Java JPA Mapping Problem with nested Collections - java

I have the following problem: I have three connected classes. I have annotated them but I am getting wrong results (described below):
#Table(name = "ClassA")
public class ClassA{
private Long id = 0L;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER,cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
#Column(name = "ClassBList")
private List<ClassB> listB;
public class ClassB {
private Long id = 0L;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#Column(name = "ClassCList")
private List<ClassC> listC;
public class ClassC {
private Long id = 0L;
private List<String> listD;
When I work with this structure for the first ClassA I create,save and load everything is ok. For a new instance of ClassA which I save to repo and load again, I suddenly have the strings of the first ClassA in listD.
The result I need is that every class is "independently" saved. So the collections of each class should hold unique (each one with its own id and sublists) objects.
What would be the best way (annotations) to model this classes in Java 8 with Spring Boot 2.2.0.M5 and javax.persistence-api 2.2 ?
I have now removed class B and rewrote classA to:
#Table(name = "ClassA")
public class ClassA{
private Long id = 0L;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#MapKey(name = "type")
private Map<String,Set<ClassC>> classCmap;
This is giving me an error like:
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Use of #OneToMany or #ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class
How can I model/solve/annotate this?

If you don't need to query data based on listD, I would suggest to keep the list as text in the database and use a converter:
public class ListDConverter implements AttributeConverter<List<String>, String> {
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(List<String> listD) {
try {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(listD);
} catch(IOException e){
return null;
public List<String> convertToEntityAttribute(String stringListD) {
if(stringListD == null){
return Collections.emptyList();
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(stringListD, new TypeReference<List<String>>() {});
}catch(IOException e){
return Collections.emptyList();
and in your ClassC entity class :
#Convert(converter = ListDConverter.class)
private List<String> listD;
Why do I like this approach :
No extra table and joins => better performance
Easier to read listD in the database

#ElementCollection describes a table. So your code is probably creating a "listD" table with one column of type string, with no primary key.
Also, do you really want to use the SELECT fetch mode? That's going to generate 1 + b + b*c queries when you could just implement your data as sets (since you have unique identifiers) and use JOIN, which would result in one and only one query.
See this site for an explanation on how to use #ElementCollection.


Scan all fields in dtos and find missing and extra fields by their Entities

I want to create a unit test that will use reflection to find all missing fields in dto that implement BaseDto by their persistence entities. This is what I did.
public class EntityAuditDtoTest {
public void find_MissingAndExtraFieldsThatUsedInAuditDtosByEntity_ReturnMissingAndExtraFields() throws ClassNotFoundException {
// Arrange
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(AuditEntityType.class));
// Find all classes annotated with #AuditEntityType in the package com.example.dto
Set<BeanDefinition> auditDtoBeans = scanner.findCandidateComponents("com.example.dto");
// Act
for (BeanDefinition auditDtoBean : auditDtoBeans) {
Class<?> auditDtoClass = Class.forName(auditDtoBean.getBeanClassName());
// Make sure the DTO class implements BaseAuditDto
if (!BaseAuditDto.class.isAssignableFrom(auditDtoClass)) {
Class<?> entityClass = getEntityClassForDto(auditDtoClass);
Field[] dtoFields = auditDtoClass.getDeclaredFields();
Field[] entityFields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields();
List<String> missingFields =
.filter(field -> -> f.getName().equals(field))).toList();
if (!missingFields.isEmpty()) {
log.error("Missing fields in DTO class: {} \nfor entity class: {} : {}", auditDtoClass.getName(),
entityClass.getName(), missingFields);
List<String> extraFields =
.filter(field -> -> f.getName().equals(field))).toList();
if (!extraFields.isEmpty()) {
log.error("Extra fields in DTO class: {} \nfor entity class: {} : {}", auditDtoClass.getName(),
entityClass.getName(), extraFields);
But the problem is that the dto may have a field that is in the entity class, but the test will think that this is a missing field.
For example:
Dto class: ContractAudit has customerId field (customerId). And ContractEntity has public CustomerEntity customer.
This is the same fields. But of course for test they are different. I don't understand how to ignore them. I also don't want to hardcode filter that skip all endings with 'id' prefix.
public class ContractAudit implements BaseAuditDto {
private Long id;
private String ref;
private String status;
private Long customerId;
#Table(name = "contract")
public class ContractEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "ref", updatable = true)
private String ref;
#Column(name = "status")
#Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
private ContractStatusEnum status;
#JoinColumn(name = "customer_id")
public CustomerEntity customer;
#Column(name = "deleted")
private boolean deleted;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "contract_id")
private List<ContractDocumentEntity> documents;
Missing fields in DTO class: ContractAudit for entity class: ContractEntity : [customer, deleted, documents]
Extra fields in DTO class: ContractAudit for entity class: ContractEntity : [customerId]
I want to have missing fields: [deleted, documents]
If you have any other ideas on how to do this, I'd love to hear it. I am not asking for implementation. Suggestions only)
Lol. I found solution for my case.
My previous approach was incorrect. Because it's impossible to find 'missing' and 'extra' fields by name correctly for every case. I decided to use:
So this code is checking if the entityClass and the DtoClass have the same number of fields (properties) declared. If not it fail test and print all fields from each classes. If anyone has better ideas I'll be happy to hear.

