My current java code generates a stacked-bar chart using Apache POI 4.0.1 as shown in following diagram.
I don't want to print a line for future dates (for example: In following chart, I don't want those zeros from 04/04 date); but I want those dates below X-axis.
My question is how to remove/disable line drawing for Zero ?
Code sample
// line chart
// axis must be there but must not be visible
bottomAxis = chart.createCategoryAxis(AxisPosition.BOTTOM);
leftAxis = chart.createValueAxis(AxisPosition.LEFT);
// set correct cross axis
data = chart.createData(ChartTypes.LINE, bottomAxis, leftAxis);
XDDFLineChartData.Series series4 = (XDDFLineChartData.Series)data.addSeries(date, category);
series4.setTitle("Total", null);
// correct the id and order, must not start 0 again because there are three bar series already
solidLineSeries(data, 0, PresetColor.YELLOW);
// add data labels
.addNewSpPr().addNewSolidFill().addNewSrgbClr().setVal(new byte[]{(byte)255,(byte)255,0});
First you've to write following lines of code before chart.plot(data);.
This will set blank values as gaps in the chart so you can accurately plot data series of different lengths
CTDispBlanksAs disp = CTDispBlanksAs.Factory.newInstance();
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.chart.CTDispBlanksAs;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.chart.STDispBlanksAs;
Then after Drawing code and outside loop, write a code to set those zeros as BLANK.
int rownum = 0;
// loop start
Row rowT = sheetTestcasenBurndown.getRow(rownum);
for (int cellnumStart = 1; cellnumStart <= cellnumEnd; cellnumStart++) {
Cell cell = rowT.getCell(cellnumStart);
// loop end
I am filling a LineChat chart with data and sometimes I need to redraw it. The drawGraph() method is attached to the button click event (we press it to redraw the graph). I want the first data series to have transparent markers and the second data series to have transparent lines. For this I use css. On the first call to the drawGraph() method, everything works fine, and I get this picture:
It should be
I try to make it so that every time I redraw the chart, I get the 1st picture
But from the next redrawings, the following picture starts to be displayed every other time:
It should not be
That is, a graph is displayed every other time without applying css to it, and one data series overlaps another
Style sheet:
/* Removes points from a data series */
.default-color0.chart-line-symbol {
-fx-background-color: transparent;
/* Removes lines from a data series */
.default-color1.chart-series-line {
-fx-stroke: transparent;
Chart redrawing method (from ApplicationController):
double[] X = new double[] {1,2,3,4,5};
double[] Y = new double[] {1.9,5.5,10,15,21};
public void drawGraph() {
//clear the Chart
//Data series #1
ObservableList<XYChart.Data> datas = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
XYChart.Series series = new XYChart.Series();
//Filling series #1
for(int i=0; i< X.length; i++){
datas.add(new XYChart.Data(X[i],Y[i]));
//Data series #2
ObservableList<XYChart.Data> datas1 = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
XYChart.Series series1 = new XYChart.Series();
//Filling series #2
for(int i=0; i< X.length; i++){
datas1.add(new XYChart.Data(X[i],Y[i]));
It was bad practice to create new data series and place them on the chart instead of the old ones. Also, it was not worth using a style sheet for each new data redrawing.
What I did was to fill in the graph for the first time, and when it was redrawn, I replaced it in the series as follows.
//We get a series:
XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = lineChart.getData().get(0);
//Let's remove all elements in the series:
//We add elements to the series like this:
series.getData().add(new LineChart.Data<Number,Number>(1, 2));
I am trying to implement grouped MPAndroid Bar chart. I have a group of 2 datasets that i want to display. The problem is that the xaxis values are not center aligned with the bar chart (as per the screenshot). I checked other questions as well and implemented the following answers provided.
I want to make the labels center aligned with the grouped bars.
float barSpace = 0.02f;
float groupSpace = 0.3f;
int groupCount = 2;
pvaAmount_chart.getXAxis().setAxisMaximum(0 + pvaAmount_chart.getBarData().getGroupWidth(groupSpace, barSpace) * groupCount);
pvaAmount_chart.groupBars(0, groupSpace, barSpace);
When entering groupcount=2 as 2 types of bars:
When entering groupcount=4 number of grouped charts:
i'm doing it like this :
String [] values = new String[insert the lenght of your array]
for (int blabla=0;i<values[lenght];blabla++){
String dayOfTheWeek = dateFormat.format(mydate);
vales[blabla] = dayOfTheWeek //in my case
xAxis.setGranularity(1.0f); //
xAxis.setLabelCount(values.length,false); //
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(values));
xAxis.setLabelCount(values.length,false); //
xAxis.setValueFormatter(new IndexAxisValueFormatter(getXAxisValues((ArrayList<String>) stringList)));
i'm using : 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.1.0'
I'm facing the below issue while using JFreeChart for creating bar chart with relatively large dataset:
Bar chart generated with overlapping X-axis labels. I have tried positioning the labels vertical, still no help. Please provide the best possible way to solve this issue. Code snipped below:
CategoryDataset categoryDataSet = getBarDataset();
JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("TITLE", "X-LABEL","Y-LABEL", categoryDataSet, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
jpg = Image.getInstance(im, null);
As per the suggestion from #trashgod, I've used SlidingCategoryDataset indexing from 0 to the column count. When the column count is large(50 here), the X-Label's are overlapping. When the column count is set to a lower number, it's working fine. I want to find a solution for large column size. Importantly, I need to export the chart image to pdf. Please help me in arriving to a feasible solution. Thanks!
