I have an XML - list of xy-coordinates (vertices) that define the edge of a polygon. I read this file and save the vertices in an ArrayList. Now I would like to iterate over the finished ArrayList and compare two vertices with each other to decide whether the edge connecting both vertices is a north, west, south, or east edge of the simple polygon.
This is the code I can use to test whether the edge that makes up two points is a north, west, east, or south edge.
public EdgeType orthoEdgeTypeCCW(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
if(x0 == x1) // vertical
return (y0 < y1) ? EdgeType.RIGHT :
(y0 > y1) ? EdgeType.LEFT :
else if(y0 == y1) // horizontal
return (x0 < x1) ? EdgeType.BOTTOM :
(x0 > x1) ? EdgeType.TOP :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Edge not orthogonal");
I have two concerns for which I don't find a solution:
First I would like to test whether the vertices are sorted clockwise or counterclockwise. Accordingly, I would have to change the code for the edge types.
Second I don't know how I can iterate over the ArrayList of vertices in order to compare two of the vertices at each step.
For example in the first step v1 with v2, in the second v2 with v3, in the third v3 with v4 and so on.. Can I perhaps address the vertices in the ArrayList with their indices?
For a simple orthogonal polygon with no self-intersections you can determine its orientation (CW|CCW) by finding the lower left corner point and determining if the y value of the next point is equal to (CCW) or greater (CW).
enum Orientation {CW, CCW}
public Orientation orientation(List<Point2D> points)
int minIdx = 0;
for(int i=1; i<points.size(); i++)
if(pointOrder(points.get(i), points.get(minIdx)) <= 0) minIdx = i;
int nextIdx = (minIdx+1) % points.size();
if(points.get(nextIdx).getY() == points.get(minIdx).getY())
return Orientation.CCW;
return Orientation.CW;
public int pointOrder(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
if(p1.getY() < p2.getY()) return -1;
else if(p1.getY() > p2.getY()) return 1;
else if(p1.getX() < p2.getX()) return -1;
else if(p1.getX() > p2.getX()) return 1;
else return 0;
Once you have the orientation you can iterate through the edges to determine their type.
for(int i=0, j=points.size()-1; i<points.size(); j=i++)
EdgeType edgeType = orthoEdgeTypeCCW(points.get(j), points.get(i));
System.out.format("%s -> %s : %s%n", points.get(j), points.get(i), edgeType);
public EdgeType orthoEdgeTypeCCW(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
if(p1.getX() == p2.getX()) // vertical
return (p1.getY() < p2.getY()) ? EdgeType.RIGHT :
(p1.getY() > p2.getY()) ? EdgeType.LEFT :
else if(p1.getY() == p2.getY()) // horizontal
return (p1.getX() < p2.getX()) ? EdgeType.BOTTOM :
(p1.getX() > p2.getX()) ? EdgeType.TOP :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Edge not orthogonal");
Obviously the type for CW polygons is reversed.
Regarding your first question, there are a number of ways to find the orientation of a polygon. See the discussion on SO here.
As for comparing the points in a polygon, you can do something like the below:
List<Point2D.Float> points = new ArrayList<>(); //your initial set of points
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
Point2D.Float current = points.get(i);
Point2D.Float next = points.get((i + 1) % points.size());
//do your comparison between the two points here
This will compare each point with the next, including comparing the last point with the first to 'close the loop'. If this isn't needed, you can do a small change to stop as soon as the last point is reached:
List<Point2D.Float> points = new ArrayList<>(); //your initial set of points
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
Point2D.Float current = points.get(i);
Point2D.Float next = points.get((i + 1));
So, I've got a method that returns the area of a shape defined by its points (given in CCW or CW order, it doesn't really matter). I tested it with some shapes and it seems to be working.
The problem is, I want to use this method with GPS coordinates, and I want to return the result in m² or km², but that's definitly not what happens. In fact, I don't even know in which unit the result is when I use this method with that kind of coordinates.
