Can you implement autorenewing subscriptions in codenameone without a server side - java

I have followed the Auto renewing app subscriptions documentation. However the app i am building does not have a server side right now as it stands. I am failing to see if its possible to create the app without the need for the database at all
I have tried simply calling the Purchase.subscribe methods without any saving to a database
public void start() {
Form hi = new Form("Hello World");
//create receiptes store
//create a button to purchase the world
Button buyWorld = new Button("Buy World");
buyWorld.addActionListener(e -> {
if (Purchase.getInAppPurchase().isSubscribed(SKU)) {"Cant Buy It", "You Own It", "OK", null);
} else {
I got an error pertaining to the receipt store fetch and submit methods needing to be implemented

It should be possible to implement subscription without a server but it would be very easy to hack this on any rooted Android device.


Java Custom Google Analytics 4 Server-Side Event User-IP

In my current Java project, it's easy to track server-side user events in the "old" Google Analytics Universal Project with simple REST calls to Google Analytics. So that location tracking was working, i could override the server ip with the user ip, according to the parameter "&uip=" (
As upgrading to GA4 is recommended, I was able to change all the REST parameters in my project and show my events in the new dashboard, except for the user location. I can't find any information about such a parameter. I tried using still "uip" but now all my requests are located to the country of my server.
Unfortunately it's not possible to track the event client side, because my project is a simple REST API, returning only JSON data.
Does anyone have an idea, if there's such a parameter like "uip" for ga4 or if this isn't possible anymore?
In the following way I setup my parameters:
private String getQueryParameters(MeasurementEvent event) {
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
if (StringUtils.hasText(event.getAction())) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(event.getCategory())) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(event.getLabel())) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(event.getRemoteAddress())) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(event.getUrl())) {
return body.toString();

send data to server every minute (For check status user)

For check status user i should send some data to server every 5 minutes with retrofit2.
Of course, this information should be sent when the user is in the app
This means that when the user is out of the application, there is no need to send something to the server
What is the best way to do this?
For connection to server i use retrofit2.
One solution is to use Android's work manager to ping your server with http request. You can create initial OneTimeWorkRequest when user logins and with in each execution create a new OneTimeWorkRequest with 5 minutes delay. When user exits the app cancel all the work request.
See the Jetpack Library:
Another solution for which you need to make changes in your architecture is to use Sockets with library like SocketIO. Connect the socket from your app when user login notifying server that user is online. When socket disconnect server can mark user offline:
One other solution is to use Firebase Realtime database for presence system. Firebase has nice example of how to do this:
You can write this code in service and make network call every 5 minutes using handler or RxJava;
public class YourService extends Service{
public final Handler handler = new Handler();
public void onCreate() {
private void makeCallEvery5Min(){
runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// execute call here
handler.postDelayed(runnable, delay);
private void makeCallEvery5min() {
Observable.interval(0, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.subscribe(v -> your_network_call() );
May help you below approach
If user is log in, should have user id.
Now try to check for user id of particular user in user log in session.
Note: below code should be added in web page(jsp or servlet)--.
Single User Approach:if(userId==Session.getUserId(userId)){response.refresh(5);//write code to send data to server using retrofit2.}
MultiUser Approach: multiple users log in.if(Session.getUsers()!=null){response.refresh(5);//write code to send data to server using retrofit2 }

Spotify Android SDK - how to refresh the Player object after an hour

I am using the Spotify Android SDK version spotifysdk-1.0.0-beta8.aar. I have a valid OAuth token which I am refreshing each hour successfully. This is how I am getting the Spotify Player Object initially
mPlayer = Spotify.getPlayer(playerConfig, this, new Player.InitializationObserver() {
public void onInitialized(Player player) {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
"Could not initialize player: " + throwable.getMessage());
At the end of each hour the access token gets refreshed and stored in the shared preferences. How do you guys suggest I use the new access token in the same mPlayer object so that which ever song is being streamed currently won't get stopped and I won't need to recreate this Spotify player object?
I know there is the
function, but it did not work when I got the new accessToken and relogged in. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Once logged in, your application will be able to stream until the application is stopped, the network connection is lost, or the user's premium account has ended. (There may be other events as well.) This means that you don't need to update the Player object with the refreshed access token to continue streaming.
Note that if you're making any other requests using an access token such as adding a track to a playlist, the access token must be updated in whatever tool you're using to perform the request. For example, if you're using kaaes' excellent Spotify Web API client for Android, you'd need to get a new SpotifyService instance based on the refreshed access token.

