I'm trying to randomize between these 3 variables (not range, but only between these 3 values) and store it into new variable.
int randomProductDiscount() {
int disc1 = 25;
int disc2 = 35;
int disc3 = 50;
int productDiscount = (random between disc1 or disc2 or disc3);
return productDiscount;
Any help would be appreciated.
Put them in an array and obtain random index:
static Random rand = new Random();
int randomProductDiscount()
int[] disc = {25,35,50};
return disc[rand.nextInt(disc.length)];
This can be used for any number of values you wish to choose randomly from.
Specifically, if we create a method that will generate this integer and place it at a random spot in the array.
static void placeRandomly2D(int[][] arr, int limit) {
// generates value [0...limit) half-interval and places it into the 2D array arr
// at random position; limit must be positive
Random rand = new Random();
int value = rand.nextInt(limit);
int pos1 = rand.nextInt(arr.length);
int pos2 = rand.nextInt(arr[pos1].length);
arr[pos1][pos2] = value;
And, just in case, version for 1-dimensional array:
static void placeRandomly1D(int[] arr, int limit) {
// generates value [0...limit) half-interval and places it into the 1D array arr
// at random position; limit must be positive
Random rand = new Random();
int value = rand.nextInt(limit);
int pos = rand.nextInt(arr.length);
arr[pos] = value;
import java.util.Random;
public class Console {
public static void main(String[] args) {
while (3>2) {
Random rand1 = new Random();
Random rand2 = new Random();
Random rand3 = new Random();
Random rand4 = new Random();
Random rand5 = new Random();
Random rand6 = new Random();
Random rand7 = new Random();
Random rand8 = new Random();
int onenum = rand1.nextInt(2);
int twonum = rand2.nextInt(2);
int threenum = rand3.nextInt(2);
int fournum = rand4.nextInt(2);
int fivenum = rand5.nextInt(2);
int sixnum = rand6.nextInt(2);
int sevennum = rand7.nextInt(2);
int eightnum = rand8.nextInt(2);
int binary[] = {onenum, twonum, threenum, fournum, fivenum, sixnum, sevennum, eightnum};
How can I check if, say the first number of the binary array is one?
Currently if I run, i get an output of like {1, 0, 1} ect
You can do it by using an index to access to an element in a specific position of an array:
if (someArray[position] == something)
In your case, to check the first element, it would be:
if (binary[0] == 1)
Indices in most programming languages start with 0 so the first element would be in the index 0 of the array. The second in the index 1. And so on.
Gosh i can reduce your code so much!! Analyse and see that this code does same as yours.
while (3>2) {
Random rand = new Random();
int[] binary = new int[8];
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
binary[i] = rand.nextInt(2);
if(binary[0] == 1)
//if first number is 1
You can simply do:
if(binary[0] == 1) {
//do something
0 is the first element in array, since the fact of Arrays is a 0 based.
Side note: You don't have to declare a new object from Random to get a number, you can use the same object like:
Random rand = new Random();
int onenum = rand.nextInt(2);
int twonum = rand.nextInt(2);
int threenum = rand.nextInt(2);
// and so on
Just do this to check if first element equals to 1:
if (binary[0] == 1)
//do whatever here..
Other issues about your codes
I realized you use while (3>2). You can use while(true) if you want it to be an infinite loop.
You only need to create one random object to create multiple random numbers. Do it like this..
Random rnd = new Random();
oneNum = rnd.nextInt(2);
twoNum = rnd.nextInt(2);
threeNum = rnd.nextInt(2);
You can even do it this way (using an array to store the random numbers):
Random rnd = new Random();
int[] num = new int[8];
for (int x=0; x<num.length; x++)
num[x] = rnd.nextInt(2);
Hi I am having some problems with using random numbers inside of loops.
private void SetMines()
Random randRowGen = new Random();
Random randColGen = new Random();
int mineCount = 0;
int numMines = (ROWS * COLUMNS)* (int)0.156;
while(mineCount <= numMines)
int randRow = randRowGen.nextInt(ROWS)+1;
int randCol = randColGen.nextInt(COLUMNS)+1;
grid[randRow][randCol] = new Character('*');
Here is my method it is going through an array size 25 * 25 and picking random spots and putting "mines" there. The only problem is it only selects one location to put a "mine" in and it needs to put 97 mines in random spots.
Any help will be appreciated thanks!!
Your numMines calculation will always return 0, because when you cast a double that is less than 1 to an int, it will be set to 0, which means that the statement in your while loop will only be run a single time, hence only a single mine being placed.
The problem isn't Random, it's int numMines = (ROWS * COLUMNS)* (int)0.156;. Have you checked what that value is? It's 0, because (int) 0.156 equals 0.
Perhaps you want int numMines = (int) ((double) 0.156 * ROWS * COLUMNS);. The problem with integer maths is that you can lose a LOT of precision.
Make your computer suffer and make it drop all those mines.
Remember. The definition of "computation" is "to force a machine do a boring job that nobody else would like to do" :-)
public static void main(String[] args) {
int rows = 25;
int cols = 25;
boolean[][] mines = new boolean[rows][cols];
while(mineCount(mines) < 97){
for(int i=0;i<rows;i++){
for(int j=0;j<cols;j++){
if (mines[i][j]){
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print("] ");
private static void dropMine(boolean[][] mines) {
int x = (int)(Math.random()*25);
int y = (int)(Math.random()*25);
mines[x][y] = true;
private static int mineCount(boolean[][] mines) {
int count = 0;
for(int i=0;i<25;i++){
for(int j=0;j<25;j++){
if (mines[i][j]){
return count;
In my code I use random numbers in different classes. How to define random seed? Can I define this seed for all the classes in the main code?
double rnd = Math.random();
You will probably want to use the special Random class. It gives you more control over the random numbers.
To do this you first need to create a new random object.
Random generator = new Random(seed);
Then generate a new number by
double random = generator.nextDouble();
public class MathRandomWithSeed {
public static void main (String args[]){
int min = 5;
int max = 100;
int seed = 5;
int random = randomNext(min, max, seed);
System.out.println("Random = " + random);
private static int randomNext(int min, int max, int seed){
int count = (max - min) / seed;
int random = ((int)(count * Math.random()) * seed) + min;
return random;
I need unique random ints in specified range. I use this approch:
class Main
static final int RANGE = 100;
static int uniqueGenerator(int range_, boolean boolArr_[], Random rand_)
int tmpVar = rand_.nextInt(range_);
while (boolArr_[tmpVar] == true)
tmpVar = rand.nextInt(range_);
boolArr_[tmpVar] = true;
return tmpVar;
public static void main(String[] args)
Random rand = new Random();
boolean boolArr[] = new boolean[RANGE];
Arrays.fill(boolArr, false);
int ceiling = 10;
int tmp = Main.uniqueGenerator(ceiling, boolArr, rand);
System.out.println(tmp); => 5
ceiling = 20;
tmp = Main.uniqueGenerator(ceiling, boolArr);
System.out.println(tmp); => 17
It seems to be cumbersome. Maybe someone knows better approach?
EDIT: I use it in game code, so I need most efficient solution. Answers below suggest initializing new list, shuffling it => too resource consuming/need to generate new list every time when need to change range.
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) list.add(i);
Fill an array with the range of numbers you want, shuffle it and extract an item.
Edit: Look at Eng.Fouad's example to see how this is implemented.
Generate and store random numbers in set
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(100);
Random rand = new Random();
while (set.size() < 1000) {
for (Integer integer : set) {