Query Creation Does Not Print All Indexes - java

When I create the file and write in the query, does it write only once? why?
for (spinelliIndex = 0; spinelliIndex < spinelli.getVeicoli_id().size(); spinelliIndex++) {
boolean match = false;
for (veicoloIndex = 0; veicoloIndex < veicoloDb.getVeicoloId().size(); veicoloIndex++) {
if (spinelli.getVeicoli_targa().get(spinelliIndex).equals(veicoloDb.getTarga().get(veicoloIndex))) {
match = true;
// Stampa a Video
System.out.println(spinelli.getVeicoli_targa().get(spinelliIndex) + " = "
+ veicoloDb.getTarga().get(veicoloIndex) + " --> "
+ spinelli.getVeicoli_id().get(spinelliIndex) + " --> "
+ veicoloDb.getVeicoloId().get(veicoloIndex));
// Scrivi nella riga i
row = sheet.getRow(spinelliIndex);
// Scrivi nella colonna AC indice 28
cell = row.createCell(28);
// Scrivi il ciclo in tutte le righe nella colonna AC indice 28
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
// Scrivi nel file EXCEL
// Scrivi NEl file .txt
// Crea la Query e scrivi nel file
file = new File(path);
fw = new FileWriter(file);
fw.write("UPDATE veicolo SET ID = " + "'" + spinelli.getVeicolo_newid().get(spinelliIndex) + "'" + ","
+ "CREATE_DATE = " + "'" + veicoloDb.getCreate_date().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + ","
+ "MODIFIED_DATE = " + "'" + veicoloDb.getModified_date().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "UUID = "
+ "'" + veicoloDb.getUuid().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "CLASSE_EURO = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getClasse_euro().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "CODICE_CLIENTE_ORIGINARIO = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getCodice_cliente_originario().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "CONTRATTO = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getContratto().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "DATA_FINE_VALIDITA = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getData_fine_validita().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "DATA_INIZIO_VALIDITA = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getData_inizio_validita().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "DISPONIBILITA = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getDisponibilita().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "NAZIONE = " + "'"
+ veicoloDb.getNazione().get(veicoloIndex) + "'" + "," + "TARGA = " + "'" + veicoloDb.getTarga().get(veicoloIndex)
+ "'" + "," + "TIPO_DI_POSSESSO = " + "'" + veicoloDb.getTipo_di_possesso().get(veicoloIndex) + "'"
+ "," + "ID_ANAGRAFICA = " + "'" + veicoloDb.getId_anagrafica().get(veicoloIndex) + "'"
+ "FROM DISPOSITIVO_VEICOLO WHERE dispositivo_veicolo.id_anagrafica = veicolo.id_anagrafica"
+ ";" + "\n");
// Targhe non trovate
if (!match) {
System.out.println("Targa non trovata: " + spinelli.getVeicoli_targa().get(spinelliIndex));

I'm not sure what is your expected behavior on your program, but I guess you want to write(append) your file multiple times, right?
In your code, create new file (new File()) and close the writer (fw.close()) in the loop.
It looks, the program overwrite to the same file multiple times.
So, if you want to append(not overwrite), I recommend you to put file creation and file closing on the outside of the loop like the following (dummy code):
file = new File(path);
fw = new FileWriter(file);
for (spinelliIndex = 0; spinelliIndex < spinelli.getVeicoli_id().size(); spinelliIndex++) {
Also, fw.close() will call fw.flush(). If you don't have any specific reason to write it, you can remove it.


how to simulate Excel control codes in String

One web project I'm involved in requires generating a CSV to the user.
One field is notes and there can be multiple notes in the field, separated by a return (alt-enter in Excel), appearing as
A USER entered on 02/17/2023: Test note
A USER entered on 02/17/2023: This is another note
Is it possible to insert control codes into a Java string that Excel will pick up and format the cell properly?
For what it's worth, this was my attempt:
}else if (formType.equalsIgnoreCase("downloadCSV")) {
Date d = new Date();
String filename = "C:/temp/rtTmp" + d.getTime() + ".csv";
File f = new File(filename);
List<Contact> contactList = RetentionTrackDatabaseUtil.getContacts();
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f));
+ "gender,"
+ "age,"
+ "DOB,"
+ "DOH,"
+ "DOR,"
+ "DOS,"
+ "dateContact,"
+ "reason,"
+ "status,"
+ "empNum,"
+ "shift,"
+ "phone,note(s)\n");
for (Contact c : contactList) {
bw.append("\"" + c.getName() + "\"" + ","
+ c.getGender() + ","
+ Integer.toString(c.getAge()) + ","
+ (c.getDOB()!=null?RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(c.getDOB()):"") + ","
+ (c.getDOH()!=null?RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(c.getDOH()):"") + ","
+ (c.getDOR()!=null?RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(c.getDOR()):"") + ","
+ (c.getDOS()!=null?RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(c.getDOS()):"") + ","
+ (c.getDateContact()!=null?RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(c.getDateContact()):"") + ","
+ c.getReason() + ","
+ c.getStatus() + ","
+ c.getEmpNum() + ","
+ c.getShift() + ","
+ c.getPhone() + ",");
for(Note n: c.getNoteList()){
bw.append("(" + n.getEnteredBy() + " on " + RetentionTrackUtil.sdf.format(n.getNoteDate()) + ")" + n.getNote() + "\\n");
sendFile(response, filename);

