CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED when trying to build java-cef - java

I'm trying to build java-cef on ubuntu following instructions from https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/java-cef/wiki/BranchesAndBuilding.
At cmake step
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
i get
-- Downloading clang-format from Google Storage...
Failed to fetch file gs://chromium-clang-format/942fc8b1789144b8071d3fc03ff0fcbe1cf81ac8 for tools/buildtools/linux64/clang-format. [Err: /home/x/Desktop/jcef/src/tools/buildtools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.15/gsutil/third_party/boto/boto/pyami/config.py:71: UserWarning: Unable to load AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE ()
warnings.warn('Unable to load AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE (%s)' % full_path)
Failure: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727).
Terminal indicates that I'm using Python 2.7.15+.
How can i make it work? Many thanks.

In the folder where it has created the build jcef/src/tools/buildtools/download_from_google_storage.py change the version parameter of gsutil to a recent version, like 4.39. If you don't find specified file use a tool like find.


Debug OpenJDK14 using CLion: failed to load the CMake project

I download the source code of OpenJDK14 and put them in \home\yuanfang\jdk14 and after running bash configure --disable-warnings-as-errors and make images, I build OpenJDK14 successfully, The newly built JDK is in home\yuanfang\jdk14\build\linux-x86_64-server-release\jdk. By the way, I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Then I want to debug OpenJDK14 using CLion IDE. I was using CLion 2020.2 and I take the following steps:
After open CLion I choose Create New CMake Project from Sources and choose the directory of \home\yuanfang\jdk14, which is the root directory of the jdk project.
I alter the Run/Debug Configurations to make it look like this:
CLion create a CMakeLists.txt automatically but the file doesn't work, so after googling I find find the correct CMakeLists.txt here at https://github.com/ojdkbuild/ojdkbuild/blob/master/src/java-14-openjdk/CMakeLists.txt. I then rewrite the old CMakeLists.txt using the correct one.
I download the whole repository(that is, github.com/ojdkbuild/ojdkbuild), unzip it and put it into \home\yuanfang\jdk14.
It looks like as follow, the ojdkbuild-master is the newly added folder.
I reload the CMake project, but some CMake error occurs(as follow), why can't CLion find those files? javaI googled but can't find any effective solution. Is there anything I can do or refer to? Thanks in advance.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:19 (include):
include could not find load file:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:21 (include):
include could not find load file:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:93 (add_subdirectory):
add_subdirectory given source
"/home/yuanfang/jdk14/../../deps/rhino/scripting_tasks" which is not an
existing directory.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:98 (ojdkbuild_add_subdirectory):
Unknown CMake command "ojdkbuild_add_subdirectory".
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/yuanfang/jdk14/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Cannot get compiler information:
Compiler exited with error code 1: /usr/bin/cc -xobjective-c -I/home/yuanfang/jdk14/build/linux-x86_64-server-release/hotspot/variant-server/gensrc/adfiles......./loading/LibraryLoader/jar_src -g -fpch-preprocess -v -dD -E
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-9/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,go,brig,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++,gm2 --prefix=/usr --with-gcc-major-version-only --program-suffix=-9 --program-prefix=x86_64-linux-gnu- --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=new --enable-gnu-unique-object --disable-vtable-verify --enable-plugin --enable-default-pie --with-system-zlib --with-target-system-zlib=auto --enable-objc-gc=auto --enable-multiarch --disable-werror --with-arch-32=i686 --with-abi=m64 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --enable-multilib --with-tune=generic --enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none,hsa --without-cuda-driver --enable-checking=release --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2)
COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-I' '/home/yuanfang/jdk14/build/linux-x86_64-server-release/hotspot/variant-server/gensrc/adfiles' '-I' '......'-g' '-fpch-preprocess' '-v' '-dD' '-E' '-D' '___CIDR_DEFINITIONS_END' '-mtune=generic' '-march=x86-64'
cc1obj -E -quiet -v #/tmp/cci3XM6r -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu -D ___CIDR_DEFINITIONS_END /tmp/compiler-file5929385022787926768 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -fpch-preprocess -g -fworking-directory -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Wformat-security -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -dD
cc: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1obj': execvp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
[Failed to reload]
step: check out this projecdt :https://github.com/ojdkbuild/ojdkbuild.git
step: put the source code of OpenJDK14 in ojdkbuild/src/
step: copy reousrces directory and CMakelists.txt to OpenJDK14
step: recomile openjdk and import project to CLin

