Why do suppliers only support no-arg constructors?
If the default constructor is present, I can do this:
But if the only constructor takes a String, I have to do this:
create(() -> new Foo("hello"))
But, a 1-arg constructor for T that takes a String is compatible with Function<String,T>:
Function<String, Foo> fooSupplier = Foo::new;
Which constructor is selected is treated as an overload selection problem, based on the shape of the target type.
That's just a limitation of the method reference syntax -- that you can't pass in any of the arguments. It's just how the syntax works.
If you like method references so much, you can write a bind method by yourself and use it:
public static <T, R> Supplier<R> bind(Function<T,R> fn, T val) {
return () -> fn.apply(val);
create(bind(Foo::new, "hello"));
The Supplier<T> interface represents a function with a signature of () -> T, meaning it takes no parameters and returns something of type T. Method references that you provide as arguments must follow that signature in order to be passed in.
If you want to create a Supplier<Foo> that works with the constructor, you can use the general bind method that #Tagir Valeev suggests, or you make a more specialized one.
If you want a Supplier<Foo> that always uses that "hello" String, you could define it one of two different ways: as a method or a Supplier<Foo> variable.
static Foo makeFoo() { return new Foo("hello"); }
static Supplier<Foo> makeFoo = () -> new Foo("hello");
You can pass in the method with a method reference(create(WhateverClassItIsOn::makeFoo);), and the variable can be passed in simply using the name create(WhateverClassItIsOn.makeFoo);.
The method is a little bit more preferable because it is easier to use outside of the context of being passed as a method reference, and it's also able to be used in the instance that someone requires their own specialized functional interface that is also () -> T or is () -> Foo specifically.
If you want to use a Supplier that can take any String as an argument, you should use something like the bind method #Tagir mentioned, bypassing the need to supply the Function:
Supplier<Foo> makeFooFromString(String str) { return () -> new Foo(str); }
You can pass this as an argument like this: create(makeFooFromString("hello"));
Although, maybe you should change all the "make..." calls to "supply..." calls, just to make it a little clearer.
Why do suppliers only work with no-arg constructors?
Because a 1-arg constructor is isomorphic to a SAM interface with 1 argument and 1 return value, such as java.util.function.Function<T,R>'s R apply(T).
On the other hand Supplier<T>'s T get() is isomorphic to a zero arg constructor.
They are simply not compatible. Either your create() method needs to be polymorphic to accept various functional interfaces and act differently depending on which arguments are supplied or you have to write a lambda body to act as glue code between the two signatures.
What is your unmet expectation here? What should happen in your opinion?
Pair the Supplier with a FunctionalInterface.
Here's some sample code I put together to demonstrate "binding" a constructor reference to a specific constructor with Function and also different ways of defining and invoking the "factory" constructor references.
