How to call custom oracle function in spring boot application? - java

I need to call custom oracle function from spring boot application without using native query.
below is my oracle function which is taking Date as input
create or replace FUNCTION todate(src_dt IN date)
i was searching solution on internet but so far did't find. people are saying some custom dialect need to create but not found any perfect step by step link.
below is my java code :-
Query query1 = entityManager.createQuery("select todate(ActSubT.createdDt) from ActSubT ActSubT");
List<Object> result=query1.getResultList();
this code should run , as of now its giving error as todate is oracle function and i haven't configured anything in application.yml file.
Please help


Spring R2DBC + SQL Server: procedures query

I am required to execute a stored procedure in a SQL server to fetch some data, and since I will later save the data into a Mongo and this one is with ReactiveMongoTemplate and so on, I introduced Spring R2DBC.
I see that I can do SELECT and INSERT and so on with R2DBC, but is it possible to EXEC prod_name? I tried it and it hangs forever and then the test terminates, without success but neither failure. The last line of log is:
io.r2dbc.mssql.QUERY - Executing query: EXEC "SCHEMA"."MY_PROCEDURE"
The code is like:
public Flux<Coupon> selectWithProcedure() {
return databaseClient
.execute("EXEC \"SCHEMA\".\"MY_PROCEDURE\" ")
.doOnNext(coupon -> {
And it seems that no data is retrieved.
If I test some other methods with simple queries like SELECT... it works. But the problem is, DBAs do not allow my app to read table data, instead, they create a procedure for me. If this query is not possible, I must go with traditional JPA way and going reactive at Mongo side has lost its sense.
Well. I just saw this:, version 0.8.1:
Next steps:
Execution of stored procedures
Add support for TVP and UDTs
We already have a few tickets lined up for the next milestone, and we know that they will require further SPI modifications:
Support for Auto-Commit
Connection Validation
Support for Stored Procedures

How to call oracle function from spring boot application?

My requirement is i need to call oracle function from spring boot application without using NATIVE query.
below is my oracle function which is taking Date as input
create or replace FUNCTION todate(src_dt IN date)
i was searching solution on internet but so far did't find. people are saying some custom dialect need to create but not found any perfect step by step link.
below is my java code :-
Query query1 = entityManager.createQuery("select todate(ActSubT.createdDt) from ActSubT ActSubT");
List<Object> result=query1.getResultList();
this code should run , as of now its giving error as todate is oracle function and i haven't configured anything in application.yml file.
below error i am getting
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException:
No data type for node:
\-[METHOD_CALL] MethodNode: '('
+-[METHOD_NAME] IdentNode: 'todate' {originalText=todate}
Please help
I am able to solve my issue .
step 1 :- i created custom dialect, below is my code..
public class CustomDialect extends Oracle12cDialect {
public CustomDialect() {
// CustomFunction implements SqlFunction
// registerFunction("custom_function", new CustomFunction());
// or use StandardSQLFunction; useful for coalesce
registerFunction("todate", new StandardSQLFunction("todate", StandardBasicTypes.DATE));
Step 2 :- now i am calling todate function , below is the Java code
Query query1 = entityManager.createQuery("select function('todate',ActSubT.createdDt) from ActSubT ActSubT where");
Object resulth=query1.getSingleResult();
Step 3 :- this entry we need to put in application.poperties / application.yml
# Allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS =
That's all now i can call db function with java code.

