I love Optional in Java. It has, in one simple class, allowed me to clearly identify return types and arguments which may or may not be available.
One thing that I struggle with is the necessity of assigning it to a short-lived variable which is then inherited into every subsequent scope.
I like to use the simple variable name opt when using optionals like this:
Optional<ThingA> opt = maybeGetThing();
if (opt.isPresent()) {
ThingA usefulVariableName = opt.get();
But when I then need a variable name to use in this scope...
void method() {
Optional<ThingA> opt = maybeGetThing();
if (opt.isPresent()) {
ThingA usefulVariableName = opt.get();
// Duplicate local variable opt
Optional<ThingB> opt = usefulVariableName.maybeAnotherThing();
I can use things like optA and optB and so on. But I wonder if there is another way to write this code without having to enumerate my temporary variables. This just smacks of lazy variable names like a aaaa aaaaaabbb or something.
I don't want to name all of my optionals explicitly like this:
Optional<ThingA> optUsefulVariableName = maybeGetThing();
if (optUsefulVariableName.isPresent()) {
ThingA usefulVariableName = optUsefulVariableName.get();
While accurate, it is extremely verbose. I also try to use throwaway names like opt and i to indicate that these are in fact only temporary and should serve no purpose beyond their immediate scope (even though they will be inherited).
I have seen suggestions for using ifPresent() but I don't see how I can use this for instances where I also need to perform an action if the optional is empty:
void method() {
Optional<ThingA> opt = maybeGetThing();
if (!opt.isPresent()) {
if (opt.isPresent()) {
ThingA usefulVariableName = opt.get();
// Duplicate local variable opt
Optional<ThingB> opt = usefulVariableName.maybeAnotherThing();
When I try to refactor with ifPresent():
void method() {
// Doesn't handle instance where I need side effects on an empty optional
maybeGetThing().ifPresent(usefulVariableName -> {
The most basic way to eliminate the variable and the need to call Optional#get is to use Optional.ifPresent which calls a function if the Optional has a value.
maybeGetThing().ifPresent(val -> {
// do stuff with side effects here
This is still quite a limited way to use Optional, as one of Optionals key purposes is to facilitate programming in a functional style. If you are a beginner this may be a little lost on you, but the idea is to have functions that return something and not functions that rely on side effects. Functions relying on side effects cannot be chained together and are generally harder to reason about.
Technically Optional is something called a Functor (from category theory). It is a wrapper around a value (Whatever T is) and it allows the value to be passed through a series of operations to operate on it and pass it to the next operation until we have what we want, then the chain of operations ends with a terminal (i.e. final) operation. The terminal operation may return the unwrapped value if it exists or it could throw or return some default value if it doesn't.
For Optional it will skip any subsequent operations if the value becomes not present.
There are common operations like map, filter, flatMap (ok that's a Monad operation) and other more java specific operations like Optional#orElse and Optional#orElseThrow.
To refactor your example code you could do this.
void method() {
return maybeGetThing().flatMap(val -> {
// eek side effects
return val.maybeAnotherThing();
flatMap is a way of converting an Optional of one type to an Optional of another type. If the return value weren't Optional you would use map.
You can see we have eliminated the need for names of return values in favour of naming the parameters of lambda functions. The lambda functions are scoped so you can reuse the names if that's what you want to.
I generally like to provide runnable code, so here is a contrived example of what I mean which is runnable.
import java.util.Optional;
class DummyClass {
private int val = 0;
public void doA(){ val += 1; }
public void doB(){ val += 2; }
public void doC(){ val += 3; }
public Optional<String> maybeAnotherThing(){
return Optional.of(Integer.toString(val));
public class UseOptional5 {
Optional<DummyClass> maybeGetThing(){
return Optional.of(new DummyClass());
String method() {
return maybeGetThing()
// you can put other operations here
.flatMap(val -> {
// eek side effects
return val.maybeAnotherThing();
// you can put other operations here too
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("fail!!"));
public static void main(String args[]) {
UseOptional5 x = new UseOptional5();
Since Java 9 I’d do
void method() {
usefulVariableName -> {
// No duplicate local variable opt
Optional<ThingB> opt = usefulVariableName.maybeAnotherThing();
My rule of thumb is you seldom need or want to use isPresent and/or get, they are low-level. For basic things ifPresent (with f) and ifPresetnOrElse are fine. Others are correct that map and flatMap are very useful too.