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FunctionalInterfaceConstructor {
public void testVarFactory() throws Exception {
DateVar dateVar = makeVar("D", "Date", DateVar::new);
dateVar.setValue(new Date());
DateVar dateTypedVar = makeTypedVar("D", "Date", new Date(), DateVar::new);
TypedVarFactory<Date, DateVar> dateTypedFactory = DateVar::new;
System.out.println(dateTypedFactory.apply("D", "Date", new Date()));
BooleanVar booleanVar = makeVar("B", "Boolean", BooleanVar::new);
BooleanVar booleanTypedVar = makeTypedVar("B", "Boolean", true, BooleanVar::new);
TypedVarFactory<Boolean, BooleanVar> booleanTypedFactory = BooleanVar::new;
System.out.println(booleanTypedFactory.apply("B", "Boolean", true));
private <V extends Var<T>, T extends Serializable> V makeVar(final String name, final String displayName,
final VarFactory<V> varFactory) {
V var = varFactory.apply(name, displayName);
return var;
private <V extends Var<T>, T extends Serializable> V makeTypedVar(final String name, final String displayName, final T value,
final TypedVarFactory<T, V> varFactory) {
V var = varFactory.apply(name, displayName, value);
return var;
static interface VarFactory<R> {
// Don't need type variables for name and displayName because they are always String
R apply(String name, String displayName);
static interface TypedVarFactory<T extends Serializable, R extends Var<T>> {
R apply(String name, String displayName, T value);
static class Var<T extends Serializable> {
private String name;
private String displayName;
private T value;
public Var(final String name, final String displayName) {
this.name = name;
this.displayName = displayName;
public Var(final String name, final String displayName, final T value) {
this(name, displayName);
this.value = value;
public void setValue(final T value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s[name=%s, displayName=%s, value=%s]", getClass().getSimpleName(), this.name, this.displayName,
static class DateVar extends Var<Date> {
public DateVar(final String name, final String displayName) {
super(name, displayName);
public DateVar(final String name, final String displayName, final Date value) {
super(name, displayName, value);
static class BooleanVar extends Var<Boolean> {
public BooleanVar(final String name, final String displayName) {
super(name, displayName);
public BooleanVar(final String name, final String displayName, final Boolean value) {
super(name, displayName, value);
When looking for a solution to the parametrized Supplier problem, I found the above answers helpful and applied the suggestions:
private static <T, R> Supplier<String> failedMessageSupplier(Function<String,String> fn, String msgPrefix, String ... customMessages) {
final String msgString = new StringBuilder(msgPrefix).append(" - ").append(String.join("\n", customMessages)).toString();
return () -> fn.apply(msgString);
It is invoked like this:
failedMessageSupplier(String::new, msgPrefix, customMsg);
Not quite satisfied yet with the abundant static function parameter, I dug further and with Function.identity(), I came to the following result:
private final static Supplier<String> failedMessageSupplier(final String msgPrefix, final String ... customMessages) {
final String msgString = new StringBuilder(msgPrefix).append(" - ").append(String.join("\n", customMessages)).toString();
return () -> (String)Function.identity().apply(msgString);
Invocation now without the static function parameter:
failedMessageSupplier(msgPrefix, customMsg)
Since Function.identity() returns a function of the type Object, and so does the subsequent call of apply(msgString), a cast to String is required - or whatever the type, apply() is being fed with.
This method allows for e. g. using multiple parameters, dynamic string processing, string constants prefixes, suffixes and so on.
Using identity should theoretically also have a slight edge over String::new, which will always create a new string.
As Jacob Zimmerman already pointed out, the simpler parametrized form
Supplier<Foo> makeFooFromString(String str1, String str2) {
return () -> new Foo(str1, str2);
is always possible. Whether or not this makes sense in a context, depends.
As also described above, static Method reference calls require the corresponding method's number and type of return / parameters to match the ones expected by the function-consuming (stream) method.
If you have a constructor for new Klass(ConstructorObject) then you can use Function<ConstructorObject, Klass> like this:
interface Interface {
static Klass createKlass(Function<Map<String,Integer>, Klass> func, Map<String, Integer> input) {
return func.apply(input);
class Klass {
private Integer integer;
Klass(Map<String, Integer> map) {
this.integer = map.get("integer");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Integer> input = new HashMap<>();
input.put("integer", 1);
Klass klazz = Interface.createKlass(Klass::new, input);
This is an odd question. I don't think there's a solution, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Say I have an enum:
public enum Key {
private Class<?> expectedType;
Key(Class<?> expectedType) { this.expectedType = expectedType; }
public Class<?> getExpectedType() { return expectedType; }
I want to use the 'expectedType' field from the Key enum as the return type of a method. See:
public class Cache {
private static Map<Key, Object> cache = new HashMap<>();
public void put(Key key, Object value) {
// Easy to validate that 'value' is of type key.getExpectedType()...
public <T> T get(Key key) {
Object value = cache.get(key);
// TODO need to define <T> as key.getExpectedType(). How?
