I have HashMap:
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Client>> clients;
And class:
public static class Client {
private String name; // it is also the key of the map
private String url;
From several threads, I call thread-safe method "removeElement" which has to remove one value from the list.
public CompletableFuture<Void> removeClient(Client client) {
return CompletableFuture.runAsync(() ->
clients.entrySet().removeIf(v ->
it -> client.url.equals(it.url))
But of course, it does not work. When I had got Method threw 'java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException' exception I resolved the issue like that:
public CompletableFuture<Void> removeClient(Client client) {
return CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
List<Client> currentClients = new ArrayList<>(clients.get(client.getName()));
if (currentClients.isEmpty()) {
} else {
clients.put(client.getName(), currentClients);
But it is not thread-safe. How can I achieve it here? Maybe there are more elegant ways to resolve it?
I think you could use ConcurrentHashMap::computeIfPresent in this case assuming that the same List instances are not put for the same keys :
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
clients.computeIfPresent(client.getName(), (name, clients1) -> {
List<Client> currentClients = new ArrayList<>(clients1);
return currentClients.isEmpty() ? null : currentClients;
Since computeIfPresent is performed atomically and we are using copy of the list inside remappingFunction - it should work.
As we can read in the docs :
If the value for the specified key is present, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped value. The entire method invocation is performed atomically. Some attempted update operations on this map by other threads may be blocked while computation is in progress, so the computation should be short and simple, and must not attempt to update any other mappings of this map.
I'm working on a Java development with threads and the truth is that I don't have much of an idea. It is being more complicated than I thought.
The thing is that I must group several objects in a ConcurrentMap, if the object is not in the ConcurrentMap must add it and otherwise modify it.
For the part of modifying the data I have no problems, but when I want to update I get a "Recursive update" error, I don't know what else I can do to modify/add my ConcurrentMap and make it threadSafe.
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Person> myData= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private void processMyData(){
myData.compute(String, (key, person) -> {
if (person== null) {
myData.putIfAbsent(key, new Person("Antonio", 0, false));
} else {
//Update data, this part its ok!
person.setConnectedHours(person.getConnectedHours() + 1000);
return person;
If the key doesn't exist, you just need to create a new person object and return it. ConcurrentMap#Compute will ensure that the entire invocation is atomic.
If you call putIfAbsent when key does not exist inside compute, it will cause an infinite loop. (The infinite loop happens in ConcurrentHashMap#putVal method).
myData.compute("A", (key, person) -> {
if (person== null) {
person = new Person();
} else {
//Update data, this part its ok!
return person;
See ConcurrentMap#compute JDK doc:
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping). For example, to either create or append a String msg to a value mapping:
map.compute(key, (k, v) -> (v == null) ? msg : v.concat(msg))
I found the solution last night but I forgot to answer this ticket.
I realized doing some very simple tests in a new project that I could make a put when I applied a simple lambda ex: (k,val) -> v == null ? " new text" : "modify"
then, I simply saw that I was not doing the return when I generated the new object so it was not instance.
A beginner mistake hehe but I hope it can be of help to someone who has the same error as me :)
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Person> myData= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private void processMyData(){
myData.compute(String, (key, person) -> {
if (person== null) {
return new Person("Antonio", 0, false);
} else {
//Update data, this part its ok!
person.setConnectedHours(person.getConnectedHours() + 1000);
return person;
I'm experimenting with RxJava. I need an Observable, which produces a HashSet<String>. Into Observable I want to be abele to put Pair<String, Boolean> in the way that false boolean value removes the String key from the resulting HashSet. Here's a code snippet of what I have:
private val selectionSubject = ReplaySubject.create<Pair<String, Boolean>>()
init {
selectionSubject.onNext(Pair("dd", false))
.collect({HashSet<String>()}, {dest, value -> collectSelection(dest, value)})
.subscribe { t1, t2 -> Log.d(TAG, t1.toString())}
private fun collectSelection(dest: HashSet<String>, value: Pair<String, Boolean>): HashSet<String> {
if (value.second) {
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "collectSelection, ${dest.toString()}")
return dest
In the logs I can see that collectSelection gets called but my subscribe listener doesn't.
How can it be fixed?
collect waits for onComplete event from the stream above before emitting a value. In your case, ReplaySubject never ends and thus no value is emitted.
