How to remove the ConsoleLogger programmatically from log4j2? - java

I'm having a global logger config that I want to inherit throughout my projects:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %p %c{1.}: %m%n"/>
<ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY" />
<RollingRandomAccessFile name="APP" fileName="/logs/application.logs" filePattern="/logs/application-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %p %c{1.}: %m%n"/>
<ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>
<Root level="INFO">
<AppenderRef ref="APP" />
<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
Problem: only in production, I want to remove one of the loggers, the CONSOLE appender.
As log4j2.xml configuration files do not support conditionals, I thought about removing the console appender programmatically:
final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
final Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
Problem: this prints only {DefaultConsole-2=DefaultConsole-2}
Question: why can't I see the APP or CONSOLE appender here? And moreover, how can I remove the console appender then?
Maybe it is possible to intercept the log4j context loading somehow, so that I could skip the CONSOLE appender programmatically?
Sidenote: I'm logging as follows, which should in production only go to the APP appender, not to console.
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());"test");

For <ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY" /> in Console Appender you can add environment variable <ThresholdFilter level="${CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL}" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY" /> or something similar and set this variable to OFF. I faces with this problem too and it works for me.
This also works with vm args as follows:
<ThresholdFilter level="${sys:console.log.level}" ... />
When starting the app: java -jar -Dconsole.log.level=ERROR
Sidenote: programatically, removing the console appender would also work:
public static void main(String[] args) {
ctx =, args);
final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
final Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig("loggerName");
Most important for the programmatic approach is that the SpringApplication context must be initialized before! Otherwise the configured loggers are not visible!


Log4j2 does not change logging level at runtime

Yes, I've read all the related questions. I am using log4j2 (tried both version 2.4 and updating to latest, version 2.6.2).
I have a small utility program for customers. I'm keen to keep exposed configurations at minimum. But for problematic cases, I'd also want to add a -debug flag to enable debug logs at runtime.
Here is my code to enable debug logging
private static void enableDebugLogs(){
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext();
LoggerConfig log = ctx.getConfiguration().getRootLogger();
System.out.println(log.getLevel()); // INFO
System.out.println(log.getLevel()); // DEBUG
System.out.println(ctx.getRootLogger().getLevel()); // DEBUG, hey it works, right?
But it does not actually work with any of these cases:
logger.debug("Debug mode on"); // static, already made logger. Level did not change
LogManager.getLogger(Main.class).debug("Debug"); // Nope, not printing
Logger root = LogManager.getRootLogger();"Level: " + root.getLevel()); // Level: INFO, should be DEBUG
The utility program is finished usually in less than 30 seconds, so the change should be instant. Here is the log4j2.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level - %msg%n"/>
<RollingFile name="File" fileName="program_name.log" filePattern="program_name-archived.log">
<Pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level - %msg%n</Pattern>
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 KB" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy min="1" max="1"/>
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
<AppenderRef ref="File"/>
Is the problem with usings AppenderRefs? Can I somehow tell the Appenders to update logging level from Root logger?
Found the real issue. Had to use:
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
instead of
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext();
API stating the difference being "returns the LoggerContext" and "returns the current LoggerContext". And I clearly missed this bit of information for the version without boolean parameter:
"WARNING - The LoggerContext returned by this method may not be the LoggerContext used to create a Logger for the calling class."
You can change switch the logging configuration between two or multiple log4j2.xml files.
For example, create two log4j2.xml files with different configurations. log4j2.xml & log4j2-debug.xml and pass it to below code.
ConfigurationFactory configFactory = XmlConfigurationFactory.getInstance();
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream inputStream = classloader.getResourceAsStream(logFileName);
ConfigurationSource configurationSource = new ConfigurationSource(inputStream);
ctx.start(configFactory.getConfiguration(ctx, configurationSource));
To reconfigure log4j2 after it's initialization, the documentation give you two ways :
Using the config file, you can enable the automatic reconfiguration (it's the preferred way) so that modifying the file after initialization will be reflected on your runtime :
Using ConfigurationBuilder you can reconfigure log4j programatically (I think it's what you are looking for), see the "Reconfigure Log4j Using ConfigurationBuilder with the Configurator" paragraph of this page :
In addition to the above, to debug log4j initialization, set <Configuration status="trace" in the beginning of the configuration file. Log4j2's internal status logs will print to the console. This may help troubleshooting.
Here is a little known fact.
If you set your ROOT_LOGGER level in your log4j2.xml or equivalent properties to say DEBUG, then setting the level dynamically to something lower did not work for me; in other words, setting dynamically had no effect.
ONLY when I change the setting in log4j2.xml to TRACE and then using the below to change the log level did it work for me:
Level level = Level.valueOf(this.consoleLogLevel.toUpperCase());
//Dynamically set the log level for ALL loggers
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(LogManager.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
And here is my simple configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
<Root level="TRACE">
<AppenderRef level="TRACE" ref="Console" />
And here is a TestNG test you can refactor to verify the above:
public void givenCut_whenLoggingWithERRORLevel_LoggingOutputIsAtERRORLevelAndHigherOnly() {
try {
GlobalLogger globalLogger = GlobalLogger.builder().lcaServiceProperties(lcaProperties).build();
assertEquals(globalLogger.getConsoleLogger().getLevel(), Level.ERROR);
assertEquals(log.getLevel(), Level.ERROR);
System.out.println("log.getLogLevel() = " + log.getLevel());
System.out.println("globalLogger.getConsoleLogger().getLevel() = " + globalLogger.getConsoleLogger().getLevel());
} catch (Exception e) {

