Java 8 Search ArrayList with Streams algorithm failing - java

We are using a Stream to search an ArrayList of strings the Dictionary file is sorted & contains 307107 words all in lower case
We are using the findFirst to look for a match from the text in a TextArea
As long as the word is misspelled beyond the 3 character the search has favoriable results
If the misspelled word is like this "Charriage" the results are nothing close to a match
The obvious goal is to get as close to correct without the need to look at an enormous number of words
Here is the text we are tesing
Tak acheive it hommaker and aparent as Chariage NOT ME Charriag add missing vowel to Cjarroage
We have made some major changes to the stream search filters with reasonable improvements
We will edit the posted code to include ONLY the part of the code where the search is failing
And below that the code changes made to the stream filters
Before the code change if the searchString had a misspelled char at position 1 no results were found in the dictionary the new search filters fixed that
We also added more search information by increasing the number of char for endsWith
So what is still failing! If the searchString(misspelled word) is missing a char at the end of the word and if the word has an incorrect char from position 1 to 4 the search fails
We are working on adding & removing char but we are not sure this is a workable solution
Comments or code will be greatly appreciated if you would like the complete project we will post on GitHub Just ask in the comments
The question is still how to fix this search filter when multiple char are missing from the misspelled word?
After multiple hours of searching for a FREE txt Dictionary this is one of the best
A side bar fact it has 115726 words that are > 5 in length and have a vowel at the end of the word. That means it has 252234 words with no vowel at the end
Does that mean we have a 32% chance of fixing the issue by adding a vowel to the end of the searchString? NOT a question just an odd fact!
HERE is a link to the dictionary download and place the words_alpha.txt file on C drive at C:/A_WORDS/words_alpha.txt");
Code Before Changes
}if(found != true){
lvListView.setStyle("-fx-font-size:18.0;-fx-background-color: white;-fx-font-weight:bold;");
for(int indexSC = 0; indexSC < simpleArray.length;indexSC++){
String NewSS = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
if(NewSS.contains(" ")||(NewSS.matches("[%&/0-9]"))){
String NOT = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
txtTest.setText(NOT+" Not in Dictionary");
txaML.appendText(NOT+" Not in Dictionary");
int a = NewSS.length();
int Z;
if(a == 0){// manage CR test with two CR's
Z = 0;
}else if(a == 3){
Z = 3;
}else if(a > 3 && a < 5){
Z = 4;
}else if(a >= 5 && a < 8){
Z = 4;
Z = 5;
System.out.println("!!!! NewSS "+NewSS+" a "+a+" ZZ "+Z);
if(Z == 0){// Manage CR in TextArea
noClose = true;
strSF = "AA";
String NOT = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
//txtTo.setText("Word NOT in Dictionary");// DO NO SEARCH
//txtTest.setText("Word NOT in Dictionaary");
txtTest.setText("Just a Space");
txtTest.setText("Word NOT in Dictionaary");
txaML.appendText("Word NOT in Dictionaary");
String strS = searchString.substring(0,Z).toLowerCase();
strSF = strS;
// array & list use in stream to add results to ComboBox
List<String> cs = Arrays.asList(simpleArray);
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); -> s.startsWith(strSF))
.forEach(list :: add);
for(int X = 0; X < list.size();X++){
String A = (String) list.get(X);
Improved New Code
}if(found != true){
for(int indexSC = 0; indexSC < simpleArray.length;indexSC++){
String NewSS = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
if(NewSS.contains(" ")||(NewSS.matches("[%&/0-9]"))){
String NOT = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
txtTest.setText(NOT+" Not in Dictionary");
int a = NewSS.length();
int Z;
if(a == 0){// manage CR test with two CR's
Z = 0;
}else if(a == 3){
Z = 3;
}else if(a > 3 && a < 5){
Z = 4;
}else if(a >= 5 && a < 8){
Z = 4;
Z = 5;
if(Z == 0){// Manage CR
noClose = true;
strSF = "AA";
String NOT = txtMonitor.getText().toLowerCase();
txtTest.setText("Just a Space");
txtTest.setText("Word NOT in Dictionaary");
String strS = searchString.substring(0,Z).toLowerCase();
strSF = strS;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> cs = Arrays.asList(simpleArray);
// array list & list used in stream foreach filter results added to ComboBox
// Code below provides variables for refined search
int W = txtMonitor.getText().length();
String nF = txtMonitor.getText().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
String nE = txtMonitor.getText().substring(W - 2, W);
if(W > 7){
nM = txtMonitor.getText().substring(W-5, W);
System.out.println("%%%%%%%% nE "+nE+" nF "+nF+" nM = "+nM);
nM = txtMonitor.getText().substring(W-1, W);
System.out.println("%%%%%%%% nE "+nE+" nF "+nF+" nM = "+nM);
} -> s.startsWith(strSF)
|| s.startsWith(nF, 0)
&& s.length()<= W+2
&& s.endsWith(nE)
&& s.startsWith(nF)
&& s.contains(nM))
.forEach(list :: add);
for(int X = 0; X < list.size();X++){
String A = (String) list.get(X);
}// Add search results to cboSelect
Here is a screen shot of the FXML file the controls are named the same as the names used in our code with the exception of the ComboBox

I am adding a JavaFX answer. This app uses Levenshtein Distance. You have to click on Check Spelling to start. You can select a word from the list to replace the current word being checked. I notice Levenshtein Distance returns lots of words so you might want to find other ways to reduce the list down even more.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class App extends Application
public static void main(String[] args)
TextArea taWords = new TextArea("Tak Carrage thiss on hoemaker answe");
TextField tfCurrentWordBeingChecked = new TextField();
//TextField tfMisspelledWord = new TextField();
ListView<String> lvReplacementWords = new ListView();
TextField tfReplacementWord = new TextField();
Button btnCheckSpelling = new Button("Check Spelling");
Button btnReplaceWord = new Button("Replace Word");
List<String> wordList = new ArrayList();
List<String> returnList = new ArrayList();
HandleLevenshteinDistance handleLevenshteinDistance = new HandleLevenshteinDistance();
ObservableList<String> listViewData = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
public void start(Stage primaryStage)
VBox root = new VBox(taWords, tfCurrentWordBeingChecked, lvReplacementWords, tfReplacementWord, btnCheckSpelling, btnReplaceWord);
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
public void handleBtnCheckSpelling()
btnCheckSpelling.setOnAction(actionEvent -> {
if (btnCheckSpelling.getText().equals("Check Spelling")) {
wordList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(taWords.getText().split(" ")));
returnList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(taWords.getText().split(" ")));
btnCheckSpelling.setText("Check Next Word");
else if (btnCheckSpelling.getText().equals("Check Next Word")) {
public void handleBtnReplaceWord()
btnReplaceWord.setOnAction(actionEvent -> {
int indexOfWordToReplace = returnList.indexOf(tfCurrentWordBeingChecked.getText());
returnList.set(indexOfWordToReplace, tfReplacementWord.getText());
taWords.setText(String.join(" ", returnList));;
public void setupListView()
lvReplacementWords.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
private void loadWord()
if (wordList.size() > 0) {
private void showPotentialCorrectSpellings()
List<String> potentialCorrentSpellings = handleLevenshteinDistance.getPotentialCorretSpellings(tfCurrentWordBeingChecked.getText().trim());
CustomWord Class
* #author blj0011
public class CustomWord
private int distance;
private String word;
public CustomWord(int distance, String word)
this.distance = distance;
this.word = word;
public String getWord()
return word;
public void setWord(String word)
this.word = word;
public int getDistance()
return distance;
public void setDistance(int distance)
this.distance = distance;
public String toString()
return "CustomWord{" + "distance=" + distance + ", word=" + word + '}';
HandleLevenshteinDistance Class
* #author blj0011
public class HandleLevenshteinDistance
private List<String> dictionary = new ArrayList<>();
public HandleLevenshteinDistance()
try {
//Load DictionaryFrom file
//See if the dictionary file exists. If it don't download it from Github.
File file = new File("alpha.txt");
if (!file.exists()) {
new URL(""),
new File("alpha.txt"),
//Load file content to a List of Strings
dictionary = FileUtils.readLines(file, Charset.forName("UTF8"));
catch (IOException ex) {
public List<String> getPotentialCorretSpellings(String misspelledWord)
LevenshteinDistance levenshteinDistance = new LevenshteinDistance();
List<CustomWord> customWords = new ArrayList(); -> {
int distance = levenshteinDistance.apply(misspelledWord, wordInDictionary);
if (distance <= 2) {
customWords.add(new CustomWord(distance, wordInDictionary));
Collections.sort(customWords, (CustomWord o1, CustomWord o2) -> o1.getDistance() - o2.getDistance());
List<String> returnList = new ArrayList();
customWords.forEach((item) -> {
System.out.println(item.getDistance() + " - " + item.getWord());
return returnList;

You just needed to go a little further out into the Dictionary
We are sure you were getting a lot of suggested words from the Dictionary?
We tested your code and sometimes it found 3000 or more possible matches WOW
So here is the BIG improvement. It still needs a lot of testing we used this line for our tests with 100% favorable results.
Tske Charriage to hommaker and hommake as hommaer
Our fear is if the speller really butchers the word this improvement might solve that degree of misspelling
We are sure you know that if the first letter is wrong this will not work
Like zenophobe for xenophobe
Here is the BIG improvement tada -> s.startsWith(strSF)
|| s.startsWith(nF, 0)
&& s.length() > 1 && s.length() <= W+3 // <== HERE
&& s.endsWith(nE)
&& s.startsWith(nF)
&& s.contains(nM))
.forEach(list :: add);
You can send the check to my address 55 48 196 195

This question is a possible duplicate: Search suggestion in strings
I think you should be using something similar to Levenshtein Distance or Jaro Winkler Distance. If you can use Apache's Commons. I would suggest using Apache Commons Lang. It has an implementation of Levenshtein Distance. The example demos this implementation. If you set the distance to (distance <= 2), you will potentially get more results.
