Mockito NullPointerException - Not recognizing repository - java

I'm having trouble figuring out why Mockito is throwing a NullPointerException when I'm telling the mock to return true.
Here is my JUnit Test:
public class PizzaValidatorTest {
private Pizza meatPizza;
private PizzaValidator validator = new PizzaValidator();
private IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;
private PizzaSizeRepository pizzaSizeRepository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
meatPizza = new Pizza();
validator = new PizzaValidator();
public void validateValid() {
The PizzaValidator class is implemented below:
public class PizzaValidator implements Validator<Pizza> {
IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;
PizzaSizeRepository pizzaSizeRepository;
public boolean validate(Pizza entity) {
return validatePizza(entity);
private boolean validatePizza(Pizza pizza) {
return validPizzaSize(pizza) && validIngredients(pizza);
private boolean validPizzaSize(Pizza pizza) {
return pizzaSizeRepository.existsById(pizza.getSizeDesc().getId());
private boolean validIngredients(Pizza pizza) {
for (Ingredient ingredient : pizza.getIngredients()) {
if (!ingredientRepository.existsById(ingredient.getId())) {
return false;
return true;
For some reason it seems like Mockito isn't connecting the mock repository with my class repository, but I can't figure out why. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

You should not create the PizzaValidator using new keyword, you should #Autowire it in the test
public class PizzaValidatorTest {
private Pizza meatPizza;
private PizzaValidator validator;
private IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;
private PizzaSizeRepository pizzaSizeRepository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
meatPizza = new Pizza();
public void validateValid() {


How to mock model in service test?

I try write service test, for example, I have this ExamServiceImpl:
public class ExamServiceImpl implements ExamService {
private final SubjectService scoreService;
private final ScoreDAO scoreDAO;
public ExamServiceImpl(ScoreDAO scoreDAO) {
this.scoreDAO = scoreDAO;
public ResponseModel insertScore(RequestModel request) throws IOException {
SubjectModel subject = scoreService.getNameSubject(request);
ScoreModel score = new ScoreModel();
int result = scoreDAO.insert(score);
return result;
Sample my test:
public class ExamServiceImplTest {
private ScoreDAO scoreDAO;
private SubjectService subjectService;
private ExamService examService;
void insertScoreTest() {
SubjectModel resFromSubject = new SubjectModel();
Mockito.when(subjectService.getNameSubject(new RequestModel())).thenReturn(resFromSubject);
Mockito.when(scoreDAO.insert(new ScoreModel())).thenReturn(1);
int resultTest = examService.insertScore(new RequestModel());
assertSame(ex, 1);
But output resultTest is 0. I try debugger, I found mock scoreDAO.insert() return 0 >> is not working.
And I try like this:
public class ExamServiceImplTest {
private ScoreDAO scoreDAO;
private SubjectService subjectService;
private ExamService examService = ExamServiceImpl(scoreDAO);
public void setup() {
void insertScoreTest() {
SubjectModel resFromSubject = new SubjectModel();
Mockito.when(subjectService.getNameSubject(new RequestModel())).thenReturn(resFromSubject);
Mockito.when(scoreDAO.insert(new ScoreModel())).thenReturn(1);
int resultTest = examService.insertScore(new RequestModel());
assertSame(ex, 1);
It's not work too.
Please, could you help write me test methods? I covered with tests more simple other services.
Thank you!
It doesn't work because new ScoreModel() inside Mockito.when() and inside ExamServiceImpl are two different objects. If you want scoreDAO to return 1 for every ScoreModel passed to it you can use:

