How to use split on a stream in Apache Camel? - java

When selecting a very large amount of data from a db, I want to use camel's split-component. It should split the stream into 100 objects and get it in iterator format.
I successfully received multiple data from db, however failed during split.
I'm getting data from <to>, but I don't know where to write this <to> syntax.
<routes xmlns="">
<route id="DbToKafka" streamCache="true">
<from uri="timer:foo?repeatCount=1" />
<split streaming="true">
<tokenize token="{" />
<to uri="sql:classpath:sql/get.sql" />
<log message="DATA : ${body}" />
<json library="Jackson" />
<log message="JSON : ${body}" />
<to uri="kafka:test-topic?brokers={{kafka.brokers}}" />
<log message="data sended : ${body}" />
2019-09-06 13:29:29.380 ERROR 10260 --- [3 - timer://foo]
o.a.camel.processor.DefaultErrorHandler : Failed delivery for
(MessageId: ID-DESKTOP-225HFIE-1567744166599-0-2 on ExchangeId:
ID-DESKTOP-225HFIE-1567744166599-0-1). Exhausted after delivery
attempt: 1 caught: java.lang.NullPointerException: source
Message History
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RouteId ProcessorId Processor
Elapsed (ms) [DbToKafka ] [DbToKafka ]
] [ 9] [DbToKafka ] [split1 ]
[split[tokenize{body() using token: ,}]
] [ 7]
run without the split statement, get this result:
수수 "},{"ROW_ID":"522","COM_CD_NM":"상호대화
"},{"ROW_ID":"525","COM_CD_NM":"자격증변조 "},...]

Welcome to StackOverflow!
The errors is because you are trying to split nothing. You need to retrieve the data before you go into the split, and then every operation you want to operate on the split data needs to be within the split element.
I think it won't work anyway, since your marshalling won't work as the tokenize will remove the token { and therefore not be real JSON.
Looking at Apache Camel with Json Array split will give you an example of how to do it. I suspect you need some thing like this - the marshalling may not be necessary as you are splitting by JSONpath anyway.
<route id="DbToKafka" streamCache="true">
<from uri="timer:foo?repeatCount=1" />
<to uri="sql:classpath:sql/get.sql" />
<split streaming="true">
<log message="DATA : ${body}" />
<json library="Jackson" />
<log message="JSON : ${body}" />
<to uri="kafka:test-topic?brokers={{kafka.brokers}}" />
<log message="data sended : ${body}" />


Apache Camel. How to manage with a Custom Processor the error raised at runtime

I'm trying to convert my route made with Java DSL in a route made with XML.
The following is my original route that works. And what it does is simple.
Get as input an array of integer and at runtime throws some errors.
At the end of the route I need to read all the error raised by myself and not with a long stacktrace or other long messages in console.
other lines of code...
camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.process(new ErrorProcessor());
.beanRef("stupidBean", "stupidMethod");
.beanRef("errorProcessor", "check");
other lines of code...
The following is my xml route that doesn't work.
<camelContext xmlns="">
<from uri="direct:call.playWithPayload" />
<process ref="errorProcessor" />
<split onPrepareRef="payloadProcessor">
<to uri="direct:call.a" />
<to uri="direct:call.d" />
<!--SUB ROUTE-->
<from uri="direct:call.a" />
<bean ref="stupidBean" method="stupidMethod" />
<from uri="direct:call.d" />
<bean ref="errorProcessor" method="check" />
What I need is that the direct:call.d is called after the split.
Thanks to this I can read all the errors added into a List<Exception> that is stored into the header.
I think that the problem is in the onException management.
When I try to add the handled to reproduce the my Java DSL
I got this error:
Invalid content was found starting with element 'handled'.
One of '{"":description, "":exception}' is expected.
Found solution.
My problem was an incorrect format of my xml route.
<process ref="errorProcessor" />
now it works.

Apache Camel route: onCompletion not reached when exception occurs?

I have a Camel route that looks something like the one below. If all records parse successfully, then I get an email from the onCompletion step. If one record gets an exception then the rest of the records will process, which is fine, but the onCompletion step does not fire.
What I'd like is for the onCompletion step to run even if there are errors and to be able to send a message saying "route completed with errors". How can I do this?
<route id="route1">
<from uri="file://C:/TEMP/load?noop=true&idempotentRepository=#sysoutStore&sorter=#externalDataFilesSorter"/>
<simple>${file:name} regex '*file.*.(txt)'</simple>
<to uri="direct:RouteFile" />
<route id="testRouteDirect">
<from uri="direct:RouteFile" />
<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="1" />
<to uri="log:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"></to>
<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="1" />
<to uri="log:java.text.ParseException"></to>
<split parallelProcessing="false" strategyRef="exchangePropertiesAggregatorStrategy" >
<tokenize token="\r\n"/>
<to uri="log:Record"></to>
<to uri="log:completion"></to>
<to uri="smtp://'re done" />
The best part of your route is, you have onException inside your route with handled=true. So move your onCompletion to the parent route(route1), It should work !
There are a bunch of tickets related to oncompletion on the camel site: Camel Jira URL. I upgraded to a newer version of camel & I don't get this issue any more.