I have a java class with 3 boolean property like this
boolean isActive;
boolean isEnable;
boolean isNew;
every property is related to an enum (e.g. ACTIVE,ENABLE,NEW).
I want to have 2 lists of enum. One which has only the enums related to true property value and one for the false one.
just to be clear. using if-else statement I could have
Set<FlagEnum> flagSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<FlagEnum> falseFlagSet = new HashSet<>();
if (object.isActive()) {
} else {
if (object.isEnable()) {
} else {
if (object.isNew()) {
} else {
is there a way to avoid all these if-else?
I tried with something like
Map<boolean, List<Pair<boolean, FlagEnum>>> res = Stream.of(
new Pair<>(object.isActive(), ACTIVE),
new Pair<>(object.isNew(), NEW),
new Pair<>(object.isEnable(), ENABLE))
but the resulted structure is an additional complexity which I would like to avoid.
In my real case, I have more than 15 boolean properties...
You can simplify this in various ways. Which of them make sense, depends on your exact requirements.
You can derive the falseFlagSet trivially from the flagSet using EnumSet.complementOf after populating the flagSet:
EnumSet<FlagEnum> falseFlagSet = EnumSet.complementOf(flagSet);
This assumes that all FlagEnum values have corresponding flags. If that's not the case then you need to construct a EnumSet with all enums that have flags and subtract flagSet from that using removeAll.
#1 already removes the need for the else in your cascade, simplifying the code to
if (object.isActive()) {
if (object.isEnable()) {
if (object.isNew()) {
If you have enough different flags, then you can create a mapping from getter method to FlagEnum value like this:
Map<Function<YourClass,Boolean>,FlagEnum> GETTERS = Map.of(
YourClass::isActive, FlagEnum.ACTIVE,
YourClass::isNew, FlagEnum.NEW,
YourClass::isEnable, FlagEnum.ENABLE);
Then you can use this to make the whole process data-driven:
EnumSet<FlagEnum> getFlagSet(YourClass yourObject) {
EnumSet<FlagEnum> result = EnumSet.noneOf(FlagEnum.class);
for (Map.Entry<Function<YourClass,Boolean>, FlagEnum> getter : GETTERS.entrySet()) {
if (getter.getKey().apply(yourObject)) {
return result;
If the number of flags is very big, then you could switch entirely to reflection and detect the flags and matching getters dynamically using string comparison, but I would not suggest that approach. If you need something like that then you probably should switch to a framework that supports that kind of feature and not implement it yourself.
That last two obviously only makes sense when the number of flags is big. If it's actually just 3 flags, then I wouldn't mind and just have 3 simple if statements.
As a slight tangent: GETTERS above should definitely be an immutable map (wrap it in Collections.unmodifiableMap or use something like Guava ImmutableMap) and it could be argued that the same applies to the return value of the getFlagSet method. I've left those out for succinctness.
You can use a private helper method for this.
private void addFlagSet(boolean condition, FlagEnum flagEnum,
Set<FlagEnum> flagSet, Set<FlagEnum> falseFlagSet) {
Set<FlagEnum> chosenFlagSet = condition ? flagSet: falseFlagSet;
Call it as:
addFlagSet(object.isActive(), FlagEnum.ACIVE, flagSet, falseFlagSet);
addFlagSet(object.isNew(), FlagEnum.NEW, flagSet, falseFlagSet);
addFlagSet(object.isEnable(), FlagEnum.ENABLE, flagSet, falseFlagSet);
You could probably use Reflection to get all methods, then check if a getReturnType() == boolean.class. Problem is the connection between the method's name and the enum. If every single one is named like the method without the 'is', you could use FlagEnum.valueOf() to retrieve the enum value from the method name and use it.