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* #author blj0011
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
try {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
File file = new File("alpha.txt");
if (!file.exists()) {
new URL(""),
new File("alpha.txt"),
List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file, Charset.forName("UTF8"));
//lines.forEach(System.out::println); -> {
int distance = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(line, "zorilta");
//System.out.println(line + ": " + distance);
if (distance <= 1) {
System.out.println("Did you mean: " + line);
catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Output distance <= 1
Building JavaTestingGround 1.0
--- exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec (default-cli) # JavaTestingGround ---
Hello World!
Did you mean: zorilla
Total time: 1.329 s
Finished at: 2019-11-01T11:02:48-05:00
Final Memory: 7M/30M
Distance <= 2
Hello World!
Did you mean: corita
Did you mean: gorilla
Did you mean: zoril
Did you mean: zorilla
Did you mean: zorillas
Did you mean: zorille
Did you mean: zorillo
Did you mean: zorils
Total time: 1.501 s
Finished at: 2019-11-01T14:03:33-05:00
Final Memory: 7M/34M
See the possible duplicate for more details about Levenshtein Distance.


How to convert a string to a boolean expression in java [duplicate]

I have a string like the following:
String str = "4*5";
Now I have to get the result of 20 by using the string.
I know in some other languages the eval() function will do this.
How can I do this in Java?
You can use the ScriptEngine class and evaluate it as a Javascript string.
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("js");
Object result = engine.eval("4*5");
There may be a better way, but this one works.
There is no standard Java class or method that will do what you want. Your options include:
Select and use some third-party expression evaluation library. For example JEL or any of the half dozen libraries listed here.
Wrap the expression in the Java source code for a class with an eval method, send that to the Java compiler, and then load the resulting compiled class.
Use some scripting language that can be called from Java as an expression evaluator. Possibilities include Javascript1, BeanShell, and so on. A JSR 223 compliant scripting language implementation can be called via the Scripting API.
Write your own expression evaluator from scratch.
The first approach is probably simplest. The second and third approaches are a potential security risk if you get the expression to be evaluated from an untrusted user. (Think code injection.)
1 - Javascript in Java SE is a moving target. From Java 6, a version of Mozilla's Rhino Javascript implementation was bundled with Java SE. The in Java 8, it was superseded by Nashorn. In Java 11, Nashorn was deprecated, and finally dropped from the core codebase. As of 2021, both Rhino and Nashorn are being maintained as separate (non-Oracle) products, and Oracle's GraalVM has its own Javascript implementation.
There are very few real use cases in which being able to evaluate a String as a fragment of Java code is necessary or desirable. That is, asking how to do this is really an XY problem: you actually have a different problem, which can be solved a different way.
First ask yourself, where did this String that you wish to evaluate come from? Did another part of your program generate it, or was it input provided by the user?
Another part of my program generated it: so, you want one part of your program to decide the kind of operation to perform, but not perform the operation, and a second part that performs the chosen operation. Instead of generating and then evaluating a String, use the Strategy, Command or Builder design pattern, as appropriate for your particular case.
It is user input: the user could input anything, including commands that, when executed, could cause your program to misbehave, crash, expose information that should be secret, damage persistent information (such as the content of a database), and other such nastiness. The only way to prevent that would be to parse the String yourself, check it was not malicious, and then evaluate it. But parsing it yourself is much of the work that the requested evalfunction would do, so you have saved yourself nothing. Worse still, checking that arbitrary Java was not malicious is impossible, because checking that is the halting problem.
It is user input, but the syntax and semantics of permitted text to evaluate is greatly restricted: No general purpose facility can easily implement a general purpose parser and evaluator for whatever restricted syntax and semantics you have chosen. What you need to do is implement a parser and evaluator for your chosen syntax and semantics. If the task is simple, you could write a simple recursive-descent or finite-state-machine parser by hand. If the task is difficult, you could use a compiler-compiler (such as ANTLR) to do some of the work for you.
I just want to implement a desktop calculator!: A homework assignment, eh? If you could implement the evaluation of the input expression using a provided eval function, it would not be much of a homework assignment, would it? Your program would be three lines long. Your instructor probably expects you to write the code for a simple arithmetic parser/evaluator. There is well known algorithm, shunting-yard, which you might find useful.
With Java 9, we get access to jshell, so one can write something like this:
import jdk.jshell.JShell;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
public class Eval {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try(JShell js = JShell.create(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
js.onSnippetEvent(snip -> {
if (snip.status() == jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID) {
System.out.println("➜ " + snip.value());
System.out.print("> ");
for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) {
System.out.print("> ");
Sample run:
> 1 + 2 / 4 * 3
➜ 1
> 32 * 121
➜ 3872
> 4 * 5
➜ 20
> 121 * 51
➜ 6171
Slightly op, but that's what Java currently has to offer
I could advise you to use Exp4j. It is easy to understand as you can see from the following example code:
Expression e = new ExpressionBuilder("3 * sin(y) - 2 / (x - 2)")
.variables("x", "y")
.setVariable("x", 2.3)
.setVariable("y", 3.14);
double result = e.evaluate();
No, you can not have a generic "eval" in Java (or any compiled language). Unless you're willing to write a Java compiler AND a JVM to be executed inside of your Java program.
Yes, you can have some library to evaluate numeric algebraic expressions like the one above - see this thread for discussion.
As previous answers, there is no standard API in Java for this.
You can add groovy jar files to your path and"4*5") gets your job done.
A fun way to solve your problem could be coding an eval() function on your own!
I've done it for you!
You can use FunctionSolver library simply by typing FunctionSolver.solveByX(function,value) inside your code. The function attribute is a String which represents the function you want to solve, the value attribute is the value of the independent variable
of your function (which MUST be x).
If you want to solve a function which contains more than one independent variable, you can use FunctionSolver.solve(function,values) where the values attribute is an HashMap(String,Double) which contains all your independent attributes (as Strings) and their respective values (as Doubles).
Another piece of information: I've coded a simple version of FunctionSolver, so its supports only Math methods which return a double value and which accepts one or two double values as fields (just use FunctionSolver.usableMathMethods() if you're curious) (These methods are: bs, sin, cos, tan, atan2, sqrt, log, log10, pow, exp, min, max, copySign, signum, IEEEremainder, acos, asin, atan, cbrt, ceil, cosh, expm1, floor, hypot, log1p, nextAfter, nextDown, nextUp, random, rint, sinh, tanh, toDegrees, toRadians, ulp). Also, that library supports the following operators: * / + - ^ (even if java normally does not support the ^ operator).
One last thing: while creating this library I had to use reflections to call Math methods. I think it's really cool, just have a look at this if you are interested in!