So the question is, how to convert the result I have into m² or km² ? I tried some things, but either it does not work or it's inaccurate.
Here's my method, if you want to check :
public static double getArea(List<Vector2D> points) {
double firstSum = 0, secondSum = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < points.size()-1 ; i++) {
firstSum += points.get(i).x * points.get(i+1).y;
secondSum += points.get(i).y * points.get(i+1).x;
firstSum += points.get( points.size()-1 ).x * points.get(0).y;
secondSum += points.get( points.size()-1 ).y * points.get(0).x;
return Math.abs((firstSum-secondSum)/2);
(Vector2D is the class I use for points, with x as the latitude and y as the longitude)
The problem is that you're not taking the (approximately) spherical nature of the Earth into account. For a start, you need to take into account the radius of the Earth - you could have the same list of latitude and longitude on a smaller (or bigger) planet, but the radius would be different, and consequently the area would be different too.
You can use the approach in this question. It's trivial to convert that to Java:
public static double CalculatePolygonArea(List<Vector2D> coordinates)
double area = 0;
if (coordinates.size() > 2)
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size()-1; i++)
Vector2D p1, p2;
p1 = coordinates.get(i);
p2 = coordinates.get(i + 1);
area += Math.toRadians(p2.x - p1.x) * (2 + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p1.y))
+ Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p2.y)));
area = area * R * R / 2;
return Math.abs(area);
(assuming Vector2D.x is the longitude and Vector2D.y is the latitude).
R is the radius of the Earth. Use a value in the unit you want the area result to be in (e.g. 6_371_000 metres for square metres, 6_371 km for square km, 3_959 miles for square miles...)
I'm programming a software renderer in Java, and am trying to use Z-buffering for the depth calculation of each pixel. However, it appears to work inconsistently. For example, with the Utah teapot example model, the handle will draw perhaps half depending on how I rotate it.
My z-buffer algorithm:
for(int i = 0; i < m_triangles.size(); i++)
if(triangleIsBackfacing(m_triangles.get(i))) continue; //Backface culling
for(int y = minY(m_triangles.get(i)); y < maxY(m_triangles.get(i)); y++)
if((y + getHeight()/2 < 0) || (y + getHeight()/2 >= getHeight())) continue; //getHeight/2 and getWidth/2 is for moving the model to the centre of the screen
for(int x = minX(m_triangles.get(i)); x < maxX(m_triangles.get(i)); x++)
if((x + getWidth()/2 < 0) || (x + getWidth()/2 >= getWidth())) continue;
rayOrigin = new Point2D(x, y);
if(pointWithinTriangle(m_triangles.get(i), rayOrigin))
zDepth = zValueOfPoint(m_triangles.get(i), rayOrigin);
if(zDepth > zbuffer[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2])
zbuffer[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2] = zDepth;
colour[x + getWidth()/2][y + getHeight()/2] = m_triangles.get(i).getColour();
drawDot(g2, rayOrigin);
Method for calculating the z value of a point, given a triangle and the ray origin:
private double zValueOfPoint(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector3D surfaceNormal = getNormal(triangle);
double A = surfaceNormal.x;
double B = surfaceNormal.y;
double C = surfaceNormal.z;
double d = -(A * triangle.getV1().x + B * triangle.getV1().y + C * triangle.getV1().z);
double rayZ = -(A * rayOrigin.x + B * rayOrigin.y + d) / C;
return rayZ;
Method for calculating if the ray origin is within a projected triangle:
private boolean pointWithinTriangle(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector2D v0 = new Vector2D(triangle.getV3().projectPoint(modelViewer), triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
Vector2D v1 = new Vector2D(triangle.getV2().projectPoint(modelViewer), triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
Vector2D v2 = new Vector2D(rayOrigin, triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer));
double d00 = v0.dotProduct(v0);
double d01 = v0.dotProduct(v1);
double d02 = v0.dotProduct(v2);
double d11 = v1.dotProduct(v1);
double d12 = v1.dotProduct(v2);
double invDenom = 1.0 / (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01);
double u = (d11 * d02 - d01 * d12) * invDenom;
double v = (d00 * d12 - d01 * d02) * invDenom;
// Check if point is in triangle
if((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && ((u + v) <= 1))
return true;
return false;
Method for calculating surface normal of a triangle:
private Vector3D getNormal(Triangle triangle)
Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(triangle.getV1(), triangle.getV2());
Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D(triangle.getV3(), triangle.getV2());
return v1.crossProduct(v2);
Example of the incorrectly drawn teapot:
What am I doing wrong? I feel like it must be some small thing. Given that the triangles draw at all, I doubt it's the pointWithinTriangle method. Backface culling also appears to work correctly, so I doubt it's that. The most likely culprit to me is the zValueOfPoint method, but I don't know enough to know what's wrong with it.