How do I conditionally add log4j2 appender depending on java system property?

I'm trying to figure out how I can add an appender to a logger dependent on whether a java system property is given / set.
So let's say I have a basic configuration like this:
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2" />
So now I'd like to figure out a way to conditionally only add the 2nd appender if I provide a parameter -PaddAppender2. Something like this:
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<?if (${sys:enableAppender2:-false) == "true"}>
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2" />
How do I do that?
I know I can for example make the level dynamic on a given property ("logLevel") like that (where "info" is the default if the property is not given):
<Logger name="test" level="${sys:logLevel:-info}" additivity="false">
I looked at the documentation for filters, and I can't figure it out. That is of course if filters are even the right way to go here.
Solution without any scripting:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="error" strict="true">
<Property name="appenderToUse">stdout_${sys:LOG4J_LAYOUT:-plain}</Property>
<Appender type="Console" name="stdout_plain">
<Layout type="PatternLayout" pattern="%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n"/>
<Appender type="Console" name="stdout_json">
<Layout type="JSONLayout" compact="true" eventEol="true" stacktraceAsString="true" properties="true"/>
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="${appenderToUse}"/>
The solution provided by Robert works, but it is not efficient as the script will be evaluated once per log record.
A more efficient solution that evaluates the script only once is to use ScriptAppenderSelector together with the NullAppender:
According to the docs:
When the configuration is built, the ScriptAppenderSelector appender calls a Script to compute an appender name. Log4j then creates one of the appender named listed under AppenderSet using the name of the ScriptAppenderSelector. After configuration, Log4j ignores the ScriptAppenderSelector.
An Appender that ignores log events. Use for compatibility with version 1.2 and handy for composing a ScriptAppenderSelector.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="warn" name="ScriptAppenderSelectorExample">
<ScriptAppenderSelector name="SelectConsole">
<Script language="groovy"><![CDATA[
if (System.getProperty("CONSOLE_APPENDER_ENABLED", 'true').equalsIgnoreCase('true')) {
return "Console"
} else {
return "Null"
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
<Null name="Null" />
<ScriptAppenderSelector name="SelectFile">
<Script language="groovy"><![CDATA[
if (System.getProperty("FILE_APPENDER_ENABLED", 'true').equalsIgnoreCase('true')) {
return "File"
} else {
return "Null"
<File name="File" fileName="application.log">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" />
<Null name="Null" />
<ScriptAppenderSelector name="SelectSMTP">
<Script language="groovy"><![CDATA[
if (System.getProperty("SMTP_APPENDER_ENABLED", 'true').equalsIgnoreCase('true')) {
return "SMTP"
} else {
return "Null"
<SMTP name="SMTP"
subject="App: Error"
<Null name="Null" />
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="SelectConsole"/>
<AppenderRef ref="SelectFile"/>
<AppenderRef ref="SelectSMTP"/>
Is there a low overhead way to enable/disable a given appender based on the value of an environment variable or system property?
Similar to rgoers solution but using nashorn instead of groovy. This solution benefits from fact that Nashorn engine is part of
Java 8 so there is no additional dependencies needed.
<Script name="isAppender2Enabled" language="nashorn"><![CDATA[
var System = Java.type('java.lang.System'),
Boolean = Java.type('java.lang.Boolean');
Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty('enableAppender2', 'false'));
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2">
<ScriptFilter onMatch="ACCEPT" onMisMatch="DENY">
<ScriptRef ref="isAppender2Enabled" />
Note that ScriptFilter is evaluating the script every time when Log4j event occurs. Therefore it is possible to enable/disable the appender on the run time (by changing the value of the system property) with immediate effect. On the other hand, script evaluation can have negative impact on logging performance.
I wasn't able to figure out a solution via config file alone, but I found one that solves the problem programmatically.