Without knowing the context of selectionSubject I can't provide a solution to your problem, like, does it have to remain open? If there are limited onNext calls, you can use .take(X). If it has to remain open, you shouldn't depend on collect but add the item inside on HashSet in something like .doOnNext
I'm making an Android interface that shows some data fetched from the network. I want to have it show the latest available data, and to never be empty (unless no data has been fetched at all yet) so I'm using a BehaviorSubject to give subscribers (my UI) the latest available info, while refreshing it in the background to update it.
This works, but due to another requirement in my UI, I now have to know whether or not the published result was gotten fresh from the network or not. (In other words, I need to know if the published result was BehaviorSubject's saved item or not.)
How can I achieve this? If I need to split it up into multiple Observables, that's fine, as long as I'm able to get the caching behavior of BehaviorSubject (getting the last available result) while also being able to tell if the result returned was from the cache or not. A hacky way I can think of to do it would be to check if the timestamp of the response was relatively soon, but that'd be really sloppy and I'd rather figure out a way to do it with RxJava.
As you mentioned in the question, this can be accomplished with multiple Observables. In essence, you have two Observables: "the fresh response can be observed", and "the cached response can be observed". If something can be "observed", you can express it as an Observable. Let's name the first one original and the second replayed.
See this JSBin (JavaScript but the concepts can be directly translated to Java. There isn't a JavaBin as far as I know, for these purposes).
var original = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(function (x) { return {value: x, from: 'original'}; })
var replayed = original
.map(function (x) { return {value: x.value, from: 'replayed'}; })
.replay(null, 1).refCount();
var merged = Rx.Observable.merge(original, replayed)
.replay(null, 1).refCount()
.distinctUntilChanged(function (obj) { return obj.value; });
console.log('subscribe 1st');
merged.subscribe(function (x) {
console.log('subscriber1: value ' + x.value + ', from: ' + x.from);
setTimeout(function () {
console.log(' subscribe 2nd');
merged.subscribe(function (x) {
console.log(' subscriber2: value ' + x.value + ', from: ' + x.from);
}, 2500);
The overall idea here is: annotate the event with a field from indicating its origin. If it's original, it's a fresh response. If it's replayed, it's a cached response. Observable original will only emit from: 'original' and Observable replayed will only emit from: 'replayed'. In Java we would require a bit more boilerplate because you need to make a class to represent these annotated events. Otherwise the same operators in RxJS can be found in RxJava.
The original Observable is publish().refCount() because we want only one instance of this stream, to be shared with all observers. In fact in RxJS and Rx.NET, share() is an alias for publish().refCount().
The replayed Observable is replay(1).refCount() because it is also shared just like the original one is, but replay(1) gives us the caching behavior.
merged Observable contains both original and replayed, and this is what you should expose to all subscribers. Since replayed will immediately emit whenever original does, we use distinctUntilChanged on the event's value to ignore immediate consecutives. The reason we replay(1).refCount() also the merged is because we want the merge of original and replay also to be one single shared instance of a stream shared among all observers. We would have used publish().refCount() for this purpose, but we cannot lose the replay effect that replayed contains, hence it's replay(1).refCount(), not publish().refCount().
Doesn't Distinct cover your case? BehaviorSubject only repeats the latest element after subscription.
I believe what you want is something like this:
private final BehaviorSubject<T> fetched = BehaviorSubject.create();
private final Observable<FirstTime<T>> _fetched = fetched.lift(new Observable.Operator<FirstTime<T>, T>() {
private AtomicReference<T> last = new AtomicReference<>();
public Subscriber<? super T> call(Subscriber<? super FirstTime<T>> child) {
return new Subscriber<T>(child) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(T t) {
if (!Objects.equals(t, last.getAndSet(t))) {
} else {
public Observable<FirstTime<T>> getObservable() {
return _fetched;
public static class FirstTime<T> {
final boolean isItTheFirstTime;
final T value;
public FirstTime(boolean isItTheFirstTime, T value) {
this.isItTheFirstTime = isItTheFirstTime;
this.value = value;
public boolean isItTheFirstTime() {
return isItTheFirstTime;
public T getValue() {
return value;
public static <T> FirstTime<T> yes(T value) {
return new FirstTime<>(true, value);
public static <T> FirstTime<T> no(T value) {
return new FirstTime<>(false, value);
The wrapper class FirstTime has a boolean which can be used to see if any subscriber to the Observable has seen it before.
Hope that helps.
Store the information of BehaviorSubject objects in a data structure with a good lookup such as a Dictionnary. Each value would be a key and the value would be the number of iteration.
