actually a hack, just wanted to try calling the clickMouse function to see if I was on the right track):
DWORD WINAPI Main_Thread(LPVOID lpParam)
HMODULE m_hDllInstance = LoadLibraryA("jvm.dll");
JavaVM *jvm;
JNIEnv *env;
typedef jint(JNICALL * GetCreatedJavaVMs)(JavaVM**, jsize, jsize*);
GetCreatedJavaVMs jni_GetCreatedJavaVMs =
(GetCreatedJavaVMs)GetProcAddress(m_hDllInstance, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs");
jint size = 1;
jint vmCount;
jint ret = jni_GetCreatedJavaVMs(&jvm, size, &vmCount);
jint rc = jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void **)& env, NULL);
jclass Minecraft = env->FindClass("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft");
jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(Minecraft, "<init>", "()V");
jobject mc = env->NewObject(Minecraft, constructor);
jmethodID clickMouse = env->GetMethodID(Minecraft, "clickMouse", "()V");
while (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END))
env->CallVoidMethod(mc, clickMouse);
return S_OK;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID
if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
CreateThread(0, 0, Main_Thread, 0, 0, NULL);
return TRUE;
What's causing this to go wrong and how can I fix it?
P.S: Sorry if code looks a little funny, had a bit of trouble pasting it in here.
Edit: I tried running a debugger upon the crash, and it comes up with this: I'm still not sure how to fix this...
I have a problem in my Java native audio library but first, here is my current approach:
With a native method I'm opening a 'global' stream, which receives data over a callback function.
The callback function runs until there is no data.
If there is no data, the stream only stops, but does not get closed.
Now I wanted to feed the stream with data again [trying to start stream again(this operation is allowed)], but the stream has already been deleted.
So now I tried to figure out how to prevent deletion of the stream from C++ or Java.
One solution was to create a thread in the stream, which prevents the deletion.
But I don't like this solution...
So I searched how to keep such objects alive and found out, that there are so called "global references" which can be made with the JNI. But I did not understand whether they are only for java objects or for both.
Also I tried out whether another pointer type of C++ could help.
I appreciate any help or ideas, it does not have to be JNI only. C++ standard library methods/functions/classes etc. are also good :) !
System information:
Compiler: MinGW64 over MSYS2
Of course 64bit operation system (Does not have to be named xD)
With global stream is meant, that the stream is accessible to all JNI methods.
Okay, 'to let the cat out of the back' I'm using RtAudio.
Realtime C++ Audio Library
RtAudio audio(RtAudio::WASAPI);
int callback(//Buffer stuff etc.){
//do something
if(data.isEmpty())return 1;//invokes audio.closeStream() but this does NOT closes the stream!
else return 0; //Go on with the stream rather wait for the next call
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL openStream(jintArray data){
//This is a outputstream
audio.openStream(&outputParams,....., &callback,....);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL fillData(jintArray data){
//filldata again!
stream.start(); //Starts the stream but does nothing, because the stream is deleted because of Java
If I would change the openStream method to this, the stream won't be deleted but I look for a better solution...
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL openStream(jintArray data){
//This is a outputstream
audio.openStream(&outputParams,....., &callback,....);
Another solution is to add into the RtAudio API a "keepInstanceAliveThread" which is called after the stopStream() method and deleted after calling startStream() or closeStream(). I would rather prefer another solution but at all, there isn't any yet.
Thanks to #marcinj:
global object are known to cause many problems, its hard to control their construction/destruction.
I found out in the internet (also on stackoverflow), that the destructor is called after the return of a JNI method.
Use a long in the Java object to hold a pointer to the C++ object.
A Java long is 64 bits, and every platform Java runs on has either 32- or 64-bit pointers. And every platform Java is supplied for will support this, despite it not being strictly-conforming C or C++ code.