I think this could be the easiest and clearest way to do what I need
Map<Boolean, Set<FlagEnum>> flagMap = new HashMap<>();
flagMap.computeIfAbsent(object.isActive(), h -> new HashSet()).add(ACTIVE);
flagMap.computeIfAbsent(object.isEnabled(), h -> new HashSet()).add(ENABLE);
flagMap.computeIfAbsent(object.isNew(), h -> new HashSet()).add(NEW);
//to get TRUE set simply :
what do you think?
I have following method which is used for creating a order in the database, order has many items and, item has many bills. iPadPOSOrderDTO is the order which is going to base saved into the database.
so, the loop based code for creating order is the following
private void createNewOrder(IPadPOSOrderDTO iPadPOSOrderDTO) {
IPadPOSOrderV2 order = mapper.map(iPadPOSOrderDTO, IPadPOSOrderV2.class);
if(order.getOrderV2Bills()!=null && order.getOrderV2Bills().size()>0){
for(IPadPOSOrderV2Bill orderBill : order.getOrderV2Bills()){
if(orderBill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems()!=null && orderBill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems().size()>0){
for(IPadPOSOrderV2BillItems orderBillItem : orderBill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems()){
I wanted to refactor above code to use Java 8 streams API.
So, I did the following
private void createNewOrderV2(IPadPOSOrderDTO iPadPOSOrderDTO) {
IPadPOSOrderV2 order = mapper.map(iPadPOSOrderDTO, IPadPOSOrderV2.class);
if(order.getOrderV2Bills()!=null && order.getOrderV2Bills().size()>0){
order.getOrderV2Bills().stream().forEach(e -> { createBill(order,e);});
private void createBill(IPadPOSOrderV2 ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase, IPadPOSOrderV2Bill iPadPOSOrderV2Bill) {
if(iPadPOSOrderV2Bill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems()!=null && iPadPOSOrderV2Bill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems().size()>0){
iPadPOSOrderV2Bill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems().stream().forEach(e -> createBillItem(ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase,iPadPOSOrderV2Bill,e));
private void createBillItem(IPadPOSOrderV2 ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase, IPadPOSOrderV2Bill iPadPOSOrderV2Bill, IPadPOSOrderV2BillItems iPadPOSOrderV2BillItem) {
ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase.getOrderV2Bills().stream().forEach(e -> { createBill(ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase,e);});
could somebody share their experience and advice me if I am making the correct use of streams API for this refactoring.
Note that those size checks aren't really necessary. An empty list would result in an empty stream and thus nothing would get applied. The only benefit would be that you'd be able to avoid having to create the stream altogether but I highly doubt the performance difference would even be noticeble.
If you want to convert a potentially null collection to a stream you might want to use a small helper function:
public <T> Stream<T> collectionToStream(Collection<T> collection) {
return Optional.ofNullable(collection).map(Collection::stream).orElseGet(Stream::empty);
Using forEach() you could then do something like this:
private void createNewOrder(IPadPOSOrderDTO iPadPOSOrderDTO) {
IPadPOSOrderV2 order = mapper.map(iPadPOSOrderDTO, IPadPOSOrderV2.class);
collectionToStream(order.getOrderV2Bills()).forEach( orderBill -> {
collectionToStream(orderBill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems()).forEach(orderBillItem -> {
Note that this isn't that different from your initial code and thus you should think about whether that conversion would make sense.
Converting your nested loops to a fully sequential stream would be harder and in the end not that different because you can't just flat map orderBill to a stream of orderBillItem. Doing that would not make orderBill available downstream so you'd have to call orderBillItem.setiPadPOSOrderV2Bill(orderBill); before returning the nested stream. That would end up in code very similar to the above and add no benefit because you're not using the returned stream.
