I'm using closure-compiler which is provided by Google. I have JavaScript's in the string variable. need to compress the string using closure-compiler in java
I already tried the code from the following link http://blog.bolinfest.com/2009/11/calling-closure-compiler-from-java.html
This is the code I used "source" variable has the value of the javascript
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
// Advanced mode is used here, but additional options could be set, too.
compiler.compile(source, options);
return compiler.toSource();
I have error in the following line: compiler.compile(source, options);
Compiler.complier() method does not require 2 parameters but it requires 3 parameters.
Have a look at this link.
You will understand the number and kind of parameters required for the method you are calling.
Barcode recognition is disabled by default in Abbyy Fine Reader Engine 12.
In order to enable it, I need to set the DetectBarcodes property of the PageAnalysisParams Object to TRUE.
Can anyone please help me, how can I set this property true in my java code sdk?
This is the property which we have to set:
public native void setDetectBarcodes(boolean arg0);
How can we call the native function from the java code?
Because calling directly with the object it is giving error.
Error: The local variable pageAnalysisParams may not have been initializedJava(536870963)
To get/initalize an instance of IPageAnalysisParams you can:
IPageAnalysisParams pageAnalysisParams = engine.CreatePageAnalysisParams();
You can also obtain an instance from "document processing params", like:
IDocumentProcessingParams documentparams = engine.CreateDocumentProcessingParams();
IPageAnalysisParams pageAnalysisParams = documentparams.getPageProcessingParams().getPageAnalysisParams();
source: https://github.com/search?q=IPageAnalysisParams&type=code
Looking at the public code samples, you should:
Obtain an instance of IDocumentProcessingParams (dpParams).
Tune that object (and sub-objects(page analysis params)).
And pass that to: document.Process(dpParams);
As #xerx593 suggested, programatically tuning document processing params is a perfectly valid answer.
Another valid answer is to use a configuration file, for example custom_barcode_profile.ini, and fill it according to your needs. This allows you to have better control and readibility over your profiles:
DetectBarcodes = TRUE
Use your ABBYY SDK documentation and/or ABBYY java wrapper classes to fine tune other parameters, then instead of using document.Process(dpParams);, instantiate an engine object and pass your custom_barcode_profile.ini file to it:
IEngine engine = Engine.InitializeEngine(<your sdk & license params>);
IFRDocument document = engine.CreateFRDocument();
document.AddImageFile("document.png", null, null);
document.Export("result.xml", FileExportFormatEnum.FEF_XML, null);
You cannot programatically "mix" multiple predefined profiles into one, you need to add parameters to a custom profile or even create another one and pass it to your engine object.
To enable table detection in the profile we defined later, look for parameters that affects table detection in the documentation, such as DetectTables, and add it to your custom profile:
DetectBarcodes = TRUE
DetectTables = TRUE
How to set following config "gpu_options.allow_growth = True" for Tensorflow, using Java API?
I tried in this way:
.setOptions("gpu_options.allow_growth = True".getBytes())
.feed("image_tensor", input).fetch("detection_scores")
I get the following error: Unparseable RunOptions proto.
I think this is the way to configure:
ConfigProto config = ConfigProto.newBuilder()
.feed("image_tensor", input).fetch("detection_scores")
The API documentation says:
public Session.Runner setOptions (byte[] options)
(Experimental method): set options (typically for debugging) for this run.
The options are presented as a serialized RunOptions protocol buffer.
Still looking for an exact example, but I assume: just taking a string and turning that into an array of bytes isn't what you should be doing.
These examples indicate that you need something like:
Session.Run r = runner.setOptions(RunStats.runOptions()).runAndFetchMetadata();
fetchTensors = r.outputs;
if (runStats == null) {
runStats = new RunStats();
Long story short: you have to dig into RunStats to figure how to get your options in there, to then provide an object of that class to the setOptions() method.
I'm trying to create a simple argument parser using commons-cli and I can't seem to figure out how to create the following options:
java ... com.my.path.to.MyClass producer
java ... com.my.path.to.MyClass consumer -j 8
The first argument to my program should be either producer or consumer, defining the mode which my program will run in. If it's in consumer mode, I'd like to have a -j argument which defines how many threads to service with.
Here's what I've got so far:
Options options = new Options();
options.addOption("mode", false, "Things.");
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp("startup.sh", options);
When I print out these options, the mode parameter shows up as -mode.
In Python's argparse, I'd just do the following:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('mode', choices=('producer', 'consumer'), required=True)
This does exactly what I'm looking for. How can I do this in commons-cli?