// class member
private long audio
// native functions
private native long openStream( int[] data );
private native void deleteStream( long audio );
private native void nativeFillData( long audio, int[] data );
public MyClass()
audio = openStream( data );
public void fillData( int[] data )
nativeFillData(, data );
// delete the C++ object - you may want to
// control this directly and not rely on
// finalize() getting called
protected void finalize()
deleteStream( audio );
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL openStream(jintArray data)
RtAudio *audio = new RtAudio(RtAudio::WASAPI);
audio->openStream(&outputParams,....., &callback,....);
// C-style cast - JNI interface is C, not C++
return( ( jlong ) audio );
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL deleteStream(jlong jaudio)
RtAudio *audio = static_cast <RtAudio *>( jaudio );
delete audio;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL nativeFillData(jlong jaudio, jintArray data)
RtAudio *audio = static_cast <RtAudio *>( jaudio );
We can create a new thread to keep running in a JNI function locked with a monitor or conditional while loop.
Then a separate call would stop the execution of the thread in your function by releasing the monitor or changing the condition in the while loop.
Another option is to create a Global Reference of your object
Android JNI and NewGlobalRef.
Here a separate call on USB disconnect would do DeleteGlobalRef.
We can also move the life cycle of your C++ object into java by passing it back to the java layer
keep some sort of c++ object alive over multiple jni calls.
Here a separate call on USB disconnect would remove any reference to C++ object in your java code.
Native File (mynative.cpp)
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL
Java_com_android_nativecpp_MainActivity_createJniNativeReference(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint size) {
void* buf = malloc(size);
jobject sharedbytebuffer = env->NewDirectByteBuffer(buf, size);
return env->NewGlobalRef(sharedbytebuffer);
Java_com_android_nativecpp_MainActivity_deleteJniNativeReference(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject sharedbytebuffer) {
void* buf = env->GetDirectBufferAddress(sharedbytebuffer);
Java file (
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
private ByteBuffer mJniReference;
public native ByteBuffer createJniNativeReference(int size);
public native void deleteJniNativeReference(ByteBuffer mJniReference);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mJniReference = createJniNativeReference(1000);
protected void onDestroy() {
The reason for either of 1) or 2) is otherwise, the creating frame is then exited from the stack and the JNI local references are deleted.
This will end all the threads in C++ when all std::thread references (which are not detached, ideally) are deleted.
In the non-detached case std::thread destructors are called on the main exit, or when a thread object goes out of scope and then terminate() is called.
In the detached case the detached threads exit on app close which kills the host process. They can also be garbage collected.
I have a question abour memory management of java port of OpenCV.
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Mat_n_1Mat__III
(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint rows, jint cols, jint type)
try {
Mat* _retval_ = new Mat( rows, cols, type );
return (jlong) _retval_;
} catch(cv::Exception e) {
LOGD("Mat::n_1Mat__III() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());
return 0;
} catch (...) {
LOGD("Mat::n_1Mat__III() catched unknown exception (...)");
jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {Mat::n_1Mat__III()}");
return 0;
This code block is taken from '..\OpenCV-2.4.5\modules\java\generator\src\cpp\Mat.cpp'. My question is about following part:
Mat* _retval_ = new Mat( rows, cols, type );
return (jlong) _retval_;
It returns mat objects address by casting it to jlong and does not delete the object. So, how does the memory management is done? Does java runs Garbage Collector? Or are there any other code in C++ side that clears the memory somehow?
There is no memory manage done here.
The function really returns a pointer to a heap-allocated object without caring about the memory management.
Actually this method correspond to the Java class org.opencv.core.Mat which has a long attribute named nativeObj. So this java class is managing a pointer and it is always passed to the underlying C++ implementation.
On the Java Mat object, you have to call the release method, which in turn call the JNI function Java_org_opencv_core_Mat_n_release.
The finalize method also call n_delete which free the memory.
You can see the Java code here.
Well, I couldn't find the answer but I did a little trick. I defined a member variable as;
cv::Mat* mat = nullptr;
And when I need to allocate memory for a new Mat object first I run the following code and then do the memory allocation.
if(mat != nullptr) // this is satisfied if memory is already allocated and not deleted
delete mat;
mat = nullptr;
mat = new cv::Mat(rows, cols, type);
return (jlong)mat;
But I'm still loking forward to learn, how does OpenCV overcomes this problem.
