I would like to be able to have two different spring profiles, and depending on the profile to change to a hardcoded address for our feign builders.
Currently was have the following:
return, "http://" + serviceName);
But I would actually like to do the following and over-ride the address:
return, "http://our-server:8009/" + serviceName);
Sometimes we don't want to run all the services within our development environment. Additionally, some of the services are only available through a zuul gateway sometimes.
So we run the same code in different situations and conditions.
Technical Details
We have the following code that we use for building our Feign Clients.
We had been using the #FeignClient annotation in the past, but lately we decided to start building our feignClients manually.
Example below:
#FeignClient(name = "ab-document-store", configuration = MultiPartSupportConfiguration.class, fallback = DocumentStoreFallback.class)
We call the feignRegistrar class with the following command:
return registerFeignClient(DocumentStoreClient.class, true);
public class FeignRegistrar {
private Decoder decoder;
private Encoder encoder;
private Client client;
private Contract feignContract;
private ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;
private List<RequestInterceptor> interceptors;
public <T> T register(Class<T> cls, String serviceName, boolean isDocumentStore) {
encoder = new MultipartFormEncoder(new SpringEncoder(messageConverters));
//Client trustSSLSockets = new Client.Default(getSSLSocketFactory(), new NoopHostnameVerifier());
Feign.Builder builder = Feign.builder()
.logger(new Slf4Logger())
builder.requestInterceptor(new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("X-Service-Name", serviceName);
for(RequestInterceptor interceptor : interceptors) {
log.debug("Registering {} - as feign proxy ", serviceName);
return, "http://" + serviceName);
public static class Slf4Logger extends Logger {
protected void log(String configKey, String format, Object... args) {"{} - {}", configKey, args);
Spring Cloud Property Over-ride
We have also been using property files such as with entries such as the following:
ab-document-store.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:8025
Unfortunately, listOfServers is not enough for us. We would like to be able to assign a directory/path as well. Something like:
ab-document-store.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:8025/ab-document-store
I have thought about sneaking in a header into all requests such as X-SERVICE-NAME using a feign interceptor. Then we could point all services to an address (e.g. localhost:9001) , and forward/proxy those requests to localhost:9001/X-SERVICE-NAME.
However, I would prefer a much easier solution such as:
ab-document-store.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:8025/ab-document-store
But this doesn't work :(
I found a solution for this using a proxy that detects a header.
So, I have a feign interceptor on the java-side that attaches a header x-service-name to every feign-request.
I also have a NodeJS proxy, that analyzes requests, finds x-service-name, and re-writes the requests to become: x-service-name/originalRequestPath.
This allows me to have all the microservices behind a zuul gateway but also access them using a eureka-over-ride.
Feign.Builder builder = Feign.builder()
.logger(new Slf4Logger())
builder.requestInterceptor(new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("X-Service-Name", serviceName);
NodeJS proxy
In the example, my zuul gateway ( or another proxy ) is on localhost:9001.
I'm listening on localhost:1200 .
let enableProxyForJava = process.env.ENABLE_PROXY_FOR_JAVA;
if (enableProxyForJava != undefined && enableProxyForJava.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
var httpProxyJava = require('http-proxy');
var proxyJava = httpProxyJava.createProxy();
gutil.log('Enabling Proxy for Java. Set your Eureka overrides to localhost:1200.') );
require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
console.log("req.headers['x-service-name'] = " + req.headers['x-service-name']);
console.log("Before req.url:"+ req.url);
if( req.headers['x-service-name'] != undefined){
let change = req.headers['x-service-name'] +req.url;
console.log("After req.url:"+ change);
req.url = change;
proxyJava.web(req, res, {
target: 'http://localhost:9001/'
Property file inside Java Application that has feign clients
mbak-microservice1.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:1200
mbak-microservice2.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:1200
mbak-document-store.ribbon.listOfServers: localhost:1200
I am currently writing an application in Spring Boot 2.4.0 that is required to listen on multiple ports (3, to be specific - but might be 4 in the future). The idea is that each port makes a different API available for other services/apps to connect to it.
