I wrote a very simple Java program and, trying to input a string with some accents, I noticed that Scanner (or the terminal) has issues to handle them.
I don't know how to resolve this problem with encoding.
System.out.println("aeíóu"); // output => aeíóu
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in, "UTF-8");
String str = input.nextLine(); // input => aeíóu
System.out.println(str); // output => ae u
Outputs (Visual Studio Code)
Java Process Console:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
JDK: 1.8.0_231
Visual Studio Code: 1.39.2
I don't know if this will be any help, it is a while since I have tested this in Windows and if Microsoft has fixed the issue or made improvements (or if the JVM has made any changes to how the unicode is outputted):
The problem was (or still is?) that the windows console could not be reliably used for input and output of unicode from applications that use the C standard library (byte) I/O functions. This includes Java too. The codepage 65001 was broken.
Not sure if the above post can point you in the right direction though.
Is it just my setup or is anyone else having this problem?
Using AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.0_275 installed at:
API docs of System.getProperties() do not specify any details.
Can confirm this is still happening on adoptopenjdk14, as well as openjdk early access build for j16.
You can file a bug if you want, but I bet it'll be denied. At this point, the name Mac OS X is not so much 'the name of the OS' as a 'globally agreed upon keyword identifying that unix-based mac operating system', where I mean globally literally (as in, 'around the planet', not 'across your source base/VM'). Changing it would just break stuff needlessly. The same applies, to a lesser degree, to version 10.16: The thing before the dot is not so much 'this is how the OS identifies itself' and more a 'globally agreed upon versioning scheme for Mac OS, identifying a wide and ill defined set of capabilities'.
There is no meaningful difference between the transition between big sur and catalina, other than the fact that apple made a marketing decision. If you want to point at an OS transition that might warrant the entirely nebulous choice to consider it a 'major change', surely it was the one to catalina, as that made by far the largest changes (including removing support for 32-bit entirely) in the last bunch of releases.
This leaves you with the challenge of: Okay, great, I can use System.getProperty("os.name") to get the globally agreed upon keyword that means unix-like Mac OS, and os.version for a string I can break into bits to figure out some nebulous batch of capabilities, but what if I need the actual name of the OS to e.g. show to a user?
Then you have three major options:
The easy one is to just write mapping code. Acknowledge that os.name and os.version give you (rather arguably) useful intent and not so much official names, and therefore, write some mappings. These would map name/version pairs to rendering strings, falling back to just printing the name string and the version string, concatenated, verbatim. You could add a mapping: Mac OS X/10.16 → Mac OS Big Sur in this table.
The hard way: Figure out you're on a mac (which is now easier; os.name returns Mac OS X, or just check for the existence: Files.isExecutable(Paths.get("/usr/bin/sw_vers"))), and then use ProcessBuilder to execute /usr/bin/sw_vers, picking up all output into a big string, and then parse it. Its output looks like:
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 11.1
BuildVersion: 20C69
which, crucially, doesn't even include the words Big Sur, but does give you 11.1. I don't know how to run a command line tool that actually gives you Big Sur. Maybe system_profiler, but note that this takes many minutes to run, I really doubt you want to run that.
NB: you can also run .command("/usr/bin/sw_vers", "-productVersion") which gives you just 11.1, this may be a lot simpler to parse. -productName also works, gives you just macOS.
If you need this information to scan for OS capabilities, then stop doing this. It doesn't work with browsers, and it's not a good plan for OS releases either. What capability are you scanning for? Imagine, for example, if it is 'Can I run /usr/bin/sw_vers to figure stuff out', as a hypothetical example. The right strategy is NOT to check os.name/os.version, conclude that the command must exist, and then run it, failing catastrophically if it is not there. The right move is to check if /usr/bin/sw_vers exists, and then execute it, falling back to some non-mac based solution (perhaps /usr/bin/uname) in other cases. Scan for the capability, don't scan for the OS/version.
Java code to call native tool sw_vers
Regarding Option # 2 in the Answer by rzwitserloot, here is a complete code example to run from Java a command-line tool sw_vers that describes the version of macOS software running on the host computer.
If on the command-line (console) such as in Terminal.app, you run:
…in Big Sur on an Intel Mac we get:
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 11.2
BuildVersion: 20D64
We only need the middle piece. So running:
sw_vers -productVersion
…shows simply 11.2, the value we need for your purpose.
Here is complete example app with a method to return this string into Java.
ProcessBuilder class creates operating system processes. Each new process is represented by the Process class.
We use try-with-resources syntax to automatically close the InputStream and Scanner objects.
