Should we test getForObject? - java

I am writing a simple REST client, my service class has one method using
I would like to practice testing but I don't really know if we should test the class. I also do not know how to test method that does not do much. Should I write any unit tests?

You can test, that request has been sent. For example you have the next service:
public void QueryService {
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
public QueryService(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
public List<Employee> void makeQuery() {
ResponseEntity<List<Employee>> response = restTemplate.getForObject(
return response.getEmployees();
For the method makeQuery you can write the next unit test:
public class QueryServiceTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private QueryService queryService;
public void testMakeQueryRequestHasBeenSent() {
List<Employee> result = queryService.makeQuery();
// This string checks that method getForObject has been invoked
verify(restTemplate).getForObject(anyString(), any(Class.class));
In the future, if you will change makeQuery method and forget to send request using restTemplate, this test will fail.


how can i insert advanced data in spring boot test?

I'm making test code in spring boot.
But, my test code doesn't save the data using #Before method.
If i request to '/v1/stay/, it return empty array...
Please can you explain what is wrong with my code?
Here is my test code.
public class StayControllerTest {
private StayService stayService;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
// givenStay method is the method generating dummy data
public void before() {;;;;;
void showStayList() throws Exception {
List<StayReq> original = new ArrayList<>();
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/v1/stay")
And below code blocks are my StayController and StayService
public class StayController {
private final StayService stayService;
private final ApiService apiService;
public ResponseEntity<Response> stayList() {
return apiService.okResponse(stayService.getList());
public class StayService {
private final StayRepository stayRepository;
private final RoomRepository roomRepository;
public List<StayRes> getList() {
return stayRepository.findAll().stream().map(StayRes::new).collect(Collectors.toList());
public void save(StayReq stayReq) {;
You injected a mock, not a 'real' service. If you want to use a 'real' service - you need to replace #MockBean annotation with #Autowired annotation.
Or alternatively - you can configure mock in the test method to return some predefined data.

Junit Test case Spring boot controller returning null value in ResponseEntity

In my project I am creating a rest endpoint which is responsible to consume grpc service response.
Now I want to write testcase for the controller class but the Junit test cases returning me null null values .
public class MyController {
private MyConsumerService consumer;
public MyController(MyConsumerService consumer) {
public ResponseEntity<Records> getData(#RequestParam("data") String data) {
Records records = consumer.getGrpcResponse(data);
return new ResponseEntity<>(Records, HttpStatus.OK);
public class MyConsumerServiceImpl implements MyConsumerService {
private userGrpc.userBlockingStub stub;
public Records getGrpcResponse(data) {
Records records = new Records();
UserRequest request = UserRequest.newBuilder()
APIResponse response = stub.userRequest(request);
return records;
public class MyControllerTest {
private MyConsumerService mockerService;
private MyController controller;
void setup(){
mockerService = mock(MyConsumerService.class);
controller = new MyController(mockerService);
public void shouldGet(){
final var data="Hello";
when(mockerService.getGrpcResponse(data)).thenReturn(new Records());
final var responseEntity=controller.getData(data);
assertEquals(responseEntity.getBody(),new Records());
responseEntity.getBody() is returning null.
Normal flow is working fine but with Junit when I am mocking the client service call, it is returning null.
I am confused why always it is returning null.
Any idea where I am getting wrong.
you have not added when then statement for service.getData(),
and below stubbing have not been called any where
when(mockerService.getGrpcResponse(data)).thenReturn(new Records());
use when then to mock service.getData() like this,
when(mockerService.getData(data)).thenReturn(new Records());
annotate this 'MyControllerTest' class with #WebMvcTest(MyController.class) and the rerun it will work, otherwise its not able to mock actual controller class.