CMake could not find JNI

I created a new Android Studio Project with C++ support and did not add anything to it. The project builds, compiles and runs with CMake. I then added the following two lines of code to CMakeLists.txt at the bottom of the file and I get a CMake build error.
find_package(Java COMPONENTS Development) # Line 47
find_package(JNI REQUIRED) # Line 48
And this is the error I get when building the project
-- Found Java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle/bin/java (found version "10.0.1") found components: Development
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
CMake Error at /home/xxxxx/Android/Sdk/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
See also "/home/xxxxx/AndroidStudioProjects/MyApplication/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/release/x86_64/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/home/xxxxxx/Android/Sdk/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/home/xxxxxx/Android/Sdk/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindJNI.cmake:314 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
CMakeLists.txt:48 (find_package)
External native generate JSON release: JSON generation completed with problems
CMake runs when being called form the command line, but fails inside Android Studio for some reason and I am not sure why.
Here is the CMakeOutput.log file
This is all that is in CMakeLists.txt file. It compiles in cmd with the command cmake.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
find_package(Java COMPONENTS Development)
find_package(JNI REQUIRED)
This is the cmd output
E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\build>cmake ..
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: E:/Users/xxxxx/AndroidStudioProjects/MyApplication/app/build
When I try to add it compile it in Android Studio using gradle I get the following error on Windows 10 pro 64 bit
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.112]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication>gradlew build --stacktrace
> Task :app:generateJsonModelDebug
External native generate JSON debug: starting JSON generation
External native generate JSON debug: using platform version 24 for ABI ARMEABI_V7A and min SDK version 24
External native generate JSON debug: noticing that build file 'E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\CMakeLists.txt' is out of date with respect to E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\.extern
External native generate JSON debug: rebuilding JSON E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\.externalNativeBuild\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a\android_gradle_build.json due to:
External native generate JSON debug: - a dependent build file changed
External native generate JSON debug: keeping json folder 'E:\Users\xxxxx\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\.externalNativeBuild\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a' but regenerating project
External native generate JSON debug: executing cmake Executable : E:\Android\SDK\cmake\3.6.4111459\bin\cmake.exe
arguments :
-GAndroid Gradle - Ninja
jvmArgs :
CMake Error at E:/Android/SDK/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
E:/Android/SDK/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
E:/Android/SDK/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindJNI.cmake:314 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "E:/Users/xxxxx/AndroidStudioProjects/MyApplication/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/debug/armeabi-v7a/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Solved with
sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install -y default-jdk
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
As the CMake version bundled with Android tries to tell you, it can't find the JNI package because some parts were missing:
Checking the documentation for FindJNI (https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindJNI.html) these variables are set to the locations of libraries and headers not shipped with the Android version of JNI (to little surprise, Android does not included the AWT library for instance).
When running find_package(JNI REQUIRED), the FindJNI code checks if these variables are set and if not, issues an error.
A workaround is to set these variables yourself, before calling find_package:
# We are only interested in finding jni.h: we do not care about extended JVM
# functionality or the AWT library.
find_package(JNI REQUIRED)
Be aware though, that your code will only be able to use jni.h and its functionality: if it tries to access any other part of the JNI package it will fail (probably at compile time) because essentially, you have tricked CMake into thinking that the entire package was found, when in reality only a part of it exists in the Android setup.
I found a solution that works for me:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
set(JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/libjawt.so")
set(JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/server/libjvm.so")
set(JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/include/linux")
find_package(JNI REQUIRED)
You must set the environment variable JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64" beforehand.
More info: https://github.com/dockcross/dockcross/issues/576
Same on alpine:edge docker image, fixed using:
ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk
RUN apk add --no-cache openjdk8
ref: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?branch=edge&name=openjdk8&arch=x86_64&repo=community