That's all, here it is the code (and the library):
package core;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
public abstract class FunctionSolver {
public static double solveNumericExpression (String expression) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solve(expression, new HashMap<>());
public static double solveByX (String function, double value) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
HashMap<String, Double> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("x", value);
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
public static double solve (String function, HashMap<String,Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
private static double solveComplexFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
int position = 0;
while(position < function.length()) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) {
if (position == 0 || !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position-1))) {
int endIndex = -1;
for (int j = position ; j < function.length()-1 ; j++) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j))
&& !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j+1))) {
endIndex = j;
if (endIndex == -1 & alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(function.length()-1))) {
endIndex = function.length()-1;
if (endIndex != -1) {
String alphabeticElement = function.substring(position, endIndex+1);
if (Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(alphabeticElement)) {
//Start analyzing a Math function
int closeParenthesisIndex = -1;
int openedParenthesisquantity = 0;
int commaIndex = -1;
for (int j = endIndex+1 ; j < function.length() ; j++) {
if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals("(")) {
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(")")) {
if (openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
closeParenthesisIndex = j;
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(",") & openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
if (commaIndex == -1) {
commaIndex = j;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") has too many commas");
if (closeParenthesisIndex == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of a Math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") hasn't got the closing bracket )");
String functionArgument = function.substring(endIndex+2,closeParenthesisIndex);
if (commaIndex != -1) {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(0,commaIndex),motherFunction,values);
double secondParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(commaIndex+1),motherFunction,values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class, double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter, secondParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument, motherFunction, values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else if (!values.containsKey(alphabeticElement)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found a group of letters ("+alphabeticElement+") which is neither a variable nor a Math function: ");
return solveBracketsFunction(function,motherFunction,values);
private static double solveBracketsFunction (String function,String motherFunction,HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
function = function.replace(" ", "");
String openingBrackets = "([{";
String closingBrackets = ")]}";
int parenthesisIndex = 0;
do {
int position = 0;
int openParenthesisBlockIndex = -1;
String currentOpeningBracket = openingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
String currentClosingBracket = closingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
if (contOccouranceIn(currentOpeningBracket,function) != contOccouranceIn(currentClosingBracket,function)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: brackets are misused in the function "+function);
while (position < function.length()) {
if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentOpeningBracket)) {
if (position != 0 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position-1,position))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator following a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
openParenthesisBlockIndex = position;
}else if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentClosingBracket)) {
if (position != function.length()-1 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position+1,position+2))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator before a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, solveBracketsFunction(function.substring(openParenthesisBlockIndex+1,position),motherFunction, values));
function = function.substring(0,openParenthesisBlockIndex)+newKey
+((position == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(position+1)));
position = -1;
}while (parenthesisIndex < openingBrackets.length());
return solveBasicFunction(function,motherFunction, values);
private static double solveBasicFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(function, alphanumeric+operators)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function "+function+" is not a basic function");
if (function.contains("**") |
function.contains("//") |
function.contains("--") |
function.contains("+*") |
function.contains("+/") |
function.contains("-*") |
function.contains("-/")) {
* ( -+ , +- , *- , *+ , /- , /+ )> Those values are admitted
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
function = function.replace(" ", "");
int position;
int operatorIndex = 0;
String currentOperator;
do {
currentOperator = operators.substring(operatorIndex,operatorIndex+1);
if (currentOperator.equals("*")) {
}else if (currentOperator.equals("+")) {
position = 0;
while (position < function.length()) {
if ((position == 0 && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("-") && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("+") && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) ||
(position == function.length()-1 && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position)))){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
if (currentOperator.contains(function.substring(position, position+1)) & position != 0) {
int firstTermBeginIndex = position;
while (firstTermBeginIndex > 0) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1)))){
if (firstTermBeginIndex != 0 && (function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '-' | function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '+')) {
if (firstTermBeginIndex == 1) {
}else if (operators.contains(""+(function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-2)))){
String firstTerm = function.substring(firstTermBeginIndex,position);
int secondTermLastIndex = position;
while (secondTermLastIndex < function.length()-1) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex+1)))) {
String secondTerm = function.substring(position+1,secondTermLastIndex+1);
double result;
switch (function.substring(position,position+1)) {
case "*": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)*solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "/": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)/solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "+": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)+solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "-": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)-solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "^": result = Math.pow(solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values),solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values)); break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: "+currentOperator);
String newAttribute = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newAttribute, result);
function = function.substring(0,firstTermBeginIndex)+newAttribute+function.substring(secondTermLastIndex+1,function.length());
deleteValueIfPossible(firstTerm, values, motherFunction);
deleteValueIfPossible(secondTerm, values, motherFunction);
position = -1;
}while (operatorIndex < operators.length());
return solveSingleValue(function, values);
private static double solveSingleValue (String singleValue, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (isDouble(singleValue)) {
return Double.parseDouble(singleValue);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphabetic)){
return getValueFromVariable(singleValue, values);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphanumeric+"-+")) {
String[] composition = splitByLettersAndNumbers(singleValue);
if (composition.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
if (composition[0].equals("-")) {
composition[0] = "-1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("-")) {
composition[1] = "-1";
}else if (composition[0].equals("+")) {
composition[0] = "+1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("+")) {
composition[1] = "+1";
if (isDouble(composition[0])) {
return Double.parseDouble(composition[0])*getValueFromVariable(composition[1], values);
}else if (isDouble(composition[1])){
return Double.parseDouble(composition[1])*getValueFromVariable(composition[0], values);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
private static double getValueFromVariable (String variable, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
Double val = values.get(variable);
if (val == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown variable: "+variable);
}else {
return val;
* FunctionSolver help tools:
private static final String alphabetic = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzwykxy";
private static final String numeric = "0123456789.";
private static final String alphanumeric = alphabetic+numeric;
private static final String operators = "^*/+-"; //--> Operators order in important!
private static boolean firstContainsOnlySecond(String firstString, String secondString) {
for (int j = 0 ; j < firstString.length() ; j++) {
if (!secondString.contains(firstString.substring(j, j+1))) {
return false;
return true;
private static String getNewKey (HashMap<String, Double> hashMap) {
String alpha = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzyjkx";
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < alpha.length() ; i++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1)+alpha.substring(i,i+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
throw new NullPointerException();
public static String[] usableMathMethods () {
* Only methods that:
* return a double type
* present one or two parameters (which are double type)
Method[] mathMethods = Math.class.getDeclaredMethods();
ArrayList<String> usableMethodsNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method method : mathMethods) {
boolean usable = true;
int argumentsCounter = 0;
Class<?>[] methodParametersTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
for (Class<?> parameter : methodParametersTypes) {
if (!parameter.getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("double")) {
usable = false;
}else {
if (!method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase().equals("double")) {
usable = false;
if (usable & argumentsCounter<=2) {
return usableMethodsNames.toArray(new String[usableMethodsNames.size()]);
private static boolean isDouble (String number) {
try {
return true;
}catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
private static String[] splitByLettersAndNumbers (String val) {
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(val, alphanumeric+"+-")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong passed value: <<"+val+">>");
ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<>();
String searchingFor;
int lastIndex = 0;
if (firstContainsOnlySecond(""+val.charAt(0), numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
for (int j = 0 ; j < val.length() ; j++) {
if (searchingFor.contains(val.charAt(j)+"")) {
response.add(val.substring(lastIndex, j));
lastIndex = j;
if (searchingFor.equals(numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
return response.toArray(new String[response.size()]);
private static void deleteValueIfPossible (String val, HashMap<String, Double> values, String function) {
if (values.get(val) != null & function != null) {
if (!function.contains(val)) {
private static int contOccouranceIn (String howManyOfThatString, String inThatString) {
return inThatString.length() - inThatString.replace(howManyOfThatString, "").length();
Writing your own library is not that hard as u might thing. Here is link for Shunting-yard algorithm with step by step algorithm explenation. Although, you will have to parse the input for tokens first.
There are 2 other questions wich can give you some information too:
Turn a String into a Math Expression?
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java?
As there are many answers, I'm adding my implementation on top of eval() method with some additional features like support for factorial, evaluating complex expressions etc.
package evaluation;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
public class EvalPlus {
private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This Evaluation is based on BODMAS rule\n");
private static void evaluate() {
StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder();
System.out.println("Enter an expression to evaluate:");
String expr = scanner.nextLine();
if(isProperExpression(expr)) {
expr = replaceBefore(expr);
char[] temp = expr.toCharArray();
String operators = "(+-*/%)";
for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if((i == 0 && temp[i] != '*') || (i == temp.length-1 && temp[i] != '*' && temp[i] != '!')) {
} else if((i > 0 && i < temp.length -1) || (i==temp.length-1 && temp[i] == '!')) {
if(temp[i] == '!') {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for(int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if(Character.isDigit(temp[k])) {
str.insert(0, temp[k] );
} else {
Long prev = Long.valueOf(str.toString());
BigInteger val = new BigInteger("1");
for(Long j = prev; j > 1; j--) {
val = val.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(j));
finalStr.setLength(finalStr.length() - str.length());
finalStr.append("(" + val + ")");
if(temp.length > i+1) {
char next = temp[i+1];
if(operators.indexOf(next) == -1) {
} else {
expr = finalStr.toString();
if(expr != null && !expr.isEmpty()) {
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
try {
System.out.println("Result: " + engine.eval(expr));
} catch (ScriptException e) {
} else {
System.out.println("Please give an expression");
} else {
System.out.println("Not a valid expression");
private static String replaceBefore(String expr) {
expr = expr.replace("(", "*(");
expr = expr.replace("+*", "+").replace("-*", "-").replace("**", "*").replace("/*", "/").replace("%*", "%");
return expr;
private static boolean isProperExpression(String expr) {
expr = expr.replaceAll("[^()]", "");
char[] arr = expr.toCharArray();
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
int i =0;
while(i < arr.length) {
try {
if(arr[i] == '(') {
} else {
} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
return stack.isEmpty();
Please find the updated gist anytime here. Also comment if any issues are there. Thanks.
There are some perfectly capable answers here. However for non-trivial script it may be desirable to retain the code in a cache, or for debugging purposes, or even to have dynamically self-updating code.
To that end, sometimes it's simpler or more robust to interact with Java via command line. Create a temporary directory, output your script and any assets, create the jar. Finally import your new code.
It's a bit beyond the scope of normal eval() use in most languages, though you could certainly implement eval by returning the result from some function in your jar.
Still, thought I'd mention this method as it does fully encapsulate everything Java can do without 3rd party tools, in case of desperation. This method allows me to turn HTML templates into objects and save them, avoiding the need to parse a template at runtime.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
class Calculate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String strng = "8*-2*3*-1*10/2+6-2";
String[] oparator = {"+","-","*","/"};
List<String> op1 = new ArrayList<>();
String[] x = strng.split("");
int sayac=0;
for (String i : x) {
sayac ++;
for (String c : oparator) {
if (i.equals(c)) {
try {
int j = Integer.parseInt(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
op1.add(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
strng = strng.substring(sayac);
sayac = 0;
}catch (Exception e)
ListIterator<String> it = op1.listIterator();
List<List> newlist = new ArrayList<>() ;
while (it.hasNext()) {
List<String> p= new ArrayList<>();
int sayac2=0;
String oparatorvalue = "*";
String oparatorvalue2 = "/";
String oparatorvalue3 = "+";
String oparatorvalue4 = "-";
private static void calculate(int sayac2, List<List> newlist, String oparatorvalue) {
while (sayac2<4){
for (List j : newlist) {
if (j.get(1) == oparatorvalue) {
Integer opindex = newlist.indexOf(j);
Object sayi1 = newlist.get(opindex - 1).get(1);
Object sayi2 = newlist.get(opindex + 1).get(1);
int sonuc=0;
if (oparatorvalue.equals("*")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) * Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("/")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) / Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("+")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) + Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("-")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) - Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
List<String> sonuclist = new ArrayList<>();
sonuclist.add(String.valueOf(opindex - 1));
newlist.add(opindex - 1, sonuclist);
catch (Exception e){
If you do not want to import heavy scripting library, you can use SimpleExpressionEvaluator directly into your code
Expression.eval("1+2").asString(); // returns "3.0"
Expression.eval("1+2").asInt(); // returns 3
Expression.eval("2>3").asString(); // returns "false"
Expression.eval("2>3").asBoolean(); // returns false
Expression.eval("(3>2)||((2<4)&&(2>1))").asString(); // returns "true"
With variables:
HashMap<String, Object> st = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Expression.eval("a+b", st).asInt(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("a>b",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>b)||((b<d)&&(b>a))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>2)||((2<d)&&(b>1))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Using ExpressionBuilder:
The following resolved the issue:
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String str = "4*5";

Pass String that has the same meaning as creating a new Object instead of the Object [duplicate]

I have a string like the following:
String str = "4*5";
Now I have to get the result of 20 by using the string.