Proper use of Camel Aggregator "to" URIs

I have a route where I want Camel to visit the following beans:
First, loggingBean
Second, an aggregator that waits for a certain number of messages to aggregate on it
Once the Aggregator's completionSize is reached (3), keep going to #4
Third, processorBean
And fourth/last, finalizerBean
Here is my route:
<route id="my-camel-route">
<from uri="direct:starter" />
<to uri="bean:loggingBean?method=shutdown" />
<aggregate strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" completionSize="3">
<simple>${} == 1</simple>
<to uri="bean:processorBean?method=process" />
<to uri="bean:finalizerBean?method=shutdown" />
My question: do I need to place finalizerBean inside the <aggregate> element like so:
<aggregate strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" completionSize="3">
<simple>${} == 1</simple>
<to uri="bean:processorBean?method=process" />
<to uri="bean:finalizerBean?method=shutdown" />
Basically, I'm wondering if the way I currently have things will prompt Camel to send the message to the aggregator, and then also send it on to finalizerBean (essentially, bypassing the aggregator). In my case, I want it to aggregate until completionSize is 3, and then send the aggregated exchange on to the processorBean and then finally finalizerBean.
Or have I configured this correctly? What's the difference between finalizerBean being inside the <aggregate> element vs being outside it?
The second example is correct.
<aggregate strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" completionSize="3">
<simple>${} == 1</simple>
<to uri="bean:processorBean?method=process" />
<to uri="bean:finalizerBean?method=shutdown" />
If finalizerBean is "outside" the <aggregate>, it will get executed for every message that comes from direct:starter - which isn't what you want ;)

Camel AggregationStrategy behaving unexpectedly

I have a situation where I want to pass data into an Aggregator, but I don't want the aggregator to do anything until it has received messages from 3 distinct routes:
<route id="route-1">
<from uri="direct:fizz" />
<to uri="bean:bean1?method=process" />
<setHeader headerName="id">
<to uri="direct:aggregator" />
<route id="route-2">
<from uri="direct:buzz" />
<to uri="bean:bean2?method=process" />
<setHeader headerName="id">
<to uri="direct:aggregator" />
<route id="route-3">
<from uri="direct:foo" />
<to uri="bean:bean3?method=process" />
<setHeader headerName="id">
<to uri="direct:aggregator" />
<route id="aggregator-route">
<from uri="direct:aggregator" />
<aggregate strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" completionSize="1">
<to uri="bean:lastBean?method=process" />
The way this is configured, when the aggregator's completionSize is set to 1 or 2, the aggregated Exchange is routed on to my lastBean. However, if I set completionSize to 3, for some reason, lastBean#process never gets invoked.
I'm sure that I'm using and the aggregator incorrectly here. In the correlationExpression, I just need to make sure that we have 1 Message from each of the 3 routes.
So my question: what do I need to do to make my aggregator "wait" until it has received 1 message from route-1, 1 message from route-2 and 1 message from route-3?
If you are correlating messages from three routes, there needs to be a way for them all to have a matching value by the time they reach the aggregating route.
In your example, each route sets a different id value so there would be no match. If you set the id value to "1" in each route, I think it would start to work as expected.

camel serialize json in dead letter queue

I have to stock my object (CcRequest) in a DeadLetterQueue with Json format.
How it is possible ?
Here my simple context :
<camelContext id="el1DMRCamelContext" autoStartup="true" xmlns="" >
<template id="producerTemplate" />
<!-- Routes -->
<route id="createCcProcessorRoute" errorHandlerRef="createCcErrorHandler" >
<from uri="activemq:queue:createCc" />
<process ref="createCcProcessor" />
<bean id="createCcErrorHandler" class="org.apache.camel.builder.DeadLetterChannelBuilder" >
<property name="deadLetterUri" value="activemq:queue:createCcDLQ" />
<property name="redeliveryPolicy" ref="redeliveryPolicy" />
I would like my object (CcRequest stocked in the body of the exchange) in my activemq:queue:createCcDLQ to be in Json format instead of binaries.
Is it possible ?
I would not classify what you want to do as a dead letter handler. Dead letter is usually just moving/redelivery of the original message.
It is pretty simple you use the excetion clause instead.
<json id="jsonFormat" library="Jackson"/>
<marshal ref="jsonFormat"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:createCcDLQ"/>
Camel Exception Clause docs
Camel JSON docs

