How do I install Chrome in AWS Lambda? I know I might need a specific file from an EC2 instance but I can't figure out how to retrieve it.
not duplicate as as a micro instance ec2 won't be the same enviroment as a lambda
You could create a Lambda Layer with a compiled Google Chrome. There are docker containers emulating Lambda execution environment, e.g. "lambci/lambda:java8". Could be tricky, since you need to build the browser from source code yourself, while there may be many dependencies missing.
Have you tried looking at other people's solutions? For example, this repo seems to have an already compiled Lambda Layer with Google Chrome Google Chrome for AWS Lambda as a layer
You should drop the requirement for Java in this case. It's not your friend.
Switch to Node.js, if only for this Lambda, and use alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda and Puppeteer.
As AWS Lambda recently announced (2020) the Container Image Support, you can bring your own runtime for your Java code.
A sample Docker Image might look like the following:
RUN yum install -y wget unzip libX11
RUN wget && \
yum install -y google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
wget -O /tmp/$CHROME_DRIVER_VERSION/ && \
unzip /tmp/ chromedriver -d /usr/local/bin/
COPY target/dependency ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/lib/
COPY target/classes ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}
CMD ["de.rieckpil.test.InvokeWebDriver::handleRequest"]
Once you push this Docker Image to your ECR, you can create a Lambda function that uses your image.
However, I'm still unable to launch Chrome 89 (already tried a gazillion of ChromeOptions arguments combinations) ...
/usr/bin/google-chrome: line 45: /dev/fd/62: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/google-chrome: line 46: /dev/fd/62: No such file or directory
Maybe someone in the future has more success with this and can use this as a template :D
I have installed SDKMAN! as root on my server and want all my users (developers) to have access to it.
For that I did:
export SDKMAN_DIR="/usr/local/sdkman" && curl -s "" | bash
source "/usr/local/sdkman/bin/"
Then for a user, I added these lines at the end of .profile and .bashrc:
export SDKMAN_DIR="/usr/local/sdkman"
[[ -s "/usr/local/sdkman/bin/" ]] && source "/usr/local/sdkman/bin/"
From that user (non root), the sdk command works, but when I try to install Java, I get a lot of errors for folders and files permissions, that's OK because most of those where created by root, not by my current user.
Then I try:
sudo sdk install java 9.0.4-open
And got:
sudo: sdk: command not found
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe I need to install SDKMAN! for each user on my server, which would be a pain.
Any suggestions?
It seems it is not possible to install SDKMAN! once as root and that be available for all users. I guess each user needs to install it and then each users needs to install it's own version of Java, which is a pain if I manage one server and need several users to have the same configuration.
I have a Spring-boot project, where I am using the ffmpeg library, I am executing the ffmpeg commands through a ProcessBuilder(in the terminal/cmd) and everything works fine, because I have already installed the ffmpeg on my macOS. When I try to generate a jar and run it on an another machine, where ffmpeg is not installed, it is executed, everything works fine, except the ffmpeg comamnds. Is there any change to import the library to my maven project or somehow to use it?
Is it a good idea to add an external jar of the library?
Thank you in advance!
Is the server you're deploying to Mac (same as your desktop) or Windows/Linux? The reason I ask is because ffmpeg is a binary app and has to be compiled to the specific platform.
You could include ffmpeg in maven, but before it runs it will need to be compiled. I found one maven repository here, though I do not know how well this will work: You could also try compiling from source (particularly if there's some non-standard encoding/decoding you're trying to do), which is a much more involved installation.
What I would do is install ffmpeg through a separate installation package, ideally through the OS's package management system; for linux this would be something like:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
sudo yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
More info on installation here:
Sometimes these packages may be not be the latest or missing something you're trying to do, in which case you may need to compile from source.
Edit: You say you're using Windows. I'm not as familiar with deploying to Windows, but there are ffmpeg Windows packages available on this site (linked from the main ffmpeg page): . I recommend installing separately rather than trying to package with your Java app. This page can help:
I’m not sure if Maven have a plug in for that, but I’d add a shell script to install ffmpeg, let’s call it resources/scripts/, in the script first validate it’s not installed already, then use wget to download what you need , install it , and continue with you app.