I know in some other languages the eval() function will do this.
How can I do this in Java?
You can use the ScriptEngine class and evaluate it as a Javascript string.
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("js");
Object result = engine.eval("4*5");
There may be a better way, but this one works.
There is no standard Java class or method that will do what you want. Your options include:
Select and use some third-party expression evaluation library. For example JEL or any of the half dozen libraries listed here.
Wrap the expression in the Java source code for a class with an eval method, send that to the Java compiler, and then load the resulting compiled class.
Use some scripting language that can be called from Java as an expression evaluator. Possibilities include Javascript1, BeanShell, and so on. A JSR 223 compliant scripting language implementation can be called via the Scripting API.
Write your own expression evaluator from scratch.
The first approach is probably simplest. The second and third approaches are a potential security risk if you get the expression to be evaluated from an untrusted user. (Think code injection.)
1 - Javascript in Java SE is a moving target. From Java 6, a version of Mozilla's Rhino Javascript implementation was bundled with Java SE. The in Java 8, it was superseded by Nashorn. In Java 11, Nashorn was deprecated, and finally dropped from the core codebase. As of 2021, both Rhino and Nashorn are being maintained as separate (non-Oracle) products, and Oracle's GraalVM has its own Javascript implementation.
There are very few real use cases in which being able to evaluate a String as a fragment of Java code is necessary or desirable. That is, asking how to do this is really an XY problem: you actually have a different problem, which can be solved a different way.
First ask yourself, where did this String that you wish to evaluate come from? Did another part of your program generate it, or was it input provided by the user?
Another part of my program generated it: so, you want one part of your program to decide the kind of operation to perform, but not perform the operation, and a second part that performs the chosen operation. Instead of generating and then evaluating a String, use the Strategy, Command or Builder design pattern, as appropriate for your particular case.
It is user input: the user could input anything, including commands that, when executed, could cause your program to misbehave, crash, expose information that should be secret, damage persistent information (such as the content of a database), and other such nastiness. The only way to prevent that would be to parse the String yourself, check it was not malicious, and then evaluate it. But parsing it yourself is much of the work that the requested evalfunction would do, so you have saved yourself nothing. Worse still, checking that arbitrary Java was not malicious is impossible, because checking that is the halting problem.
It is user input, but the syntax and semantics of permitted text to evaluate is greatly restricted: No general purpose facility can easily implement a general purpose parser and evaluator for whatever restricted syntax and semantics you have chosen. What you need to do is implement a parser and evaluator for your chosen syntax and semantics. If the task is simple, you could write a simple recursive-descent or finite-state-machine parser by hand. If the task is difficult, you could use a compiler-compiler (such as ANTLR) to do some of the work for you.
I just want to implement a desktop calculator!: A homework assignment, eh? If you could implement the evaluation of the input expression using a provided eval function, it would not be much of a homework assignment, would it? Your program would be three lines long. Your instructor probably expects you to write the code for a simple arithmetic parser/evaluator. There is well known algorithm, shunting-yard, which you might find useful.
With Java 9, we get access to jshell, so one can write something like this:
import jdk.jshell.JShell;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
public class Eval {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try(JShell js = JShell.create(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
js.onSnippetEvent(snip -> {
if (snip.status() == jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID) {
System.out.println("➜ " + snip.value());
System.out.print("> ");
for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) {
System.out.print("> ");
Sample run:
> 1 + 2 / 4 * 3
➜ 1
> 32 * 121
➜ 3872
> 4 * 5
➜ 20
> 121 * 51
➜ 6171
Slightly op, but that's what Java currently has to offer
I could advise you to use Exp4j. It is easy to understand as you can see from the following example code:
Expression e = new ExpressionBuilder("3 * sin(y) - 2 / (x - 2)")
.variables("x", "y")
.setVariable("x", 2.3)
.setVariable("y", 3.14);
double result = e.evaluate();
No, you can not have a generic "eval" in Java (or any compiled language). Unless you're willing to write a Java compiler AND a JVM to be executed inside of your Java program.
Yes, you can have some library to evaluate numeric algebraic expressions like the one above - see this thread for discussion.
As previous answers, there is no standard API in Java for this.
You can add groovy jar files to your path and"4*5") gets your job done.
A fun way to solve your problem could be coding an eval() function on your own!
I've done it for you!
You can use FunctionSolver library simply by typing FunctionSolver.solveByX(function,value) inside your code. The function attribute is a String which represents the function you want to solve, the value attribute is the value of the independent variable
of your function (which MUST be x).
If you want to solve a function which contains more than one independent variable, you can use FunctionSolver.solve(function,values) where the values attribute is an HashMap(String,Double) which contains all your independent attributes (as Strings) and their respective values (as Doubles).
Another piece of information: I've coded a simple version of FunctionSolver, so its supports only Math methods which return a double value and which accepts one or two double values as fields (just use FunctionSolver.usableMathMethods() if you're curious) (These methods are: bs, sin, cos, tan, atan2, sqrt, log, log10, pow, exp, min, max, copySign, signum, IEEEremainder, acos, asin, atan, cbrt, ceil, cosh, expm1, floor, hypot, log1p, nextAfter, nextDown, nextUp, random, rint, sinh, tanh, toDegrees, toRadians, ulp). Also, that library supports the following operators: * / + - ^ (even if java normally does not support the ^ operator).
One last thing: while creating this library I had to use reflections to call Math methods. I think it's really cool, just have a look at this if you are interested in!
That's all, here it is the code (and the library):
package core;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
public abstract class FunctionSolver {
public static double solveNumericExpression (String expression) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solve(expression, new HashMap<>());
public static double solveByX (String function, double value) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
HashMap<String, Double> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("x", value);
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
public static double solve (String function, HashMap<String,Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
private static double solveComplexFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
int position = 0;
while(position < function.length()) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) {
if (position == 0 || !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position-1))) {
int endIndex = -1;
for (int j = position ; j < function.length()-1 ; j++) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j))
&& !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j+1))) {
endIndex = j;
if (endIndex == -1 & alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(function.length()-1))) {
endIndex = function.length()-1;
if (endIndex != -1) {
String alphabeticElement = function.substring(position, endIndex+1);
if (Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(alphabeticElement)) {
//Start analyzing a Math function
int closeParenthesisIndex = -1;
int openedParenthesisquantity = 0;
int commaIndex = -1;
for (int j = endIndex+1 ; j < function.length() ; j++) {
if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals("(")) {
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(")")) {
if (openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
closeParenthesisIndex = j;
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(",") & openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
if (commaIndex == -1) {
commaIndex = j;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") has too many commas");
if (closeParenthesisIndex == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of a Math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") hasn't got the closing bracket )");
String functionArgument = function.substring(endIndex+2,closeParenthesisIndex);
if (commaIndex != -1) {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(0,commaIndex),motherFunction,values);
double secondParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(commaIndex+1),motherFunction,values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class, double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter, secondParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument, motherFunction, values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else if (!values.containsKey(alphabeticElement)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found a group of letters ("+alphabeticElement+") which is neither a variable nor a Math function: ");
return solveBracketsFunction(function,motherFunction,values);
private static double solveBracketsFunction (String function,String motherFunction,HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
function = function.replace(" ", "");
String openingBrackets = "([{";
String closingBrackets = ")]}";
int parenthesisIndex = 0;
do {
int position = 0;
int openParenthesisBlockIndex = -1;
String currentOpeningBracket = openingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
String currentClosingBracket = closingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
if (contOccouranceIn(currentOpeningBracket,function) != contOccouranceIn(currentClosingBracket,function)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: brackets are misused in the function "+function);
while (position < function.length()) {
if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentOpeningBracket)) {
if (position != 0 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position-1,position))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator following a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
openParenthesisBlockIndex = position;
}else if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentClosingBracket)) {
if (position != function.length()-1 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position+1,position+2))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator before a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, solveBracketsFunction(function.substring(openParenthesisBlockIndex+1,position),motherFunction, values));
function = function.substring(0,openParenthesisBlockIndex)+newKey
+((position == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(position+1)));
position = -1;
}while (parenthesisIndex < openingBrackets.length());
return solveBasicFunction(function,motherFunction, values);
private static double solveBasicFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(function, alphanumeric+operators)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function "+function+" is not a basic function");
if (function.contains("**") |
function.contains("//") |
function.contains("--") |
function.contains("+*") |
function.contains("+/") |
function.contains("-*") |
function.contains("-/")) {
* ( -+ , +- , *- , *+ , /- , /+ )> Those values are admitted
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
function = function.replace(" ", "");
int position;
int operatorIndex = 0;
String currentOperator;
do {
currentOperator = operators.substring(operatorIndex,operatorIndex+1);
if (currentOperator.equals("*")) {
}else if (currentOperator.equals("+")) {
position = 0;
while (position < function.length()) {
if ((position == 0 && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("-") && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("+") && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) ||
(position == function.length()-1 && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position)))){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
if (currentOperator.contains(function.substring(position, position+1)) & position != 0) {
int firstTermBeginIndex = position;
while (firstTermBeginIndex > 0) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1)))){
if (firstTermBeginIndex != 0 && (function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '-' | function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '+')) {
if (firstTermBeginIndex == 1) {
}else if (operators.contains(""+(function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-2)))){
String firstTerm = function.substring(firstTermBeginIndex,position);
int secondTermLastIndex = position;
while (secondTermLastIndex < function.length()-1) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex+1)))) {
String secondTerm = function.substring(position+1,secondTermLastIndex+1);
double result;
switch (function.substring(position,position+1)) {
case "*": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)*solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "/": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)/solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "+": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)+solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "-": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)-solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "^": result = Math.pow(solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values),solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values)); break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: "+currentOperator);
String newAttribute = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newAttribute, result);
function = function.substring(0,firstTermBeginIndex)+newAttribute+function.substring(secondTermLastIndex+1,function.length());
deleteValueIfPossible(firstTerm, values, motherFunction);
deleteValueIfPossible(secondTerm, values, motherFunction);
position = -1;
}while (operatorIndex < operators.length());
return solveSingleValue(function, values);
private static double solveSingleValue (String singleValue, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (isDouble(singleValue)) {
return Double.parseDouble(singleValue);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphabetic)){
return getValueFromVariable(singleValue, values);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphanumeric+"-+")) {
String[] composition = splitByLettersAndNumbers(singleValue);
if (composition.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
if (composition[0].equals("-")) {
composition[0] = "-1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("-")) {
composition[1] = "-1";
}else if (composition[0].equals("+")) {
composition[0] = "+1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("+")) {
composition[1] = "+1";
if (isDouble(composition[0])) {
return Double.parseDouble(composition[0])*getValueFromVariable(composition[1], values);
}else if (isDouble(composition[1])){
return Double.parseDouble(composition[1])*getValueFromVariable(composition[0], values);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
private static double getValueFromVariable (String variable, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
Double val = values.get(variable);
if (val == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown variable: "+variable);
}else {
return val;
* FunctionSolver help tools:
private static final String alphabetic = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzwykxy";
private static final String numeric = "0123456789.";
private static final String alphanumeric = alphabetic+numeric;
private static final String operators = "^*/+-"; //--> Operators order in important!
