I'm trying to build an application based on GCP Firestore and therefore I am using the google-cloud-firestore library. I want to stream my query results via streaming API of Query but getting an StatusRuntimeException after ~60s. Seems like the operation timed out. Where can I increase this timeout?
What I finally want to do is building a stream with Flux, which streams a huge amount of data out of Firestore based on a query.
I just tried to find a possibility to increase the timeout via FirestoreOptions but didn't find a working solution for that. What I can see is, that somewhere during initialization of the stream an rpcTimeout of 60s has been set. But I'm not quite sure that this is the right one. Also I didn't find the location to set it.
Method I'm using:
Query.stream(#Nonnull final ApiStreamObserver<DocumentSnapshot> responseObserver)
Exception after ~60s:
com.google.api.gax.rpc.UnavailableException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.
at com.google.api.gax.rpc.ApiExceptionFactory.createException(ApiExceptionFactory.java:69)
at com.google.api.gax.grpc.GrpcApiExceptionFactory.create(GrpcApiExceptionFactory.java:72)
at com.google.api.gax.grpc.GrpcApiExceptionFactory.create(GrpcApiExceptionFactory.java:60)
Just found out, that it is possible in general to overwrite default settings for timeouts but not for streaming methods. As the respective method in FirestoreSettings states:
* Applies the given settings updater function to all of the unary API methods in this service.
* <p>Note: This method does not support applying settings to streaming methods.
That is really annoying, as I didn't have intentions to create a stream based on paging via cursors.
The only way I found to control the timeout was like this:
public List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> getAllDocs() {
try {
ApiFuture<QuerySnapshot> querySnapshot = db().collection("MyDocs").get();
return querySnapshot.get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).getDocuments();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
return null;
I have a spring boot web application with the functionality to update an entity called StudioLinking. This entity describes a temporary, mutable, descriptive logical link between two IoT devices for which my web app is their cloud service. The Links between these devices are ephemeral in nature, but the StudioLinking Entity persists on the database for reporting purposes. StudioLinking is stored to the SQL based datastore in the conventional way using Spring Data/ Hibernate. From time to time this StudioLinking entity will be updated with new information from a Rest API. When that link is updated the devices need to respond (change colors, volume, etc). Right now this is handled with polling every 5 seconds but this creates lag from when a human user enters an update into the system and when the IoT devices actually update. It could be as little as a millisecond or up to 5 seconds! Clearly increasing the frequency of the polling is unsustainable and the vast majority of the time there are no updates at all!
So, I am trying to develop another Rest API on this same application with HTTP Long Polling which will return when a given StudioLinking entity is updated or after a timeout. The listeners do not support WebSocket or similar leaving me with Long Polling. Long polling can leave a race condition where you have to account for the possibility that with consecutive messages one message may be "lost" as it comes in between HTTP requests (while the connection is closing and opening, a new "update" might come in and not be "noticed" if I used a Pub/Sub).
It is important to note that this "subscribe to updates" API should only ever return the LATEST and CURRENT version of the StudioLinking, but should only do so when there is an actual update or if an update happened since the last checkin. The "subscribe to updates" client will initially POST an API request to setup a new listening session and pass that along so the server knows who they are. Because it is possible that multiple devices will need to monitor updates to the same StudioLinking entity. I believe I can acomplish this by using separately named consumers in the redis XREAD. (keep this in mind for later in the question)
After hours of research I believe the way to acomplish this is using redis streams.
I have found these two links regarding Redis Streams in Spring Data Redis:
I also have read this link about long polling, both of these links just have a sleep timer during the long polling which is for demonstration purposes but obviously I want to do something useful.
And both these links were very helpful. Right now I have no problem figuring out how to publish the updates to the Redis Stream - (this is untested "pseudo-code" but I don't anticipate having any issues implementing this)
// In my StudioLinking Entity
public void postToRedis() {
StudioLinking link = this;
ObjectRecord<String, StudioLinking> record = StreamRecords.newRecord()
.withStreamKey(streamKey); //I am creating a stream for each individual linking probably?