My zValueOfPoint method was not working correctly. I'm unsure why :( however, I changed to a slightly different method of calculating the value of a point in a plane, found here: http://forum.devmaster.net/t/interpolation-on-a-3d-triangle-using-normals/20610/5
To make the answer here complete, we have the equation of a plane:
A * x + B * y + C * z + D = 0
Where A, B, and C are the surface normal x/y/z values, and D is -(Ax0 + By0 + Cz0).
x0, y0, and z0 are taken from one of the vertices of the triangle. x, y, and z are the coordinates of the point where the ray intersects the plane. x and y are known values (rayOrigin.x, rayOrigin.y) but z is the depth which we need to calculate. From the above equation we derive:
z = -A / C * x - B / C * y - D
Then, copied from the above link, we do:
"Note that for every step in the x-direction, z increments by -A / C, and likewise it increments by -B / C for every step in the y-direction.
So these are the gradients we're looking for to perform linear interpolation. In the plane equation (A, B, C) is the normal vector of the plane.
It can easily be computed with a cross product.
Now that we have the gradients, let's call them dz/dx (which is -A / C) and dz/dy (which is -B / C), we can easily compute z everywhere on the triangle.
We know the z value in all three vertex positions.
Let's call the one of the first vertex z0, and it's position coordinates (x0, y0). Then a generic z value of a point (x, y) can be computed as:"
z = z0 + dz/dx * (x - x0) + dz/dy * (y - y0)
This found the Z value correctly and fixed my code. The new zValueOfPoint method is:
private double zValueOfPoint(Triangle triangle, Point2D rayOrigin)
Vector3D surfaceNormal = getNormal(triangle);
double A = surfaceNormal.x;
double B = surfaceNormal.y;
double C = surfaceNormal.z;
double dzdx = -A / C;
double dzdy = -B / C;
double rayZ = triangle.getV1().z * modelViewer.getModelScale() + dzdx * (rayOrigin.x - triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer).x) + dzdy * (rayOrigin.y - triangle.getV1().projectPoint(modelViewer).y);
return rayZ;
We can optimize this by only calculating most of it once, and then adding dz/dx to get the z value for the next pixel, or dz/dy for the pixel below (with the y-axis going down). This means that we cut down on calculations per polygon significantly.
this must be really slow
so much redundant computations per iteration/pixel just to iterate its coordinates. You should compute the 3 projected vertexes and iterate between them instead look here:
triangle/convex polygon rasterization
I dislike your zValueOfPoint function
can not find any use of x,y coordinates from the main loops in it so how it can compute the Z value correctly ?
Or it just computes the average Z value per whole triangle ? or am I missing something? (not a JAVA coder myself) in anyway it seems that this is your main problem.
if you Z-value is wrongly computed then Z-Buffer can not work properly. To test that look at the depth buffer as image after rendering if it is not shaded teapot but some incoherent or constant mess instead then it is clear ...