Q:Mockito - Using #Mock and #Autowired

I'd like to test a service class which has two other service classes like as below using Mockito.
public class GreetingService {
private final Hello1Service hello1Service;
private final Hello2Service hello2Service;
public GreetingService(Hello1Service hello1Service, Hello2Service hello2Service) {
this.hello1Service = hello1Service;
this.hello2Service = hello2Service;
public String greet(int i) {
return hello1Service.hello(i) + " " + hello2Service.hello(i);
public class Hello1Service {
public String hello(int i) {
if (i == 0) {
return "Hello1.";
return "Hello1 Hello1.";
public class Hello2Service {
public String hello(int i) {
if (i == 0) {
return "Hello2.";
return "Hello2 Hello2.";
I know how to mock Hello1Service.class and Hello2Service.class with Mockito like as below.
public class GreetingServiceTest {
private GreetingService greetingService;
private Hello1Service hello1Service;
private Hello2Service hello2Service;
public void test() {
when(hello1Service.hello(anyInt())).thenReturn("Mock Hello1.");
when(hello2Service.hello(anyInt())).thenReturn("Mock Hello2.");
assertThat(greetingService.greet(0), is("Mock Hello1. Mock Hello2."));
I'd like to mock Hello1Service.class and inject Hello2Service.class using #Autowired like as below.
I tired to use #SpringBootTest but it did not work.
Is there a better way?
public class GreetingServiceTest {
private GreetingService greetingService;
private Hello1Service hello1Service;
private Hello2Service hello2Service;
public void test() {
when(hello1Service.hello(anyInt())).thenReturn("Mock Hello1.");
assertThat(greetingService.greet(0), is("Mock Hello1. Hello2."));
You want to inject dependency with some functionality to be formed then use #Spy.
You don't to load Spring Container and use #Autowired.
private Hello2Service hello2Service=new Hello2Service();
You can read more detail about Mock vs Spy ;
You can change with Spy for real object instead of Mock.
Test code will be like this;
public class GreetingServiceTest {
private GreetingService greetingService;
private Hello1Service hello1Service;
private Hello2Service hello2Service;
public void test() {
when(hello1Service.hello(anyInt())).thenReturn("Mock Hello1.");
assertThat(greetingService.greet(0), is("Mock Hello1. Hello2."));