private static void createBarChart() throws DocumentException, IOException {
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(FILE_LOCN));
CategoryDataset categoryDataset = createDataset();
int colCount = categoryDataset.getColumnCount();
SlidingCategoryDataset slidingCategoryDataSet = new SlidingCategoryDataset(categoryDataset, 0, colCount);
JFreeChart barChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("TITLE", "X-LABEL","Y-LABEL", slidingCategoryDataSet,
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
java.awt.Image im = barChart.createBufferedImage(400, 400);
Image jpg = Image.getInstance(im, null);
jpg.scaleToFit(400, 400);
private static CategoryDataset createDataset() {
DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {
dataset.addValue(i, "R", "C" + i);
return dataset;
With a large number of categories, specifying vertical labels via setCategoryLabelPositions() is a good choice for maximizing legibility. Arbitrary CategoryLabelPositions are supported.
In an interactive chart, SlidingCategoryDataset, mentioned here, allows your application to set the count and starting index of visible categories as desired, perhaps using a slider or spinner, as shown here.
How can I achieve this in a PDF?…More pixels seems a good idea, but how can we implement that here?
In a fixed size context with a given number of categories, you can optimize the size of the chart image via createBufferedImage(), as shown here, or Image.scaleToFit(). For yet larger datasets, it may be possible to create multiple linked charts in a domain specific way, e.g. by year or subsidiary.
I have to implement an histogram using JFreeChart API. This histogram has to represent the datas of this JTable:
So I have a JTable with three columns: "thea", "type", "Number of occurrences". My histogram has two targets: the first is to count the number of occurrences of each thea field; the second is to mark with different colors the bars corresponding to JTable records with different types.
To implement my histogram I used a DefaultCategoryDataset:
private DefaultCategoryDataset createDataset(ArrayList<String>fieldsOccs) {
DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
for(int i = 0; i<this.fieldsOccs.size() && i<end; i++) {
String thea = fieldsOccs.get(i).getFieldName();
String type = fieldsOccs.get(i).getType();
int occurrences = fieldsOccs.get(i).getOccurrences();
dataset.setValue(occurrences, type, thea);
return dataset;
Anf then I create my chart using a createChart method:
private JFreeChart createChart(DefaultCategoryDataset dataset) {
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
"", //X-axis title
"", //Y-axis title
dataset, //dataset
PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, //plot orientation
true, //show legends
true, //use tooltips
false //generate URLs
return chart;
This is what I get:
As you can see in the picture it is not nice to see. The values on x axes are not formatted correctly.
How can I solve this rendering problem?
I have this problem just in case of more types in the JTable. For example if my JTable is:
and there is just String, the correspondig histogram is nice:
What dou you think about StackedBarChart3D? I get this output:
My histogram has two targets:
You may get a more appealing result with ChartFactory.createHistogram() and a SimpleHistogramDataset, seen here.
To get diverse colors, override the getItemPaint() method in a custom XYBarRenderer, as suggested here.
I am using MPAndroidChart library to draw graphs (especially LineCharts) in my App.
To draw a LineChart with the mentioned library first we need to create entries and labels as follow:
// Getting LineChart
LineChart lineChart = (LineChart) rootView.findViewById(;
// Creating list of entry
ArrayList<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
// Creating labels
ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();
// Fill entries and lables
entries.add(new Entry(326.422f, 0));
entries.add(new Entry(8.36f, 1));
entries.add(new Entry(6.5f, 2));
entries.add(new Entry(2.37f, 3));
entries.add(new Entry(18.13f, 4));
entries.add(new Entry(9f, 5));
// Create dataset
final LineDataSet dataset = new LineDataSet(entries, "Legend description");
// Create LineData with labels and dataset prepared previously
LineData data = new LineData(labels, dataset);
// Set the data and list of labels into chart
Ok this is working, but the point is what if I want to graph a set of coordinates like this: X = {(35.3, 22.9), (69.39, 27.36), (66.37, 31.697), (58.36, 36.32), (45.336, 38.296), (25.39, 40), (67.396, 43.633)}.
The constructor of Entry accepts a float number as first parameter and an integer as second parameter, so how can I give the above X set to the LineChart?
Someone could say that I can set the labels accordingly, for example the first label could be labeled as "22.9", the second as "27.36", and so on... But this is mathematically wrong as the graph is not scaled properly.
In the documentation I found classes like Entry, BarEntry, BubbleEntry, CandleEntry but there is nothing something like LineEntry.
Can anyone point me to the right direction on how to achieve this goal?
Thank you,
Currently only integers are supported for the x-axis. The reason therefore is that each string on the x-axis should correspond to a value on the y-axis.
This will change in the next release of the library, where both values will be changed to double.
The new version should be released in April.