You can call this script from your app as the first thing to do
I am trying to run java with docker image in gitlab.
Here is my docker file.
FROM java:latest
FROM perl
COPY . /
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/perl", "/"]
I was able to build docker image successfully and run perl commands but java commands are not working.
My application is a linux application and I am running 'java -version'. I am not getting any output completely blank output for version command.
What would be the issue? Do I need to add anything related linux as I am running 'java -version' as linux command?
You don't specify what OS you're running in your container, but the main issue is that you're blowing away your Java layer with another FROM directive.
From the documentation, emphasis mine:
Each FROM instruction clears any state created by previous instructions.
So I'd espouse a solution in which I install Perl (if I really needed to) after having my base Java image.
However, if you use the base OpenJDK images, Perl comes preinstalled, so that will simplify your Dockerfile significantly.
FROM openjdk:latest
COPY . /
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/perl", "/"]
Recently apt-get install -y oracle-java7-installer stopped working.
I know in their roadmap, I think the public version is no longer supported, but it's been working all the way until recently.
Anyone have a work around for this?
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2017-05-23 10:19:17 ERROR 404: Not Found.
It appears Oracle has moved the download link, you can still fetch the tar ball from the oracle website after jumping through some hoops. The WebUpd8 installer is currently broken. The official explanation can be found at
Download Method 1: Login into to Oracle site
The link now seems to be:
notice "otn" and not "otn-pub", but at least from the website you seem to need to be signed in and not only accept the license agreement.
It may be possible with debconf to change the url from otn-pub to otn and get the installer to work but I haven't tried. You can fetch the binary yourself and either install manually or with the installer pointing it to wherever you put the downloaded tar ball.
Edit: It seems there isn't a way to configure download URL (though you can hijack it with hosts as in another answer).
Download Method 2: Use a trusted mirror
If you want to download jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz from a script without logging into to oracle it hosted locations include:
EDIT: The sha256 has been removed from this answer because (as this edit demonstrates) anyone can edit said hash. Get your hashes from a trusted source. Suggestions include:
Install Method 1: Prepopulate cache
#put the file in the default cache location:
sudo mv jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz /var/cache/oracle-jdk7-installer/
#then install normally:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Install Method 2: (more elegant IMHO) put tar ball anywhere and tell the installer where to look
#setup ppa (you probably came here after already doing this)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
#put the file in a temporary location:
sudo mv jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz /tmp/
#set local path to /tmp (or any other path)
echo oracle-java7-installer oracle-java7-installer/local select /tmp | \
sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
#While your at it you may want tp approve license (or skip this and approve when prompted)
echo oracle-java7-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | \
sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
#then install normally:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
So looks like the direct links to the download no longer work( As noted by Meir Maor above)
Here are the steps to get this running again:
Go to and accept the license. Download the file we need (jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz in this case)
Assuming the file downloaded to your Downloads directory, we need to move it to /var/cache/oracle-jdk7-installer
cd ~/Downloads (Change to directory to which you saved file from step 1)
sudo mkdir /var/cache/oracle-jdk7-installer
sudo mv jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz /var/cache/oracle-jdk7-installer/
Not sure if necessary but I had luck with this:
echo oracle-java7-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
Run the installer now. It will use the file we saved in /var/cache instead of trying to download it from Oracle
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
I got step 3 from
I just ran into this trying to install Java 6 (don't ask).
Since I'm short on time, I was fine with a quick and dirty answer. I noticed the URL looked for by the installer was http-based (vs https), which makes the below solution possible.
Make sure a web server is installed (I already had Apache on my box)
Download the file that is requested. In your case that is
jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz. See Meir Maor's answer above
On your local web server, recreate the path structure requested for the
file. In your case that is otn-pub/java/jdk/7u80-b15.
