How to avoid a hyphen from splitting a regex? - java

I'm writing a simple android app for saving your favorite games in a list.
In the first screen a user has to enter his gamertag (as a String). The gamertag should only contain letters from a-z (uppercase and lowercase), numbers (0-9) and underscores/hpyhens (_ and -).
I can get it to work with an underscore in every position or a hyphen at the beginning. But if the String contains a hyphen in the middle it gets "split" into two pieces and if the hyphen is at the end, it stands alone.
I came up with this regex:
in java it looks a little different because the \ needs to be escaped:
Gamertags that should validate:
- GamerTag
- Gamer_Tag
- _GamerTag
- GamerTag_
- -GamerTag
- Gamer-Tag
- GamerTag-
Gamertags that shouldn't validate:
- !GamerTag
- Gamer%Tag
- Gamer Tag
Gamertags that should validate, but my regex fails:
- Gamer-Tag
- GamerTag-

Your pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]\w+ matches 1 character out of the character class followed by 1+ times a word character \w which does not match a -.
You could repeat the character class 1+ times where the hyphen is present and if the hyphen is at the end of the character class you don't have to eacape it.
The Gamer-Tag does not get split but has 2 matches. The character class matches G and the \w+ matches amer. Then in the next match the character class matches - and \w+ matches Tag.
If those are the only values allowed, you could use anchors ^ to assert the start and $ to assert the end of the string.
Regex demo


Regex to match comma separated values

I'm new to Regex in Java and I wanted to know how can I build one that only takes a string that consists of one or two comma-separated lists of uppercase letters, separated by a single whitespace.
I would need to filter out strings that start with a comma, that end with a comma or strings that have multiple consecutive commas.
All these would be invalid:
"D,, D"
"D D,,"
"D, ,D"
"D, ,,D"
"D,, ,D"
All these would be valid:
"D,D T,F"
"D,D T"
I used (\s?("[\w\s]*"|\d*)\s?(,,|$)) for consecutive commas but it doesn't do the trick when the comma is at the end or beggining of one of the whitespace separated substring like "D, ,D"
Should I aim to split by whitespace and look for a simpler regex for each of the substrings?
That would be something like this:
^[A-Z](,[A-Z])*( [A-Z](,[A-Z])*)*$
What happens here, is the following:
We expect a letter, optionally followed by one or more times a comma-immediately-followed-by-another-letter.
Then we optionally accept a space, and then the abovementioned pattern. And this is repeated.
You could, of course, slightly optimize the regex by making all capturing groups non-capturing: just put ?: immediately behind the (, that is, (?:.
You might use
^[A-Z](?: [A-Z])*(?:,[A-Z](?: [A-Z])*){0,2}$
^ Start of string
[A-Z] Match a single char A-Z
(?: [A-Z])* Optionally repeat a space and and a single char A-Z
(?: Non capture group
,[A-Z](?: [A-Z])* Match a comma, char A-Z followed by optionally repeat matching a space and a char A-Z
){0,2} Close the group and repeat 0-2 times
$ End of string
Regex demo
"a string that consists of one or two comma-separated lists of uppercase letters, separated by a single whitespace"
Not sure how to exactly interpretate the above, but my reading is: One or two comma-seperated lists where each list may only consist of uppercase characters. In the case of two lists, the two lists are seperated by a single space.
You could try:
^(?!.* .* )[A-Z](?:[ ,][A-Z])*$
See the online demo
^ - Start string anchor.
(?!.* .* ) - Negative lookahead to prevent two spaces present.
[A-Z] - A single uppercase alpha-char.
(?: - Open non-capture group:
[ ,] - A comma or space.
[A-Z] - A single uppercase alpha-char.
)* - Close non-capture group and match 0+ times upt to;
$ - End string anchor.

Every word in the sentence capital letter

I'm trying to write an regex expression for my task.
Every word in the sentence starts with a capital letter, the rest is lower case letter.
Java Test - ok
Java test - not ok
JaVa Test - not ok
java Test - not ok
The pattern you tried will also match Java test because the character class [a-z\s]+ repeats 1+ times any of the listed including a space and does not force the second word to start with an uppercase char.
You could repeat the part matching an uppercase char followed by 1+ lower case chars for every iteration.
Note that \s will also match a newline and you can omit {1}
^[A-Z][a-z]+(?: [A-Z][a-z]+)*$
^ Start of string
[A-Z][a-z]+ Match 1 uppercase A-Z and 1+ lowercase a-z
(?: Non capturing group
[A-Z][a-z]+ Match a space, 1 uppercase A-Z and 1+ lowercase chars a-z
)* Close non capturing group and repeat 1+ times
$ End of string
Regex demo
Instead of matching a single space you could also match 1+ horizonltal whitespace chars using \h (In java \\h)
Regex demo
If there can be single character in any of the words like :
This Is A Test
I Am A Programmer
then you can use :
Demo and explanation can be found here
Otherwise If there are always more than one character in every word, you can use :
Demo and explanation can be found here.