Filter out the nulls ommiting the null checks
private void createNewOrderV2(IPadPOSOrderDTO iPadPOSOrderDTO) {
IPadPOSOrderV2 order = mapper.map(iPadPOSOrderDTO, IPadPOSOrderV2.class);
order.getOrderV2Bills().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(e -> createBill(order, e));
private void createBill(IPadPOSOrderV2 ipadExistingOrderFromDatabase, IPadPOSOrderV2Bill iPadPOSOrderV2Bill) {
iPadPOSOrderV2Bill.getiPadPOSOrderV2BillItems().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(e -> {
By the way your createBill() is called by the createBillItem and also the other way around, is this correct?
Is conditional composition of Consumers possible in Java 8? Basically I'm looking to create a custom Lambda interface similar to Consumer but that only works with one type of object. Let's call it, Stateful and it contains multiple statuses (we'll say two for the purpose of this example):
public class Stateful {
private int status1;
private int status2;
We have a lot of areas in our code where we do an operation on a Stateful and, if the status has changed, we would do another operation. I was wondering if we could use composition to handle this in a more compact and elegant manner. Right now we would do something like:
SimpleEntry<Integer, Integer> oldStates = new SimpleEntry(stateful.getStatus1(), stateful.getStatus2());
applyLogicOnStateful(stateful); //do some operation that may change state values
if(isStatusChanged(oldStates, stateful) { //compare oldStates integers to status integers
where I think something like this would look better:
but I don't know if we would be able to track the change in status from before the first consumer to after. Maybe I need to create a lambda that takes two consumers as input?
I'm definitely looking to do this without the assistance of a 3rd party library, although you're welcome to promote one here if it is helpful.
Here is a function that will return a Consumer<Stateful> that will extract the former state, do the change, compare results, and conditionally operate on the changed object.
public static Consumer<Stateful> getStatefulConsumer(
Function<Stateful,SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer>> getStatus, // extract status from Stateful
Consumer<Stateful> applyLogic, // apply business logic
BiPredicate<SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer>,SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer>> compareState, // test statuses for change
Consumer<Stateful> onChange) // doSomethingElse
return stateful -> {
SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer> oldStatus = getStatus.apply(stateful);
if(!compareState.test(oldStatus, getStatus.apply(stateful))){
You might use it like this:
Consumer<Stateful> ifChanged = getStatefulConsumer(s -> new SimpleEntry<> ( s.status1, s.status2 ),
s -> changeSomething(s), Objects::equals, s->doSomething(s));
You could generify the extracted status so that different stateful types could have different extracted status types, or even use Stateful::clone to copy the status.
The solution I am working with right now is to create a Lambda interface that takes the Stateful instance and two Consumers as input:
public interface StatefulConsumer {
void accept(Stateful stateful, Consumer<Stateful> consumer, Consumer<Stateful> ifStateChangedConsumer);
and an implementation:
final StatefulConsumer IfStateChanges = new StatefulConsumer() {
public void accept(Stateful stateful, Consumer<Stateful> consumer, Consumer<Stateful> ifStateChangedConsumer) {
SimpleEntry<Integer, Integer> oldStates = new SimpleEntry(stateful.getStatus1(), stateful.getStatus2());
consumer.accept(stateful); //do some operation that may change state values
if(isStatusChanged(oldStates, stateful) { //compare oldStates integers to status integers
which could be called like this:
(Stateful s)->applyLogicOnStateful(stateful),
(Stateful s)->doSomethingElse(stateful))
It could also be implemented as a Predicate or a Function that takes a stateful and a consumer as input and returns a boolean for use in an if Statement
We have some code like:
public class ErrorCodeUtil {
public static void handleErrorCode(String errorCode) {
if (errorCode.equals("1")) {
} else if (errorCode.equals("2")) {
} else if (errorCode.equals("3")) {
} else {
public static void logByErrorCode(String errorCode) {
if (errorCode.equals("1")) {
} else if (errorCode.equals("2")) {
} else if (errorCode.equals("3")) {
} else {
//... a lot of method about error code
As you see, we have a Util to handle all things about ErrorCode, and when we want to add a special logic to an error code, we have to change many method of that utils class.