Smart can't install...no package provides shared object file

I'm attempting to create a Bitbake recipe which will install Oracle JRE 8 onto my target OS.
I've tried to use metadata from meta-oracle-java, but had some difficulties due to one of the .inc files which are provided for general JREs has a JRE-7-specific URI.
I've changed some of the metadata from meta-oracle-java and created my own recipe to do this install.
A Build of the JRE Recipe by Itself
When building the recipe by itself:
bitbake oracle-jse-jre
The build completes without error. I've added a dependency on libav into the oracle-jse-jre recipe, so I can do the following from TMPDIR:
$ find . -name libavformat*so
Runtime Dependency Success
If I add the default package from the oracle-jse-jre recipe to RDEPENDS_${PN} of another recipe xenoros_0.1.bb, I can run bitbake xenoros and build without errors.
Core Image Failure
If I add xenoros to the IMAGE_INSTALL variable of a core-image-xenoros, the build fails with the following error:
ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command '/home/presslertj/yocto-OS/poky-jethro-build/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/smart --log-level=warning --data-dir=/home/presslertj/yocto-OS/poky-jethro-build/build/tmp/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/core-image-my-server/1.0-r0/rootfs/var/lib/smart install -y message-generation#core2_64 catkin#core2_64 python-distutils#core2_64 ldd#core2_64 xenoros#core2_64 rosgraph#core2_64 gedit#core2_64 actionlib#core2_64 python-compression#core2_64 dhcp-server#core2_64 libpthread-stubs#core2_64 tf2#core2_64 python-email#core2_64 catkin-dev#core2_64 git#core2_64 rosbash#core2_64 python-json#core2_64 python-wstool#core2_64 connman#core2_64 ros-config#core2_64 packagegroup-core-boot#genericx86_64 libsdl-1.2-0#core2_64 rosjava#core2_64 quagga#core2_64 nginx#core2_64 rospy#core2_64 apt#core2_64 libc6#core2_64 netcat#core2_64 shadow#core2_64 bash#core2_64 roscpp#core2_64 roslaunch#core2_64 run-postinsts#all python-rosinstall#core2_64 elfutils#core2_64 openssl#core2_64 font-alias#all gradle#core2_64 python-catkin-pkg#core2_64 catkin-runtime#core2_64 catkin-runtime-dev#core2_64 pciutils#core2_64 base-passwd#core2_64' returned 1:
Loading cache...
Updating cache... ######################################## [100%]
Computing transaction...error: Can't install oracle-jse-jre-1.8.0-u77r0#core2_64: no package provides libavformat.so.53(LIBAVFORMAT_53)(64bit)
ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/presslertj/yocto-OS/poky-jethro-build/build/tmip/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/core-image-my-server/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.22073
ERROR: Task 7 (/home/presslertj/yocto-OS/poky-jethro-build/meta-myLayer/recipes-core/images/core-image-my-server.bb, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
Looking inside TMPDIR, I can find this:
It seems there's a version mismatch, where smart expects version 53, but 54 is provided.
Reverting libav's version
Just to test what's going on, I've made a recipe which fetches version 0.8.17 of libav (which uses version 53). When using this instead of 9.18, I have the exact opposite problem, that smart expects but can't find version 54.
How does smart determine the version number for these shared object files?
What about the do_rootfs() task causes the build to fail at this specific time?
Is there a simple resolution to my specific problem?
1) It's not smart, but rather rpmbuild, that is adding dependencies derived from the ELF DT_NEEDED field (see elfutils -a).
2) The do_rootfs() task is failing because of unresolved dependencies.
3) Since you are using Poky/Yocto and rpm5, there is a simple way to mask the issue (substituting whatever dependencies are causing you heartburn)
echo "unresoved_dependency" > /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Providename
That is just a band-aid; you still need to figure out the packaging issues rather than masking the underlying problem with how you are building rpm packages.
For anyone that still encounter this error: as stated in the README file of the meta-oracle-java repo
There are some known install problems for JRE packages due to dependencies reported by RPM package manager.
Switching to DEB or IPK packaging temporarily fixes this.
PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_deb"
PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk"
in your 'local.conf' file