.txt array out from user input

I have since updated this code per suggestions for this forum. I am still confused as to how to get my .txt file selection to out print all instances of the name entered. my file in which all my .txt files are contained is named, namesbystate. To access this and all instances of the names entered are where I am getting issues. I am wondering if I replace myFile with namesbystate as a pathway extension or not?
package babynamestatesocial;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.*;
public class BabyNameStateSocial {
private Scanner x;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
// Scanner variable set up to intake user input for state selection and person's name
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Available state files are: \n" +
"AK " + "AL " + "AR " + "AZ " + "CA " + "CO " + "\n" +
"CT " + "DC " + "DE " + "FL " + "GA " + "HI " + "\n" +
"IA " + "ID " + "IL " + "IN " + "KS " + "KY " + "\n" +
"LA " + "MA " + "MD " + "ME " + "MI " + "MN " + "\n" +
"MO " + "MS " + "MT " + "NC " + "ND " + "NE " + "\n" +
"NH " + "NJ " + "NM " + "NV " + "NY " + "OH " + "\n" +
"OK " + "OR " + "PA " + "RI " + "SC " + "SD " + "\n" +
"TN " + "TX " + "UT " + "VA " + "VT " + "WA " + "\n" +
"WI " + "WV " + "WY " + "\n");
System.out.print("Enter a state to read names from: " + "\n");
String filename = scan.nextLine() + ".txt";
System.out.println("Which name would you like to look up?");
String personName = scan.nextLine();
File myFile = new File(filename);
private static void openFile(File myFile, String personName){
try {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(myFile);
while (sc.hasNext()) {
// nextLine variable now has the line from the file in it that matches the name the person input
String nextLine = sc.nextLine();
if (nextLine.contains(personName)) {
} catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
Something like this will get you to where you want to be. I do not have the format of your state text files so I couldn't write the full program for you
(Edit - I just changed the code slightly. Instead of sc.next(), I should have written sc.nextLine(). The following program runs successfully with that edit):
package babynamestatesocial;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.*;
public class BabyNameStateSocial {
private Scanner x;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Available state files are: \n" +
"AK " + "AL " + "AR " + "AZ " + "CA " + "CO " + "\n" +
"CT " + "DC " + "DE " + "FL " + "GA " + "HI " + "\n" +
"IA " + "ID " + "IL " + "IN " + "KS " + "KY " + "\n" +
"LA " + "MA " + "MD " + "ME " + "MI " + "MN " + "\n" +
"MO " + "MS " + "MT " + "NC " + "ND " + "NE " + "\n" +
"NH " + "NJ " + "NM " + "NV " + "NY " + "OH " + "\n" +
"OK " + "OR " + "PA " + "RI " + "SC " + "SD " + "\n" +
"TN " + "TX " + "UT " + "VA " + "VT " + "WA " + "\n" +
"WI " + "WV " + "WY " + "\n");
System.out.print("Enter a state to read names from: " + "\n");
String filename = scan.nextLine() + ".txt";
System.out.println("Which name would you like to look up?");
String personName = scan.nextLine();
File myFile = new File(filename);
private static void openFile(File myFile, String personName){
try {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(myFile);
while (sc.hasNext()) {
String nextLine = sc.nextLine();
if (nextLine.contains(personName)) {
//nextLine variable now has the line from the file in it that matches the name the person input so you need to parse that line and do something with it
} catch(Exception e) {

