Compile Cucumber JUnit based runner classes - java

I've built a cucumber framework and using JUnit for creating Runner Classes. When I load & run N number of feature files, my runner class is executing all the scenarios & tests as expected.
But here I would like load tests alone in Eclipse JUnit explorer by compiling the tests and pick selective tests from there and run from Eclipse JUnit explorer.
Currently I could see that after running the tests only Eclipse JUnit explorer is populated with tests and from there I'm able to pick and run certain tests. But is there an option to compile and load tests in Eclipse JUnit explorer?


Running JUnit Tests from an Eclipse Plugin

I am working on an Eclipse Plugin where I can select an Eclipse Project and run the JUnit Test Suite of this project. Currently I am using the ILaunchConfiguration to start the tests
Is there anointed way to start these tests? And how can I access the results?

TFS and TestNG - Possible to Execute TestNG test(s) within TFS2015?

TFS and TestNG - Possible to Execute TestNG test(s) within TFS2015?
I have uploaded a Java Maven project to a Repo in my instance of TFS.
My java Maven project comprises of TestNG Test / classes
I can see that there is a Maven plugin within the TFS which also has a JUnit link.
4. I cant see any option to enable me to execute TestNG tests within the TFS, is it even possible?
It's able to use Maven task to build a Java application or test the application including TestNG test. Detail steps please refer this tutorial: Get started testing Java applications with Visual Studio Team Services
For test result report just follow juherr's reply in this question.
Yes you should be able to run your TestNG tests.
I think its eventually going to be Maven that is going to be executing your tests.
Maven makes use of surefire-plugin to basically execute your tests. For TestNG here's two of executing tests via surefire-plugin
If your test matches the default pattern "/Test*.java", "/*", "**/*" (See here)
Create a suite xml file for TestNG (See here) and have surefire plugin refer to it (see here).

Android gradle: how to run separately integration and unit tests?

Currently I have standard structure of project:
According to documentation
I've placed unit and integration tests under androidTest folder.
Since instrumentation tests need lot of time, I placed it inside robotium folder(I use Robotium).
Inside unti - jUnit tests respectively.
To run all tests I invoke ./gradlew connectedCheck - it's taking lot of time.
How to to run integration (inside robotium folder) tests and unit tests separately?
I want to run these tests using gradle - it's for CI server.
For example I want to run integration tests every night and unit tests - every hour..
According to the documentation JUnit tests should be places under - src/test/java and then you'll be able to switch between test sources by changing Test Artifact when selecting Build variants as shown:

How can I view integration tests in the Netbeans Test Results?

My development environment is Netbeans 7.4 and Maven 3.0.5 (bundled with Netbeans). I'm using JUnit 4.11 to build unit (class names ending with Test) and integration tests (class names ending with IT). I'm running unit tests and excluding integration tests with the "-DskipITs" Maven option. I have a custom action which runs just the integration tests with the failsafe plugin. Both execute successfully. However, I only see the results in the "Test Results" window when running the unit tests. How can I get the integration tests to show in the "Test Results" window? With the integration tests, I'm only seeing the output in the console.
The maven-failsafe-plugin only executes in integration-test and verify (and of course the help) goal while the maven-surefire-plugin runs during test goal.
NetBeans Test Results window only shows the tests that were executed using the 'test' goal.
My solution for this situation is to categorize my integration tests into
testintegration - just lightweight ITs, I run them with surefire (to see them in Test Results window)
testheavy - those that will require me to bootstrap something I run with the fail-safe plugin
I hope you have the option of doing something close to that.

How to run Maven unit test (testng) on Eclipse?

I have a Maven project and I have included some unit tests. I can run those unit tests from command line using
mvn test -Dtest=AppTest
It will run the unit test (AppTest class) without any problems. But if I tried to run the test on Eclipse as JUnitTest, I got an error saying
"No Tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'"
I know the test (AppTest) is not a JUnit test but I didn't see "maven" option if I right clicked on the test class.
Do you know how I could run the tests on Eclipse?
If those are testng tests, then you can download the eclipse plugin for TestNG and right click and run them as test class. Testng plugin here
If you want to run the command line way of maven, you would need the maven plugin for eclipse from here
Then you can right click your project and you should see an option of Run As -> Maven Test. You would need to set relevant arguments in the surefire plugin of pom or use run configuration to specify parameters like you did in -Dtest
I would suggest the testng plugin which would be simpler to just select the class and run the class or a single case or a package even.