So, for a minimal working example, I'd say we have a SpringBootApp like this:
public class MultiportSpringBoot {
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
Now, I'd want to have this listening on 3 different ports, say 8080, 8081, and 8082. For all (!) requests to one of these ports, a specific controller should be "in charge". One of the reasons for this requirement is that one controller needs to handle a (regular) web frontend and another an API. In case an invalid request is received, the API-controller needs to give a different error message than the frontend should. Hence, the requirement given is a clear separation.
So I imagine multiple controllers for the different ports, such as:
public class Controller8080
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView test8080()
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
return modelAndView;
with similar controllers for the other ports:
public class Controller8081
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity test8081()
JSONObject stuff = doSomeStuffForPort8081();
return new ResponseEntity<String>(stuff, HttpStatus.OK);
I hoped for an annotation similar to #RequestMapping to be able to match and fix the port numbers for the controllers, but this seems to be no option as no such annotation seems to exist.
Now, this topic seems to be a bit specific, which is probably why you don't find all too much info on the web. I found Starting Spring boot REST controller in two ports, but I can also only have ONE instance running. I looked at, but this is outdated for Spring Boot 2.4.0 and a bit bloated with JavaMelody examples.
Anyone can provide a minimum working example for a solution for this?
To clarify a bit more: I need multiple, separate RESTControllers that each handle requests on different ports. I.e. a request to should be handled by a different controller than a request to
As an example, consider the two following controllers that should handle requests on ports 8080 and 8081 respectively:
//controller for port 8080
public class ControllerA
String helloA(HttpServletRequest request)
return "ControllerA at port " + request.getLocalPort();
//controller for port 8081
public class ControllerB
String helloB(HttpServletRequest request)
return "ControllerB at port " + request.getLocalPort();
The tomcat class names changed a little bit so the link you provide has the old code but it is enough for the new code. Code below shows how you can open multiple ports in spring boot 2.4
public ServletWebServerFactory servletContainer() {
TomcatServletWebServerFactory tomcat = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
return tomcat;
private Connector[] additionalConnector() {
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(this.additionalPorts)) {
return null;
String[] ports = this.additionalPorts.split(",");
List<Connector> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String port : ports) {
Connector connector = new Connector("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol");
return result.toArray(new Connector[]{});
And for responding to different ports with different controller you can implement the logic like check getLocalPort and respond it accordingly.
String hello(HttpServletRequest request) {
return "hello from " + request.getLocalPort();
Or you can write a logical controller in filter. example code below
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain fc) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response;
if (req.getLocalPort() == 8882 && req.getRequestURI().startsWith("/somefunction")) {
} else {
fc.doFilter(request, response);
You can find all running example here
This is how it looks in my local
In order to have same path with different controllers you can use #RequestMapping("/controllerNO") on top of the classes(check), NO should be number 1 , 2, otherwise spring will complain "you have same path" and will give you this exception
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous mapping. Cannot map 'testController2' method
to {GET [/hello]}: There is already 'testController1' bean method
Because from design spring will allow only one path to correspond to one controller, after requestmapping you can change the filter as this. Good thing about reflection you will learn very different exceptions. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException or java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Latest code how it works in my local
I must say this approach is not right and against the design of spring, in order to have different ports with different controllers, have multiple JVMs. If you mix the logic it will be harder for you to solve future problems and implement new features.
If you have to do it in one jvm, write a service layer and call the functions separately from one controller and write a logic like below
String hello(HttpServletRequest request) {
if (request.getLocalPort() == 8888) {
return service.hellofrom8888();
if (request.getLocalPort() == 8889) {
return service.hellofrom8889();
return "no repsonse ";
At least this will be easy to maintain and debug. Still looks "ugly" though :)
Özkan has already provided detailed information on how to get Tomcat to listen to multiple ports by supplying your own ServletWebServerFactory #Bean based on TomcatServletWebServerFactory.