FB SDK not working on OS 7

I am implementing FB in one of my app.I am using jar 0.8.25. Its working fine on all simulators from 5 to 7.1.And for devices works only for OS 5 and 6 but not working on device 7 and 7.1.For OS 7 after log in success it remains on FB page it doesn't redirect back. and when i press back button, i get error encountered unable to refresh access token with try again button.
When analyzing on console it never finds access token single time for OS 7.while for 5 and 6 its working perfectly.
Please tell what may cause the issue.
This isn't a solution to your specific problem. I mentioned in the comments that I'm using an interface. So I'm posting here as its too much for the comment section. It is also not the COMPLETE solution, you will need to handle the flow and expired tokens, this is just to show you the logic of how I did this.
For my interface I open a browserfield to the Oauth url:<APP_ID>&response_type=token&redirect_uri=
And I add a listener to this browser to listen for the redirects after login. Once you have the access token, you should persist it and close the browserfield.
private class OAuthScreen extends MainScreen
BrowserField browser_field;
LoadingDialog loading_dialog;
public OAuthScreen(final Command task)
BrowserFieldConfig browserConfig = new BrowserFieldConfig();
browserConfig.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, new Integer(Display.getWidth()));
browser_field = new BrowserField(browserConfig);
browser_field.addListener(new BrowserFieldListener()
public void documentCreated(BrowserField browserField, ScriptEngine scriptEngine, Document document) throws Exception
int index = browserField.getDocumentUrl().indexOf("#access_token=");
if (index == -1)
super.documentCreated(browserField, scriptEngine, document);
access_token = browserField.getDocumentUrl().substring(index + "#access_token=".length(), browserField.getDocumentUrl().indexOf("&"));
PersistentObject store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(STORE_KEY);
FacebookTokens store_tokens = new FacebookTokens();
store_tokens.access_token = access_token;
if (task != null) task.execute();
public void documentLoaded(BrowserField browserField, Document document) throws Exception
super.documentLoaded(browserField, document);
// whatever loading dialog you want, this sometimes takes a while to open
loading_dialog = LoadingDialog.push(loading_field);
The callback task is just for if I want to perform a call directly after login.
Now just perform API calls as you need them. API methods here
Methods that require the access token, should have it appended to the url such as," + access_token
Be aware that clearing your access token won't clear the token stored in the browser field. And will mean that you can't login next time (because the browser is still logged in).
So if you want to logout you need to open this link in a browserfield before clearing your local access token "" + access_token
Clearing the cookies of the browser should suffice, but I haven't found a way to do this.

HTML5 Android Notification, (Intel XDK?)

(When I say "App" I am only talking about Android, I'm not gonna even try to deal with Apple)
So I have a website that I'd like to develop an Android app for. All I need it to do is show the website(it'll change some styling if being accessed from the app), which I can do just fine.
I use Intel XDK, which works great. But the notification options it offers seems to be just mass-notification stuff, not individualized.
All I want to do is be able to tell users when they get a notification from my website(like a message from another user).
I've looked all over the place for hours and hours and can't find anything useful. There are a ton of extremely complicated Java codes and tutorials, but I don't even know Java. I'm solely a web developer and all I want is an app that makes it easier for users to check the website.
I'm hoping there is some Java file out there that I can send data to somehow that will allow me to create and delete push notifications on Android systems. Maybe a HTML5 library or JS function, I dunno.
I simply can't seem to implement it myself, and I'm definitely not going to learn an entire dying language just for one basic thing that should be simple to do. Anything you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated. Optimally I would like to get a Java file I can download and put into my app that gives a notification, then I can edit it to say what I need it to or whatever(I also would really like a way to make the notification go away[in case the user sees it on another device before seeing it on the phone] ). I would also need to know how to call onto this Java file, make it check for notifications on the server or whatever.
I know this is all very nooby stuff, but I run an independent website and simply don't have the time to learn all this stuff when my needs are so basic. Thanks in advance.
You can use appMobi for push messaging, see documentation at You can setup your appMobi account in the Services tab of the Intel XDK.
//Check if user is registered
var onDeviceReady=function() {
//See if the push user exists already
//You can send any unique user id and password.
AppMobi.notification.checkPushUser(AppMobi.device.uuid, AppMobi.device.uuid);
//if user is not registered, register them
var isUserAdded = false;
var notificationsRegistered=function(event) {
if(event.success === false) {
if (!isUserAdded) {
isUserAdded= true;
AppMobi.notification.alert("Notifications Failed: " + event.message,
"My Message","OK");
var msg = event.message || 'success';
AppMobi.notification.alert("Notifications Enabled: " + msg,
"My Message","OK");
//when push message event is found get notification
var receivedPush = function(){
var myNotifications=AppMobi.notification.getNotificationList();
//It may contain more than one message, so iterate over them
var len=myNotifications.length;
if(len > 0) {
for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
if(typeof msgObj == "object" && == myNotifications[i]){
AppMobi.notification.alert(msgObj.msg + "\n" +
+ "\n" + msgObj.userkey,"pushMobi Message","OK");
//Always delete messages after they are shown
AppMobi.notification.alert("Invalid Message Object: " + i,
"My Message","OK");
AppMobi.notification.alert("Caught Exception For: " +,
"My Message","OK");
document.addEventListener("appMobi.notification.push.receive", receivedPush, false);
//send a push notification from your website
AppMobi.notification.sendPushNotification(myAppMobiUserID,"new website blog posted!",{});
var updateNotificationEvent=function(event)
alert("error: " + event.message)
You can also use APIs but I don't believe the subscribe to channel JavaScript API is fully flushed out last I checked, see
Parse.initialize("YOUR KEY", "HERE");
// Save the current Installation to Parse.
You can then send push notifications through the Web Console, or on your website using:
//The following code will push the alert to the "Winterhawks" and "Oil Kings" channels.
channels: [ "Winterhawks", "Oil Kings" ],
data: {
alert: "The Winterhawks won against the Oil Kings!"
}, {
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
// Handle error
Subscribe to channels is not yet implemented for JavaScript as far as I know so you'll have to use REST or native APIs.