I am trying to call a Java method from the code. C code listens to either Escape, Shift, Ctrl key press, then it calls the Java method telling which key was pressed. Following are the snippets that play a role in this.
C Snippet:
mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,cls,"callBack","(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
Env = env;
switch(param) {
printf("Control pressed !\n");
(*Env)->CallVoidMethodA(Env,Obj,mid,"11"); // calling the java method
case VK_SHIFT:
printf("Shift pressed !\n");
(*Env)->CallVoidMethodA(Env,Obj,mid,"10"); // calling the java method
printf("Escape pressed !\n");
(*Env)->CallVoidMethodA(Env,Obj,mid,"1B"); // calling the java method
printf("The default case\n");
Java Snippet:
public void callBack(String key) {
String x = KeyEvent.getKeyText(Integer.parseInt(key, 16));
When I run the program and press the Escape key I get this on the console:
Escape pressed !
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x5c8b809a, pid=7588, tid=8088
# JRE version: 7.0
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.0-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# V [jvm.dll+0x19809a]
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# W:\UnderTest\NetbeansCurrent\KeyLoggerTester\build\classes\hs_err_pid7588.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
I know I am calling the Java function the wrong way, but I don't know where I am wrong. As from the output, it satisfies the case when I press the Escape key and then an unexpected error occurs.
Link to the LOG FILE
After the answer by mavroprovato I still get the same errors.
I edited this way:
The JVM is crashing because the JNIEnv that is used is not a valid one. There are other issues with the code as well.
The Sun JNI documentation is providing very good information regarding threads.
Here comes some parts that are obvious:
Create a JNI_OnLoad function in your code. It will be called when the library is loaded. Then cache the JavaVM pointer because that is valid across threads. An alternative is to call (*env)->GetJavaVM in the initializeJNIVars function but I prefer the first one.
In your initializeJNIVars you can save the obj reference by calling Obj = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(obj).
In the LowLevelKeyboardProc you will have to get the env pointer:
AttachCurrentThread(JavaVM *jvm, JNIEnv &env, NULL);
OK, here are the code that you should add to get it working, I have tried it myself and it works. NB: I have not analyzed what your code is actually doing so I just did some fixes to get it working.
Add these variables among your other global variables:
static JavaVM *javaVM = NULL;
static jmethodID callbackMethod = NULL;
static jobject callbackObject = NULL;
You can remove your cls, mid, Env and Obj variables and use mine instead.
Create the JNI_OnLoad method where you cache the JavaVM pointer:
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved) {
JNIEnv *env = 0;
if ((*jvm)->GetEnv(jvm, (void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4)) {
return JNI_ERR;
javaVM = jvm;
return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
Alter your initializeJNIVars to look like the following:
void Java_keylogger_TestKeys_initializeJNIVars(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env,obj);
callbackMethod = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "callBack", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
callbackObject = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, obj);
if(cls == NULL || callbackMethod == NULL) {
printf("One of them is null \n");
called = TRUE;
And finally in your LowLoevelKeyboardProc code you will have to add the following:
WPARAM param = kbhook->vkCode;
JNIEnv *env;
jint rs = (*javaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(javaVM, (void**)&env, NULL);
if (rs != JNI_OK) {
return NULL; // Or something appropriate...
printf("Escape pressed !\n");
jstring message = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "1B");
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, callbackObject, callbackMethod, message);
In your unregisterWinHook you should delete the global reference so that objects can be GC'd.
(*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, callbackObject);
And that's it.
I believe you cannot call a java method that takes a String parameter and pass it a char*. You should call NewStringUTF first.
I think it is due to the UAC feature enabled on your Operating System. This was a bug for Java 6. Read this for further reference.
The reason I say this is because the event to the escape key is fired correctly and the problem only begins as soon as the call to the java method is done.