As for the mapping, how about this approach:
Add a #RequestMapping("/8080") to your controller (methods keep their specific #RequestMapping)
public class Controller8080
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView test8080()
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
return modelAndView;
Define your own RequestMappingHandlerMapping as
public class PortBasedRequestMappingHandlerMapping extends RequestMappingHandlerMapping {
protected HandlerMethod lookupHandlerMethod(final String lookupPath, final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
return super.lookupHandlerMethod(request.getLocalPort() + lookupPath, request);
and use it by
public WebMvcRegistrations webMvcRegistrationsHandlerMapping() {
return new WebMvcRegistrations() {
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
return new PortBasedRequestMappingHandlerMapping();
This will attempt to map a request to /foobar on port 8080 to /8080/foobar.
Another approach is by using org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition.RequestCondition which I think is cleaner
I am trying to merge Spring Cloud Gateway with Discovery Client with Spring Security with OAuth. I got most of it working except that I cannot do both OAuth and Discovery Client.
When I use Discovery Client it correctly resolves to the service say /v1/whoami goes to the whoami service requesting /, when I enable security, I would get a 404 when it tries to request /oauth/authorization/google as it should be /v1/oauth/authorization/google
To fix the above I add this
public ForwardedHeaderTransformer forwardedHeaderTransformer() {
return new ForwardedHeaderTransformer();
However, when I do that it will look up /v1/whoami as /v1/whoami which does not exist.
I tried creating and registering this class but it does not work either
public class ForwardedHeaderTransformerForOAuthOnly extends ForwardedHeaderTransformer {
public ServerHttpRequest apply(ServerHttpRequest request) {
System.out.println(">>>> " + request.getPath().value());
if (isOauth(request)) {
System.out.println(">>>> IS OAUTH");
return super.apply(request);
return request;
//return super.apply(request);
private boolean isOauth(ServerHttpRequest request) {
return request.getPath().value().startsWith("/oauth2/authorization/") || request.getPath().value().startsWith("/login/oauth2/code/");
I got it working adding the following to eat the prefix before the service ID.
- Path='/*/'+serviceId+'/**'
- StripPrefix=2
Combined with adding
public ForwardedHeaderTransformer forwardedHeaderTransformer() {
return new ForwardedHeaderTransformer();
I would like to call a REST web service from my client application using FEIGN and SEEDSTACK. The web service, which is developed with SEEDSATCK too, is configured with the following authentication method: "filters: [ authcBasic ]"
How to configure or program the client to get the authentication right? How to pass the USER and PASSWORD information?
client FEIGNAPI class:
public interface neosdServer {
#RequestLine("GET /file/getfilesprop")
List<NeosdFile> getfilesprop();
#RequestLine("GET /file/getfiles")
List<String> getfiles();
baseUrl: http://localhost:8080
encoder: feign.jackson.JacksonEncoder
decoder: feign.jackson.JacksonDecoder
pattern: /file/getfiles
filters: [ authcBasic, 'roles[read]' ]
The current SeedStack integration doesn't support configuring interceptors on feign builders for now. Instead, to do authentication you can specify a header in your Feign interface with the #Headers annotation (example for basic authentication):
#Headers({"Authorization: Basic {credentials}"})
public interface neosdServer {
#RequestLine("GET /file/getfilesprop")
List<NeosdFile> getfilesprop(#Param("credentials") String credentials);
#RequestLine("GET /file/getfiles")
List<String> getfiles(#Param("credentials") String credentials);
Note that #Headers can also be used on individual methods.
You will then have to pass the credentials as method parameter. An example implementation, with credentials coming from your application configuration, coudl be:
public class MyClass {
private String username;
private String password;
private NeoSdClient client;
public void myMethod() {
List<String> files = client.getFiles(encodeCredentials());
private String encodeCredentials() {
return BaseEncoding
.encode((username + ":" + password)
I created an issue on the Feign add-on repository to track the implementation of interceptor support:
I followed this example of securing route using OAuth2 with GitHub provider: and it works fine, except missing GET parameters after request redirection.