There so, when you look at a particulary key, if your dictionnary contains it already and its value is already at one, then you know that a value is a repeated value.
I'm not really sure what you want to achieve. Probably you'd just like to have a smart source for the "latest" data and a second source which tells you when the data was refreshed?
BehaviorSubject<Integer> dataSubject = BehaviorSubject.create(42); // initial value, "never empty"
Observable<String> refreshedIndicator = dataSubject.map(data -> "Refreshed!");
Observable<Integer> latestActualData = dataSubject.distinctUntilChanged();
latestActualData.subscribe( data -> System.out.println( "Got new data: " + data));
// simulation of background activity:
Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.subscribe(aLong -> dataSubject.onNext(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(2)));
Got new data: 42
Got new data: 0
Got new data: 1
Got new data: 0
Got new data: 1
This is my loading cache definition:
private class ProductValue {
private long regionAValue;
private long regionBValue;
// constructor and general stuff here
private final LoadingCache<ProductId, ProductValue> productCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(4, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.build(new CacheLoader<ProductId, ProductValue>() {
public ProductValue load(final ProductId productId) throws Exception {
return updateProductValues(productId);
private ProductValue updateProductValues(final ProductId productId) {
// Read from disk and return
Now, I've a use case where I'm required to set the value of regionA or regionB in the cache until the next update happens. I'm utterly confused about the concurrency implications of the logic I've:
public void setProductValue(final ProductId productId, final boolean isTypeA, final long newValue) throws ExecutionException {
ProductValue existingValues = productCache.get(productId); // 1
if (isTypeA) {
existingValues.regionAValue = newValue;
} else {
existingValues.regionBValue = newValue;
productCache.put(productId, existingValues); // 2
In 1 I just read the reference of information stored in cache for given key, this get is thread safe because loading cache acts like a concurrent map. But between 1 and 2 this reference can be overwritten by some other thread. Since I've overwritten 'value' using reference which already existed in the cache, do I need to put the key-value pair in the cache? Do I need line 2?
(Disclaimer: I am not a Guava Cache expert)
I think you have two concurrency issues in your code:
You have two operations that mutate the object in existingValues, that is existingValues.regionAValue = ... and existingValues.setRegionValue(...). Other threads can see the state when only one operation is applied. I think that is not wanted. (correct?)
Between the get() and the put() the value may be loaded again in the cache and put() overwrites a new value.
Regarding 1:
If you have a more reads to the object then writes, a good option is to use an immutable object. You don't touch the instance but do a copy of the original object, mutate, and put the new object into the cache. This way only the final state becomes visible.
Regarding 2:
Atomic CAS operations can help you here (e.g. JSR107 compatible caches). The useful method would be boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue);
In Google Guava the CAS methods are accessible via the ConcurrentMap interface, that you can retrieve via asMap().
I'm learning RxJava and, as my first experiment, trying to rewrite the code in the first run() method in this code (cited on Netflix's blog as a problem RxJava can help solve) to improve its asynchronicity using RxJava, i.e. so it doesn't wait for the result of the first Future (f1.get()) before proceeding on to the rest of the code.
f3 depends on f1. I see how to handle this, flatMap seems to do the trick:
Observable<String> f3Observable = Observable.from(executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceA()))
.flatMap(new Func1<String, Observable<String>>() {
public Observable<String> call(String s) {
return Observable.from(executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceC(s)));
Next, f4 and f5 depend on f2. I have this:
final Observable<Integer> f4And5Observable = Observable.from(executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceB()))
.flatMap(new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() {
public Observable<Integer> call(Integer i) {
Observable<Integer> f4Observable = Observable.from(executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceD(i)));
Observable<Integer> f5Observable = Observable.from(executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceE(i)));
return Observable.merge(f4Observable, f5Observable);
Which starts to get weird (mergeing them probably isn't what I want...) but allows me to do this at the end, not quite what I want:
f3Observable.subscribe(new Action1<String>() {
public void call(String s) {
System.out.println("Observed from f3: " + s);
f4And5Observable.subscribe(new Action1<Integer>() {
public void call(Integer i) {
System.out.println("Observed from f4 and f5: " + i);
That gives me:
Observed from f3: responseB_responseA
Observed from f4 and f5: 140
Observed from f4 and f5: 5100
which is all the numbers, but unfortunately I get the results in separate invocations, so I can't quite replace the final println in the original code:
System.out.println(f3.get() + " => " + (f4.get() * f5.get()));
I don't understand how to get access to both those return values on the same line. I think there's probably some functional programming fu I'm missing here. How can I do this? Thanks.
