iText 2D barcode not recognized by scanner - java

I have a java Swing application which generates barcode labels to be printed on Soho stickers. The stickers are then put on actual items, in my case it is books.
I have followed steps for generating 2D barcodes as describe in the book "iText in Action, 2nd Edition" page 334. I generate the barcodes in a PDF document and print, but it is the scanning that does not work. My scanner is E-POS, model EC301 and can scan other barcode labels very quickly. My code is as shown below:
private PdfPCell createBarcode(String code) throws DocumentException, IOException {
BarcodeEAN barcode = new BarcodeEAN();
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(barcode.createImageWithBarcode(writer.getDirectContent(), BaseColor.BLACK, BaseColor.GRAY), true);
return cell;
To create a barcode, i call the function like this:
createBarcode(String.format("%013d", 1));
Where could I possibly be wrong?


Read tick boxes given as images in PDF using iText

I have a PDF form where there are check boxes given as images in the PDF. I am using itext to read the PDF, I also want to get the value of the checkbox as ticked or unticked.
iText does not return anything for the images, below is the iText code:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path);
Rectangle mediaboxKeys=reader.getPageSize(i);
mediaboxKeys.setRight((float) 100.00);
RenderFilter[] filterKeys = {new RegionTextRenderFilter(mediaboxKeys)};
FilteredTextRenderListener strategyKeys = new FilteredTextRenderListener(new LocationTextExtractionStrategy(), filterKeys);
String[] keysFromPage = PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, i, strategyKeys).split("\\r?\\n");
Attached is the pdf :

Modifying an existing document using pdfstamper

I have a pdf which is half static and half dynamic which can grow multiple pages. I created the static part in Adobe LiveCycle and using itext to create the dynamic part. The dynamic part of the form is a table which has to expand based on the input across multiple pages. The form has acrofields in both the parts.
I have used columntext and pdfstamper to add the content to the existing pdf and the table grows dynamically which is working fine. The problems are
In every table cell, an acrofield needs to get added. I used pdfcell event to create it but after some googling, I could only find code using pdfwriter but not using pdf stamper.
on the first page, how to restrict the table content so that it doesn't go till the end of the page and I can insert page numbers at the bottom ?
I need to add a signature field at the end of the table. how do I know the coordinates of the end of the dynamic table?
My code snippet for dynamic table part:
ColumnText column = new ColumnText(stamper.getOverContent(1));
Rectangle rectPage1 = new Rectangle(792, 270);
int pagecount = 1;
Rectangle rectPage2 = new Rectangle(792, 540);
int status = column.go();
while (ColumnText.hasMoreText(status) ) {
status = triggerNewPage(stamper, pagesize, column, rectPage2, ++pagecount);
public int triggerNewPage(PdfStamper stamper, Rectangle pagesize, ColumnText column, Rectangle rect, int pagecount) throws DocumentException {
stamper.insertPage(pagecount, pagesize);
PdfContentByte canvas = stamper.getOverContent(pagecount);
return column.go();

iText Android - Adding text to existing PDF

we have a PDF with some fields in order to collect some data, and I have to fill it programmatically with iText on Android by adding some text in those positions. I've been thinking about different ways to achieve this, with little success in each one.
Note: I'm using the Android version of iText (iTextG 5.5.4) and a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 (Android 4.4) for most of my tests.
The approach I took from the start was to "draw" the text on a given coordinates, for a given page. This has some problems with the management of the fields (I have to be aware of the length of the strings, and it could be hard to position each text in the exact coordinate of the pdf). But most importantly, the performance of the process is really slow in some devices/OSVersions (it works great in Nexus 5 with 5.0.2, but takes several minutes with a 5MB Pdf on the Note 10.1).
pdfReader = new PdfReader(is);
document = new Document();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pdfCopy = new PdfCopy(document, baos);;
PdfImportedPage page;
PdfCopy.PageStamp stamp;
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
page = pdfCopy.getImportedPage(pdfReader, i); // First page = 1
stamp = pdfCopy.createPageStamp(page);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
int posX = i*50;
int posY = i*100;
Phrase phrase = new Phrase("Example text", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12, BaseColor.RED));
ColumnText.showTextAligned(stamp.getOverContent(), Element.ALIGN_CENTER, phrase, posX, posY, 0);
We though about adding "forms fields" instead of drawing. That way I can configure a TextField and avoid managing the texts myself. However, the final PDF shouldn't have any annotations, so I would need to copy it into a new Pdf without annotations and with those "forms fields" drawn. I don't have an example of this because I wasn't able to perform this, I don't even know if this is possible/worthwhile.
The third option would be to receive a Pdf with the "forms fields" already added, that way I only have to fill them. However I still need to create a new Pdf with all those fields and without annotations...
I'd like to know what's be the best way in performance to do this process, and any help about achieving it. I am really newbie with iText and any help would be really appreciated.
At the end I used the third option: a PDF with editable fields that we fill, and then we use the "flattening" to create a non-editable PDF with all texts already there.
The code is as follows:
pdfReader = new PdfReader(is);
FileOutputStream fios = new FileOutputStream(outPdf);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, fios);
//Filling the PDF (It's totally necessary that the PDF has Form fields)
//Setting the PDF to uneditable format
and the method to fill the forms:
public static void fillPDF(PdfStamper stamper) throws IOException, DocumentException{
//Getting the Form fields from the PDF
AcroFields form = stamper.getAcroFields();
Set<String> fields = form.getFields().keySet();
for(String field : fields){
form.setField("name", "Ernesto");
form.setField("surname", "Lage");
The only thing about this approach is that you need to know the name of each field in order to fill it.
There is a process in iText known as 'flattening', which takes the form fields, and replaces them with the text that the fields contain.
I haven't used iText in a few years (and not at all on Android), but if you search the manual or online examples for 'flattening', you should find how to do it.