Note that in our specific case, we always log to a "local log" ("splunk local"), but in given cases (controlled by the property), we also want to log the same information to another location (that is not relative) and is periodically read and forwarded to a splunk server ("splunk forwarder").
And that's why we can copy most of the properties from one logger to the other.
private static final Logger SPLUNK_LOG = getLogger();
private static Logger getLogger() {
if (!BooleanUtils.toBoolean(SystemUtils.getJavaPropertyValue(ENABLE_PROPERTY_NAME, "false"))) {
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(SPLUNK_LOG_NAME);
} else {"Dynamically adding splunk forwarder appender");
try {
final LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext();
final Configuration configuration = loggerContext.getConfiguration();
// configure appender based on local splunk appender
final RollingFileAppender splunkLocal = (RollingFileAppender) configuration.getAppender(LOCAL_LOG_NAME);
final RollingFileAppender splunkForwarder = RollingFileAppender.createAppender(FORWARDER_FILE_NAME,
splunkLocal.getManager().getTriggeringPolicy(), splunkLocal.getManager().getRolloverStrategy(),
splunkLocal.getLayout(), splunkLocal.getFilter(), null, FORWARDER_ADVERTISE, null, null);
// add splunk forwarder appender to splunk logger
final LoggerConfig loggerConfig = configuration.getLoggerConfig(SPLUNK_LOG_NAME);
loggerConfig.addAppender(splunkForwarder, Level.INFO, null);"Successfully added splunk forwarder appender");
return loggerContext.getLogger(SPLUNK_LOG_NAME);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to dynamically add splunk forwarder appender", ex);
If anyone knows how to do this via config file alone, that would be great.
The way this is intended to be handled is by using a filter. In this case you can use a Script filter.
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2">
<ScriptFilter onMatch="ACCEPT" onMisMatch="DENY">
<Script language="groovy"><![CDATA[
return System.getProperty("enableAppender2", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
Building on some of the ideas in this thread, here's what I did to conditionally log to console.
Example use-case
Always log to a file appender.
Log to Console only in some environments.
For Console logging, set system property additional.log.appender=console
Or, disable Console logging by omitting this property.
In the Logger AppenderRef, use ${sys:additional.log.appender:-null}.
Sends logs to the console appender if the system property was set, or defaults to null appender if not set. (null appender ignores logs)
System Property
# set for console logging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RollingFile name="file"
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %5p [%t] %c - %m%n" />
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 MB" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10" />
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %5p [%t] %c - %m%n" />
<Null name="null" />
<Logger name="com.acme" level="DEBUG">
<Root level="INFO">
<AppenderRef ref="file" />
<AppenderRef ref="${sys:additional.log.appender:-null}" />

log4j2 configuration with disruptor

I am trying to use log4j2 with disruptor in a java application. I have the following jar files in my classpath:
In my Java class, I a doing the following to test:
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
public class LoggerTest {
private static final Logger Logger = LogManager.getLogger(LoggerTest.class.getName());
public static void main(String[] args) {"testing log4j2 with disruptor");
My log4j2.xml file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Don't forget to set system property
to make all loggers asynchronous. -->
<configuration status="INFO">
<!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. -->
<FastFile name="RandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/test.log" immediateFlush="false" append="false">
<pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m %ex%n</pattern>
<root level="info" includeLocation="true">
<appender-ref ref="RandomAccessFile"/>
When I run the application, I get the following error (with no log output):
2014-07-10 14:45:32,930 ERROR Error processing element FastFile: CLASS_NOT_FOUND
2014-07-10 14:45:32,973 ERROR Unable to locate appender RandomAccessFile for logger
In beta9, the <FastFile> appender was renamed to <RandomAccessFile>. If you rename this element in your configuration it should work.