What I've done for things like this is to have separate Options for each class. In your main, check the first argument to decide which list to pass to the parser. FWIW, I don't consider it "hack" solution.
JCommander is the answer. commons-cli doesn't seem to support these options.
picocli is now included in Groovy 2.5.x. It has built-in support for subcommands.
I've tried various things and googled multiple hours but couldn't find a solution to my problem.
I'm using the Quality Center OTA API via Com4j to let my programm communicate with QC.
It works pretty good, but now I've stumbed upon this problem:
I want to add new parameters to a test case in "Test Plan" using my programm.
If I used VB it would work somehow like this:
Dim supportParamTest As ISupportTestParameters
Set supportParamTest = TDConnection.TestFactory.Item(5)
Set testParamsFactory = supportParamTest.TestParameterFactory
Set parameter = testParamsFactory.AddItem(Null)
parameter.Name = name
parameter.Description = desc
Set AddTestParameter = parameter
The important part is the call of AddItem() on the TestParameterFactory. It adds and returns a parameter that you then can give a name and description. In VB the AddItem-method is given Null as argument.
Using Java looks similar at first:
First I establish the connection and get the TestFactory (and the list of test cases).
QcConnect qc = new QcConnect(server, login, password, domain, project);
ITDConnection qcConnection = qc.getConnection();
ITestFactory qcTestFactory = qcConnection.testFactory().queryInterface(ITestFactory.class);
IList qcTestList = qcTestFactory.newList("");
qcTestList contains all tests from Test Plan.
ITest test = qcTestList.item(1);
ISupportTestParameters testParam = test.queryInterface(ISupportTestParameters.class);
ITestParameterFactory paramFac = testParam.testParameterFactory().queryInterface(ITestParameterFactory.class);
No problem so far. All the "casts" are successful.
Now I want to call the addItem-method on the TestParameterFactory, just like in VB.
Com4jObject com = paramFac.addItem(null);
This doesn't work. The addItem()-method always returns null. I've tried various arguments like a random String, a random Integer, the test case's ID, etc. Nothing works.
How do I use this method correctly in Java?
Or in general: How do I add parameters to existing test cases in Test Plan using Java?
Quick note: Adding test cases to Test Plan works very similar to adding parameters to this test cases. You also use a factory and a addItem-method. In VB you give null as parameter, but in Java you use a String (that's interpreted as the name of the test). But as I said, that does not work in here.
I have finally found the answer to this:
Com4jObject obj = iTestParameterFactory.addItem(new Variant(Variant.Type.VT_NULL));
iTestParameter = obj.queryInterface(ITestParameter.class);
What you want to pass to AddItem is DBNull and not null.
In VB it's the same, but in Java & .NET it's not.
Not sure how DBNull is exposed using Com4J.
Read more about this at this site.
//C# code snippet -> You have to use DBNull.Value instead of null
//Add new parameter and assign values
TestParameter newParam =(TestParameter)tParamFactory.AddItem(DBNull.Value);
newParam.Name = "ParamNew";
newParam.DefaultValue = "DefaultValue";
newParam.Description = "AnyDesc";
I'm using JRules Studio to develop some extremely simple rules. The rules populate an IN_OUT parameter. When the test finishes, is there a way of interrogating the values in the IN_OUT object?
Initially I'd like to interrogate it in the debugger, but any other ideas would be welcomed.
I am not sure to understand the question:
Your JAVA code is like this:
IlrSessionFactory factory = new IlrJ2SESessionFactory();
IlrStatelessSession session = factory.createStatelessSession();
IlrSessionRequest sessionRequest = factory.createRequest();
Map inputParameters = new HashMap ();
Report in_report = new Report(); // no-arg constructor
// ... populate the Object ...
inputParameters.put("report", in_report);
IlrSessionResponse sessionResponse = session.execute(sessionRequest);
Report out_report = (Report)sessionResponse.getOutputParameters().get("report“);
And then you play with your "out" parameters... As you would do with any JAVA object
If you want to see them at debug time, I would say:
1/ (not tested) Have a look on the "working memory tab" in the debugger perspective
I am not sure but this is the easiest way to find them if it is visible here
2/ (tested) in the initial action of the starting point of your ruleflow, add:
context.insert(the technical name of your parameter);
Not the "business name". Anyway avoid using BAL in technical artifact such as ruleflow, IRL rules!
By doing this you force the engine to insert your parameter in the working memory.
No duplication (don't worry, it will work like a charm) but as far as I can remember this is the shortest way to make them visible in the Eclipse debugger in JRules
Hope it helps