Spring Boot save nested Entity with JSON RequestBody

I'm trying to create a Rest API for a school project.Therefor I'm trying to save/edit a nested Object.
I have two bidirectional entities which look like this:
public class EntityA {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private int id;
#Column(name = "field1", nullable = false, length = -1)
private String field1;
#Column(name = "field2", nullable = false, length = -1)
private String field2;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "entityA", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<EntityB> entityB;
public EntityA() {
public class EntityB {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private int id;
#Column(name = "field1", nullable = false)
private Date field1;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private EntityA entityA;
public EntityB() {
As RequestBody I will get JSON which should look like this.
"field1": "Test",
"field2": "User",
"entityB": [
"field1": "30.03.2022"
Right now Spring will automatically map the fields but as soon I try to save it to my DB I will get an error, because the relation in EntityB for EntityA is empty.
I've seen a solution, that I should loop through the EntityB list and add EntityA. I tried it with a for-each but it still sais it null.
What am I doing wrong?
public EntityA createEntityA(EntityA entityA) {
for(EntityB entityB : entityA.getEntityB()){
#PostMapping(value = {"/json/entitya/"})
public EntityA createEntityAJson(#RequestBody EntityA entityA) {
return entityAService.createEntityA(entityA);
public class EntityAService {
private EntityARepository entityARepository;
public EntityA createEntityA(EntityA entityA) {
return; //in this line the error appears
Error message
null value in column "entityA" violates not-null constraint
public class EntityAService {
private EntityARepository entityARepository;
private EntityBRepository entityBRepository;
public EntityA createEntityA(EntityA entityA) {
// create an empty arrayList to stock the entities B retrieveed from the DB
List<EnityB> lst = new ArrayList<>();
// get the entities B from the JSON and sabe it to the DB
for(EntityB entityB : entityA.getEntityB()){
entityB.setEntityA(entityA);; // you should save entities B to the DataBase before
Optional<EntityB > opt = entityBRepository.findById(entityB.getId());
EntityB b = opt.get();
// add the entities B retrieved from the DB to the arrayList
// set the EntityB list with the new List from the DB ( include ids ..)
// save the entityA to the DB
I'm guessing that what is happening here is that the id fields which are of a non-nullable datatype or some other hidden field from the JPA annotations get set to the wrong value by the json deserialization for JPA to understand that they are new entities. Creating these entities manually in the Java code might solve the issue.
You shouldn't reuse your entity classes as data transfer object for your API. Having classes containing both database-specific annotations and annotations for JSON serialization is a bad idea and it goes against the single-responsibility principle (SRP).
Create separate DTO classes for your API endpoint, then read the entities from the database an copy the values from the DTO object to the entities before saving.
// Receive DTO
// Read entity from DB if update or create new entities if insert
// Copy values from DTO to entitiy
// Save entity
I think your problems will go away if you apply this pattern.

