Putting values into an inner Map - java

I have a ConcurrentHashMap that looks like this:
private Map<String,Map<String,Set<PublicKey>>> instancePairs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
And a method that is supposed to fill this hashmap up.
But i can't figure out how to put the values in the map
Currently i have:
instancePairs.putIfAbsent(inMemoryInstance.getUsername(), inMemoryInstance.getId() , publicKeySet);
Intellij Idea is giving me this error:

As mentioned by "DDovzhenko", you'd need to do something along the following lines.
//Get the map containing the ID as keys, if it doesn't exist, then create one.
Map mapValuesForName = instancePairs.getOrDefault(inMemoryInstance.getUsername(), new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Set<PublicKey>>());
//Put the publicKeySet based on the Id.
mapValuesForName.putIfAbsent(inMemoryInstance.getId(), publicKeySet);
//Store the potentially changed/new value back in original map.


Default methods and Lambda Supplier Callbacks

I welcome methods in the API to easily create default initialisations.
For example in HashMaps. But why have they not been provided with Supplier Lambda methods? - Or am I missing an important step, or did I not learn the latest java Api versions?
Standard (Java8) version:
Map<String,List<Integer>> datas = new HashMap<>();
List<Integer> integersList = datas.getOrDefault( "somekey", new ArrayList<>() );
which would instantiate a new ArrayList anytime the code is executed - no matter if the new list is needed or not.
Desired Lambda supplier version:
Map<String,List<Integer>> datas = new HashMap<>();
List<Integer> integersList = datas.getOrDefault( "somekey", ()->new ArrayList() );
Would instantiate (or execute some instantiation code) only in case demanded key is not within the map.
The code of the getOrDefault()-Method could look something like this:
public V getOrDefault( K key, Supplier<V> supplier ) {
if ( !super.containsKey( key ) && supplier != null ) {
super.put( key, supplier.get() );
return super.get( key );
Why did they(?) not build it that way initially or added such functionality later on?
I guess there is even more examples where Lambda would solve an unnecessary code execution - not just Maps as shown with this example.
By the way: sorry for re-asking a question but I would not know how to exactly look for my question with different terms...
Be welcome to post helpful links.
Thanks for your shared knowledge :-)
What you are looking for exists since Java 8. Take a look at the javadoc of the HashMap and specifically the method Hashmap.computeIfAbsent. This method allows for adding new entries to the HashMap if none can be found using the key provided.
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap();
String created = map.computeIfAbsent(1, k -> "Test");
The code above will trigger the HashMap to call the provided Function to add a new entry since it cannot find an existing one. It both returns the new entry and call the Hashmap.put method to add it.

Create a stream of the values in maps that are values in another map in Java

Sorry about the title of the question; it was kind of hard for me to make sense of it. If you guys have a better title, let me know and I can change it.
I have two types of objects, Bookmark and Revision. I have one large Map, like so:
Map<Long, Bookmark> mapOfBookmarks;
it contains key: value pairs like so:
1L: Bookmark1,
2L: Bookmark2,
Each Bookmark has a 'getRevisions()' method that returns a Map
public Map<Long, Revision> getRevisions();
I want to create a Stream that contains all revisions that exist under mapOfBookmarks. Essentially I want to do this:
List<Revision> revisions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Bookmark bookmark : mapOfBookmarks.values()) { // loop through each bookmark in the map of bookmarks ( Map<Long, Bookmark> )
for (Revision revision : bookmark.getRevisions().values()) { // loop through each revision in the map of revisions ( Map<Long, Revision> )
revisions.add(revision); // add each revision of each map to the revisions list
return revisions.stream(); // return a stream of revisions
However, I'd like to do it using the functionality of Stream, so more like:
return mapOfBookmarks.values().stream().everythingElseThatIsNeeded();
Which would essentially be like saying:
return Stream.of(revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4, ...);
How would I write that out? Something to note is that the dataset that it is looping through can be huge, making the list method a poor approach.
I'm using Windows 7 and Java 8
A flatmap is what you looking for. When you have streams contained within a stream that you wish to flatten, then flatmap is the answer,
List<Revision> all =
.flatMap(c -> c.getRevisions().values().stream())
You are looking for the flatMap(mapper) operation:
Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced by applying the provided mapping function to each element.
In this case, we're making a Stream<Bookmark> by calling stream(), flat mapping it to the revisions of each bookmark and, finally, collecting that into a list with toList().
List<Revision> revisions =
.flatMap(bookmark -> boormark.getRevisions().values().stream())
Note that your current code could also be improved by calling addAll instead of looping over each revisions:
for (Bookmark bookmark : mapOfBookmarks.values()) { // loop through each bookmark in the map of bookmarks ( Map<Long, Bookmark> )

How to maintain JSON's order in Groovy's JsonSlurper?