But I fall flat when it comes to subscribing to said stream: So basically what I want to do here - please excuse the butchered pseudocode, it is for idea purposes only. I am well aware that the code is in no way indicative of how the language and framework actually behaves :)
// Parameter studioLinkingID refers to the StudioLinking that the requester wants to monitor
// updateList is a unique token to track individual consumers in Redis
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<?>> subscribeToUpdates(#PathVariable("linkId") Integer linkId, #PathVariable("updatesId") Integer updatesId) {
LOG.info("Received async-deferredresult request");
DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<?>> output = new DeferredResult<>(5000l);
deferredResult.onTimeout(() ->
.body("IT WAS NOT UPDATED!")));
ForkJoinPool.commonPool().submit(() -> {
// Made up stuff... here is where I want to subscribe to a stream and block!
LOG.info("Processing in separate thread");
try {
// Subscribe to Redis Stream, get any updates that happened between long-polls
// then block until/if a new message comes over the stream
var subscription = listenerContainer.receiveAutoAck(
Consumer.from(studioLinkingID, updateList),
StreamOffset.create(studioLinkingID, ReadOffset.lastConsumed()),
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
output.setResult("IT WAS UPDATED!");
LOG.info("servlet thread freed");
return output;
So is there a good explanation to how I would go about this? I think the answer lies within https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/redis/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/redis/core/ReactiveRedisTemplate.html but I am not a big enough Spring power user to really understand the terminology within Java Docs (the Spring documentation is really good, but the JavaDocs is written in the dense technical language which I appreciate but don't quite understand yet).
There are two more hurdles to my implementation:
My exact understanding of spring is not at 100% yet. I haven't yet reached that a-ha moment where I really fully understand why all these beans are floating around. I think this is the key to why I am not getting things here... The configuration for the Redis is floating around in the Spring ether and I am not grasping how to just call it. I really need to keep investigating this (it is a huge hurdle to spring for me).
These StudioLinking are short lived, so I need to do some cleanup too. I will implement this later once I get the whole thing up off the ground, I do know it will be needed.
Why don't you use a blocking polling mechanism? No need to use fancy stuff of spring-data-redis. Just use simple blocking read of 5 seconds, so this call might take around 6 seconds or so. You can decrease or increase the blocking timeout.
class LinkStatus {
private final boolean updated;
LinkStatus(boolean updated) {
this.updated = updated;
// Parameter studioLinkingID refers to the StudioLinking that the requester wants to monitor
// updateList is a unique token to track individual consumers in Redis
public LinkStatus subscribeToUpdates(
#PathVariable("linkId") Integer linkId, #PathVariable("updatesId") Integer updatesId) {
StreamOperations<String, String, String> op = redisTemplate.opsForStream();
Consumer consumer = Consumer.from("test-group", "test-consumer");
// auto ack block stream read with size 1 with timeout of 5 seconds
StreamReadOptions readOptions = StreamReadOptions.empty().block(Duration.ofSeconds(5)).count(1);
List<MapRecord<String, String, String>> records =
op.read(consumer, readOptions, StreamOffset.latest("test-stream"));
return new LinkStatus(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(records));
I have my Cassandra sink configured as shown below:
ClusterBuilder secureCassandraSinkClusterBuilder = new ClusterBuilder() {
protected Cluster buildCluster(Cluster.Builder builder) {
return builder.addContactPoints(props.getCassandraClusterUrlAll().split(","))
.withAuthProvider(new DseGSSAPIAuthProvider("HTTP"))
Now when the connection to Cassandra is not configured properly, I get a NoHostAvailableException or when the connection unexpectedly drops, I get a ConnectionTimeOutException, or sometimes a WriteTimeoutException. This ultimately triggers a JobExecutionException and the whole Flink job terminates.
Where do I catch these Cassandra exceptions? Where are these thrown? I tried putting a try-catch block around the CassandraSink but that doesn't do it. I want to catch these exceptions and retry connecting to Cassandra in case of a connection time-out or retry writing to Cassandra in case of a write time-out.
AFAIK, you cannot try to catch these exceptions using CassandraSink.
One way to catch the exceptions like TimeoutException is to implement your own sink for Cassandra, but it may take a lot of time...
Another way is if you run your streaming job, you could set the task retry to more than 1 through StreamingExecutionEnvironment.setRestartStrategy, and enable the checkpoint so that the streaming job could continue working based on the last checkpoint. CassandraSink supports WAL, so the EXACTLY_ONCE can be achieved with checkpoint enabled.