Z buffer implementation
That looks OK
You have too much times terms like x + getWidth()/2 why not compute them just once to some variable? I know modern compilers should do it anyway but the code would be also more readable and shorter... at least for me
I have a program where an entity moves around in two-dimensional space. To move one step, the entity picks its next point, and then sets it as his current point.
Sometimes, however, the entity's next point lies in an Area (java.awt.geom.Area) that is forbidden (the "forbidden area" is actually a velocity obstacle).
How can the entity pick the point outside the Area which is closest to the entity's preferred point?
The Area is composed of different shapes (sometimes, the shapes are not touching).
My initial plan was to simply draw a line to the preferred point. Wherever the line intersected the Area first, this would be the next-best point. However, finding the intersection between a line and an Area turns out to be quite complex.
EDIT: This wouldn't necessarily find the closest point. This would just find the closet point on the same trajectory. I'm looking for the closest possible point.
Perhaps Area isn't the best class to use. All I require is something that can add multiple shapes, even when the shapes aren't touching.
I've solved the problem:
First, find all the line segments that constrain the Area. I've written code to do that on a different answer.
Then, it's just a matter of iterating through each line segment, and recording the point on the segment that's closest to the entity's desired point. Store these in the data structure of your choice (e.g., an ArrayList).
See: Shortest distance between a point and a line segment
Lastly, determine which of the points is closest to the desired point. Voilà!
Here's a demonstration:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class AreaTest extends JFrame{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2221432546854106311L;
Area area = new Area();
ArrayList<Line2D.Double> areaSegments = new ArrayList<Line2D.Double>();
Point2D.Double insidePoint = new Point2D.Double(225, 225);
Point2D.Double closestPoint = new Point2D.Double(-1, -1);
Point2D.Double bestPoint = new Point2D.Double(-1, -1);
ArrayList<Point2D.Double> closestPointList = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>();
AreaTest() {
Path2D.Double triangle = new Path2D.Double();
Random random = new Random();
// Draw three random triangles
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
triangle.moveTo(random.nextInt(400) + 50, random.nextInt(400) + 50);
triangle.lineTo(random.nextInt(400) + 50, random.nextInt(400) + 50);
triangle.lineTo(random.nextInt(400) + 50, random.nextInt(400) + 50);
area.add(new Area(triangle));
// Place a point inside the area
if (!area.contains(insidePoint)); {
while (!area.contains(insidePoint)) {
insidePoint.setLocation(random.nextInt(400) + 50, random.nextInt(400) + 50);
// Note: we're storing double[] and not Point2D.Double
ArrayList<double[]> areaPoints = new ArrayList<double[]>();
double[] coords = new double[6];
for (PathIterator pi = area.getPathIterator(null); !pi.isDone(); pi.next()) {
// Because the Area is composed of straight lines
int type = pi.currentSegment(coords);
// We record a double array of {segment type, x coord, y coord}
double[] pathIteratorCoords = {type, coords[0], coords[1]};
double[] start = new double[3]; // To record where each polygon starts
for (int i = 0; i < areaPoints.size(); i++) {
// If we're not on the last point, return a line from this point to the next
double[] currentElement = areaPoints.get(i);
// We need a default value in case we've reached the end of the ArrayList
double[] nextElement = {-1, -1, -1};
if (i < areaPoints.size() - 1) {
nextElement = areaPoints.get(i + 1);
// Make the lines
if (currentElement[0] == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) {
start = currentElement; // Record where the polygon started to close it later
