How to integrate GraphiQL with Spring-Boot? - java

My target is to build a GraphQL server on Spring with (1) GraphiQL IDE (2) dynamic GraphQL schema at run-time. My GraphQL engine is GraphQL-Java.
In my first try, I use graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc and graphiql-spring-boot-starter.
Both the GraphQL server and the GraphiQL work well.
However, under the graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc framework, a #Bean of GraphQL class is needed. In this bean, the schema is loaded when the server starts so it could not been updated.
In my second try, I don't use graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc. Instead, I choose spring-boot-starter-web to start the web server and define my own RestController. This is easy to update the GraphQL instance. But I don't find a way to integrate with GraphiQL. I googled GraphiQL+Spring but all solutions are with graphql-java-spring-boot-starter.
Appreciate if anyone could provide me an idea on either approach.

It can be enabled in properties:
It is accessible via the root url +/graphiql example http://localhost:8080/graphiql
You can find a good detailed example here :

Do you have a sample of your setup in git?
It sounds like some configuration problem. But naturally using graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc all your *.graphql schemas should be picked up in the configured schema resource path. check if you have the path set in your application.yml or if your schema is in the configured path if its already set or by default.
On your second point: "I googled GraphiQL+Spring but all solutions are with graphql-java-spring-boot-starter."
This makes sense for quick guides and demos as using Springboot the plumbing is somehow hidden away from you so that you can focus on the technology at hand being demo'd in this case GraphQl.
On GraphiQL:
Sounds like you are intending to have this embedded with your application, you may not want to do so in production. Depending on your use case there are many other alternatives that are standalone and gives you all the functionality of GraphiQL plus more e.g Altair Graphql Client and Insomnia to name a few.


Spring Cloud Consul Config not working with Spring Boot 2.6.6

I tried to follow the new changes with the latests versions of Spring, where the bootstrap.yaml has been removed, and use the "spring.config.import" property, but I am not able to make my application work (discovery is working fine, but not config server). I am doing so many tries and errors, so it does not make so much sense to copy my current properties, but I will give all the details, so maybe someone is able to identify what is going on:
In my POM, there is already the next dependencies: "spring-cloud-starter-config", "spring-cloud-starter-consul-all", "spring-cloud-starter-consul-discovery" and "spring-cloud-starter-consul-config". Spring Cloud version is "2021.0.1" and Consul "3.1.0".
Main class annotated with #EnableDiscoveryClient
Using "", not YAML, and SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=development
Application name is "profiles"
In my Consul instance, in the "Key / Value" section, I have the next structure: Consul Structure (/config/development/profiles and JSON with the properties to load).
It would be nice that, as with the Cloud Config Server, if no property file is found, it would allow me to run the application.
Thank you in advance.

Integrating Hibernate to Spring running on embedded jetty

I have just returned to Spring after 5 years of gap and it seems lot is changed. I have a task to create a REST Service using Spring with hibernate as an ORM, So far I am able to run a basic Rest Service using embedded jetty and able to make GET/POST calls, the next is to integrate hibernate into it so that the data fetch/Sent operation actually use MySQL instead of sending hard-coded response(which I have done currently).
The issue is earlier I used to work on Spring MVC using Tomcat where we had web.xml to define the dispatcher servlet and application-context which in turn were used to define hibernate config and other beans declaration, but now having embedded jetty I am not finding a way to integrate hibernate to my REST app, Is the way to add configuration is changed from XML to class based config. I searched over internet but maybe I am out of words or not using correct keywords, in short, Have no luck finding some solution to integrate hibernate to my Spring app which is using embedded jetty.
Could some please breif me about the recent changes or point me to the right tutorial ?
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance !
ps - I have used this example to progress so far
Yes , lot of changes in these 5 years and one of the game-changer is spring-boot
If you want to build a brand new project especially if you want to run the web application on the embedded container such as Jetty , you can check out spring-boot.It already provides integration with Jetty , hibernate and Spring MVC REST service.
The end result is that you just need to change a little bit configuration (most probably the DB connection info) and you can quickly get a production-ready REST service backed by JPA/Hibernate which can just run without any XML configuration anymore.
There are tons of tutorials in Internet talking about how to do it . You should easily find them out such as this using the keywords something likes "springboot webservice hibernate jetty" etc.

Spring Cloud shared configuration for group of microservices

Is it possible to share some properties for limited group of microservices? I mean I just want to declare common datasourse in one place for several microservices, which will use the same database
I try to implement it using gradle variables, which should consist all data related to db connection with profiles, but probably easier way to do it exists.
Yes it is. You're looking for "Spring Cloud Config" server:
Spring Cloud’s config server acts as a single source of configuration
data for all other services in a microservice-based application. It is
itself a microservice whose job is to obtain configuration data from a
Git repository and serve it via RESTful endpoints. All other services
can either consume the config server’s API directly or, if they’re
Spring applications, treat the configuration server as another
property source in Spring’s Environment abstraction.
You can find a nice reading along with examples here.

Dynamic Spring Boot-Integration configuration

I would like to migrate a multi-threaded application in JSE to Spring Integration but I have to clarify some points before. First of all, the application will have the following Spring integration components:
JMS to Transformer to router to TCPOut
TcpIn (to router) to Transformer to JMS
In this context, I have to load all the TCP connections dynamically from a configuration file. I saw a couple of example of this here in StackOverflow (based in the FTP sample). These samples could be enough for the first part but I am looking for how to do that in Spring Boot and what is the best (and elegant) way to create this type of configuration.
Finally, I have to access to each different context (this is maybe the most important) from a type of Swing monitor to start/stop manually this TCP connections. Is this possible? What do you suggest me to do?
All my current components are java based configuration (not DSL).
See my answers to this question and its follow-up for examples of how to dynamically create application contexts using Java Configuration.
Also, take a look at the new feature in the Java DSL for dynamically registering/removing integration flows with the context. The 1.2 version of the DSL, containing this feature, will be released shortly.
You can stop/start endpoints using JMX or a control bus, or programmatically.

CamelContext doesn't startup if one route is misconfigured

We use Java DSL to configure our routes. All configurations for routes are in a db table and can be configured via a GUI.
How is it possible to ensure that the camelContext starts up even if a route is misconfigured (e.g. .to(invalidurl or typo) in a route or simply a bug in a route)?
Is there a possibilty to validate the routes before starting or maybe better some parameters/options which can be set on the context itself?
You can configure the routes with .autoStartup(false), and then start the routes manually when CamelContext has been started up.
To validate its really depending on what kind of component it is. If its some database component you can write some code that does a SQL query to see if the is valid user login or something.
To validate that an endpoint uri is misconfigured, then that is harder as they have a ton of options. But this is getting improved from Camel 2.16 onwards where we have during build time some tooling that generates a json schema file with the options, then we could potentially leverage that during parsing the routes to check for invalid configuration before attempting to create the endpoints which could detect errors sooner, and even also with IDE plugins or other 3rd party tooling.
Can you just before adding every route to the context, add it to a separate "test" context individually, and see if it spins up or fails; then based on that add it to your real context?