It looks like all you really need is a bit more encouragement and perspective on how RX is used. I'd suggest you read more into the documentation as well as marble diagrams (I know they're not always useful). I also suggest looking into the lift() function and operators.
The entire point of an observable is to concatenate data flow and data manipulation into a single object
The point of calls to map, flatMap and filter are to manipulate the data in your data flow
The point of merges are to combine data flows
The point of operators are to allow you to disrupt a steady stream of observables and define your own operations on a data flow. For example, I coded a moving average operator. That sums up n doubles in an Observable of doubles to return a stream of moving averages. The code literally looked like this
Observable movingAverage = Observable.from(mDoublesArray).lift(new MovingAverageOperator(frameSize))
You'll be a relieved that a lot of the filtering methods that you take for granted all have lift() under the hood.
With that said; all it takes to merge multiple dependencies is:
changing all incoming data to a standard data type using map or flatMap
merging standard data-types to a stream
using custom operators if one object needs to wait on another, or if you need to order data in the stream. Caution: this approach will slow the stream down
using to list or subscribe to collect all of that data
Edit: someone converted the following text, which I had added as an edit on the question, into an answer, which I appreciate, and understand may be the proper SO thing to do, however I do not consider this an answer because it's clearly not the right way to do it. I would not ever use this code nor would I advise anyone to copy it. Other/better solutions and comments welcome!
I was able to solve this with the following. I didn't realize you could flatMap an observable more than once, I assumed results could only be consumed once. So I just flatMap f2Observable twice (sorry, I renamed some stuff in the code since my original post), then zip on all the Observables, then subscribe to that. That Map in the zip to aggregate the values is undesirable because of the type juggling. Other/better solutions and comments welcome! The full code is viewable in a gist. Thank you.
Future<Integer> f2 = executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceB());
Observable<Integer> f2Observable = Observable.from(f2);
Observable<Integer> f4Observable = f2Observable
.flatMap(new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() {
public Observable<Integer> call(Integer integer) {
System.out.println("Observed from f2: " + integer);
Future<Integer> f4 = executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceD(integer));
return Observable.from(f4);
Observable<Integer> f5Observable = f2Observable
.flatMap(new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() {
public Observable<Integer> call(Integer integer) {
System.out.println("Observed from f2: " + integer);
Future<Integer> f5 = executor.submit(new CallToRemoteServiceE(integer));
return Observable.from(f5);
Observable.zip(f3Observable, f4Observable, f5Observable, new Func3<String, Integer, Integer, Map<String, String>>() {
public Map<String, String> call(String s, Integer integer, Integer integer2) {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("f3", s);
map.put("f4", String.valueOf(integer));
map.put("f5", String.valueOf(integer2));
return map;
}).subscribe(new Action1<Map<String, String>>() {
public void call(Map<String, String> map) {
System.out.println(map.get("f3") + " => " + (Integer.valueOf(map.get("f4")) * Integer.valueOf(map.get("f5"))));
And this yields me the desired output:
responseB_responseA => 714000
I think what you are looking for is switchmap. We ran into a similar issue where we have a session service that handles getting a new session from an api, and we need that session before we can get more data. We can add to the session observable that returns the sessionToken for use in our data call.
getSession returns an observable;
public getSession(): Observable<any>{
if (this.sessionToken)
return Observable.of(this.sessionToken);
else if(this.sessionObservable)
return this.sessionObservable;
else {
// simulate http call
this.sessionObservable = Observable.of(this.sessonTokenResponse)
.map(res => {
this.sessionObservable = null;
return res.headers["X-Session-Token"];
return this.sessionObservable;
and getData takes that observable and appends to it.
public getData() {
if (this.dataObservable)
return this.dataObservable;
else {
this.dataObservable = this.sessionService.getSession()
.switchMap((sessionToken:string, index:number) =>{
//simulate data http call that needed sessionToken
return Observable.of(this.dataResponse)
.map(res => {
this.dataObservable = null;
return res.body;
.map ( data => {
return data;
.catch(err => {
console.log("err in data service", err);
// return err;
return this.dataObservable;
You will still need a flatmap to combine the not dependent observables.
Plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/hiA1jP?p=info
Where I got the idea to use switch map: http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/01/06/taking-advantage-of-observables-in-angular2.html