if (nextElement[0] == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
new Line2D.Double(
currentElement[1], currentElement[2],
nextElement[1], nextElement[2]
} else if (nextElement[0] == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) {
new Line2D.Double(
currentElement[1], currentElement[2],
start[1], start[2]
// Calculate the nearest point on the edge
for (Line2D.Double line : areaSegments) {
// From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6176227
double u =
((insidePoint.getX() - line.x1) * (line.x2 - line.x1) + (insidePoint.getY() - line.y1) * (line.y2 - line.y1))
/ ((line.x2 - line.x1) * (line.x2 - line.x1) + (line.y2 - line.y1) * (line.y2 - line.y1));
double xu = line.x1 + u * (line.x2 - line.x1);
double yu = line.y1 + u * (line.y2 - line.y1);
if (u < 0) {
} else if (u > 1) {
} else {
closestPoint.setLocation(xu, yu);
closestPointList.add((Point2D.Double) closestPoint.clone());
if (closestPoint.distance(insidePoint) < bestPoint.distance(insidePoint)) {
setSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
setLocationRelativeTo(null); // To center the JFrame on screen
public void paint(Graphics g) {
// Fill the area
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
// Draw the border line by line
for (Line2D.Double line : areaSegments) {
// Draw the inside point
new Ellipse2D.Double(
insidePoint.getX() - 3,
insidePoint.getY() - 3,
// Draw the other close points
for (Point2D.Double point : closestPointList) {
new Ellipse2D.Double(
point.getX() - 3,
point.getY() - 3,
// Draw the outside point
new Ellipse2D.Double(
bestPoint.getX() - 3,
bestPoint.getY() - 3,
public static void main(String[] args) {
new AreaTest();
Here's the result:
And again:
View my answer on this post
You can get the closest point outside of a polygon with a simple and lightweight approach:
Simply find the closest line segment, and find the perpendicular angle to that segment that intercepts the input point.
Example Code:
Vector2 is 2 doubles, x and y (Like Unity)
public class PolyCollisions {
// Call this function...
public static Vector2 doCollisions (Vector2[] polygon, Vector2 point) {
if(!pointIsInPoly(polygon, point)) {
// The point is not colliding with the polygon, so it does not need to change location
return point;
// Get the closest point off the polygon
return closestPointOutsidePolygon(polygon, point);
// Check if the given point is within the given polygon (Vertexes)
// If so, call on collision if required, and move the point to the
// closest point outside of the polygon
public static boolean pointIsInPoly(Vector2[] verts, Vector2 p) {
int nvert = verts.length;
double[] vertx = new double[nvert];
double[] verty = new double[nvert];
for(int i = 0; i < nvert; i++) {
Vector2 vert = verts[i];
vertx[i] = vert.x;
verty[i] = vert.y;
double testx = p.x;
double testy = p.y;
int i, j;
boolean c = false;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
// Gets the closed point that isn't inside the polygon...
public static Vector2 closestPointOutsidePolygon (Vector2[] poly, Vector2 point) {
return getClosestPointInSegment(closestSegment(poly, point), point);
public static Vector2 getClosestPointInSegment (Vector2[] segment, Vector2 point) {
return newPointFromCollision(segment[0], segment[1], point);
public static Vector2 newPointFromCollision (Vector2 aLine, Vector2 bLine, Vector2 p) {
return nearestPointOnLine(aLine.x, aLine.y, bLine.x, bLine.y, p.x, p.y);
public static Vector2 nearestPointOnLine(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double px, double py) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1459368/snap-point-to-a-line-java
double apx = px - ax;
double apy = py - ay;
double abx = bx - ax;
double aby = by - ay;
double ab2 = abx * abx + aby * aby;
double ap_ab = apx * abx + apy * aby;
double t = ap_ab / ab2;
if (t < 0) {
t = 0;
} else if (t > 1) {
t = 1;
return new Vector2(ax + abx * t, ay + aby * t);
public static Vector2[] closestSegment (Vector2[] points, Vector2 point) {
Vector2[] returns = new Vector2[2];