Unable to call the function from the mocked component class

I have a junit test method as follows:
public class StoreIdAssignmentServiceTest {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
private StoreIdAssignmentService storeIdAssignmentService;
private StoreIdAssignmentFactory storeIdAssignmentFactory;
private DatabaseService databaseService;
public void rollUpFeed_Single_DealerAndStoreID_NoExisting() {
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> scmsaPosTransRollupFeedList = new ArrayList<>();
ScmsaPosTransRollup posTransRollup = new ScmsaPosTransRollup();
.valueOf("2018-03-01 13:00:00.00"));
List<PosHourlySt> existingPosHourlyStEntries = new ArrayList<>();
And My StoreIdAssignmentService class will be:
public class StoreIdAssignmentService {
private StoreIdAssignmentFactory storeIdAssignmentFactory;
private DatabaseService databaseService;
public StoreIdAssignmentService(StoreIdAssignmentFactory storeIdAssignmentFactory,
DatabaseService databaseService) {
this.storeIdAssignmentFactory = storeIdAssignmentFactory;
this.databaseService = databaseService;
public void processHourlyStateFeed() {
calculateStateForPosHourlyStTransaction(posHourlyStToConsider, newPosHourlyStEntries);
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> scmsaPosTransRollupUpdatedFlagList = storeIdAssignmentFactory
saveAndUpdatePosHourlyStAndRollUpEntries(newPosHourlyStEntries, existingPosHourlyStEntries,
rollUpFeedByDealerCode, scmsaPosTransRollupUpdatedFlagList);
private Map<String, List<ScmsaPosTransRollup>> groupDealerCodeRollUpFeedByStoreId(
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> rollUpFeedByDealerCode) {
// Grouping the rollUpFeedByDealerCode by storeID
private void calculateStateForPosHourlyStTransaction(ScmsaPosTransRollup scmsaPosTransRollupToConsider, List<PosHourlySt> newPosHourlyStEntries) {
List<PosHourlySt> posHourlyStList =
hourlyState -> (hourlyState.getStartDate().before(scmsaPosTransRollupToConsider.getTransactionDate())))
PosHourlySt posHourlySt=storeIdAssignmentFactory.createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp(scmsaPosTransRollupToConsider,
and My Factory class would be:
public class StoreIdAssignmentFactory {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoreIdAssignmentFactory.class);
private ModelMapper modelMapper;
public StoreIdAssignmentFactory(ModelMapper modelMapper) {
this.modelMapper = modelMapper;
public PosHourlySt createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp(ScmsaPosTransRollup scmsaPosTransRollup, Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate){
PosHourlySt posHourlySt = new PosHourlySt();
posHourlySt.setSource("ROLLUP");"New Rec: {}", posHourlySt.toString());
return posHourlySt;
public PosHourlySt createHourlyStEntryFromPosHourlySt(PosHourlySt posHourlyStToSplit, Timestamp endDate){
PosHourlySt posHourlySt = new PosHourlySt();
posHourlySt.setSource("ROLLUP");"SplitupRec: {}", posHourlySt.toString());
return posHourlySt;
public List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> createUpdatedRollUpEntries(List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> rollUpFeedByDealerCode) {
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> scmsaPosTransRollupUpdatedFlagList = new ArrayList<>();
for(ScmsaPosTransRollup scmsaPosTransRollupFeed : rollUpFeedByDealerCode) {
ScmsaPosTransRollup scmsaPosTransRollupUpdateFlag = new ScmsaPosTransRollup();, scmsaPosTransRollupUpdateFlag);
return scmsaPosTransRollupUpdatedFlagList;
The StoreIdAssignmentService class contains the method "calculateStateForPosHourlyStTransaction" which calls some method in Factory class. When I debug as the junit test case , am not able to call that factory class method . What I am doing wrong here. Can anyone please suggest me.
You are mocking the factory:
private StoreIdAssignmentFactory storeIdAssignmentFactory;
So you can't investigate the method createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp inside the factory, because the whole factory is mocked:
If you trying to debug the createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp and the StoreIdAssignmentFactory is a #Component (or #Service), I recommend create a StoreIdAssignmentFactoryTest class test, use the #Autowired on it and #MockBean his dependencies.
public class StoreIdAssignmentFactoryTest {
StoreIdAssignmentFactory factory;
public void testing() {
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> list = factory.createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp(...);
//TODO asserts and etc
But this test is considered a integration test, because it load the whole spring context and beans related.
Another alternative is the (true) unit test. Use your constructor and not use #SpringBootTest, mock the dependencies (ModelMapper). This makes the test more fast and simple.
public class StoreIdAssignmentFactoryTest {
public void testing() {
ModelMapper mapper = mock(ModelMapper.class);
StoreIdAssignmentFactory factory = new StoreIdAssignmentFactory(mapper)
List<ScmsaPosTransRollup> list = factory.createHourlyStEntryFromRollUp();
//TODO asserts and etc

Failing to mock #Autowired Object

I am using Junit4 and Mockito for test cases, in the following code I am trying to mock a autowired object which throws null pointer exception inside the mocking class which means autowired object is not mocking properly
public class ContentDao {
private ConfigProperties configProperties;
public void fuction() {
int batchSize = configProperties.getBatchSize();
#ConfigurationProperties(ignoreUnknownFields = false, prefix = "cleanup")
public class ConfigProperties {
private int batchSize;
public int getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
Trying to mock ConfigProperties.
public class ContentDaoTest{
private ContentDao contentDao;
private ConfigProperties configProperties;
public void functionTest(){
configProperties = mock(ConfigProperties.class);
ContentDao contentDao = new ContentDao();
funtion is called, but I get NPE in below line. Please help I am stuck here.
int batchSize = configProperties.getBatchSize();
If you set #Mock for configProperties, you should not mock again configProperties = mock(ConfigProperties.class);
In the same idea, as you set #InjectMocks for contentDao, you should not instantiate a new contentDao.
public class ContentDaoTest {
private ContentDao contentDao;
private ConfigProperties configProperties;
public void functionTest() {