See that TODO? I'd like for get() to define the return type of the 'expectedType' defined by the key parameter. E.g. if the key parameter were RED, the get() method would return a String and you could write:
String s = cache.get(Key.RED);
Is there a way to do that?
I'm thinking there isn't, but I'd love to hear of a clever solution.
Enums don't support generics, but you could use a regular class as a generic pseudo-enum:
public class Key<T> {
public static final Key<String> RED = new Key<>(String.class);
public static final Key<Integer> GREEN = new Key<>(Integer.class);
public static final Key<Short> BLUE = new Key<>(Short.class);
private final Class<T> expectedType;
private Key(Class<T> expectedType) { this.expectedType = expectedType; }
public Class<T> getExpectedType() { return expectedType; }
public class Cache {
private Map<Key<?>, Object> cache = new HashMap<>();
public <T> void put(Key<T> key, T value) {
cache.put(key, key.getExpectedType().cast(value));
public <T> T get(Key<T> key) {
return key.getExpectedType().cast(cache.get(key));
shmosel's answer is almost certainly sufficient for what you need; however, it has the slight limitation that you can't store/retrieve a generic type, because you can't get a class literal for a generic type.
Instead, you can use something like Guava's TypeCapture:
abstract class GenericKey<T> {
Type getExpectedType() {
return ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass())
which is a bit of reflective grossness that you shouldn't spend too much time looking at.
Notice that it's abstract, so you have to instantiate like:
new GenericKey<Integer>() {}
This is creating an anonymous subclass of GenericKey, which is part of the magic that makes it work with generic types.
Then, it's basically the same:
public class Cache {
private Map<GenericKey<?>, Object> cache = new HashMap<>();
public <T> void put(GenericKey<T> key, T value) {
cache.put(key.getExpectedType(), value);
public <T> T get(GenericKey<T> key) {
return (T) cache.get(key.getExpectedType());
Now you could have a GenericKey<List<Integer>>, using new new GenericKey<List<Integer>() {}, if you should so desire.
The downside of this approach is that you lose the ability to do checking on the value on the way in/out of the cache, so you could get heap pollution if you are careless with raw types.
I am using Function<String, String> inside a static method that is expected to return a value
This accepts an input and returns an output, how to return the value back from the method?
public static String getAnimalName(String name)
Function<String, String> getNameFunc = (inputName)->
return inputName.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
return "";
What you are doing doesn't make much sense. You are declaring a Function<String, String> inside a function, but not use it. Also I am not sure what the purpose of the parameter is you pass to the function.
Based on your code, I identified three variants that would make sense, but from your question title I would assume you are looking for solution 1.
Return a Function<String, String> and remove the parameter from getAnimalNameFunction
public static Function<String, String> getAnimalNameFunction() {
Function<String, String> getNameFunc = (inputName) -> {
return inputName.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
return getNameFunc;
and then in some other code..
Function<String, String> nameConverter = getAnimalNameFunction();
String name = nameConverter.apply("cow");
Keep the parameter, but return a Supplier<String> instead:
public static Supplier<String> getAnimalNameSupplier(String name) {
Supplier<String> getNameSup = () -> {
return name.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
return getNameSup;
and then in some other code..
Supplier<String> nameGetter = getAnimalNameSupplier("cow");
String name = nameGetter.get();
Return a String (as you did originally) and remove the intermediate Function<String, String>
public static String getAnimalName(String name)
return name.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
and then in some other code..
String name = getAnimalName();
I am not sure which of the three you tried to achieve, but I hope this sheds some light onto the problem.
Interface java.util.function.Function contains a single, abstract method named apply. Hence you need to explicitly call that method.
The lambda expression is the actual implementation of the interface.
public static String getAnimalName(String name) {
Function<String, String> getNameFunc = (inputName) -> {
return inputName.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
return getNameFunc.apply(name);
Note that you can simplify the lambda expression to
Function<String, String> getNameFunc = inputName -> inputName.equalsIgnoreCase("cat") ? "dog" : "rat";
So here's a slightly tricky question (for me).