private static boolean firstContainsOnlySecond(String firstString, String secondString) {
for (int j = 0 ; j < firstString.length() ; j++) {
if (!secondString.contains(firstString.substring(j, j+1))) {
return false;
return true;
private static String getNewKey (HashMap<String, Double> hashMap) {
String alpha = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzyjkx";
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < alpha.length() ; i++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1)+alpha.substring(i,i+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
throw new NullPointerException();
public static String[] usableMathMethods () {
* Only methods that:
* return a double type
* present one or two parameters (which are double type)
Method[] mathMethods = Math.class.getDeclaredMethods();
ArrayList<String> usableMethodsNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method method : mathMethods) {
boolean usable = true;
int argumentsCounter = 0;
Class<?>[] methodParametersTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
for (Class<?> parameter : methodParametersTypes) {
if (!parameter.getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("double")) {
usable = false;
}else {
if (!method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase().equals("double")) {
usable = false;
if (usable & argumentsCounter<=2) {
return usableMethodsNames.toArray(new String[usableMethodsNames.size()]);
private static boolean isDouble (String number) {
try {
return true;
}catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
private static String[] splitByLettersAndNumbers (String val) {
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(val, alphanumeric+"+-")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong passed value: <<"+val+">>");
ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<>();
String searchingFor;
int lastIndex = 0;
if (firstContainsOnlySecond(""+val.charAt(0), numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
for (int j = 0 ; j < val.length() ; j++) {
if (searchingFor.contains(val.charAt(j)+"")) {
response.add(val.substring(lastIndex, j));
lastIndex = j;
if (searchingFor.equals(numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
return response.toArray(new String[response.size()]);
private static void deleteValueIfPossible (String val, HashMap<String, Double> values, String function) {
if (values.get(val) != null & function != null) {
if (!function.contains(val)) {
private static int contOccouranceIn (String howManyOfThatString, String inThatString) {
return inThatString.length() - inThatString.replace(howManyOfThatString, "").length();
Writing your own library is not that hard as u might thing. Here is link for Shunting-yard algorithm with step by step algorithm explenation. Although, you will have to parse the input for tokens first.
There are 2 other questions wich can give you some information too:
Turn a String into a Math Expression?
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java?
As there are many answers, I'm adding my implementation on top of eval() method with some additional features like support for factorial, evaluating complex expressions etc.
package evaluation;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
public class EvalPlus {
private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This Evaluation is based on BODMAS rule\n");
private static void evaluate() {
StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder();
System.out.println("Enter an expression to evaluate:");
String expr = scanner.nextLine();
if(isProperExpression(expr)) {
expr = replaceBefore(expr);
char[] temp = expr.toCharArray();
String operators = "(+-*/%)";
for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if((i == 0 && temp[i] != '*') || (i == temp.length-1 && temp[i] != '*' && temp[i] != '!')) {
} else if((i > 0 && i < temp.length -1) || (i==temp.length-1 && temp[i] == '!')) {
if(temp[i] == '!') {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for(int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if(Character.isDigit(temp[k])) {
str.insert(0, temp[k] );
} else {
Long prev = Long.valueOf(str.toString());
BigInteger val = new BigInteger("1");
for(Long j = prev; j > 1; j--) {
val = val.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(j));
finalStr.setLength(finalStr.length() - str.length());
finalStr.append("(" + val + ")");
if(temp.length > i+1) {
char next = temp[i+1];
if(operators.indexOf(next) == -1) {
} else {
expr = finalStr.toString();
if(expr != null && !expr.isEmpty()) {
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
try {
System.out.println("Result: " + engine.eval(expr));
} catch (ScriptException e) {
} else {
System.out.println("Please give an expression");
} else {
System.out.println("Not a valid expression");
private static String replaceBefore(String expr) {
expr = expr.replace("(", "*(");
expr = expr.replace("+*", "+").replace("-*", "-").replace("**", "*").replace("/*", "/").replace("%*", "%");
return expr;
private static boolean isProperExpression(String expr) {
expr = expr.replaceAll("[^()]", "");
char[] arr = expr.toCharArray();
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
int i =0;
while(i < arr.length) {
try {
if(arr[i] == '(') {
} else {
} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
return stack.isEmpty();
Please find the updated gist anytime here. Also comment if any issues are there. Thanks.
There are some perfectly capable answers here. However for non-trivial script it may be desirable to retain the code in a cache, or for debugging purposes, or even to have dynamically self-updating code.
To that end, sometimes it's simpler or more robust to interact with Java via command line. Create a temporary directory, output your script and any assets, create the jar. Finally import your new code.
It's a bit beyond the scope of normal eval() use in most languages, though you could certainly implement eval by returning the result from some function in your jar.
Still, thought I'd mention this method as it does fully encapsulate everything Java can do without 3rd party tools, in case of desperation. This method allows me to turn HTML templates into objects and save them, avoiding the need to parse a template at runtime.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
class Calculate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String strng = "8*-2*3*-1*10/2+6-2";
String[] oparator = {"+","-","*","/"};
List<String> op1 = new ArrayList<>();
String[] x = strng.split("");
int sayac=0;
for (String i : x) {
sayac ++;
for (String c : oparator) {
if (i.equals(c)) {
try {
int j = Integer.parseInt(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
op1.add(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
strng = strng.substring(sayac);
sayac = 0;
}catch (Exception e)
ListIterator<String> it = op1.listIterator();
List<List> newlist = new ArrayList<>() ;
while (it.hasNext()) {
List<String> p= new ArrayList<>();
int sayac2=0;
String oparatorvalue = "*";
String oparatorvalue2 = "/";
String oparatorvalue3 = "+";
String oparatorvalue4 = "-";
private static void calculate(int sayac2, List<List> newlist, String oparatorvalue) {
while (sayac2<4){
for (List j : newlist) {
if (j.get(1) == oparatorvalue) {
Integer opindex = newlist.indexOf(j);
Object sayi1 = newlist.get(opindex - 1).get(1);
Object sayi2 = newlist.get(opindex + 1).get(1);
int sonuc=0;
if (oparatorvalue.equals("*")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) * Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("/")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) / Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("+")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) + Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("-")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) - Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
List<String> sonuclist = new ArrayList<>();
sonuclist.add(String.valueOf(opindex - 1));
newlist.add(opindex - 1, sonuclist);
catch (Exception e){
If you do not want to import heavy scripting library, you can use SimpleExpressionEvaluator directly into your code
Expression.eval("1+2").asString(); // returns "3.0"
Expression.eval("1+2").asInt(); // returns 3
Expression.eval("2>3").asString(); // returns "false"
Expression.eval("2>3").asBoolean(); // returns false
Expression.eval("(3>2)||((2<4)&&(2>1))").asString(); // returns "true"
With variables:
HashMap<String, Object> st = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Expression.eval("a+b", st).asInt(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("a>b",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>b)||((b<d)&&(b>a))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>2)||((2<d)&&(b>1))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Using ExpressionBuilder:
The following resolved the issue:
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String str = "4*5";

java: the import data cannot be resolved - import data.Frame

I'm using some code from my university's lecturer for a new project and everything seems to be working except for that one little piece, where I want to import "data.Frame" and I just don't know what's missing so my code would function. If anyone knows the solution or could give me an alternative so I could import the needed "Frame" - would be awesome!