Output on new line WITHOUT for loop

I am trying to output arrays on a new line through a basic client, server application. However, to accomplish this I have had to use substring to find the # after each word to signal the end of the line. However I want to remove this function and have each section on a new line.
public ClientHandler(Socket socket,Users newUser, int newClientUser)
throws IOException
client = socket;
input = new Scanner(client.getInputStream());
output = new PrintWriter(
user = newUser;
clientUser = newClientUser;
String[] itemName = {user.getItemName(1), user.getItemName(2)};
String[] description = {user.getItemDescription(1), user.getItemDescription(2)};
String[] itemtime = {user.getItemTime(1), user.getItemTime(2)};
output.println(itemName[0] + "#" + itemName[1]
+ "#" + "Welcome To The Auction User:" + clientUser
+ itemName[0] +": "+ description[0] +
"#"+ itemName[1] +": "+description[1]+
"#"+ "Deadline For " + itemName[0] + ": "
+ itemtime[0] + "#" +"Deadline For " +
itemName[1] + ": " + itemtime[1]+"#");
private synchronized void getMessage(String response)
String message="";
for(int i= count; !response.substring(i, i+1).equals("#"); i++)
count = i;
output.println(itemName[0] + "\n" + itemName[1]
+ "\n" + "Welcome To The Auction User:" + clientUser
+ itemName[0] +": "+ description[0] +
"\n"+ itemName[1] +": "+description[1]+
"\n"+ "Deadline For " + itemName[0] + ": "
+ itemtime[0] + "\n" +"Deadline For " +
itemName[1] + ": " + itemtime[1]+"\n");
Instead of having a "#" signify a new line, you can use "\n". Java will read that from your string as a new line.

Parsing csv line to Java objects

I was wondering if someone here could help me, I can't find a solution for my problem and I have tried everything.
What I am trying to do is read and parse lines in a csv file into java objects and I have succeeded in doing that but after it reads all the lines it should insert the lines into the database but it only inserts the 1st line the entire time and I don't no why. When I do a print it shows that it is reading all the lines and placing them in the objects but as soon as I do the insert it wants to insert only the 1st line.
Please see my code below:
public boolean lineReader(File file){
BufferedReader br = null;
String line= "";
String splitBy = ",";
storeList = new ArrayList<StoreFile>();
try {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){
line = line.replace('|', ',');
//split on pipe ( | )
String[] array = line.split(splitBy, 14);
//Add values from csv to store object
//Add values from csv to storeF objects
StoreFile StoreF = new StoreFile();
if (array[0].equals("H") || array[0].equals("T")) {
return false;
} else {
StoreF.setRetailID(array[1].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreID(array[3].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreName(array[4].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress1(array[5].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress2(array[6].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress3(array[7].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setProvince(array[8].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress4(array[9].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCountry(array[10].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCurrency(array[11].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress5(array[12].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setTelNo(array[13].replaceAll("/", ""));
//Add stores to list
} //print list stores in file
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
//copy to error folder
return false;
public void printStoreList(List<StoreFile> storeListToPrint) {
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToPrint.size();i++){
System.out.println( storeListToPrint.get(i).getRetailID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getChain()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreName()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress1()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress2()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress3()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getProvince()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress4()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCountry()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCurrency()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress5()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getTelNo());
public void unzip(String source, String destination) {
try {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(source);
} catch (ZipException ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error unzipping file : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void deleteStoreFile(String directory) {
try {
File file = new File(directory);
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured when trying to delete file " + directory + " : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void executeStoredPro(List<StoreFile> storeListToInsert) {
Connection con = null;
CallableStatement st = null;
try {
String connectionURL = MSSQLConnectionURL;
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, MSSQLUsername, MSSQLPassword);
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores WHERE StoreID = " + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + " AND RetailID = "+ storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + ")"
+ " UPDATE tblPay#RetailStores "
+ " SET RetailID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ " StoreID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ " StoreName = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ " TestStore = 0,"
+ " Address1 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ " Address2 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ " Address3 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ " Address4 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ " Address5 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ " Province = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ " TelNo = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ " Enabled = 1"
+ " ELSE "
+ " INSERT INTO tblPay#RetailStores ( [RetailID], [StoreID], [StoreName], [TestStore], [Address1], [Address2], [Address3], [Address4], [Address5], [Province], [TelNo] , [Enabled] ) "
+ " VALUES "
+ "('" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ "0,"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error executing Stored proc with error : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.mailingQueue.addToQueue(new Mail("support#nmt-it.co.za", "Service Email Error", "An error occurred during Store Import failed with error : " + ex.getMessage()));
Any advise would be appreciated.
Formatting aside, your code is wrong (I truncated the part of the query):
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Don't do a classical for loop while foreach exists and can be better to use, and even if you do a classical for loop, use local variables, eg:
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
StoreFile item = storeListToInsert.get(i);
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Which could translate as:
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Now, the second problem is your PreparedStatement. A PreparedStatement allow reusing, which means you don't need to create PreparedStatement per item which is what you are doing.
Also, you need to close the statement otherwise, you will exhaust resources..
You must not create it in the for loop, but before, like this:
PreparedStatement st = null;
try {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "SET RetailID = :RetailID ,"
+ "1)");
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st.setString(":RetailID", item.getRetailID());
} finally {
if (null != st) {st.close();}
In brief:
You need to close the PreparedStatement after usage, because it is a memory leak otherwise.
You need to rewrite your query using either named parameters, either positional parameter (like: ? or ?1 for first parameter, and so on). I favor named parameters, but they are not always available. The example I linked all use positional parameters.
You need to set the value for each parameters in the for loop, and care about the type. I expected here that getRetailID() is a String, but it might be a Long in that case that would be st.setLong.
Your query is reusable, avoiding the need to reparse it/resend it to the SQL Server. You just send the parameter's values. Beside, you can also batch update.
A PreparedStatement for a statement that you generate (like you are doing) is overkill, and beside, it is missing SQL escapement to protect the String you inject to your query to avoid it being badly interpreted (aka SQL errors) or worst, to do what it was not intended for (like, even if it is far fetched, dropping the whole database, etc).
The executeUpdate() return the number of updated rows. You can check it to see if there was updates.
You can also use Batch statement, which can help performances.
And finally, you can use opencsv to parse common CSV files.