Once you have the 11.2 string in hand, split on the FULL STOP, pull the first number 11, and you know you are running on Big Sur.
package org.example;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.*;
* Example code showing how to get current version of macOS from Java
* by running a native command-line tool `sw_vers`.
public class App
public static void main ( String[] args )
App app = new App();
private void demo ( )
String version = this.getMacOsVersionNumber();
System.out.println( "version = " + version );
public String getMacOsVersionNumber ( )
String result = "";
List < String > command = List.of( "sw_vers" , " -productVersion" );
try (
InputStream inputStream = new ProcessBuilder( command ).start().getInputStream() ;
Scanner s = new Scanner( inputStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ) ;
result = s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";
catch ( IOException e )
return Objects.requireNonNull( result );
Well, here is the problem, I have started using VScode, and I can't read from console cyrillic characters.
My code:
import java.util.Scanner;
class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in, "UTF-8");
String word = input.nextLine();
Now when I enter any cyrillic string it will print empty string back to me. If i write something like
System.out.println("Привет"); //cyrillic symbols
It will print "Привет", which is fine. So I am guessing it has something to do with reading the string rather than outputing it.
chcp command gives Active code page: 65001
I have tried setting encoding and without it, but it doesn't seem to work, is there something I missed?
Thanks in advance
I've tested the code on my machine and got the same result: nothing shown;
You can see, when run it in external Window PowerShell or Command Prompt, the result is different but still not shown correctly:
When we change the encode style to GBK(936), the cyrillic characters can be displayed correctly:
When it comes to changing integrated terminal encoding style in vscode and execute code again, it still shows nothing:
About these different results between external Command Prompt and integrated terminal in VS Code, I've put a github request. And I'm doing some research, if any useful imformation i get, i will update you.
Is there a way to use the MS Speech utility from command line? I can do it on a mac, but can't find any reference to it on Windows XP.
My 2 cents on the topic, command line one-liners:
on Win using PowerShell.exe
PowerShell -Command "Add-Type –AssemblyName System.Speech; (New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer).Speak('hello');"
on Win using mshta.exe
mshta vbscript:Execute("CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").Speak(""Hello"")(window.close)")
on OSX using say
say "hello"
Ubuntu Desktop (>=2015) using native spd-say
spd-say "hello"
on any other Linux
refer to How to text-to-speech output using command-line?
commandline function using google TTS (wget to mp3->mplayer)
command using google with mplayer directly:
/usr/bin/mplayer -ao alsa -really-quiet -noconsolecontrols "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&client=tw-ob&q=Hello%20World&tl=en";
on Raspberry Pi, Win, OSX (or any remote) using Node-Red
npm i node-red-contrib-sysmessage
There's a nice open source program that does what you're asking for on Windows called Peter's Text to Speech available here: http://jampal.sourceforge.net/ptts.html
It contains a binary called ptts.exe that will speak text from standard input, so you can run it like this:
echo hello there | ptts.exe
Alternatively, you could use the following three line VBS script to get similar basic TTS:
set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
s.Speak Wscript.Arguments(0), 3
And you could invoke that from the command line like this:
cscript say.vbs "hello there"
If you go the script route, you'll probably want to find some more extensive code examples with a variable timeout and error handling.
Hope it helps.
There's also Balabolka: http://www.cross-plus-a.com/bconsole.htm
It has a command line tool balcon.exe. You can use it like this:
List voices:
balcon.exe -l
Speak file:
balcon.exe -n "IVONA 2 Jennifer" -f file.txt
Speak from the command-line:
balcon.exe -n "IVONA 2 Jennifer" -t "hello there"
More command line options are available. I tried it on Ubuntu with SAPI5 installed in Wine. It works just fine.
If you can't find a command you can always wrap the System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer from .Net 3.0 (Don't forget to reference "System.Speech")
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
namespace Talk
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var ss = new SpeechSynthesizer())
foreach (var toSay in args)
There is a powershell way also:
Create a file called speak.ps1
Add-Type –AssemblyName System.Speech
$synth = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
Then you can call it
.\speak.ps1 "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
rem The user decides what to convert here
echo Type in what you want the computer to say and then press the enter key.
set /p text=
rem Making the temp file
set num=%random%
if exist temp%num%.vbs goto num
echo ' > "temp%num%.vbs"
echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "temp%num%.vbs"
echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "temp%num%.vbs"
start temp%num%.vbs
del temp%num%.vbs
goto input
Your best approach is to write a small command line utility that will do it for you. It would not be a lot of work - just read text in and then use the ms tts library.
Another alternative is to use Cepstral. It comes with a nice command line utility and sounds light years better than the ms tts.