As expected, the value of error code varies in large range(possibly "112345" or "error_code_001"). So what design pattern is proper for that case?
I would implement a decision table.
The table would consist of a set of mappings between one or more Predicates as key and Function as a value. If a Predicate condition is met, then the corresponding Function is executed. If no Predicate condition is met, then a default Function should be executed. This can (easily) replace the humongous "if-else" statement and should be easier for maintenance.
How a Predicate should look like? It should take a String (in your case) and should return a boolean indicating whether a condition is met or no:
interface Predicate {
public boolean test(String x);
In the decision table, you'd add (anonymous) implementations of this interface as keys.
Hint: If you are already on Java8, even better, there's a built-in Predicate<T> interface. But if you're not, then you can introduce a Predicate interface of your own. :-)
The Function for the decision table's values will be a similar interface. It may (or may not) use an input parameters and should return void. In Java8 this is called a Consumer, however in my example I'll stick to the Function naming:
interface Function<T> {
void apply(T t);
By constructing pairs between Predicate as a key and Function<ErrorCodeUtil> as a value, we'll populate the decision table. When a Predicate condition is met, then we'll invoke the corresponding Function's .apply() method:
The decision table itself can be a simple Map<Predicate, Function<ErrorCodeUtil>>:
Map<Predicate, Function<ErrorCodeUtil>> decisionTable = new HashMap<>();
and you should populate it at construction time or whenever you wish (just before the handleErrorCode() method logic):
Predicate equalsOne = new Predicate() {
public void test(String x) {
return "1".equals(x);
Function<ErrorCodeUtil> actionOne = new Function<ErrorCodeUtil>() {
public void apply(ErrorCodeUtil t) {
decisionTable.put(equalsOne, actionOne);
and so for the other "condition-action" pairs, including the default action (i.e. the last else statement) for which the Predicate will always return true.
Note that in Java8, those anonymous classes can be significantly reduced by just using lambdas.
Finally, your "if-elseif" statements would be re-factored to a simple loop:
for (Map.Entry<Predicate, Function<ErrorCodeUtil>> entry: decisionTable.entrySet()){
Predicate condition = entry.getKey();
Function<ErrorCodeUtil> action = entry.getValue();
if (condition.test(errorCode)) {
So, everytime you add a new condition, you won't have to touch the handleErrorCode(String error) method, but you'll have to just introduce a new (anonymous) implementation of Predicate and Function and .put() it into the decision table.
I'd use Enum in that case.
public enum ErrorCodeEnum {
1 {
public void handleErrorCode() {
2 {
public void handleErrorCode() {
public abstract void handleErrorCode();
Then, having the error code in hands...
PS: This is what I'd use to replace if-else statement, as you asked. But I'd use a Logger API for that specific problem (seems like you're logging erros).
You can keep all errorcodes in a list in one class. And check if list contains errorcode or not.
So this will reduce your if...else logic.
You have written different methods to handle error codes like handleErrorCode1(), handleErrorCode2() etc. Now if list contains desired error code then you can invoke these methods through java reflection.
regarding logging of errors, if all that is required is matching a code with a message, then a text file with mapping of codes to messages is the right way. the text file may be properties:
1=Item not Found
2=Item not valid
that can be loaded to a java.util.Properties instance, it may be xml that can be loaded into DOM or HashMap
<msg>Item not Found</msg>
<msg>Item not Valid</msg>
one advantage of this approach is that it can be made to support i18n if you specify language code in the file name and then get user language code from your client
You have already seen this many times yourself, of that I'm sure:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
SomeObject so = queryFirstSource(args); // the most likely source first, hopefully
if (so != null) return so;
so = querySecondSource(args); // a source less likely than the first, hopefully
if (so != null) return so;
so = queryThirdSource(args); // a source less likely than the previous, hopefully
if (so != null) return so;
// and so on
We have different sources where an object we search could be. As a more vivid example we could image that we first check if a userid is in a list of privileged users. If not we check if the userid is in the list of allowed users. Else we return null. (It's not the best example but I hope it's a vivid-enough one.)