I have a generic object. Call it MyObject. This object has a method which returns something of the type T:
public class MyObject<T>
private T _t;
public MyObject(T t)
_t = t;
public T get()
return _t;
(Obviously my "MyObject" does a bit more but that's the gist).
Now, I want to have a map of this type:
Map<String, MyObject<?>> m = new HashMap<>();
I want to be able to fetch maps using some predefined string name, and these maps can be of any MyObject. For example, I could call:
m.put("map_1", new MyObject<String>("String"));
m.put("map_2", new MyObject<Integer>(new Integer(3));
m.put("map_3", new MyObject<Long>(new Long(5));
But - and here's the tricky part - I want the map to "remember" the parameterized type of MyObject when I fetch some value from the map. Using
would return a
type, since the map was defined as containing
values. Thus:
m.get("map_1").get() // <-- This is an Object, not a String!
What modification (if any) is possible, in order to be able to get the correct - full - information regarding the MyObject fetched object, such that invoking the last line (m.get("map_1")) would return a
Thanks :)
Typesafe Heterogeneous Containers from Joshua Bloch's Effective Java might work here. Basically you add a Class object to represent the type.
public class MyObject<T>
private T _t;
private Class<T> type;
public MyObject( Class<T> type, T t)
_t = t;
this.type = type;
public T get()
return _t;
public Class<T> getType() { return type; }
Then you could do something like this:
public <T> T get( Map<String, MyObject<?>> map, String key, Class<T> type ) {
return type.cast( m.get( key ).get() );
Which is safe and will compile, but will throw a runtime error if you get the type wrong.
(Note I didn't actually compile that, so I might have syntax errors floating around. But most folks don't know how to use Class to cast objects.)
You can get the class.
Class c = m.get("map_1").get().getClass();
if (String.class.equals(c)) {
System.out.println("its a String");
Here is a full test.
public class GenericsTest {
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, MyObject<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
MyObject<String> obj = new MyObject<>("hello");
map.put("greeting", obj);
Class c = map.get("greeting").get().getClass();
if (String.class.equals(c)) {
System.out.println("its a String");
static class MyObject<T> {
T t;
public MyObject(T t) {
this.t = t;
T get() {
return t;
The type system only knows about types, not objects, and therefore can not distinguish "key1" from "key2", because both are of type String.
If keys have different types, the easiest way is to encapsulate a weakly typed map, and use reflective casts to prove to the compiler the types are correct:
class Favorites {
private Map<Class<?>,?> map = new HashMap<>();
<V> V get(Class<V> clazz) {
return clazz.cast(map.get(clazz));
<V> void put(Class<V> clazz, V value) {
map.put(clazz, value);
Favorites favs = new Favorites();
favs.put(String.class, "hello");
favs.put(Integer.class, 42);
I know this sounds a little crazy but here it is. I have an enum type that represents represents a bunch of different properties. Each could be just a string but it would be nice to enforce some kind of type safety. So basically check the type associated with each enum value and throw an exception if there is a mismatch. I guess it could be done with instance of but I am curious if there is another way to do this without instanceof. I know that may not be possible but I am curious.