I'm using eclipse!
The code is:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import data.Frame; // HERE IS THE PROBLEM!
* Compares the annotations of two or more annotators and groups them together,
* before they are written to a csv file.
public class ComparisonWriter
private String content;
private final int A1 = 1;
private final int A2 = 2;
private final int A3 = 3;
// private final int A4 = 4;
private int numberOfAnnotators = 3;
String outputFileName = "data/200Saetze/Gruppe 1/comparison_buchpreis2_alle.csv";
String inputA1 = "data/200Saetze/Gruppe 1/Daniela/buchpreis2.xml";
String inputA2 = "data/200Saetze/Gruppe 1/Inga/buchpreis2.xml";
String inputA3 = "data/200Saetze/Gruppe 1/Stefan/buchpreis2.xml";
public ComparisonWriter()
content = "SatzID;Annotator;Frame;SE;exact;partial;Source;Annotator;SourceString;" +
"exact;exact ohne leer;exact ohne leer (SE);partial;koreferent;SourceFlag;exact;Target;Annotator;" +
"TargetString;exact;exact ohne leer;exact ohne leer (SE);partial;koreferent;TargetFlag;;FrameFlag";
AnnotationReader annotationReaderA1 = new AnnotationReader(inputA1);
Map<String, List<Frame>> seAnnotator1 = annotationReaderA1.getAllSubjectiveExpressions();
AnnotationReader annotationReaderA2 = new AnnotationReader(inputA2);
Map<String, List<Frame>> seAnnotator2 = annotationReaderA2.getAllSubjectiveExpressions();
AnnotationReader annotationReaderA3 = new AnnotationReader(inputA3);
Map<String, List<Frame>> seAnnotator3 = annotationReaderA3.getAllSubjectiveExpressions();
Set<String> sentences = seAnnotator1.keySet();
for (String sentence : sentences)
//add leading zeros
content += "\n\n" + sentence + ";" + annotationReaderA1.sentenceStrings.get(sentence);
//add the annotations in a sorted order
Map<Integer, List<Frame>> allFramesInSentence = new HashMap<Integer, List<Frame>>();
allFramesInSentence.put(A1, seAnnotator1.get(sentence));
allFramesInSentence.put(A2, seAnnotator2.get(sentence));
allFramesInSentence.put(A3, seAnnotator3.get(sentence));
// allFramesInSentence.put(A4, seAnnotator4.get(sentence));
//get the one with the most annotations
int largest = getIndexOfLargestList(allFramesInSentence);
if(largest == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < allFramesInSentence.get(largest).size(); i++)
Frame frame = allFramesInSentence.get(largest).get(i);
content += "\n\n;A" + largest + ";" + frame;
findOverlappingAnnotations(allFramesInSentence, largest, frame);
//Check, if there are not considered annotations in one of the frame lists for that sentence.
for (int a = 1; a <= 4; a++)
List<Frame> frameList = allFramesInSentence.get(a);
if(a != largest && frameList != null)
for (Frame frame : frameList)
if(frame.isConsidered() == false)
content += "\n\n;A" + a + ";" + frame;
findOverlappingAnnotations(allFramesInSentence, a, frame);
writeContentToFile(content, outputFileName, false);
* Find overlapping annotations.
* #param frames - list of frames, potentially overlapping with the given one.
* #param largest
* #param frame - frame in question.
private void findOverlappingAnnotations(Map<Integer, List<Frame>> frames,
int largest, Frame frame)
for (int a = 1; a <= 4; a++)
//If j is not the current largest frame list and there are annotated frames
//in from this annotator (a)
if(a != largest && frames.get(a) != null)
for (Frame compareFrame : frames.get(a))
addOverlappingAnnotations2Conent(frame, a, compareFrame);
* Add overlapping Annotations (measured by matching ids) to the content attribute.
* #param frame
* #param a - Annotator index
* #param compareFrame
private void addOverlappingAnnotations2Conent(Frame frame, int a,
Frame compareFrame)
List<String> terminalIDs = compareFrame.getTerminalIDs();
for (String id : terminalIDs)
//Write it to the content
content += "\n;A" + a + ";" + compareFrame;
* Get the index of the largest frame list in the map.
* #param frames - a map with all the frames for each annotator (key: annotator)
* #return The index of the largest frame list.
private int getIndexOfLargestList(Map<Integer, List<Frame>> frames)
int size = 0;
int largest = 0;
for(int a = 0; a <= numberOfAnnotators; a++)
if(frames.get(a) != null)
if(frames.get(a).size() > size)
largest = a;
return largest;
You basically need Frame class in your classpath. If you have this class in some jar, then add that jar to your classpath.
You need to get a copy of the source code or class file for the Frame class and add it to your project. The source code should be in a file called

Getting incorrect Score using SentiWordNet

I'm doing some sentiment analysis using SentiWordNet and I referred to the post here How to use SentiWordNet . However, I'm getting a score of 0.0 despite trying out various inputs. Is there anything I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
public class SWN3 {
private String pathToSWN = "C:\\Users\\Malcolm\\Desktop\\SentiWordNet_3.0.0\\home\\swn\\www\\admin\\dump\\SentiWordNet_3.0.0.txt";
private HashMap<String, Double> _dict;
public SWN3(){
_dict = new HashMap<String, Double>();
HashMap<String, Vector<Double>> _temp = new HashMap<String, Vector<Double>>();
BufferedReader csv = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pathToSWN));
String line = "";
while((line = csv.readLine()) != null)
String[] data = line.split("\t");
Double score = Double.parseDouble(data[2])-Double.parseDouble(data[3]);
String[] words = data[4].split(" ");
for(String w:words)
String[] w_n = w.split("#");
w_n[0] += "#"+data[0];
int index = Integer.parseInt(w_n[1])-1;
Vector<Double> v = _temp.get(w_n[0]);
for(int i = v.size();i<index; i++)
v.add(index, score);
_temp.put(w_n[0], v);
Vector<Double> v = new Vector<Double>();
for(int i = 0;i<index; i++)
v.add(index, score);
_temp.put(w_n[0], v);
Set<String> temp = _temp.keySet();
for (Iterator<String> iterator = temp.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String word = (String);
Vector<Double> v = _temp.get(word);
double score = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
score += ((double)1/(double)(i+1))*v.get(i);
for(int i = 1; i<=v.size(); i++)
sum += (double)1/(double)i;
score /= sum;
String sent = "";
sent = "strong_positive";
if(score > 0.25 && score<=0.5)
sent = "positive";
if(score > 0 && score>=0.25)
sent = "weak_positive";
if(score < 0 && score>=-0.25)
sent = "weak_negative";
if(score < -0.25 && score>=-0.5)
sent = "negative";
sent = "strong_negative";
_dict.put(word, score);
catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
public Double extract(String word)
Double total = new Double(0);
if(_dict.get(word+"#n") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#n") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#a") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#a") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#r") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#r") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#v") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#v") + total;
return total;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SWN3 test = new SWN3();
String sentence="Hello have a Super awesome great day";
String[] words = sentence.split("\\s+");
double totalScore = 0;
for(String word : words) {
word = word.replaceAll("([^a-zA-Z\\s])", "");
if (test.extract(word) == null)
totalScore += test.extract(word);
Here's the first 10 lines of SentiWordNet.txt
a 00001740 0.125 0 able#1 (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project"
a 00002098 0 0.75 unable#1 (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how; "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds"
a 00002312 0 0 dorsal#2 abaxial#1 facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem"
a 00002527 0 0 ventral#2 adaxial#1 nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism; "the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface"
a 00002730 0 0 acroscopic#1 facing or on the side toward the apex
a 00002843 0 0 basiscopic#1 facing or on the side toward the base
a 00002956 0 0 abducting#1 abducent#1 especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part
a 00003131 0 0 adductive#1 adducting#1 adducent#1 especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part
a 00003356 0 0 nascent#1 being born or beginning; "the nascent chicks"; "a nascent insurgency"
a 00003553 0 0 emerging#2 emergent#2 coming into existence; "an emergent republic"
Usually the SentiWord.txt file comes with a weird format.
You need to remove the first part of it (which includes comments and instructions) and the last two lines:
The parser doesn't know how to handle these situations, if you delete these extra two lines you'll be fine.

Evaluating complicated mathematical exprerssion in Java given as String [duplicate]

I have a string like the following:
String str = "4*5";
Now I have to get the result of 20 by using the string.
I know in some other languages the eval() function will do this.
How can I do this in Java?
You can use the ScriptEngine class and evaluate it as a Javascript string.
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("js");
Object result = engine.eval("4*5");
There may be a better way, but this one works.
There is no standard Java class or method that will do what you want. Your options include:
Select and use some third-party expression evaluation library. For example JEL or any of the half dozen libraries listed here.
Wrap the expression in the Java source code for a class with an eval method, send that to the Java compiler, and then load the resulting compiled class.
Use some scripting language that can be called from Java as an expression evaluator. Possibilities include Javascript1, BeanShell, and so on. A JSR 223 compliant scripting language implementation can be called via the Scripting API.
Write your own expression evaluator from scratch.
The first approach is probably simplest. The second and third approaches are a potential security risk if you get the expression to be evaluated from an untrusted user. (Think code injection.)