Setting to, from, subject values from properties at Runtime in log4j2 SMTPAppender

I'm using log4j 2.0-beta9. I have a question about the SMTP appender. I need to configure the subject, from and to values from properties. I'm logging a MapMessage and my config is as below -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration status="DEBUG">
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n"/>
<SMTP name="Mail" subject="Error Log for ${env:HOSTNAME}" to="${}" from="${sys:mail.from}"
smtpHost="${}" smtpPort="${sys:mail.port}" smtpDebug="true" bufferSize="1">
<pattern>%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n</pattern>
<Async name="AsyncMail">
<appender-ref ref="Mail" />
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="Console"/>
<appender-ref ref="AsyncMail">
<MapFilter onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY">
<KeyValuePair key="throwable.class" value="java.lang.RuntimeException" />
// Java Code to log the msg
Throwable throwable; // this is the exception that is thrown by the app.
MapMessage message = new MapMessage();
message.put("throwable.message", throwable.getMessage());
message.put("throwable.class", throwable.getClass().getName());
message.put("throwable.stacktrace", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(throwable)); // ExceptionUtils from apache-commons
LOGGER.error(message, throwable); // org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger
The problem is that none of these values are replaced dynamically. Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You need to set the and mail.from System properties. The problem you're having might be that you're running in a Servlet 3.0 environment, in which case the Log4j2.xml file is being processed before your code that sets the properties is executed.
If that is the case, you can create a servlet container initializer that you configure in your web.xml file to load before Log4j2's servlet container initializer is loaded.

Log4j 2.0 - No Logs appearing in the Log Files - Trying Multiple Loggers in the same Class using log4j2.xml

Below is the log4j2.xml file that I have created. I have configured async_file.log for Asynchronous Logging and regular_file.log for regular and synchronous logging. The problem is that the log files get created, but the size of the files is zero and with no logs. All logs are coming to server.log file (JBOSS) and not to the 2 files that I had got configured for (async_file.log and regular_file.log).
Please let me know why the logs are NOT going to the log files that I have configured. Please help me with this or give me some direction or hint.
I am calling the two different loggers in the same class file by name DCLASS as shown below:
private static final transient Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DCLASS.class);
private static final transient Logger ASYNC_LOG = Logger.getLogger("ASYNC");
I have included the following jars in the Class Path:
1. log4j-api-2.0-beta8.jar
2. log4j-core-2.0-beta8.jar
3. disruptor-3.0.0.beta1.jar
My log4j2.xml is as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration status="INFO">
<!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. -->
<FastFile name="AsyncFastFile" fileName="../standalone/log/async_file.log"
immediateFlush="false" append="true">
<pattern>%d %p %class{1.} [%t] %location %m %ex%n</pattern>
<FastFile name="FastFile" fileName="../standalone/log/regular_file.log"
immediateFlush="true" append="true">
<pattern>%d %p %class{1.} [%t] %location %m %ex%n</pattern>
<!-- pattern layout actually uses location, so we need to include it -->
<asyncLogger name="ASYNC" level="trace" includeLocation="true">
<appender-ref ref="AsyncFastFile"/>
<root level="info" includeLocation="true">
<appender-ref ref="FastFile"/>
The reason why the logs were not coming to the log files is because, I was using 'Logger' instead of 'LogManager'.
In the code, I had
private static final transient Logger ASYNC_LOG = Logger.getLogger("ASYNC");
The code should have been
private static final transient Logger ASYNC_LOG = Logmanager.getLogger("ASYNC");
When it is 'logger', then the compiler is looking into 'Log4j API' and when it is 'LogManager' it is looking into 'Log4j2 API'. Since I have configured everything to use Log4j2, by changing logger to LogManager, the logs started coming to the log files as expected.