Edit, I created a new example that I think illustrates what I am asking better:
public class CmisProperties {
public enum CmisPropEnum{
Name (PropertyIds.NAME, new String() ),
CreatedBy (PropertyIds.CREATED_BY, new String() ),
CreationDate (PropertyIds.CREATION_DATE, new Date() ),
LastModifiedBy (PropertyIds.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, new String() ),
LastModificationDate (PropertyIds.LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE, new Date() ),
ChangeToken (PropertyIds.CHANGE_TOKEN, new String() );
private String propId;
CmisPropEnum ( String propId , Object templateObject ){
this.propId = propId;
public <T> String getPropId(){
return propId;
private Map<CmisPropEnum, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<CmisPropEnum, Object>();
public Object getProperty(CmisPropEnum propEnum){
return propertyMap.get(propEnum.getPropId());
public void setProperty( CmisPropEnum propEnum, Object value){
propertyMap.put(propEnum, value);
Later on I want this to happen:
CmisProperties props = new CmisProperties();
/* This causes a compile time exception */
props.setProperty(CmisPropEnum.CreationDate, "foobar" );
/* This I want to be ok, because the type matches that in the enum */
props.setProperty(CmisPropEnum.CreationDate, new Date() );
Check out Josh Bloch's Effective Java, Item 29, where he describes a "typesafe heterogeneous container" that he calls Favorites. The API is
public class Favorites {
public <T> void putFavorite(Class<T> type, T instance);
public <T> T getFavorite(Class<T> type);
I think it would fit your needs (probably change the name???). You could call
favorite.putFavorite(Name.getClass(), "Fred");
favorite.putFavorite(ADate.getClass(), new Date(1234));
and later
Date date = favorite.getFavorite(ADate.getClass());
As already mentioned by irreputable, you need classes to have variability based on types (i.e. generics). This is a corresponding generic version of your example:
public class Properties {
public static class Property<E> {
private Property(String name) { this.name = name; }
private final String name;
public String getName() { return name; }
public static final Property<String> NAME = new Property<String>("name");
// ... other properties
private Map<Property<?>, Object> propertyMap =
new HashMap<Property<?>, Object>();
public <E> E getProperty(Property<E> property){
return (E) propertyMap.get(property);
public <E> void setProperty(Property<E> property, E value){
propertyMap.put(property, value);
The usage is type-safe and checked at compile-time:
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty(Properties.NAME, "a string"); // only strings allowed for NAME
String s = p.getProperty(Properties.NAME); // can only get strings for NAME
Enums can't be generic, so we need a normal class
public class Prop<T>
// some predefined props
static public final Prop<String> NAME = new Prop<>("Name", String.class);
public Prop(String name, Class<T> type) // it's ok, anyone can create new kind of Prop
Class<T> getClassT() {...}
then set/get property methods can have stronger static type checking:
private Map< Prop,Object > propMap = new HashMap<>();
public <T> void setProperty(Prop<T> key, T value){
propMap.put(key, value);
public <T> T getProperty(Prop<T> key)
return (T)propMap.get(key);
so that this won't compile
setProperty(Prop.NAME, new Integer(1)); // fail
int x = getProperty(Prop.NAME); //fail
note that, each entry in the propMap has a key Prop<X> and value X for some X, and X can be different from entry to entry. We cannot really express that constraint on Map in Java; but the constraint is indeed enforced by app logic (i.e. setProperty() only inserts such entries)
In getProperty we must suppress unchecked warning. It is justified, since we know the value for the key must be of type T, due to previously mentioned constraint. One trick to avoid explicitly suppressing the warning is by Class.cast()
public <T> T getProperty(Prop<T> key)
return key.getClassT().cast( propMap.get(key) );
but it's only a trick since essentially we moved #SupressWarnings to Class.cast(). This is a worse version in performance and in semantic clarity.
I have a factory, and I want to restrict the possible values that may be passed into the get method.
public static class FooFactory{
public static final String TYPE1= "type1";
public static Foo getFoo(String type){
case "type1":
return new Type1();
To use this:
I'd like to restrict the parameters that may be passed in. Is an idea to make a Type abstract class, then subclass and use Type as the parameter?
Don't subclass it, just create a Type class with a private constructor that takes a stirng parameter, and define public Type constants.
Something like this.
public final class Type {
public static final Type FOO = new Type( "foo" );
public static final Type BAR = new Type( "bar" );
private String type;
private Type( String type ) {
this.type = type;
public String getType() { return type; }