How to display barcodes in a matrix-like structure?

How can I display different barcodes in multiple columns in a PDF page using itext library to generate pdfs in java? I have to display 12 barcodes in the same PDF page in three columns, each one contains 4 barcodes (in other words it is a 4 by 3 matrix).
I've made a Barcodes example that does exactly what you need. See the resulting pdf: barcodes_table.pdf
There's nothing difficult about it. You just create a table with 4 column and you add 12 cell:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
table.addCell(createBarcode(writer, String.format("%08d", i)));
The createBarcode() method creates a cell with a barcode:
public static PdfPCell createBarcode(PdfWriter writer, String code) throws DocumentException, IOException {
BarcodeEAN barcode = new BarcodeEAN();
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(barcode.createImageWithBarcode(writer.getDirectContent(), BaseColor.BLACK, BaseColor.GRAY), true);
return cell;

Create Excel Chart within Excel File

I am exporting some data from my system. I want to visualize these datasets in an excel chart. I have found and old, closed question, where the solution was missing. The charts should redraw when i change a datafield, this is excel standard, i guess.
I think it may work this way:
export Data
create manually a chart with MS-Excel
save and load this as a template in all other future exports
Do you know how to do it with POI using Java? Especially the import of the chart as template?
POI doesn't give you that functionality but You can convert or copy charts(graphs) using J XL or Aspose Cells(Aspose is not free).
This is the code snippet to extract excel chart to image
public class ExportChartToImage
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//Start Excel
Application excelApp = new Application();
//Create test workbook
Workbook workbook = excelApp.createWorkbook("/home/tejus/Desktop/Chart Test");
//Get the first (and the only) worksheet
final Worksheet worksheet1 = workbook.getWorksheet(1);
//Fill-in the first worksheet with sample data
worksheet1.getCell("A2").setValue("March 1");
worksheet1.getCell("A3").setValue("March 8");
worksheet1.getCell("A4").setValue("March 15");
excelApp.getOleMessageLoop().doInvokeAndWait(new Runnable()
public void run()
final Variant unspecified = Variant.createUnspecifiedParameter();
final Int32 localeID = new Int32(LocaleID.LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT);
Range sourceDataNativePeer = worksheet1.getRange("A1:C4").getPeer();
_Worksheet worksheetNativePeer = worksheet1.getPeer();
IDispatch chartObjectDispatch = worksheetNativePeer.chartObjects(unspecified, localeID);
ChartObjectsImpl chartObjects = new ChartObjectsImpl(chartObjectDispatch);
ChartObject chartObject = chartObjects.add(new DoubleFloat(100), new DoubleFloat(150), new DoubleFloat(300), new DoubleFloat(225));
_Chart chart = chartObject.getChart();
chart.setSourceData(sourceDataNativePeer, new Variant(XlRowCol.xlRows));
BStr fileName = new BStr("/home/tejus/Desktop/chart.gif");
Variant filterName = new Variant("gif");
Variant interactive = new Variant(false);
chart.export(fileName, filterName, interactive);
System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to terminate the application");;
//Close the MS Excel application.
boolean saveChanges = false;
boolean forceQuit = true;
i used J excel
Till now as the apache POI limitation is saying "You can not currently create charts. You can however create a chart in Excel, modify the chart data values using HSSF and write a new spreadsheet out. This is possible because POI attempts to keep existing records intact as far as possible".
However in my case, I have created a chart manually on excel sheet using Named Ranges, and using java, I am updating named ranges as per my requirement. Since the chart is based on named ranges so it also get updated.
For updation please check here