Nested entities contains null after save

I have an entity with some nested entities like this
public class MyEntity {
private Entity2 fkEntity2;
private Entity3 fkEntity3;
with entity2 and entity3 like this:
public class Entity2/3{
private Long id;
#Column(name = "code")
private String code;
#Column(name = "desc")
private String desc;
//getter and setter etc
Both Entity2 and Entity3 have values stored in the database so when I'm doing an insert on MyEntity, I'm doing this:
public MyService {
//idFromController and otherIdFromController refers to existent records in the database
public MyDto save(Long idFromController, Long otherIdFromController){
Entity2 entity2 = new Entity2();
Entity3 entity3 = new Entity3();
MyEntity newMyEntity = new MyEntity();
MyEntity result = myEntityRepository.saveAndFlush(newMyEntity);
return getDto(result);
it works fine, the data are stored correctly in the DB with the correct foreign keys BUT...
After insert I want to build a DTO which contains id, code and desc from the nested entities so something like this:
private MyDto getDto(MyEntity result){
MyDto dto = new MyDto();
Here is the problem, I only got the id fields and null on code and description.
When I call getDto() in a search it works and every field has the correct values, so it is something related to the insert transaction? how could I solve this?
When you create the DTO, the (existing) entities are not attached to the persistence context, so the corresponding data has not been loaded from the DB and cannot be copied to the DTO.
One option would be to load the entities e.g. via 'myRepository.findById...' and associate the returned (managed) entities.
you missed some part of the many-to-one relation. first in MyEntity class it was better to define a fetch type. in Entity2 and Entity3 you need to define #OneToMany as the other side of the relation with declaration of fetch type and cascade = CascadeType.ALL which simply tells to hibernate what it can do with relative entity when you are doing save, delete ,update. I reformat your code as following
public class Entity2/3{
private Long id;
#Column(name = "code")
private String code;
#Column(name = "desc")
private String desc;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy ="fkEntity2",fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Entity2> entityTwoList;
// for Entity3
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy ="fkEntity3",fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Entity3> entityThreeList;
public class MyEntity {
private Entity2 fkEntity2;
private Entity3 fkEntity3;

How to use graphql with jpa if schema is different to database structure

There is a given database structure and graphql schema.
Fortunately they have a lot in common but unfortunately there are some difference.
Let's say there are entities in java to match the following database structure.
#Table(name = "ANIMAL")
public class Animal
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#Column(name="nrOfLegs", nullable=false)
private long nrOfLegs;
#Table(name = "SHEEP")
public class SheepE
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#Column(name="lastTimeSheared", nullable=false)
private Datetime lastTimeSheared;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = AnimalE.class, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "animalId", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Animal animal;
#Table(name = "COW")
public class CowE
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#Column(name="milkInL", nullable=false)
private int milkInL;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = AnimalE.class, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "animalId", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Animal animal;
The existing GraphQl schema is considered to be like this:
type Sheep{
id: int!
lastTimeSheard: String!
nrOfLegs: int!
type Cow {
id: int!
milkInL: int!
nrOfLegs: int
The project uses graphql-java in version 11.0 (guess we should update soon)
The graphql works fine and isimplemented like this:
public class GraphQLProvider {
GraphQLDataFetchers graphQLDataFetchers;
private GraphQL graphQL;
public void init() {this.graphQL = /*init;*/null;}
private RuntimeWiring buildWiring() {
RuntimeWiring.Builder b = RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()
.dataFetcher("freightCarrier", graphQLDataFetchers.getCow()))
.dataFetcher("personCarrier", graphQLDataFetchers.getSheep())));
public class GraphQLDataFetchers {
private CowRepository cowRepo;
private sheepRepository sheepRepo;
public DataFetcher getCow() {
DataFetcher dataFetcher = (DataFetchingEnvironment dfe) -> {
int id = dfe.getArgument("id");
return getGraphQlCowFromCowEntity(cowRepo.getById(id));//dirty!
return dataFetcher;
public DataFetcher getCow() {
DataFetcher dataFetcher = (DataFetchingEnvironment dfe) -> {
int id = dfe.getArgument("id");
return getGraphQlSheepFromSheepEntity(cowRepo.getById(id));//dirty!
return dataFetcher;
private Cow getGraphQlCowFromCowEntity(CowE ce){//dirty!
return new Cow(ce.getId(), ce.getMilkInL(),ce.getLegs());
private Sheep getGraphQlSheepFromSheepEntity(SheepE se){//dirty!
return new Sheep(se.getId(), se.getLastTime(),se.getLegs());
public class Sheep
private long id;
private Datetime lastTimeSheared;
private int nrOfLegs;
public Sheep(long id, DateTime lasttimeSheared, int nrOfLegs){
//u know what happens here
public class Cow
private long id;
private int milkInL;
private int nrOfLegs;
public Sheep(long id, int milkInL, int nrOfLegs){
//u know what happens here
So how to get rid of getGraphQlCowFromCowEntity and getGraphQlSheepFromSheepEntity. It double ups the code and also is in direct conflict to what graphql is suppose to be abstraction of the data. With this design here each time all fields are loaded through jpa and not only requested fields.
Imagine this is a way more complex environment with more fields.
The graphql schema can't be changed as it's not my responsibility, changing the entire back-end to match schema is also not what I want to archive.
Kind regards
You should use DTO. Retrieving and sending entity object is bad practice as you do not want your grahql api to change every time you refactor you database model, or in your case. Your Sheep and Cow objects are DTO, but you will need some way to convert your entity to DTO (getGraphQlCowFromCowEntity is fine, but you could use polymorphism - CowEntity.toDTO() - or have a service layer do the conversion, there are plenty of way to do this).
To answer your concerns about loading only the requested data, you want your DTO object to only be populated with the requested fields. One way to do this is, instead of populating all fields, have the DTO own a reference to the entity object and retrieve the data from the entity object only when requested.
public class Sheep {
private SheepE entity;
public Sheep(SheepE entity){
public getId() {
return entity.getId();
public getLastTimeSheared() {
return entity.getLastTimeSheared();
Please see this answer I wrote to a similar question: Graphql Tools: Map entity type to graphql type