int index = closestPointIndex(points, point);
returns[0] = points[index];
Vector2[] neighbors = new Vector2[] {
double[] neighborAngles = new double[] {
getAngle(new Vector2[] {point, returns[0], neighbors[0]}),
getAngle(new Vector2[] {point, returns[0], neighbors[1]})
if(neighborAngles[0] < neighborAngles[1]) {
returns[1] = neighbors[0];
} else {
returns[1] = neighbors[0];
return returns;
public static double getAngle (Vector2[] abc) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1211212/how-to-calculate-an-angle-from-three-points
// atan2(P2.y - P1.y, P2.x - P1.x) - atan2(P3.y - P1.y, P3.x - P1.x)
return Math.atan2(abc[2].y - abc[0].y, abc[2].x - abc[0].x) - Math.atan2(abc[1].y - abc[0].y, abc[1].x - abc[0].x);
//public static Vector2 lerp (Vector2 a, Vector2 b, double c) {
// return new Vector2(c*(a.x-b.x)+b.x, c*(a.y-b.y)+b.y);
/*public static Vector2 closestPoint (Vector2[] points, Vector2 point) {
int leastDistanceIndex = 0;
double leastDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
double dist = distance(points[i], point);
if(dist < leastDistance) {
leastDistanceIndex = i;
leastDistance = dist;
return points[leastDistanceIndex];
public static int closestPointIndex (Vector2[] points, Vector2 point) {
int leastDistanceIndex = 0;
double leastDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
double dist = distance(points[i], point);
if(dist < leastDistance) {
leastDistanceIndex = i;
leastDistance = dist;
return leastDistanceIndex;
public static double distance (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(a.x-b.x), 2)+Math.pow(Math.abs(a.y-b.y), 2));
Useful Links / Answers
Snap Point to Line
How to calculate an angle from 3 points
The most easy (and most inefficient) approach would be a brute force.
You have a preferred point inside an area. to find the closest point to it: hold two variables, one for minimal distance and one for current closest point. now simply step over every other point in your two dimensional space: if that point is not inside the forbidden area (or any forbidden area if there are many), then calculate the distance between it and the preferred point. If that distance is less than the current minimal distance, then make it become the current minimal distance and make the point become the current closest point.
when you finish, you will have the closest point outside the area and if none was found, you stay on your original point.
I am not specialist in geometry algorithms, but if the two dimensional space is very big and the calculation is not finishing fast enough, maybe you can try to improve it with the following: the Area class has a contains method that "tests if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the specified rectangular area". therefore, start creating rectangles(or squares) around the preferred point. you start with the minimal rectangle surrounding the point and on every loop you increase it by one point in each direction. for every rectangle that you create, check if it is contained in the area. you stop calculating rectangles when you hit the first rectangle that is not entirely contained in the area. then, you use the above algorithm (the brute force) but only on points contained in this rectangle and that are not inside the area.
The formula for distance between two points is (javascript):
var xDiff = ( point1x - point2x ),
yDiff = ( point1y - point2y ),
distance = Math.sqrt( ( xDiff * xDiff ) + ( yDiff * yDiff ) );
Loop around your "proposed new point", starting at one x-1, y-1 to x+1, y+1. At each point check to see that it's not a forbidden point, not the point you just came from, and not off the boundaries of the map. If it meets all those criteria, use the above formula to measure the distance and add it to an array. At the end of your "1-point out" loop, check if there are any distances in that array. If so, take the smallest one and you're done. If there aren't any, move onto x-2, y-2 to x+2, y+2 (2 points out).