I am reading a simple JSON....
into a map using JsonSlurper in Groovy...
Map gradeDistributon = jsonSlurper.parseText(jsonString)
But when iterating over this map with a closure..
gradeDistributon.each{ entry ->
println "From map got key ${entry.key}"
I am seeing the keys are not in the order they were in the original JSON, for example 'C' comes first. I think this is because Map does not maintain insertion order in Java. Is there a way I can keep the order of the original JSON?
If it means reading the JSON in a different way (instead of into a Map with JsonSlurper) then I am fine with that if you can show me how.
You can set JVM system property jdk.map.althashing.threshold to make JsonSlurper to use a LinkedHashMap instead of TreeMap as the internal Map implementation, e.g. -Djdk.map.althashing.threshold=512.
The reason is in source code of groovy.json.internal.LazyMap used by JsonSlurper.
private static final String JDK_MAP_ALTHASHING_SYSPROP = System.getProperty("jdk.map.althashing.threshold");
private void buildIfNeeded() {
if (map == null) {
/** added to avoid hash collision attack. */
if (Sys.is1_7OrLater() && JDK_MAP_ALTHASHING_SYSPROP != null) {
map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(size, 0.01f);
} else {
map = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
Please note this solution should be used as a hack as it depends on Groovy's internal implementation details. So this behavior may change in future version of Groovy.
See my blog post for details.
So it was just a matter of sorting the keys after JsonSlurper built the Map, for that I just read into a TreeMap which sorts the keys by default..
TreeMap gradeDistributon = jsonSlurper.parseText(jsonString)
I can't reproduce your behaviour with groovy 2.4.5 but you can try using LinkedHashMap (allow to iterate over map keys maintaining the order in which the entries were inserted):
import groovy.json.*
def jsonText = '''
LinkedHashMap json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonText)
json.each{ entry ->
println "${entry.key}"
NOTE: as stated by #XenoN the JsonSlurper() sort the json keys during the parsing process so independently of the input order (ie. {"H":0,"B":0,"A":2,"D":0,"G":5,"F":7,"C":9}) the output of JsonSlurper will be always: {"A":2,"B":0,"C":9,"D":0,"F":7,"G":5,"H":0}.
Using the LinkedHashMap instead of a HashMap we preserve the order given by JsonSlurper.
I run the same code on Groovy 2.4.x and on 3.0.x.
On 2.4 the order is preserved,but on 3.0 is sorted asc by default.
use the JsonSluperClassic().parse() instead it will preserve the order

lambda foreach add to map not working

I got the following variables
List<Pruefvorschrift> listP = new ArrayList<Pruefvorschrift>();
ObservableMap<TestDevice,List<Pruefvorschrift>> testDev = FXCollections.emptyObservableMap();
in one function i want to fill the testDev by using lambda expression
//first call REST service and get data
List<TestDevice> test_dev = call.getTestDevice("");
//now do a foreach to add each entry (as key) to the testDev ObservableMap with a empty List (as value)
test_dev.stream().forEach(td ->{
TestDevice t = td;
testDev.put(t, listP);
but all i get is a error
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at
which obviously is this row
testDev.put(t, listP);
maybe i misunderstood the new stream api but i only want to fill the observable map with all the result of the call (key) and an empty List (value which will be modified later).
Any help? Thx
Whatever Map type is returned by FXCollections#emptyObservableMap
does not support the put method. You can't add anything to it. As the javadoc states
Creates and[sic] empty unmodifiable observable list.
This has nothing to do with lambda expressions or the Stream api.
just to complete here (Sotirios Delimanolis was absolute right and me so wrong :). My problem was solved by doing a correct job with the map itself
//create empty map
Map<TestDevice,List<Pruefvorschrift>> map = new HashMap<TestDevice,List<Pruefvorschrift>>();
//use this map to create the ObservableMap
ObservableMap<TestDevice,List<Pruefvorschrift>> testDev = FXCollections.observableMap(map);
And all works...Thx Sotirios

Java: how to use Google's HashBiMap?

Keys are a file and a word. The file gives all words inside the file. The word gives all files having the word. I am unsure of the domain and co-domain parts. I want K to be of the type <String> and V to be of type <HashSet<FileObject>>.
public HashBiMap<K<String>,V<HashSet<FileObject>>> wordToFiles
= new HashBiMap<K<String>,V<HashSet<FileObject>>>();
public HashBiMap<K<String>,V<HashSet<FileObject>>> fileToWords
= new HashBiMap<K<String>,V<HashSet<FileObject>>>();
Google's HashBiMap.
change it to
public HashBiMap<String,HashSet<FileObject>> wordToFiles = HashBiMap.create ();
But still it looks very strange. I think you should use another collection. From BiMap documentation (HashBiMap impelements BiMap):
A bimap (or "bidirectional map") is a
map that preserves the uniqueness of
its values as well as that of its
keys. This constraint enables bimaps
to support an "inverse view", which is
another bimap containing the same
entries as this bimap but with
reversed keys and values.
I don't know the problem you want to solve but after looking at your code I can suggest to consider using Multimaps. From its docs:
A collection similar to a Map, but
which may associate multiple values
with a single key. If you call put(K,
V) twice, with the same key but
different values, the multimap
contains mappings from the key to both
For example, you can do something like this:
Multimap<String, FileObject> wordToFiles = HashMultimap.create();
wordToFiles.put("first", somefile);
wordToFiles.put("first", anotherfile);
for (FileObject file : wordToFiles.get("first"){
doSomethingWithFile (file);
Add this dependency to your 'build.gradle'
compile 'com.google.guava:guava:19.0'
import BiMap and HashBiMap
import com.google.common.collect.BiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap;
Create a bimap
BiMap<String, String> myBiMap = HashBiMap.create();
Put some values
myBiMap.put("key", "value");
Get mapping value by key,
Get mapping by value,