My code:
public class MyVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start() throws Exception {
HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer();
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
OAuth2Auth authProviderGitHub = GithubAuth.create(vertx, "<CLIENT_ID>", "<CLIENT_SECRET>");
OAuth2AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(authProviderGitHub, "http://localhost:8080/callback");
Handler<RoutingContext> requestHandler = (routingContext) -> {
String paramValue = routingContext.request().getParam("param");
routingContext.response().end("PARAM: " + paramValue);
I have two simple endpoints:
/endpoint // public, without protection
/protected/endpoint // protected with OAuth2
When I call from a browser /endpoint with
it works as expected and return PARAM: foo, whereas when I call protected endpoint with
it correctly redirect me to GitHub login page, then return query to my handler but without GET parameters, so response from the endpoint is PARAM: null.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
On vert.x <= 3.4.2 only the path was being used for the redirect, the 3.5 series has been improved and can rely on the full uri, so your code will work on that version.
I have, what I think to be, a very simple Spring WebSocket application. However, I'm trying to use path variables for the subscription as well as the message mapping.
I've posted a paraphrased example below. I would expect the #SendTo annotation to return back to the subscribers based on their fleetId. ie, a POST to /fleet/MyFleet/driver/MyDriver should notify subscribers of /fleet/MyFleet, but I'm not seeing this behavior.
It's worth noting that subscribing to literal /fleet/{fleetId} works. Is this intended? Am I missing some piece of configuration? Or is this just not how it works?
I'm not very familiar with WebSockets or this Spring project yet, so thanks in advance.
public Simple simple(#DestinationVariable String fleetId, #DestinationVariable String driverId) {
return new Simple(fleetId, driverId);
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
var socket = new SockJS('/fleet');
var stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
// Doesn't Work
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/fleet/MyFleet', function(greeting) {
// Works
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/fleet/{fleetId}', function(greeting) {
// Do some stuff
Send Sample
stompClient.send("/live/fleet/MyFleet/driver/MyDriver", {}, JSON.stringify({
// Some simple content
Even though #MessageMapping supports placeholders, they are not exposed / resolved in #SendTo destinations. Currently, there's no way to define dynamic destinations with the #SendTo annotation (see issue SPR-12170). You could use the SimpMessagingTemplate for the time being (that's how it works internally anyway). Here's how you would do it:
public void simple(#DestinationVariable String fleetId, #DestinationVariable String driverId) {
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/fleet/" + fleetId, new Simple(fleetId, driverId));
In your code, the destination '/topic/fleet/{fleetId}' is treated as a literal, that's the reason why subscribing to it works, just because you are sending to the exact same destination.
If you just want to send some initial user specific data, you could return it directly in the subscription:
public Simple simple(#DestinationVariable String fleetId, #DestinationVariable String driverId) {
return new Simple(fleetId, driverId);
In Spring 4.2, destination variable placeholders are supported it's now possible to do something like:
public Simple simple(#DestinationVariable String fleetId, #DestinationVariable String driverId) {
return new Simple(fleetId, driverId);
you can send a variable inside the path. for example i send "este/es/el/chat/java/" and obtaned in the server as "este:es:el:chat:java:"
stompSession.send("/app/chat/este/es/el/chat/java/*", ...);
public WebsocketData greeting(Message m,HelloMessage message,#Header("simpSessionId") String sessionId) throws Exception {
Map<String, LinkedList<String>> nativeHeaders = (Map<String, LinkedList<String>>) m.getHeaders().get("nativeHeaders");
String value= nativeHeaders.get("destination").getFirst().replaceAll("/app/chat/","").replaceAll("/",":");
Actually I think this is what you might be looking for:
lateinit var template: SimpMessageTemplate;
fun onOffer(#DestinationVariable("id") id: String?, #Payload msg: Message) {
println("RECEIVED " + id)
template.convertAndSend("/topic/class/$id", Message("The response"))
Hope this helps someone! :)