This will be extremely fast for the small area you are referring to.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ThinkingStiff/V7Bqm/
var X = 0,
Y = 1,
currentPoint = [5,5],
proposedPoint = [5,6],
forbiddenPoints = [[5,6],[6,6],[4,7],[5,7],[6,7],[4,8],[5,8]],
map = { left:1, top:1, right:10, bottom:10 };
function closestSafePoint( point ) {
var x = point[X], y = point[Y], safePoints = [];
for( var left = x - 1, top = y - 1, right = x + 1, bottom = y + 1;
left <= map.left || top <= map.top || right <= map.right || bottom <= map.bottom;
left--, top--, right++, bottom++) {
checkHorizontalPoints( safePoints, point, left, right, top );
checkHorizontalPoints( safePoints, point, left, right, bottom );
checkVerticalPoints( safePoints, point, top + 1, bottom - 1, left );
checkVerticalPoints( safePoints, point, top + 1, bottom - 1, right );
safePoints.sort( function( a, b ){ return a[1] - b[1] } );
return safePoints.length ? safePoints[0] : point;
function checkHorizontalPoints( points, fromPoint, startX, endX, y ) {
for( var x = startX; x <= endX ; x++ ) {
var toPoint = [x, y];
if( !isForbidden( toPoint ) && !isCurrent( toPoint) && onMap( toPoint ) ) {
points.push( [toPoint, distance( fromPoint, toPoint )] );
function checkVerticalPoints( points, fromPoint, startY, endY, x ) {
for( var y = startY; y <= endY ; y++ ) {
var toPoint = [x, y];
if( !isForbidden( toPoint ) && !isCurrent( toPoint) && onMap( toPoint ) ) {
points.push( [toPoint, distance( fromPoint, toPoint )] );
function isForbidden( point ) {
for( var index = 0; index < forbiddenPoints.length; index++ ) {
if( forbiddenPoints[index].toString() == point.toString() ) return true;
function isCurrent( point ) {
return currentPoint.toString() == point.toString() ? true : false;
function onMap( point ) {
var x = point[X], y = point[Y];
return x >= map.left && y >= map.top && x <= map.right && y <= map.bottom;
function distance( pointA, pointB ) {
var xDiff = ( pointA[X] - pointB[X] ),
yDiff = ( pointA[Y] - pointB[Y] );
return Math.sqrt( ( xDiff * xDiff ) + ( yDiff * yDiff ) );
'current: ' + currentPoint + ', '
+ 'proposed: ' + proposedPoint + ', '
+ 'closest: ' + closestSafePoint( proposedPoint )[0]
One optimization you could make to this, if you're fairly sure most of your safe spots will be one or two points away is to break out as soon as you get to a point thats distance is the same as the level you're on. So if you're on loop one, and you get a point that is distance = 1, stop, since you'll never get closer than that.
UPDATE: I noticed you added "same trajectory" to your question. But in one of the comments, you also say it can't jump over the forbidden area. Those statements seem to conflict.
Same trajectory is a little more tricky and requires some trig. Check out my demo of circular divs at http://jsfiddle.net/ThinkingStiff/uLu7v/. There is a "point on ray" function halfway down at:
$this.siblings( ".circle" ).each( function()
This calculates the distance to move the surrounding circles on a ray away from the selected circle. This could be used to calculate a point on your trajectory. But, I think my original function is actually what you're looking for and you didn't mean same trajectory.
I need help to calculate the tangets of a circle in 3D space, this is what I have so far
Tangents are represented by the blue lines, and this is the method I got from a friend to calculate them
Vec3D getTangentBetweenTwoPoint( Vec3D p1, Vec3D p2 ) {
Vec3D r = new Vec3D( p1.x - p2.x,
p1.y - p2.y,
p1.z - p2.z );
return r;
void getTangents() {
Vec3D p0, p1;
for ( int i = 1; i < curve_length + 1; i++ ) {
p0 = points[i % curve_length];
p1 = points[(i+1) % curve_length];
tangents[i % curve_length] = getTangentBetweenTwoPoint( p0, p1 );
Any help will be much appreciated
Basically, you'd find the vector from the point you need the tangent for to the circle's center and take the cross product of that vector as well as the circle's normal (which you get by taking 2 points of the circle plus the center resulting in a plane equation).
If you normalize that cross product you get the normal/tangent vector for that point.
Replace i with i-1 in your code here:
p0 = points[(i-1) % curve_length];
I am assuming your points are equally spaced on the circle, so the line between the previous point and the next point will be parallel to the tangent at the current point.