Guava offers us some helpers that could beautify that code above:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
// if there are only two objects
return com.google.common.base.Objects.firstNonNull(queryFirstSource(args), querySecondSource(args));
// or else
return com.google.common.collect.Iterables.find(
, querySecondSource(args)
, queryThirdSource(args)
// , ...
, com.google.common.base.Predicates.notNull()
But, as the more experienced among us will have already seen, this may perform bad if the lookups (i.e. queryXXXXSource(args)) take a certain amount of time. This is because we now query all sources first and then pass the results to the method that finds the first among those results which is not null.
In contrast to the first example, where the next source is only evaluated when the former does not return something, this second solution may look better at first but could perform much worse.
Here's where we come to my actual question and to where I suggest something of that I hope someone has already implemented the base of it or of that someone might propose a even smarted solution.
In plain English: Has someone already implemented such a defferedFirstNonNull (see below) or something similar? Is there an easy plain-Java solution to achieve this with the new Stream framework? Can you propose another elegant solution that achieves the same result?
Rules: Java 8 is allowed as well as active maintained and well-known third party libraries like Google's Guava or Apache's Commons Lang with Apache License or similar (No GPL!).
The proposed solution:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
return Helper.deferredFirstNonNull(
args -> queryFirstSource(args)
, args -> querySourceSource(args)
, args -> queryThirdSource(args)
, x -> x != null
So the method defferedFirstNonNull would evaluate each lambda expression after another and as soon as the predicate (x -> x != null) is true (i.e. we found a match) the method would return the result immediately and would not query any further source.
PS: I know that the expressions args -> queryXXXXSource(args) could be shortened to queryXXXXSource. But that would render the proposed solution harder to read because it's not obvious on first sight what is going to happen.
Yes, there is:
Arrays.asList(source1, source2, ...)
.filter(s -> s != null)
This is more flexible, since it returns an Optional not null in case a not-null source is found.
Edit: If you want lazy evaluation you should use a Supplier:
Arrays.<Supplier<Source>>asList(sourceFactory::getSource1, sourceFactory::getSource2, ...)
.filter(s -> s.get() != null)
It depends on some factors you are not defining. Do you have a fixed, rather small set of query…Source actions as shown in your question or are you rather heading to having a more flexible, extensible list of actions?
In the first case you might consider changing the query…Source methods to return an Optional<SomeObject> rather than SomeObject or null. If you change your methods to be like
Optional<SomeObject> queryFirstSource(Arguments args) {
You can chain them this way:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
return queryFirstSource(args).orElseGet(
If you can’t change them or prefer them to return null you can still use the Optional class:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
return Optional.ofNullable(queryFirstSource(args)).orElseGet(
If you are looking for a more flexible way for a bigger number of possible queries, it is unavoidable to convert them to some kind of list or stream of Functions. One possible solution is:
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
return Stream.<Function<Arguments,SomeObject>>of(
this::queryFirstSource, this::querySecondSource, this::queryThirdSource
This performs the desired operation, however, it will compose the necessary action every time you invoke the method. If you want to invoke this method more often, you may consider composing an operation which you can re-use:
Function<Arguments, SomeObject> find = Stream.<Function<Arguments,SomeObject>>of(
this::queryFirstSource, this::querySecondSource, this::queryThirdSource
public SomeObject findSomeObject(Arguments args) {
return find.apply(args);
So you see, there are more than one way. And it depends on the actual task what direction to go. Sometimes, even the simple if sequence might be appropriate.
I would write it like this (you may not need generics here but why not do it):
public static <A, T> Optional<T> findFirst(Predicate<T> predicate, A argument,
Function<A, T>... functions) {
return Arrays.stream(functions)
.map(f -> f.apply(argument))
And you can call it with:
return findFirst(Objects::nonNull, args, this::queryFirstSource,
(assuming your queryXXX methods are instance methods)
The methods will be applied in order until one returns a value that matches the predicate (in the example above: returns a non null value).