I am using aspose java jar for web application and aspose Android via java for mobile application. By default aspose increase font size when i create pdf from mobile . Can someone tell me what exactly aspose doing for mobile?
Thanks for your inquiry. I suspect that the difference in font size is actually the difference in fonts. Android has a limited set of fonts and when Aspose.Words cannot find some fonts upon rendering document to PDF it tries to substitute them. You can configure font substitution rules using FontSubstitutionSetings class.
If you need the exact rendering, then the same set of fonts must be used on different platforms. You can put the required fonts into a folder and use it as font source in FontSettings.
I am looking for a way to embedd an external Font to use in on a PDF page (other fonts which are not available by default) in Java Apache PdfBox. Does someone know how to do it.
They have a way to use external fonts as described at
Ref - https://pdfbox.apache.org/1.8/cookbook/workingwithfonts.html :
...PDFBox will load Resources/PDFBox_External_Fonts.properties off of the classpath to map font names to TTF font files. The UNKNOWN_FONT property in that file will tell PDFBox which font to use when no mapping exists.
If you could share the specific issue/error you ran into, if you did, I can offer a better actionable-response.
I'm using docx4j to convert a microsoft word document into a pdf then displaying it in a browser http://www.docx4java.org/trac/docx4j and it works well for a preview. The problem I'm facing is that this conversion loses most of the microsoft word document formatting. Page breaks and fonts don't transfer into the PDF format properly and even though I'm using standard font types docx4j doesn't come with them. In a Linux Tomcat hosted scenario fonts are not found and throw exceptions as it falls back to sans serif or other generic types.
I have found this Microsoft tool to make documents render online, but I'm behind a firewall so I cannot include this tool as an option: https://products.office.com/en-us/office-online/view-office-documents-online
I'm open to suggestion on displaying a docx file as a preview and print option from within a browser. Pdf conversion appears to be the most promising, but I run into formatting issues.
Any ideas are welcome!
Have a play with http://converter-eval.plutext.com/viewer.html
Consider it an alpha level preview. We haven't quite released it yet, but you will be able to host it behind a firewall.
It isn't open source, I'm afraid, and we're still working out pricing (and whether/how there could be a free edition).
If you only need to render a docx document in a browser, u can use Google Documents Viewer for this as :
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=pathOfDocx&embedded=true" />
I'm developing a simple web application that provides an URL for rendering an SVG image. I use Apache Batik library for SVG rendering and I have a problem with setting font-family. I would like the resulting SVG to look identical (as it can) when viewed from any browser (mainly Chrome, FF and Edge) and any OS (mainly Linux and Windows). The problem is, that as I see, Batik uses some internal logic that loads fonts from the local system, and this prevents cross-platform behaviour.
To be more precise: my webapp runs on Ubuntu Linux, and I set font-family:'DejaVu Sans' to my graphics. This works perfectly when the client uses Linux, but on Windows, obviously this font does not exist. I tried to set font-family according to the User-Agent header in the request, but when I set font-family:'Verdana' for Windows clients, Batik tries to load the 'Verdana' font, and it obviously fails.
I tried to set the attribute like this: font-family:'DejaVu Sans',Verdana but Batik can not handle comma-separated list of valid font families. Is there any way to resolve this besides installing the Verdana font on the server?
Finally I achieved it by including the font in my app and register it with GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().registerFont(font);. This way Batik properly keeps the 'Verdana' string in the font-family attribute. Thanks for mike-pomax-kamermans for the helpful advice!
I am using PDFBox to display PDF files inside a JInternalFrame. When opening PDF I get lots of warnings like this:
Changing font on <m> from <Tahoma Negrita> to the default font
I am aware that the fonts being reported are not part of the standard set of 14 fonts. So I decided to check if those fonts are embedded on the PDF file (thinking that there shouldn't be a problem loading embedded fonts, right?).
So I open the file on different readers and check properties/fonts. I am in doubt whether this section reports fonts required by the document or fonts actually embedded in the document.
The information that I get is as follows:
BAAAA+Tahoma-Bold (embedded Subset), type:TrueType, Encoding:
CAAAA+Tahoma (Embedded Subset), type:TrueType, Encoding:
Confused about this, I researched on how to embed fonts from OpenOffice and found that the PDF/A-1a option should be checked. So I made another PDF using this option (in case this was not used when making the original PDF file), yet I got the same results.
I would like your guidance understanding how this works. I would like to be able to open PDF files just as PDF readers do. I also read about the PDFBox_External_Fonts.properties but I am guessing this file shouldn't be modified since I am dealing with embedded fonts.
pdfbox is not able to parse embedded subsets of TrueType fonts.
As far as I understand it, embedded TrueType subsets are missing some metadata for the font file that pdfbox needs.
The bug is known but not easy to solve. Right now I can only advise to use embedded Type 1 Fonts if possible, pdfbox can deal with them.
You can also try to set the path to your complete font files in your pdfbox.jar under org/apache/pdfbox/resources/PDFBox_External_Fonts.properties, so if pdfbox cannot parse the subset, at least it can find a full path to the original font file. Maybe that works, but I have not tested this.
Good Luck!
We are currently working with a selection of publishers to generate online books from their PDF's. Our legacy app uses flex, so for this we are converting the PDF to SWF files using PDF2SWF by SWFTools.
The problem that we are having is that the text within the SWF document is not being highlighted by our flex reader when the user performs a search. After a quick investigation we found that when extracting text we need to embed the fonts that are used by the PDF document:
pdf2swf -F $YOUR_FONTS_DIR$ -f input.pdf -o output.swf
As you can see from the code above, we need a path to a font directory containig the fonts found within that PDF.
Since we will be converting a large number of PDF's, is it possible to access the font files directly through the PDF rather than having a lot of fonts stored within our app?
Additional Information
Our app is written in Java.
We are currently using PDFBox and Ghostscript within the app, so if any solutions use these libraries than that would be a preferred option, but we are open to all ideas.
PDF files don't contain font 'files' they may not even contain any fonts at all, though this is rare. The embedded font data can be in a bewildering variety of formats:
type 1 PostScript fonts
type 3 PostScript
fonts TrueType fonts
PostScript CFF fonts
CIDFonts with type 1 PostScript outlines
CIDFonts with type 3 PostScript outlines
CIDFonts with TrueType outlines
CIDFonts with CFF outlines
CIDFonts with bitmap images
Will your application be able to read all these font formats ? If you want to use them then you must use the fonts embedded in the PDF file as these will very often be subset fonts, and supplied with a custom Encoding, which means that even if you have the original font, you can't use it because the Encoding will not be correct.
Of course it may be that these PDF files are all created in a consistent way and do not use embedded fonts, but I have my doubts....