Regex to validate custom format

I have this format: xx:xx:xx or xx:xx:xx-y, where x can be 0-9 a-f A-F and y can be only 0 or 1.
I come up with this regex: ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[-][0-1]{1})
(See regexr).
But this matches 0a:0b:0c-3 too, which is not expected.
Is there any way to remove these cases from result?
[:] means a character from the list that contains only :. It is the same as
:. The same for [-] which has the same result as -.
Also, {1} means "the previous piece exactly one time". It does not have any effect, you can remove it altogether.
To match xx:xx:xx or xx:xx:xx-y, the part that matches -y must be optional. The quantifier ? after the optional part mark it as optional.
All in all, your regex should be like this:
If the regex engine you use can be told to ignore the character case then you can get rid of A-F (or a-f) from all character classes and the regex becomes:
How it works, piece by piece:
[0-9a-f] # any digit or letter from (and including) 'a' to 'f'
{2} # the previous piece exactly 2 times
: # the character ':'
( # start a group; it does not match anything
- # the character '-'
[01] # any character from the class (i.e. '0' or '1')
) # end of group; the group is needed for the next quantifier
? # the previous piece (i.e. the group) is optional
# it can appear zero or one times
See it in action:
As #the-fourth-bird mentions in a comment, if the regex must match the entire string then you need to anchor its ends:
^ as the first character of a regex matches the beginning of the string, $ as the last character matches the end of the string. This way the regex matches the entire string only (when there aren't other characters before or after the xx:xx:xx or xx:xx:xx-y part).
If you use the regex to find xx:xx:xx or xx:xx:xx-y in a larger string then you don't need to add ^ and $. Of course, you can add only ^ or $ to let the regex match only at the beginning or at the end of the string.
You want
xx:xx:xx or if it is followed by a -, then it must be a 0 or 1 and then it is the end (word boundry).
So you don't want any of these
Then you want "negative lookingahead", so if you match the first part, you don't want it to be followed by a - (the first pattern) and it should end there (word boundary), and if it is followed by a -, then it must be a 0 or 1, and then a word boundary:
To prevent any digit in front, a word boundary is added to the front as well.
The following almost worked:
but if it is the end of file and it is 3a:2b:11, then the [^-] will try to match a non - character and it won't match.

Regex to allow a space instead of following numbers after first two letters

I need a RegEx that allow a single space after two letters i.e. AB123 should not be allowed but AB 123 should be allowed ?
Here is the regex [a-zA-Z]{2}\s\S*
[a-zA-Z] means character from a to Z
{2} means character twice
\s means white space
\S means non white space.
* duplicate with 0 or more
This pattern will do the work: ^[a-zA-Z]{2} \d+$
^ - match beginning of a string
[a-zA-Z]{2} - match two letters (upper- or lowercase),
- match space
\d+ - match one or more digits
$ - match end of a string

Restrict consecutive characters using Java Regex

I need to allow alphanumeric characters , "?","." , "/" and "-" in the given string. But I need to restrict consecutive - only.
For example: should be valid should be invalid
currently I'm using ^[a-zA-Z0-9\\/\\.\\?\\_\\-]+$.
Please suggest me how to restrict consecutive - only.
You may use grouping with quantifiers:
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
[a-zA-Z0-9/.?_]+ - 1 or more characters from the set defined in the character class (can be replaced with [\w/.?]+)
(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9/.?_]+)* - zero or more sequences ((?:...)*) of:
- - hyphen
[a-zA-Z0-9/.?_]+ - see above
$ - end of string.
Or use a negative lookahead:
See the demo here
^ - start of string
(?!.*--) - a negative lookahead that will fail the match once the regex engine finds a -- substring after any 0+ chars other than a newline
[a-zA-Z0-9/.?_-]+ - 1 or more chars from the set defined in the character class
$ - end of string.
Note that [a-zA-Z0-9_] = \w if you do not use the Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS flag. So, the first would look like "^[\\w/.?]+(?:-[\\w/.?]+)*$" and the second as "^(?!.*--)[\\w/.?-]+$".
One approach is to restrict multiple dashes with negative look-behind on a dash, like this:
The right side of the |, i.e. (?<!-)-, means "a dash, unless preceded by another dash".
I'm not sure of the efficiency of this, but I believe this should work.
For each character, this regex checks if it can match [a-zA-Z0-9\/\.\?\_], which is everything you included in your regex except the hyphen. If that does not match, it instead tries to match \-([^\-]|$), which matches a hyphen not followed by another hyphen, or a hyphen at the end of the string.
Here's a demo.

