Python and Java regex behavior different when using the same regex - java

There are several questions about this but non answered my question. I wish to use pattern and matcher to find a pattern in a string and then from there create a list out of the matches that include the rest of the not match as well.
String a = "125t160f"; // The "t" could be replaced with symbols such as "." or anything so I wish to take one of anything after many digits.
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\.?\\d+\\.)").matcher(a);
My current result:
My expected result should be in list:
["125t", "160f"] // I understand how to do it in python but not in java. So could anyone assist me in this.

Your pattern should be \d+\D:
String a = "125t160f";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\d+\\D").matcher(a);
while (m.find()) {
The above regex pattern says to match one or more digits, followed by a single non digit character. If we can't rely on a non digit character to know when to stop matching, then we would need to know how many digits to consume.


regex - single char plural finding java

The method according to claims 1 to 6
The method of claim 1,
my regex
it finding the digits after the word claim
if the word claim its finding the digit after the word
in case the word claims its not finding
so i changed my regex
but its not finding claims
Let me know any other possibilities
You don't need a lookahead, just make s optional:
By using a lookahead (?=s) your regex is not consuming character s that comes after claim hence \\s+ afterwards is not matched for the second line.
RegEx Demo
Hey just use the following regex,
String pattern = "\\bclaims?\\s+(\\d+)";
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
Matcher m = r.matcher(str);
if (m.find( ))
claims 1
claim 1

Grouping multiple digits prior to a known value

I'm executing this regex code expecting a grouping value of 11, but am getting a 1. Seems like the grouping contains the correct regex for getting one or more digits prior to a known value. I'm sure it is simple, bit I cannot seem to figure it out.
String mydata = "P0Y0M0W0DT11H0M0S";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("P.*(\\\\d+)H.*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(mydata);
if (matcher.find()){
Try this
public static void main(String a1[]) {
String mydata = "P0Y0M0W0DT11H0M0S";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("P.*?(\\d+)H.*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(mydata);
if (matcher.find()){
The problem is that .* will try to consume/match as much as possible before the next part is checked. Thus in your regex P.*(\d+)H.* the first .* will match 0Y0M0W0DT1 since that's as much as can be matched with the group still being able to match a single digit afterwards.
If you make that quantifier lazy/reluctant (i.e. .*?), it will try to match as little as possible so of the possible matches 0Y0M0W0DT1 and 0Y0M0W0DT it will select the shorter one and leave all the digits for the group to match.
Thus the regex P.*?(\d+)H.* should do what you want.
Additional note: since you're using Matcher#find() you'd not need the catch-all-expression .* at the end. It would also match any string that contains the character H preceeded by at least one digit and a P somewhere in front of those digits. So if you want to be more restrictive your regex would need to be enhanced.

Pattern Matching for java using regex

I have a Long string that I have to parse for different keywords. For example, I have the String:
"==References== This is a reference ==Further reading== *{{cite book|editor1-last=Lukes|editor1-first=Steven|editor2-last=Carrithers|}} * ==External links=="
And my keywords are
'==References==' '==External links==' '==Further reading=='
I have tried a lot of combination of regex but i am not able to recover all the strings.
the code i have tried:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\=+[A-Za-z]\\=+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(textBuffer.toString());
while (matcher.find()) {
You don't need to escape the = sign. And you should also include a whitespace inside your character class.
Apart from that, you also need a quantifier on your character class to match multiple occurrences. Try with this regex:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("=+[A-Za-z ]+=+");
You can also increase the flexibility to accept any characters in between two =='s, by using .+? (You need reluctant quantifier with . to stop it from matching everything till the last ==) or [^=]+:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("=+[^=]+=+");
If the number of ='s are same on both sides, then you need to modify your regex to use capture group, and backreference:

How to wrap (surround) java matcher groups with xml?

Using the following value of a text node...
MatcH one MatcHer two MarcH three
How can java matcher.find() be used to create the following output?
<wrap>MatcH</wrap> one MatcHer two <wrap>MarcH</wrap> three
Assuming a java regex that captures all words starting with capital 'M' and ending with a capital 'H'
Basically, I want to surround anything that matches this regex with wrap tags
String text = "MatcH one MatcHer two MarcH three";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(\\bM\w*H\b\);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
// replace each time the regex is found
while (matcher.find()) {
text = text.replaceAll(, "<wrap>" +
+ + "</wrap>");
ReplaceFirst/ReplaceAll is not working for me because it results in the following...
<wrap>MatcH</wrap> one <wrap>MatcH</wrap>er two <wrap>MarcH</wrap> three
Thanks in advance...
Your regex is problematic since your do replaceAll, so it will match MatcH, then MatcH and MatcHer will get replaced in that iteration of the loop. Note that the \\b doesn't appear in the output of group, so nothing prevents it from replacing MatcHer.
You can put a System.out.println inside the loop to print the output of group and the output of replaceAll to see what happens and why it does what it does.
Simplifying your code to just the below will work: (that's probably "hard-coding match numbers" but I don't really see a problem with that as it stands and I don't see a simpler solution)
String text = "MatcH one MatcHer two MarcH three";
text = text.replaceAll("\\b(M\\w*H)\\b", "<wrap>$1</wrap>");
The above is how regex is supposed to work. If you see that problems may arise in future using something similar to the above, regex may not be the way to go.

Matching several URLs in a string using regex

I'm trying to match a URL in a string, using regex from here: Regular expression to match URLs in Java
It works fine with one URL, but when I have two URLs in the string, it only matched the latter.
Here's the code:
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(".*((https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|])", Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = pat.matcher("asdasd or http://qwe.qw/qwe");
// now matcher.groupCount() == 2, not 4
Edit: stuff I've tried:
// .* removed, now doesn't match anything // Another edit: actually works, see below
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("((https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|])", Pattern.DOTALL);
// .* made lazy, still only matches one
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(".*?((https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|])", Pattern.DOTALL);
Any ideas?
It's because .* is greedy. It will just consume as much as possible (the whole string) and then backtrack. I.e. it will throw away one character at a time until the remaining characters can make up a URL. Hence the first URL will already be matched, but not captured. And unfortunately, matches cannot overlap. The fix should be simple. Remove the .* at the beginning of your pattern. Then you can also remove the outer parentheses from your pattern - there is no need to capture anything any more, because the whole match will be the URL you are looking for.
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|]", Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = pat.matcher("asdasd or http://qwe.qw/qwe");
while (matcher.find()) {
By the way, matcher.groupCount() does not tell you anything, because it gives you the number of groups in your pattern and not the number of captures in your target string. That's why your second approach (using .*?) did not help. You still have two capturing groups in the patter. Before calling find or anything, matcher does not know how many captures it will find in total.