Copy the downloaded file into the path above
Edit /etc/hosts and add
Run apt-get install -y oracle-java7-installer again.
The installer will now grab the file from your local web server and complete successfully.
There may be a better way to do this, but it worked for me.
As Oracle support for debian packages has gone quite a while ago, I suppose that you use the method of webupd8
Go to their instructions I linked before and check if your configuration is still valid.
They also provide a method to install Java 8: Install Oracle Java 8 in Ubuntu (Debian instructions linked from there.)
Edit: I think that Oracle does not provide a public download of Java 7 anylonger - you would have to download it from the Java Archive. (
You could try to download the rpm package and use alien to convert it to a .deb package. And did you already consider updating to Java 8?
You can find the webupd8team ppa's online. The oracle-java7-installer has the version number "7u80+7u60arm-0~webupd8~1" I'm guessing this defect would occur for all the provided ubuntu versions!
Looking in one of the ppa's a few of the files directly reference the broken url identified by Meir Maor
debian/oracle-java7-installer.config: PARTNER_URL=$FILENAME # Must be modified for each release!!!
debian/oracle-java7-installer.config: PARTNER_URL=$FILENAME # Must be modified for each release!!!
debian/oracle-java7-installer.postinst: PARTNER_URL=$FILENAME # Must be modified for each release!!!
debian/oracle-java7-installer.postinst: PARTNER_URL=$FILENAME # Must be modified for each release!!!
unfortunately I can't figure out how to lodge a defect with them (yet) but presumably this would be a quick fix
I'll start by saying that I'm not a Java developer and also I'm not a Docker expert.
In order to minimize the gap between frontend and backend (in this specific case, Java) developers I started to put some docker images in place with java and maven and after the build I start a docker container with a volume pointing to the java project (and frontend developers don't have to worry about dependencies or how to run backend services).
Already here I have a question.
I've seen other people building an image with the actual code inside instead of attaching it later, so what's the best case (if there's one)?
I've done this way since I can reuse that image for "every" project and avoid building different images.
For starting/stopping/restarting docker containers I created a script that does all of that, so I can make some changes to the code, bring it down and up again.
It kinda works, and what I mean is, I'm well aware this is not a normal workflow of a Java developer to do that kind of stuff from a console.
So now, to the most important question, how do you integrate docker with a Java IDE?
I know that you can create custom build/run commands but I also read that things like logs are not displayed on the IDE's.
Can someone explain me how are you using Docker + Java IDE's?
Note: Maven is also used for compiling java code, like mvn clean install (if this helps)
I do not use Docker with a Java IDE. I use the IDE (Eclipse) to write and test the code, with Maven to manage the build. Then I have a Dockerfile like this:
FROM java:8
RUN apt-get update || apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y maven
# Maven installs Java 7, which set itself as the default...
RUN update-alternatives --remove java /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
CMD java -jar target/main.jar
# Pull down dependencies here to allow Docker to cache more
ADD pom.xml /opt/app/pom.xml
WORKDIR /opt/app
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -X
# I use the maven-shade-plugin to build a single jar
ADD src /opt/app/src
RUN mvn package
If you build all your images on one machine, then Docker will cache intelligently and you don't need to do anything more. If you want to run across more machines, or you just want to make it explicit, you could do something like this:
FROM java:8
RUN apt-get update || apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y maven
RUN update-alternatives --remove java /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
CMD java -jar target/main.jar
$ docker build -t yourorg/java-base:8 ./base/
FROM yourorg/java-base:8
ADD pom.xml /opt/app/pom.xml
WORKDIR /opt/app
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -X
ADD src /opt/app/src
RUN mvn package
You don't get as big an effect from Docker with Java, because JARs are already pretty portable and well-contained. I suppose it makes it easy to run different Java versions side-by-side. I use it because it allows me to run applications in different languages without needing to know what's inside the container. I have some in Java, some in Python, some in JavaScript, some in Erlang, but they all get started as docker run -d <flags> myorg/myimage:someversion.