1 - Javascript in Java SE is a moving target. From Java 6, a version of Mozilla's Rhino Javascript implementation was bundled with Java SE. The in Java 8, it was superseded by Nashorn. In Java 11, Nashorn was deprecated, and finally dropped from the core codebase. As of 2021, both Rhino and Nashorn are being maintained as separate (non-Oracle) products, and Oracle's GraalVM has its own Javascript implementation.
There are very few real use cases in which being able to evaluate a String as a fragment of Java code is necessary or desirable. That is, asking how to do this is really an XY problem: you actually have a different problem, which can be solved a different way.
First ask yourself, where did this String that you wish to evaluate come from? Did another part of your program generate it, or was it input provided by the user?
Another part of my program generated it: so, you want one part of your program to decide the kind of operation to perform, but not perform the operation, and a second part that performs the chosen operation. Instead of generating and then evaluating a String, use the Strategy, Command or Builder design pattern, as appropriate for your particular case.
It is user input: the user could input anything, including commands that, when executed, could cause your program to misbehave, crash, expose information that should be secret, damage persistent information (such as the content of a database), and other such nastiness. The only way to prevent that would be to parse the String yourself, check it was not malicious, and then evaluate it. But parsing it yourself is much of the work that the requested evalfunction would do, so you have saved yourself nothing. Worse still, checking that arbitrary Java was not malicious is impossible, because checking that is the halting problem.
It is user input, but the syntax and semantics of permitted text to evaluate is greatly restricted: No general purpose facility can easily implement a general purpose parser and evaluator for whatever restricted syntax and semantics you have chosen. What you need to do is implement a parser and evaluator for your chosen syntax and semantics. If the task is simple, you could write a simple recursive-descent or finite-state-machine parser by hand. If the task is difficult, you could use a compiler-compiler (such as ANTLR) to do some of the work for you.
I just want to implement a desktop calculator!: A homework assignment, eh? If you could implement the evaluation of the input expression using a provided eval function, it would not be much of a homework assignment, would it? Your program would be three lines long. Your instructor probably expects you to write the code for a simple arithmetic parser/evaluator. There is well known algorithm, shunting-yard, which you might find useful.
With Java 9, we get access to jshell, so one can write something like this:
import jdk.jshell.JShell;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
public class Eval {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try(JShell js = JShell.create(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
js.onSnippetEvent(snip -> {
if (snip.status() == jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID) {
System.out.println("➜ " + snip.value());
System.out.print("> ");
for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) {
System.out.print("> ");
Sample run:
> 1 + 2 / 4 * 3
➜ 1
> 32 * 121
➜ 3872
> 4 * 5
➜ 20
> 121 * 51
➜ 6171
Slightly op, but that's what Java currently has to offer
I could advise you to use Exp4j. It is easy to understand as you can see from the following example code:
Expression e = new ExpressionBuilder("3 * sin(y) - 2 / (x - 2)")
.variables("x", "y")
.setVariable("x", 2.3)
.setVariable("y", 3.14);
double result = e.evaluate();
No, you can not have a generic "eval" in Java (or any compiled language). Unless you're willing to write a Java compiler AND a JVM to be executed inside of your Java program.
Yes, you can have some library to evaluate numeric algebraic expressions like the one above - see this thread for discussion.
As previous answers, there is no standard API in Java for this.
You can add groovy jar files to your path and"4*5") gets your job done.
A fun way to solve your problem could be coding an eval() function on your own!
I've done it for you!
You can use FunctionSolver library simply by typing FunctionSolver.solveByX(function,value) inside your code. The function attribute is a String which represents the function you want to solve, the value attribute is the value of the independent variable
of your function (which MUST be x).
If you want to solve a function which contains more than one independent variable, you can use FunctionSolver.solve(function,values) where the values attribute is an HashMap(String,Double) which contains all your independent attributes (as Strings) and their respective values (as Doubles).
Another piece of information: I've coded a simple version of FunctionSolver, so its supports only Math methods which return a double value and which accepts one or two double values as fields (just use FunctionSolver.usableMathMethods() if you're curious) (These methods are: bs, sin, cos, tan, atan2, sqrt, log, log10, pow, exp, min, max, copySign, signum, IEEEremainder, acos, asin, atan, cbrt, ceil, cosh, expm1, floor, hypot, log1p, nextAfter, nextDown, nextUp, random, rint, sinh, tanh, toDegrees, toRadians, ulp). Also, that library supports the following operators: * / + - ^ (even if java normally does not support the ^ operator).
One last thing: while creating this library I had to use reflections to call Math methods. I think it's really cool, just have a look at this if you are interested in!
That's all, here it is the code (and the library):
package core;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
public abstract class FunctionSolver {
public static double solveNumericExpression (String expression) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solve(expression, new HashMap<>());
public static double solveByX (String function, double value) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
HashMap<String, Double> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("x", value);
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
public static double solve (String function, HashMap<String,Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
return solveComplexFunction(function, function, values);
private static double solveComplexFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
int position = 0;
while(position < function.length()) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) {
if (position == 0 || !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(position-1))) {
int endIndex = -1;
for (int j = position ; j < function.length()-1 ; j++) {
if (alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j))
&& !alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(j+1))) {
endIndex = j;
if (endIndex == -1 & alphabetic.contains(""+function.charAt(function.length()-1))) {
endIndex = function.length()-1;
if (endIndex != -1) {
String alphabeticElement = function.substring(position, endIndex+1);
if (Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(alphabeticElement)) {
//Start analyzing a Math function
int closeParenthesisIndex = -1;
int openedParenthesisquantity = 0;
int commaIndex = -1;
for (int j = endIndex+1 ; j < function.length() ; j++) {
if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals("(")) {
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(")")) {
if (openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
closeParenthesisIndex = j;
}else if (function.substring(j,j+1).equals(",") & openedParenthesisquantity == 0) {
if (commaIndex == -1) {
commaIndex = j;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") has too many commas");
if (closeParenthesisIndex == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument of a Math function (which is "+alphabeticElement+") hasn't got the closing bracket )");
String functionArgument = function.substring(endIndex+2,closeParenthesisIndex);
if (commaIndex != -1) {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(0,commaIndex),motherFunction,values);
double secondParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument.substring(commaIndex+1),motherFunction,values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class, double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter, secondParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else {
double firstParameter = solveComplexFunction(functionArgument, motherFunction, values);
Method mathMethod = Math.class.getDeclaredMethod(alphabeticElement, new Class<?>[] {double.class});
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, (Double) mathMethod.invoke(null, firstParameter));
function = function.substring(0, position)+newKey
+((closeParenthesisIndex == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(closeParenthesisIndex+1)));
}else if (!values.containsKey(alphabeticElement)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found a group of letters ("+alphabeticElement+") which is neither a variable nor a Math function: ");
return solveBracketsFunction(function,motherFunction,values);
private static double solveBracketsFunction (String function,String motherFunction,HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
function = function.replace(" ", "");
String openingBrackets = "([{";
String closingBrackets = ")]}";
int parenthesisIndex = 0;
do {
int position = 0;
int openParenthesisBlockIndex = -1;
String currentOpeningBracket = openingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
String currentClosingBracket = closingBrackets.charAt(parenthesisIndex)+"";
if (contOccouranceIn(currentOpeningBracket,function) != contOccouranceIn(currentClosingBracket,function)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: brackets are misused in the function "+function);
while (position < function.length()) {
if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentOpeningBracket)) {
if (position != 0 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position-1,position))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator following a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
openParenthesisBlockIndex = position;
}else if (function.substring(position,position+1).equals(currentClosingBracket)) {
if (position != function.length()-1 && !operators.contains(function.substring(position+1,position+2))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in function: there must be an operator before a "+currentClosingBracket+" breacket");
String newKey = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newKey, solveBracketsFunction(function.substring(openParenthesisBlockIndex+1,position),motherFunction, values));
function = function.substring(0,openParenthesisBlockIndex)+newKey
+((position == function.length()-1)?(""):(function.substring(position+1)));
position = -1;
}while (parenthesisIndex < openingBrackets.length());
return solveBasicFunction(function,motherFunction, values);
private static double solveBasicFunction (String function, String motherFunction, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(function, alphanumeric+operators)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function "+function+" is not a basic function");
if (function.contains("**") |
function.contains("//") |
function.contains("--") |
function.contains("+*") |
function.contains("+/") |
function.contains("-*") |
function.contains("-/")) {
* ( -+ , +- , *- , *+ , /- , /+ )> Those values are admitted
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
function = function.replace(" ", "");
int position;
int operatorIndex = 0;
String currentOperator;
do {
currentOperator = operators.substring(operatorIndex,operatorIndex+1);
if (currentOperator.equals("*")) {
}else if (currentOperator.equals("+")) {
position = 0;
while (position < function.length()) {
if ((position == 0 && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("-") && !(""+function.charAt(position)).equals("+") && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position))) ||
(position == function.length()-1 && operators.contains(""+function.charAt(position)))){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are misused in the function");
if (currentOperator.contains(function.substring(position, position+1)) & position != 0) {
int firstTermBeginIndex = position;
while (firstTermBeginIndex > 0) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1)))){
if (firstTermBeginIndex != 0 && (function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '-' | function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-1) == '+')) {
if (firstTermBeginIndex == 1) {
}else if (operators.contains(""+(function.charAt(firstTermBeginIndex-2)))){
String firstTerm = function.substring(firstTermBeginIndex,position);
int secondTermLastIndex = position;
while (secondTermLastIndex < function.length()-1) {
if ((alphanumeric.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex))) & (operators.contains(""+function.charAt(secondTermLastIndex+1)))) {
String secondTerm = function.substring(position+1,secondTermLastIndex+1);
double result;
switch (function.substring(position,position+1)) {
case "*": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)*solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "/": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)/solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "+": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)+solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "-": result = solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values)-solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values); break;
case "^": result = Math.pow(solveSingleValue(firstTerm,values),solveSingleValue(secondTerm,values)); break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: "+currentOperator);
String newAttribute = getNewKey(values);
values.put(newAttribute, result);
function = function.substring(0,firstTermBeginIndex)+newAttribute+function.substring(secondTermLastIndex+1,function.length());
deleteValueIfPossible(firstTerm, values, motherFunction);
deleteValueIfPossible(secondTerm, values, motherFunction);
position = -1;
}while (operatorIndex < operators.length());
return solveSingleValue(function, values);
private static double solveSingleValue (String singleValue, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (isDouble(singleValue)) {
return Double.parseDouble(singleValue);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphabetic)){
return getValueFromVariable(singleValue, values);
}else if (firstContainsOnlySecond(singleValue, alphanumeric+"-+")) {
String[] composition = splitByLettersAndNumbers(singleValue);
if (composition.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
if (composition[0].equals("-")) {
composition[0] = "-1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("-")) {
composition[1] = "-1";
}else if (composition[0].equals("+")) {
composition[0] = "+1";
}else if (composition[1].equals("+")) {
composition[1] = "+1";
if (isDouble(composition[0])) {
return Double.parseDouble(composition[0])*getValueFromVariable(composition[1], values);
}else if (isDouble(composition[1])){
return Double.parseDouble(composition[1])*getValueFromVariable(composition[0], values);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
}else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong expression: "+singleValue);
private static double getValueFromVariable (String variable, HashMap<String, Double> values) throws IllegalArgumentException{
Double val = values.get(variable);
if (val == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown variable: "+variable);
}else {
return val;
* FunctionSolver help tools:
private static final String alphabetic = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzwykxy";
private static final String numeric = "0123456789.";
private static final String alphanumeric = alphabetic+numeric;
private static final String operators = "^*/+-"; //--> Operators order in important!