Can't build cordova projects

I have a problem with setting up the work environment for Cordova on Windows 7 for Android. I use NetBeans 8 and followed this guide: Link Here
New project -> Cordova -> Hello World Template.
Whenever I try to build a Cordova project (in NetBeans) I get this message:
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\build.xml:90: Cannot find C:\Users\Administrator\SkyDrive\Skolegang\Dataingeniør\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
throw e;
Error code 1 for command: cmd with args: /s,/c,ant,debug,-f,C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\build.xml,-Dout.dir=ant-build,-Dgen.absolute.dir=ant-gen
Error: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\cordova\run.bat: Command failed with exit code 8
at ChildProcess.whenDone (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cordova\node_modules\cordova-lib\src\cordova\superspawn.js:131:23)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:5)
Command finished with error code 8: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\cordova\run.bat --emulator
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\nbproject\build.xml:272: exec returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 47 seconds)
I have googled it for hours but can't seem to find a solution. Some people get some of the same errors(not exact, but similar), but the solutions did not work for me. One issue was regarding Java 8 and ant versions beneath 1.9.0 (I use Node 0.10.26, java 1.7.0_25, cordova 3.5.0-0.2.4 and ant 1.9.4). I also tried to create a new project with the console (CMD), but it gives the exact same error when I build. It's no problem to create the project, nor adding Android as a platform, the problem is building the project. I think the environment variables are set correctly since the java, node, ant and cordova commands work fine in cmd/powershell, and the check_reqs.bat said that the environment was fine.
It's this line that creates the error: <import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" />. This is the rest of the message: Cannot find C:\Users\Administrator\SkyDrive\Skolegang\Dataingeniør\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HTML5Application2\platforms\android\build.xml.
Here is the error I get in the command window (not using NetBeans):
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp> cordova build android
Running command: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat
Buildfile: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp\platforms\android\build.xml
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp\platforms\android\build.xml:90: Cannot find C:\Users\Administrator\SkyDrive\
Skolegang\Dataingeni├©r\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from C:\Users\Admini
Total time: 0 seconds
Error code 1 for command: cmd with args: /s,/c,ant,debug,-f,C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp\platforms\androi
Error: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test\fakeApp\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat: Command failed with exit code 2
at ChildProcess.whenDone (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cordova\node_modules\cordova-lib\s
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:5)
I thought maybe it was a path issue since I have a special letter in the path were the NetBeansProjects are stored (and it's pretty long too), but creating a test directory at C:\ and creating the project with the command window gave the same error. I'm new at Cordova so I'm sure there's an easy solution, thanks in advance.
I solved it, though I tried to create a cordova project outside the OneDrive folder I did not think of the SDK path (which also were stored in OneDrive). By moving the SDK files to C: (the path could probably not contain the special letter 'ø') and changing the path of the environment variables (and the SDK path in NetBeans) it now runs perfectly.

Apache cordova issue in Netbeans 7.4

I just downloaded Netbeans 7.4 and I am trying to explore Apache Cordova.
When I try to create a new project, I get always BUILD FAILED problem.
Here is the log
ant -f /Users/jason/NetBeansProjects/HTML5Application/nbproject "-Dupdate.task.jar=/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans 7.4.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/webcommon/ant/extra/org-netbeans-modules-cordova-projectupdate.jar" "-Dios.provisioning.profile=/Users/jason/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/6B14AF63-D435-47F0-AF54-F24E2066EEBA.mobileprovision" -Dandroid.project.activity=HTML5Application "-Dios.certificate.name=iPhone Developer" -Denv.DISPLAY=:0.0 -Dsite.root=www_nb_temp "-Dcordova.version=3.1.0-0.2.0
cordova -d create . com.coolappz.HTML5Application HTML5Application
Error: Path already exists and is not empty: /Users/jason/NetBeansProjects/HTML5ApplicationCreating a new cordova project with name "HTML5Application" and id "com.coolappz.HTML5Application" at location "/Users/jason/NetBeansProjects/HTML5Application"
at CLI.create (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/src/create.js:63:25)
at new CLI (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/src/cli.js:105:30)
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/bin/cordova:41:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3
/Users/jason/NetBeansProjects/HTML5Application/nbproject/build.xml:78: exec returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
I have already node.js installed (version v0.10.20) and Apache Cordova (3.1.0-0.2.0)
What is the solution? It is a bug ?
Actually I got the problem is not a Netbeans bug, it is an Apache Cordova bug at the version 3.1.0-0.2.0 (Latest until now).
The solution is to downgrade from the version 3.1.0-0.2.0 to 3.1.0-0.1.0 and everything will work fine:
sudo npm uninstall -g cordova
sudo npm install -g cordova#3.1.0-0.1.0
Thank you #Geertjan & #Cocorico for your help
Maybe try to name your app to see what appens :
cordova -d create "HTML5Application" com.coolappz.HTML5Application HTML5Application
Also, check all environment variables (ant,java,...) even if it seems to be good :
java --version
Try to change the folder name and app name and come back here to tell what happened.