Imp code modification required

Following code needs modification can we use constants files if yes then how we can segregate string in separate files so that loop continues then performance is not impacted
for (int j = 0; j < subconfigListRLC.size(); j++) {
StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer();
test = (SubConfigurationDetailsObject) subconfigListRLC.get(j);
if (test.getFlag().equalsIgnoreCase("T")) {
sqlQuery = sqlQuery.append("update SUB_CONFIG set TSTED = "
+ test.getSubConfigurationIndexNo() + " , Q_SUB_INDX = 0 "
+ "where BASE_ENG_KEY = '" + test.getBaseEngineKey() + "' "
+ "AND MODEL_YEAR = '" + modelYear + "' "
+ "AND RLHP_LVW = '" + test.getRoadLoadHorsepowerValue() + "' "
+ "AND LVW_TEST_WT_WO_CONT = '" + test.getEtwValue() + "' "
+ "AND INERTIA_WT_CLASS = '" + test.getInertiaWeightClassNo() + "' "
+ "AND TEST_GROUP_ID = " + test.getTestGroupId() + " "
+ "AND ENGINE_CODE = '" + test.getEngineCode() + "' "
+ "AND AXLE_RATIO = '" + test.getAxleRatioValue() + "'");
} else if (test.getFlag().equalsIgnoreCase("U")) {
sqlQuery = sqlQuery.append("update SUB_CONFIG set Q_SUB_INDX = "
+ test.getSubConfigurationIndexNo() + " "
+ "where BASE_ENG_KEY = '" + test.getBaseEngineKey() + "' "
+ "AND MODEL_YEAR = '" + modelYear + "' "
+ "AND RLHP_LVW = '" + test.getRoadLoadHorsepowerValue() + "' "
+ "AND LVW_TEST_WT_WO_CONT = '" + test.getEtwValue() + "' "
+ "AND INERTIA_WT_CLASS = '" + test.getInertiaWeightClassNo() + "' "
+ "AND TEST_GROUP_ID = " + test.getTestGroupId() + " "
+ "AND ENGINE_CODE = '" + test.getEngineCode() + "' "
+ "AND AXLE_RATIO = '" + test.getAxleRatioValue() + "'");
Use a Java PreparedStatement in order to build the query. You can then store the query string for the PreparedStatement in a properties file. Read the two possible query strings into variables before entering the loop (in fact you may want to build both PreparedStatements before entering the loop - depending on whether you always use them both). You can then call clearParamaters, then set your new parameters, execute, repeat.
As you asked for the exact details, something like this. Search for javadocs on PreparedStatement. Javadocs are always worth reading.
String sql = "update SUB_CONFIG set TSTED = ? , Q_SUB_INDX = ? " +
"where BASE_ENG_KEY = ? " +
"AND RLHP_LVW = ? " +
PreparedStatement statement = connection.createPreparedStatement(sql);
for (SubConfigurationDetailsObject test: subconfigListRLC) {
if (test.getFlag().equalsIgnoreCase("T")) {
statement.setIntParam(1, test.getSubConfigurationIndexNo());
statement.setIntParam(2, 0);
} else if (test.getFlag().equalsIgnoreCase("U")) {
statement.setIntParam(1, 0);
statement.setIntParam(2, test.getSubConfigurationIndexNo());
} else {
statement.set...Param(3, ...);
You may probably only need one PreparedStatement, and the result is indeed faster.
BTW. better use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer.