JPA: Adding new entry to a many-to-many taking long time

im having a problem when adding a new entry in a many-to-many relationship because the list is huge. Ex:
Item item = new Item(1);
Category cat = dao.find(1, Category.class);
List<Category> list = new ArrayList<>();
The problem is that the Category Itens list is huge, with a lot of itens, so performing the cat.getItemList() takes a very long time. Everywhere i look for the correct way to add a many-to-many entry says that a need to do that. Can someone help?
A little context: I organize my itens with tags, so 1 item can have multiple tags and 1 tag can have multiple itens, the time has pass and now i have tags with a lot of itens ( > 5.000), and now when i save a new item with one of thoses tags it takes a long time, i have debuged my code and found that most of the delay is in the cat.getItensList() line, with makes sense since it has a extensive list o itens. I have searched a lot for how to do this, and everyone says that the correct way to save a entry in a many-to-many case is to add to the list on both sides of the relationship, but if one side is huge, it will takes a lot of time since calling the getItensList() loads them in the context. Im looking for a way to save my item refering the tag witout loading all of the itens of that tag.
Edit 2:
My classes:
#Table(name = "transacao")
public class Transacao implements Serializable {
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "transacaoList")
private List<Tagtransacao> tagtransacaoList;
...(other stuff)
#Table(name = "tagtransacao")
public class Tagtransacao implements Serializable {
#JoinTable(name = "transacao_has_tagtransacao", joinColumns = {
#JoinColumn(name = "tagtransacao_idTagTransacao", referencedColumnName = "idTagTransacao")}, inverseJoinColumns = {
#JoinColumn(name = "transacao_idTransacao", referencedColumnName = "idTransacao")})
private List<Transacao> transacaoList;
...(other stuff)
Edit 3:
As answered by Ariel Kohan, i tried to do a NativeQuery to insert the relationship:
Query query = queryDAO.criarNativeQuery("INSERT INTO " + config.getNomeBanco() + ".`transacao_has_tagtransacao` "
+ "(`transacao_idTransacao`, `tagtransacao_idTagTransacao`) VALUES (:idTransacao, :idTag);");
query.setParameter("idTransacao", transacao.getIdTransacao());
query.setParameter("idTag", tag.getIdTagTransacao());
I was able to reduce the time of que query from 10s to 300milis what it is impressive. In the end its better for my project that it is already runnig to do that instead of creating a new class that represents the many-to-many reletionship. Thanks to everyone who tried to help \o/
In this case, I would prevent your code from load the item list in memory.
To do that, I can think about two options:
Using a #Modyfing query to insert the items directly in the DB.
[Recommended for cases where you want to avoid changing your model]
You can try to create the query using normal JPQL but, depending on your model, you may need to use a native query. Using native query would be something like this:
#Query(value = "insert into ...", nativeQuery = true)
void addItemToCategory(#Param("param1") Long param1, ...);
After creating this query, you will need to update your code removing the parts where you load the objects in memory and adding the parts to call the insert statements.
As you mentioned in a comment, doing this improved your performance from 10s to 300milis.
Modify your Entities in order to replace #ManyToMany with #OneToManys relationship
The idea in this solution is to replace a ManyToMany relationship between entities A and B with an intermediate entity RelationAB. I think you can do this in two ways:
Save only the Ids from A and B in RelationAB as a composite key (of course you can add other fields like a Date or whatever you want).
Add an auto-generated Id to RelationAB and add A and B as other fields in the RelationAB entity.
I did an example using the first option (you will see that the classes are not public, this is just because I decided to do it in a single file for the sake of simplicity. Of course, you can do it in multiple files and with public classes if you want):
Entities A and B:
class EntityA {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
public EntityA() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
class EntityB {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
public EntityB() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
RelationABEntity and RelationABId:
class RelationABId implements Serializable {
private Long entityAId;
private Long entityBId;
public RelationABId() {
public RelationABId(Long entityAId, Long entityBId) {
this.entityAId = entityAId;
this.entityBId = entityBId;
public Long getEntityAId() {
return entityAId;
public void setEntityAId(Long entityAId) {
this.entityAId = entityAId;
public Long getEntityBId() {
return entityBId;
public void setEntityBId(Long entityBId) {
this.entityBId = entityBId;
class RelationABEntity {