I am trying to set the write timeout in Cassandra with the Java drive. SocketOptions allows me to set a read and connect timeout but not a write timeout.
Does anyone knows the way to do this without changing the cassandra.yaml?
The name is misleading, but SocketOptions.getReadTimeoutMillis() applies to all requests from the driver to cassandra. You can think of it as a client-level timeout. If a response hasn't been returned by a cassandra node in that period of time an OperationTimeoutException will be raised and another node will be tried. Refer to the javadoc link above for more nuanced information about when the exception is raised to the client. Generally, you will want this timeout to be greater than your timeouts in cassandra.yaml, which is why 12 seconds is the default.
If you want to effectively manage timeouts at the client level, you can control this on a per query basis by using executeAsync along with a timed get on the ResultSetFuture to give up on the request after a period of time, i.e.:
ResultSet result = session.executeAsync("your query").get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
This will throw a TimeoutException if the request hasn't been completed in 300 ms.
We are developping an application that uses the Google Cloud Datastore, important detail: it's not an gae application!
Everything works fine for normal usage. We designed a test that fetches over 30000 records but when we tried to run the test we got the following error:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
We found that a Timeout Exception occurs after 30 seconds, so this explains the error.
I have two questions:
Is there a way to increase this timeout?
Is it possible to use pagination to query the datastore? We found when you have an aep application you can use the cursor, but our application isn't.
You can use cursors in the exact same way as a GAE app using Datastore. Take a look at this page for info.
In particular, the ResultQueryBatch object has an .getEndCursor() method which you can then use when you reissue a Query with setStartCursor(...). Here's a code snippet from the page above:
Query q = ...
if (response.getBatch().getMoreResults() == QueryResultBatch.MoreResultsType.NOT_FINISHED) {
ByteString endCursor = response.getBatch().getEndCursor();
// reissue the query to get more results...
You should definitely use cursors to ensure that you get all your results. The rpc has additional constraints to time like total rpc size, so you shouldn't depend on a single rpc answering your entire query.
I am trying to write a mechanism that will manage my save to DB operation.
I send the server a list of objects, it iterates them and saves each one.
Now, if they fail for some strange reason (exception) it saves them to another list that
has a timer that runs every 5 seconds, and tries to re-save them.
I then have a locking problem, which I can solve with another boolean.
My function that saves my lost object is:
private void saveLostDeals() {
synchronized (unsavedDeals) {
if (unsavedDeals.size() > 0) {
for (DealBean unsavedDeal : unsavedDeals) {
boolean successfullySaved = reportDeal(unsavedDeal,false);
if (successfullySaved) {
And my reportDeal() method that's being called for regular reports and for lost deals report:
try {
} catch (HibernateException e) {
...if (fallback)
synchronized (unsavedDeals) {
} finally {
Now, when a lost deal is saved - if an exception occurs - the synchronized block will stop it.
What do you have to say about this save fallback mechanism? Are there better design patterns to deal with this common issue?
I would suggest using either a proxy or aspects to handle the rollback/retry mechanism. The proxy could use something like the strategy pattern for advice on what action to take.
If you however don't want to retry immediately, but say in 5 seconds as you propose, I would consider building that into the contract of your database layer by providing asynchronous routines to begin with. Something like dao.scheduleStore(o); or dao.asyncStore(o);.
It depends
For example,
Request to save Entity ---> Exception occurs ---> DB Connection Problem----> In Exception Block Retry to save entity in fallback DB-----> Return the response to request
Request to save Entity ---> Exception occurs ---> DB Connection Problem----> In Exception Block Retry to save entity in in-memory Store of Application -----> Return the response to request
Request to save Entity ----> Exception occurs----> unknown Exception----> In Exception block save entity to XML File store[serialize in XML]---->Return the response mentioning temp saved will be updated later to request
Timer ----> checks the file store for any serialized XML ----> updates the DB
Points to watch out for
Async calls are better in such scenarios rather than making requesting client to wait.
In case of in-memory saving , watch out for amount of data saved in memory in case of prolonged DB failure. That might bring down the whole application
Transactions, whether you want to rollback of save its intermittent state.
consistency of data to be watched for