In Java, we can see the property value of os.name to know the name of the underlying operating system: System.getProperty("os.name").
For each edition of Windows, it used to return always the exact name of the OS: Windows XP for XP, Windows Vista for Vista, Windows 7 for Seven, Windows 8.1 for 8.1, and so on...
The problem is: I just updated my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 using the released Microsoft updater, and it seems like this property still remains Windows 8.1:
public class OSTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
How can I create a workaround for this? And, does anyone know if this problem persists if installing a fresh Windows 10 copy - that is, this bug is caused by the Microsoft auto-updater -?
This is a known problem JDK-8066504 that has been fixed in upcoming Java 8 update 60.
The reason is GetVersionEx function has changed its behavior since Windows 8.1.
There are multiple possible workarounds, see MSDN article.
The trivial one is to exec cmd.exe /c ver.
The other is to look at the version information of one of the system files, e.g. kernel32.dll.
This is definitely a known bug. It occurs because the os.name property gets its value from the GetVersionEx in the source code of the Windows API. GetVersionEx however,
may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1
As per Microsoft's official website. Instead, we will need to use the IsWindows10OrGreater found in the Version Helper API functions in the versionhelpers.h file. As you probably guessed though, this file is not a Java file, it is written in C. As a result we need to include it in a somewhat roundabout way. It does take quite a bit of work (you need to program in JNI :/) but this tutorial will help you do it. Another solution is shown in this bug log, and does require less effort.
I faced the same issue, used the following workaround:
The cmd command "systeminfo" returns "OS Name:" which is the right name for the OS, wrote the following function for this:
private boolean os2k10Check()
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("systeminfo"); /*Execute cmd command "systeminfo"*/
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
String line;
while (true)
line = r.readLine();
if (line == null) { break; }
if(line.contains("OS Name:")) /*If output contains OS Name and 2010*/
return true;
return false;
catch(Exception e)
{System.out.println("Platform Type: os2010check: exception"+e);}
return false;
Hm... I don't know if it is a fix of Windows 10(10.0.17134.590) or of Java 8(1.8.0_171-b11 for me), but it is correct now: os.name gives me Windows 10.
Besides, if you don't trust it, you can check os.version. I have 10.0.
(By the way, I see os.arch:amd64. This is of JVM, not of OS. )
You could also use the .contains() method and just check for the "windows"
string maybe along the lines of
if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains(windows version here [xp, 7, 8, etc]))){}
If you need the windows version you could check for all versions and then assume 8.1 or 10 to move around the bug.
if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("xp")){
//code for windows xp }
else if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("vista")){
//code for windows vista
else if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("7")){
//code for windows 7}
else if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("8")){
//code for windows 8}
else if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") && System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("8.1")){
//code for both windows 8.1 and 10
Now to explain what is going on here:
the if statement is just a conditional to determine the version of windows
The System.getProperty("os.name") returns the name of the os as a string
The .toLowerCase() method makes that returned String lower case
The .contains(String) method checks if the given input string is contained in the String it is being called on
The last statement allows for different code for each os except 8.1 & 10 which would need to be handled as one block :(
This simple code has never worked for me in processing:
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String str = "";
while (str != null) {
System.out.print("> prompt ");
str = in.readLine();
catch (IOException e) {
Probably because the console output box cannot be used for input, unlike in Eclipse. Is there a simple workaround, or am I forced to do something like a dialog box (or keyPressed handling) for standard in?
If you are using the Processing IDE, Processing does not support this behavior natively. If you export your sketch and edit the java files, or use Eclipse, Proclipsing, core.jar, etc. you can access the System.in like any other java application, however, this would defeat the purpose of processing in that it doesn't typically run from the command line and is graphic in nature.
Best practice would be to capture the keystokes with the key pressed method. For example:
String str = "";
void keyPressed() {
str += key;
then in your draw() loop/method, you could handle the text input on str and clear it out if you wanted.
If you wanted something more sophisticated that would have a better UX, I suggest using something like ControlP5's TextField or TextArea.
Your program works perfectly (I named it test) and exported it as an Applet. I tested with cygwin as well as the windows command prompt:
$ cd test/applet
$ java -jar test.jar
Output (I typed "hello" and hit enter):
prompt> hello
I tried really quick on an Ubuntu terminal through ssh. I had issues getting it connected to the x11 server. Consider: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb if that is an issue.
Just to confirm, I was able to run the SharedCanvasServer example included in Library->Network where I added a System.out.println to dump debug to the executing terminal.
java -cp "core.jar;net.jar;SharedCanvasServer.jar" SharedCanvasServer