DB2 sql error code -245 for a date

I am reading several sql queries from database inside a loop as below:
{ // start of loop
Map<String, Object> queryRS = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(this.querySql,queryParam);
String query = (String) queryRS.get("QUERY");
// code here as explained below
} // end of loop
The query returned could have any number of parameters. However, in all of them I have to set same date as the parameter.
For this I am counting the number of occurrence of character ? in the query and creating an Object array with same date repeated as below.
String date = '2010-12-31';
int numArgs = StringUtils.countMatches(query, "?");
String[] paramArgs = new String[numArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
paramArgs[i] = date;
After which I am executing the query as below:
SqlRowSet myRowSet = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(query,(Object[]) paramArgs);
However, this is giving error when the query has a Date(?) function. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-245, SQLSTATE=428F5, SQLERRMC=DATE;1, DRIVER=3.64.96
The description of above error is:
An untyped parameter marker is passed to a function and there are two or more possible candidate functions to resolve to during function resolution.
What is the solution to this?
Thanks for reading!
I suppose you are using String jdbcTemplate.
I had not the same but a similar problem: the function was char(?) and I was
passing an integer argument to it.
I was using a Old framework Ibatis 2.x (now I use MyBatis 3.x).
The framework was not the error cause.
On Ibatis I pass the argument so: char(#value:INTEGER#)
On my develop server all was work well but on remote production server I get your same error.
The problem was caused by the JDBC driver version 4.x on develop end 1.x on production.
To solve my problem I have two ways:
change the production driver (but I cannot)
use a different call: char('$value:INTEGER$') (I do this)
In IBATIS/MYBATIS framework, if value is 123, char('$value:INTEGER$') is translate to sql char('123') so solve my problem and when production change driver I can put back to char(#value:INTEGER#).
You have a similar problem. Try to:
look at the driver version
use type like in spring reference, sql type, spring manual
I do not use direct access to jdbcTemplate but I think that you have not to put args in string, you have to create a Date variable end put it in an Object array.
I hope that this can help you.

IntelliJ IDEA code inspection: HQL custom dialect & registered functions

My question is about
using registered functions for date/time manipulations in Hibernate Query Language and
IntelliJ IDEA's code inspection for these registered functions in HQL.
I'm using Hibernate 4.2.5 with Java 7, and SQL Server 2008 R2 as the database, and IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.6.
In an HQL query I need to perform the TSQL DATEADD function - or the equivalent HQL date operation. This doesn't seem to exist.
Here's what I'd like to achieve:
update MyTable set startTime = GETDATE(), targetTime = DATEADD(HOUR, allocatedTime, GETDATE()), endTime = null where faultReport.faultReportId = :faultReportId and slaTypeId = :slaTypeId
Searching for answers online has been disappointingly no help, and the most common advice (like the comment seen here: seems to be "don't use date manipulation in hql." I don't see how I can get around performing the operation in the SQL statement in the general case (e.g. when you want to update one column based on the value in another column in multiple rows).
In a similar fashion to the advice in this post: Date operations in HQL, I've subclassed a SQLServerDialect implementation and registered new functions:
registerFunction("get_date", new NoArgSQLFunction("GETDATE", StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP)); // this function is a duplication of "current_timestamp" but is here for testing / illustration
registerFunction("add_hours", new VarArgsSQLFunction(TimestampType.INSTANCE, "DATEADD(HOUR,", ",", ")"));
and added this property to my persistence.xml:
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="my.project.dialect.SqlServerDialectExtended" />
and then I'm testing with a simple (meaningless, admitted) query like this:
select x, get_date(), add_hours(1, get_date()) from MyTable x
The functions appear to be successfully registered, and that query seems to be working because the following SQL is generated and the results are correct:
faultrepor0_.FaultReportSLATrackingId as col_0_0_,
GETDATE() as col_1_0_,
GETDATE()) as col_2_0_,
... etc.
But I now have this problem with IntelliJ IDEA: where get_date() is used in the HQL, the code inspection complains "<expression> expected, got ')'". This is marked as an error and the file is marked in red as a compilation failure.
Can someone can explain how to deal with this, please, or explain what a better approach is? Am I using the incorrect SQLFunction template (VarArgsSQLFunction)? If yes, which is the best one to use?
I'd like the usage of the registered function to not be marked as invalid in my IDE. Ideally, if someone can suggest a better way altogether than creating a new dialect subclass, that would be awesome.

Java SimpleJPA for AWS SimpleDB Select Query

I'm having trouble getting objects back out of SimpleDB using the simpleJPA persistance API. I have successfully installed all the jars and can persist objects no problem. However I cannot seem to retrieve objects using select queries - but weirdly I can get results using count queries. There are no errors or exceptions, the queries simply don't return any results. When I debug I can view the actual AWS Query that is being generated in the background by simpleJPA, and when I run this query against a domain it returns the expected results no problem.
I've included my Java code below, it should return me a list of all the users in my database.
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u");
List<User> results = (List<User>)query.getResultList();
As I said I can persist objects and count them, so there isn't anything wrong with my entity manager or factory, its just returning empty lists. If you need any more information just ask,
Thanks in advance!
I never got to the bottom of this problem. In the end I started a new AWS project in Eclipse and re-added the JAR files, solving the issue.

