I'm trying to deploy Spring-boot microservice application from Jdeveloper 12c to Weblogic. And, I've encountered a deployment issue from Maven. I already include "javax.validation" library to pom.xml. But, it still complains about NoSuchMethodError:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.data/spring-data-jpa -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework/spring-test -->
<systemPath>c:\My library\ojdbc8.jar</systemPath>
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hibernate/hibernate-core -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.validation/validation-api -->
It depends on your version of springboot
try this
insteed of
i am using Redisson-spring-boot-starter 3.17.0 and spring-boot version 2.7.1 below is my pom file , the application fails to start with the below dependencies.
I tried playing around with different versions but still same failure. Tried adding spring-data-26 and spring-session-data-redis along with redisson-spring-boot-starter dint help. Replaced the redisson spring boot starter dependency with just redisson, but that gave cacheManager bean not found error.
i am implementing Rate limiting using bucket4j and redis referring this implementation: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/rate-limiting-with-bucket4j-and-redis/
<!--Official plugins-->
<bucket4j.version>0.5.2</bucket4j.version> </properties> <dependencies>
<!-- Configuring Spring Boot to use Log4j2 -->
<!-- Bucket4J starter = Bucket4J + JCache -->
</dependency> </dependencies>
I have the following dependencies in pom :
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <!-- Exclude Project-D from Project-B -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-text -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.postgresql/postgresql -->
<groupId> org.quartz-scheduler </groupId>
<artifactId> quartz </artifactId>
<version> 2.2.1 </version>
As soon as I am adding this dependency it's giving me this error:
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
INFO: Stopping service [Tomcat]
It should give me actual error stack why it's failed but it's not showing me , but if I remove spark-core I am able to see the complete error message and exact issue for the failure .
Any help why we are not getting full stack trace ?
The error you get seems related to SLF4J
Try adding the below dependencies in your pom.xml
I get an error when starting my spring-boot application. The exception occurs in combination with the `java secuirity managerĀ“.
Exception in thread "ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Tomcat]]" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/classic/spi/ThrowableProxy
at ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent.<init>(LoggingEvent.java:119)
at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.buildLoggingEventAndAppend(Logger.java:419)
at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.filterAndLog_0_Or3Plus(Logger.java:383)
at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.log(Logger.java:765)
at org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler.callLocationAwareLogger(SLF4JBridgeHandler.java:221)
at org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler.publish(SLF4JBridgeHandler.java:303)
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(Unknown Source)
at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(Unknown Source)
at java.util.logging.Logger.logp(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog.log(DirectJDKLog.java:182)
at org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog.error(DirectJDKLog.java:148)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ContainerBackgroundProcessor.run(ContainerBase.java:1368)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Starting the project directly with IntelliJ-IDE works perfectly fine, but when i use terminal java -jar java -jar 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar I get the above exception.
I already tried to add maven dependencies like spring-boot-starter-logging additional to spring-boot-starter-web, but that didn't resolve the problem. Also deleting .m2 and reinstalling all packages didn't help.
Maven-dependencies are all on the latest stable version.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
public void doSomethingAfterStartup() throws UnknownHostException {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManagerImpl());
In short, your dependencies are a mess. Logback is provided by Spring and several others are already included through the starters. Spring Boot will also manage version of other dependencies, use those to be sure to get a proper one. Finally I suggest depending on the default, HikariCP, connection pool instead of Commons DBCP2.
So again in short cleanup your dependencies.
My application has a monolithic (gateway, micro-services) architecture generated by Jhipster. The micro-services are running fine individually but when i am adding other dependencies related to my project, the services are giving a Logback IllegalArgumentException.
I tried excluding this from all my spring-boot-starter-* dependencies, still the same exception
Here is the exception occurring:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: LoggerFactory is not
a Logback LoggerContext but Logback is on the classpath.
Either remove Logback or the competing implementation (class
org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory loaded from
log4j12/1.7.25/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar). If you are using WebLogic
you will need to add 'org.slf4j' to prefer-application-packages in
WEB-INF/weblogic.xml: org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
And dependencies in the pom file:
<!-- parent POM declares this dependency in default (compile) scope -->
<!-- Spring Cloud -->
<!-- Security -->
<!-- Cucumber -->
<!-- jhipster-needle-maven-add-dependency -->
I'm getting an exception on startup of my webapp
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.data.util.ClassTypeInformation.from(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/springframework/data/util/ClassTypeInformation;
here are my dependencies:
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- hibernate -->
<!-- MySql -->
<!-- JUnit -->
<!-- Lombok -->
<!-- Commons -->
Does anyone know what is going on here? I was trying to add versions, and remove them but it doesn't work. I've written only model classes, but hibernate doesn't create db becouse of that exception.
You are trying to add to much to your pom and your versions are all conflicting. Don't do it like that. Use the starters and only the additional dependencies you really need.
Remove most of the dependencies and run with this.
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- hibernate -->
<!-- MySql -->
<!-- JUnit -->
<!-- Lombok -->
<!-- Commons -->
All the other dependencies (spring-context, servlet-api, hibernate-validator) you already get through the starters. Adding them again with a differ4ent versions (like for the spring-data stuff) will introduce incompatible versions.
The whole point of the starters is that you get all the dependencies you need and in combinations that work together.
Note: I aligned the Hibernate version with the one managed with Spring Boot 1.4.2.