private static boolean firstContainsOnlySecond(String firstString, String secondString) {
for (int j = 0 ; j < firstString.length() ; j++) {
if (!secondString.contains(firstString.substring(j, j+1))) {
return false;
return true;
private static String getNewKey (HashMap<String, Double> hashMap) {
String alpha = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzyjkx";
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
for (int j = 0 ; j < alpha.length() ; j++) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < alpha.length() ; i++) {
String k = alpha.substring(j,j+1)+alpha.substring(i,i+1);
if (!hashMap.containsKey(k) & !Arrays.asList(usableMathMethods()).contains(k)) {
return k;
throw new NullPointerException();
public static String[] usableMathMethods () {
* Only methods that:
* return a double type
* present one or two parameters (which are double type)
Method[] mathMethods = Math.class.getDeclaredMethods();
ArrayList<String> usableMethodsNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method method : mathMethods) {
boolean usable = true;
int argumentsCounter = 0;
Class<?>[] methodParametersTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
for (Class<?> parameter : methodParametersTypes) {
if (!parameter.getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("double")) {
usable = false;
}else {
if (!method.getReturnType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase().equals("double")) {
usable = false;
if (usable & argumentsCounter<=2) {
return usableMethodsNames.toArray(new String[usableMethodsNames.size()]);
private static boolean isDouble (String number) {
try {
return true;
}catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
private static String[] splitByLettersAndNumbers (String val) {
if (!firstContainsOnlySecond(val, alphanumeric+"+-")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong passed value: <<"+val+">>");
ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<>();
String searchingFor;
int lastIndex = 0;
if (firstContainsOnlySecond(""+val.charAt(0), numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
for (int j = 0 ; j < val.length() ; j++) {
if (searchingFor.contains(val.charAt(j)+"")) {
response.add(val.substring(lastIndex, j));
lastIndex = j;
if (searchingFor.equals(numeric+"+-")) {
searchingFor = alphabetic;
}else {
searchingFor = numeric+"+-";
return response.toArray(new String[response.size()]);
private static void deleteValueIfPossible (String val, HashMap<String, Double> values, String function) {
if (values.get(val) != null & function != null) {
if (!function.contains(val)) {
private static int contOccouranceIn (String howManyOfThatString, String inThatString) {
return inThatString.length() - inThatString.replace(howManyOfThatString, "").length();
Writing your own library is not that hard as u might thing. Here is link for Shunting-yard algorithm with step by step algorithm explenation. Although, you will have to parse the input for tokens first.
There are 2 other questions wich can give you some information too:
Turn a String into a Math Expression?
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java?
As there are many answers, I'm adding my implementation on top of eval() method with some additional features like support for factorial, evaluating complex expressions etc.
package evaluation;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
public class EvalPlus {
private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This Evaluation is based on BODMAS rule\n");
private static void evaluate() {
StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder();
System.out.println("Enter an expression to evaluate:");
String expr = scanner.nextLine();
if(isProperExpression(expr)) {
expr = replaceBefore(expr);
char[] temp = expr.toCharArray();
String operators = "(+-*/%)";
for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if((i == 0 && temp[i] != '*') || (i == temp.length-1 && temp[i] != '*' && temp[i] != '!')) {
} else if((i > 0 && i < temp.length -1) || (i==temp.length-1 && temp[i] == '!')) {
if(temp[i] == '!') {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for(int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if(Character.isDigit(temp[k])) {
str.insert(0, temp[k] );
} else {
Long prev = Long.valueOf(str.toString());
BigInteger val = new BigInteger("1");
for(Long j = prev; j > 1; j--) {
val = val.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(j));
finalStr.setLength(finalStr.length() - str.length());
finalStr.append("(" + val + ")");
if(temp.length > i+1) {
char next = temp[i+1];
if(operators.indexOf(next) == -1) {
} else {
expr = finalStr.toString();
if(expr != null && !expr.isEmpty()) {
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
try {
System.out.println("Result: " + engine.eval(expr));
} catch (ScriptException e) {
} else {
System.out.println("Please give an expression");
} else {
System.out.println("Not a valid expression");
private static String replaceBefore(String expr) {
expr = expr.replace("(", "*(");
expr = expr.replace("+*", "+").replace("-*", "-").replace("**", "*").replace("/*", "/").replace("%*", "%");
return expr;
private static boolean isProperExpression(String expr) {
expr = expr.replaceAll("[^()]", "");
char[] arr = expr.toCharArray();
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
int i =0;
while(i < arr.length) {
try {
if(arr[i] == '(') {
} else {
} catch (EmptyStackException e) {
return stack.isEmpty();
Please find the updated gist anytime here. Also comment if any issues are there. Thanks.
There are some perfectly capable answers here. However for non-trivial script it may be desirable to retain the code in a cache, or for debugging purposes, or even to have dynamically self-updating code.
To that end, sometimes it's simpler or more robust to interact with Java via command line. Create a temporary directory, output your script and any assets, create the jar. Finally import your new code.
It's a bit beyond the scope of normal eval() use in most languages, though you could certainly implement eval by returning the result from some function in your jar.
Still, thought I'd mention this method as it does fully encapsulate everything Java can do without 3rd party tools, in case of desperation. This method allows me to turn HTML templates into objects and save them, avoiding the need to parse a template at runtime.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
class Calculate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String strng = "8*-2*3*-1*10/2+6-2";
String[] oparator = {"+","-","*","/"};
List<String> op1 = new ArrayList<>();
String[] x = strng.split("");
int sayac=0;
for (String i : x) {
sayac ++;
for (String c : oparator) {
if (i.equals(c)) {
try {
int j = Integer.parseInt(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
op1.add(strng.substring(0, sayac - 1));
strng = strng.substring(sayac);
sayac = 0;
}catch (Exception e)
ListIterator<String> it = op1.listIterator();
List<List> newlist = new ArrayList<>() ;
while (it.hasNext()) {
List<String> p= new ArrayList<>();
int sayac2=0;
String oparatorvalue = "*";
String oparatorvalue2 = "/";
String oparatorvalue3 = "+";
String oparatorvalue4 = "-";
private static void calculate(int sayac2, List<List> newlist, String oparatorvalue) {
while (sayac2<4){
for (List j : newlist) {
if (j.get(1) == oparatorvalue) {
Integer opindex = newlist.indexOf(j);
Object sayi1 = newlist.get(opindex - 1).get(1);
Object sayi2 = newlist.get(opindex + 1).get(1);
int sonuc=0;
if (oparatorvalue.equals("*")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) * Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("/")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) / Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("+")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) + Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
if (oparatorvalue.equals("-")){
sonuc = Integer.parseInt(sayi1.toString()) - Integer.parseInt(sayi2.toString());
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
newlist.remove(opindex - 1);
List<String> sonuclist = new ArrayList<>();
sonuclist.add(String.valueOf(opindex - 1));
newlist.add(opindex - 1, sonuclist);
catch (Exception e){
If you do not want to import heavy scripting library, you can use SimpleExpressionEvaluator directly into your code
Expression.eval("1+2").asString(); // returns "3.0"
Expression.eval("1+2").asInt(); // returns 3
Expression.eval("2>3").asString(); // returns "false"
Expression.eval("2>3").asBoolean(); // returns false
Expression.eval("(3>2)||((2<4)&&(2>1))").asString(); // returns "true"
With variables:
HashMap<String, Object> st = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Expression.eval("a+b", st).asInt(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("a>b",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>b)||((b<d)&&(b>a))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Expression.eval("(c>2)||((2<d)&&(b>1))",st).asBoolean(); // or simply asString()
Using ExpressionBuilder:
The following resolved the issue:
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String str = "4*5";