private RelationABId id;
public RelationABEntity() {
public RelationABEntity(Long entityAId, Long entityBId) { = new RelationABId(entityAId, entityBId);
public RelationABId getId() {
return id;
public void setId(RelationABId id) { = id;
My Repositories:
interface RelationABEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<RelationABEntity, RelationABId> {
interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<EntityA, Long> {
interface BRepository extends JpaRepository<EntityB, Long> {
A test:
public class DemoApplicationTest {
#Autowired RelationABEntityRepository relationABEntityRepository;
#Autowired ARepository aRepository;
#Autowired BRepository bRepository;
public void test(){
EntityA a = new EntityA();
a =;
EntityB b = new EntityB();
b =;
//Entities A and B in the DB at this point
RelationABId relationABID = new RelationABId(a.getId(), b.getId());
final boolean relationshipExist = relationABEntityRepository.existsById(relationABID);
if(! relationshipExist){
RelationABEntity relation = new RelationABEntity(a.getId(), b.getId());;
final boolean relationshipExitNow = relationABEntityRepository.existsById(relationABID);
* As you can see, modifying your model you can create relationships without loading big list and without complex queries.
The code above explains another way to handle this kind of things. Of course, you can make modifications according to what you exactly need.
Hope this helps :)
This is basically copied from a similar answer I gave earlier but similar question as well. The code below ran when I first write it but I changed the names to match this question so there might be some typos. The spring-data-jpa is a layer on top of JPA. Each entity has its own repository and you have to deal with that. For dealing with the many-to-many relations specifically in spring-data-jpa you can make a separate repository for the link table if you think it's a good idea.
public class Item {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "item", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<ItemCategory> categories;
public class Category {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "category", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<ItemCategory> items;
public class ItemCategory {
private ItemcategoryId id = new ItemcategoryId();
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Item Item;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Category category;
public ItemCategory() {}
public ItemCategory(Item Item, Category category) {
this.item = item;
this.category = category;
public class ItemCategoryId implements Serializable {
private Long itemId;
private Long categoryId;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
ItemCategoryId that = (ItemCategoryId) o;
return Objects.equals(itemId, that.itemId) && Objects.equals(categoryId, that.categoryId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(itemId, categoryId);
And to use it. Step 3 shows the way you are currently doing it and creates a read of the existing joins before doing the update. Step 4 just inserts a relation directly in the join table and does not cause a pre-read of the existing joins.
private void update() {
System.out.println("Step 1");
Category category1 = new Category();
Item item1 = new Item();
ItemCategory i1c1 = new ItemCategory(Item1, Category1);;;;
System.out.println("Step 2");
Category category2 = new Category();
Item item2 = new Item();
ItemCategory p2t2 = new ItemCategory(item2, category2);;;;
System.out.println("Step 3");
category2 = CategoryRepo.getOneWithitems(2L);
category2.getitems().add(new ItemCategory(item1, category2));;
System.out.println("Step 4 -- better");
ItemCategory i2c1 = new ItemCategory(item2, category1);;
I don't explicitly set the ItemCategoryId id's. These are handled by the persistence layer (hibernate in this case).
Note also that you can update ItemCategory entries either explicity with its own repo or by adding and removing them from the list since CascadeType.ALL is set, as shown. The problem with using the CascadeType.ALL for spring-data-jpa is that even though you prefetch the join table entities spring-data-jpa will do it again anyway. Trying to update the relationship through the CascadeType.ALL for new entities is problematic.
Without the CascadeType neither the items or categories lists (which should be Sets) are the owners of the relationship so adding to them wouldn't accomplish anything in terms of persistence and would be for query results only.
When reading the ItemCategory relationships you need to specifically fetch them since you don't have FetchType.EAGER. The problem with FetchType.EAGER is the overhead if you don't want the joins and also if you put it on both Category and Item then you will create a recursive fetch that gets all categories and items for any query.
#Query("select c from Category c left outer join fetch c.items is left outer join fetch is.Item where = :id")
Category getOneWithItems(#Param("id") Long id);