Using autowired dependencies with certain mock dependency in Spring4

I have a rest resource for signup and login. both in a controller class. the controller class has a dependency to a service class with the business logic. the service class has further dependencies. cause i use an embedded db for testing, i want to use the real dependencies of my app instead to mock them with something like #injectmock #mock. there is only one certain dependency i have to mock. its the dependency for sending emails after a signup process. how to write test cases with #autowired function and one certain mock dependency for email notification?
public class AccountCommandsController {
private LogoutService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity login(#RequestBody Account account) {
AccountLoginEvent accountLoginEvent = service.loginAccount(new RequestAccountLoginEvent(account.getEmailAddress(), account.getPassword()));
if (accountLoginEvent.isLoginGranted()) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/signup", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity signup(#RequestBody Account account) {
AccountSignupEvent signedupEvent = service.signupAccount(new RequestAccountSignupEvent(account.getEmailAddress(), account.getPassword()));
if (signedupEvent.isSignupSuccess()) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
} else if (signedupEvent.isDuplicateEmailAddress()) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.CONFLICT);
} else if (signedupEvent.isNoSignupMailSent()) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
public class LogoutService {
private AccountsRepository accountsRepository;
private MailService mailService;
private HashService hashService;
public AccountSignupEvent signupAccount(RequestAccountSignupEvent signupEvent) {
if (accountsRepository.existEmailAddress(signupEvent.getEmailAddress())) {
return AccountSignupEvent.duplicateEmailAddress();
Account newAccount = new Account();
newAccount.setCreated(new Date());
newAccount.setModified(new Date());
SignupMailEvent mailSentEvent = mailService.sendSignupMail(new RequestSignupMailEvent(newAccount));
if (!mailSentEvent.isMailSent()) {
return AccountSignupEvent.noMailSent();
Account persistedAccount = accountsRepository.persist(newAccount);
return AccountSignupEvent.accountCreated(persistedAccount);
public AccountLoginEvent loginAccount(RequestAccountLoginEvent loginEvent) {
if (accountsRepository.existLogin(loginEvent.getEmailAddress(), loginEvent.getPassword())) {
return AccountLoginEvent.granted();
return AccountLoginEvent.denied();
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
public class LogoutTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private AccountCommandsController controller;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = standaloneSetup(controller).build();
public void signupNoMail() throws Exception {
// when(controller.service.signupAccount(any(RequestAccountSignupEvent.class))).thenReturn(AccountSignupEvent.noMailSent());
.content(new Gson().toJson(new Account(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString())))
I hope you see the problem. Every dependency works fine instead mailservice. I dont want to use #injectmock and #mock with MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); in my test file, because of the neccessary to provide for all dependencies mocks.
if your dependencies are running and you have a configuration class where you have defined the endpoint, you can use ConfigurableApplicationContext class, something like this:
public class test {
private static ConfigurableApplicationContext appContext;
private LogoutService service;
public static void destroy() {
public void setup() {
appContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(YourClassConfig.class);
service = appContext.getBean(LogoutService.class);
public void beansAreCreated() {
Or you can re-write your endpoint with a configuration class and you can use WireMock ( to emulate your dependency with real data, this should be something like this:
public class test {
public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(15000);
private static ConfigurableApplicationContext appContext;
private LogoutService service;
private static String serviceMockUrl;
public static void destroy() {
public void setup() {
serviceMockUrl = "http://localhost:" + wireMockRule.port();
appContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(TestConfig.class);
withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")));
service = appContext.getBean(LogoutService.class);
public void beansAreCreated() {
static class TestConfig {
public PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {{
setProperties(new Properties() {{
setProperty("service.url", serviceMockUrl);
I hope this help you.
What you are trying to do is easily implemented using Spring Profiles.
On way to achieve it is the following:
public class TestConfiguration {
//this is the real mail service
public MailService mailService() {
return new MailService(); //or whatever other bean creation logic you are using
//whatever else
public class MockMailServiceConfig {
public MailService mockMailService() {
return mock(MailService.class);
Your test class would then look like:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
public class LogoutTest {
//do your testing
Note the use of #Primary in MockMailServiceConfig. I opted for this way since it wouldn't require you to introduce profiles anywhere else if you are not already using them. #Primary tells spring to use that specific bean if multiple candidates are available (in this case there is the real mail service and the mock service)