Mockito when().thenReturn() Returning Null when it should return empty list

I've been trying to figure out why my mocked findIngredientsByCategory method is returning null when I have when(controller.findIngredientsByCategory(any()).thenReturn(Collections.emptyList()). This implementation works for the findAll method works.
Below is my implementation for my unit test:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestContext.class, WebApplicationContext.class})
public class IngredientControllerTest {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mvc;
private IngredientController ingredientController;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build();
private ObjectMapper mapper;
private static class Behavior {
IngredientController ingredientController;
public static Behavior set(IngredientController ingredientController) {
Behavior behavior = new Behavior();
behavior.ingredientController = ingredientController;
return behavior;
public Behavior hasNoIngredients() {
return this;
public void getIngredientsByCategoryNoIngredients() throws Exception {
MvcResult result = mvc.perform(get("/ingredients/filter=meat"))
String content = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
And below is the implementation for the controller:
public class IngredientController {
private IngredientRepository repository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/filter", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List getIngredientsByCategory(#RequestParam("category") String category) {
return repository.findByCategory(category);
I'm not sure why the mock controller is returning null with this request, when I tell it to return an empty list. If someone could please help with this I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
Th request path in test is "/ingredients/filter=meat", but it should be "/ingredients/filter?category=meat". So, it seem that getIngredientsByCategory was not called.
The MockMvc actually will call the IngredientController that is bootstrapped and created by the Spring Test framework but not call the mocked IngredientController that you annotated with #MockBean, so all the stubbing that you made will not be called.
Actually, the point of #WebMvcTest is to test #RestController and its related Spring configuration is configured properly , so a real instance of IngredientController is necessary to create rather than using a mocked one. Instead , you should mock the dependencies inside IngredientController (i.e IngredientRepository).
So , the codes should looks like:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestContext.class, WebApplicationContext.class})
public class IngredientControllerTest {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mvc;
private IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;
public void fooTest(){
//And use the MockMvc to send a request to the controller,
//and then assert the returned MvcResult

Unit test service class with mocks using TestNG

I am attempting to write a unit test for a generic service class like the following:
public class ApiService{
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private ServiceDao serviceDao;
public ApiService(RestTemplate restTemplate, ServiceDao serviceDao) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
this.serviceDao = serviceDao;
public ResponseEntity getObject(ObjectRequest request) {
// Service logic here
public ResponseEntity postObject(CreateObjectRequest request) {
// Service logic here
But am struggling with how to mock the restTemplate in the constructor of my service class such that when the test runs, data is not persisted.. I've looked into Mockito though don't see many examples or documentation regarding Mockito + TestNG in this context. Any help would be appreciated
First of all - if possible inject RestOperations in your service instead of RestTemplate. Then you will be able easily mock its behavior (note: RestTemplate implements RestOperations).
If using RestOperations is not possible - you can do something this:
RestTemplate myTemplate = Mockito.spy(new RestTemplate());
String expectedOutput = "hello mock";
String inputUrl = "";
Mockito.doReturn(expectedOutput).when(myTemplate).getForObject(inputUrl, String.class);
String result = myTemplate.getForObject(inputUrl, String.class);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedOutput, result);
I've actually constructed a method using Mockito as follows... there might be a more elegant solution so I would be interested to see:
public class ServiceTest {
public void beforeMethod() {
public void testGetService_returns200() {
when(serviceDao.getService(any(String.class), any(RestTemplate.class), any(HttpHeaders.class))).thenReturn(new ResponseEntity(new Object(), HttpStatus.OK));
ObjectRequest request = new ObjectRequest();
// set request values
ResponseEntity testResponse = apiService.getObject(request);

How to mock RestTemplate in Java Spring?

public class ServiceTest {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
Service service = new Service();
ResponseEntity responseEntity = mock(ResponseEntity.class);
public void test() throws Exception {
boolean res = service.isEnabled("something");
Assert.assertEquals(res, false);
I tried to test a simple test for a service including a restclient. It looks I have not Mock the RestTemplate successfully. It looks like the code get the real data not the mock one. Anyone can help me with this.
The service itself will looks as this:
public class Service{
public boolean isEnabled(String xxx) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity("someurl",String.class);
if(...)return true;
return false;
The problem is that in your isEnabled you are creating a new RestTemplate. This is wrong for two reasons, one is that you cannot mock it since you are creating a new one, and second it is good to avoid creating new objects per request. RestTemplate is thread safe and hence can be a service class member, being used across many threads.
Change your service class to something like this:
public class Service{
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
public boolean isEnabled(String xxx) {
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity("someurl",String.class);
if(...)return true;
return false;
Now that your RestTemplate has become a class member you can now properly mock through one of two ways. One, inject it using the #InjectMock, or use a setter method that you call from your test.
Since you are using InjectMock in your code we can go with that.
public class ServiceTest {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
Service service;
ResponseEntity responseEntity = mock(ResponseEntity.class);
public void test() throws Exception {
boolean res = service.isEnabled("something");
Assert.assertEquals(res, false);
Notice that I made a few changes. First, I removed the new RestTemplate() and new Service(). You should let mockito create those for you. By annotating them with #Mock and #Spy you will ensure that Mockito will create them for you, and more importantly, will inject the mocks into your service object.
Spring MVC's test framework has offered the class MockRestServiceServer for unit testing RESTful service code.
Here is a tutorial on its use.
If you use #Autowired, you could use MockRestServiceServer.
The below is the sample.
public class Service{
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public boolean isEnabled(String xxx) {
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity("someurl",String.class);
if(...)return true;
return false;
#Service needs to use #Autowired for creating object automatically.

