I have a class name ServiceLocator
public class ServiceLocator implements ApplicationContextAware {
private transient ApplicationContext _applicationContext;
private static ServiceLocator _instance = new ServiceLocator();
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
_instance._applicationContext = applicationContext;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return _instance._applicationContext;
public static Object findService(String serviceName) {
return _instance._applicationContext.getBean(serviceName);
I am trying to use that class to find Service into Approver class methods
public class ApproverService extends AbstractDataService implements IApproverService {
public void updateCompletedInboxStatus(String status) {
IInboxService inboxService = (IInboxService)ServiceLocator.findService("inboxService");
InboxItem inboxItem = inboxService.getInboxItem("test");
With that code i am trying to write Junit with PowerMockRunner
public class ApproverServiceTest {
ApproverService approverService;
IInboxService inboxService;
ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
public void setUp() {
public void updateCompletedInboxStatus() {
RequestAccessHeader reqHdr = new RequestAccessHeader();
String status = "test";
But I am getting null pointer
at com.alnt.fabric.common.ServiceLocator.findService(ServiceLocator.java:25)
at com.alnt.access.approver.service.ApproverServiceTest.updateCompletedInboxStatus(ApproverServiceTest.java:80)
Please help me to find the solution for that issue.
The static method is obviously not mocked.
The problem is most probably because you haven't add the to-be-mocked class in #PrepareForTest
Change it to #PrepareForTest({ApproverService.class, ServiceLocator.class})
Although it compiles, calling static method by instance reference is not a good practice. Therefore the line should be when(ServiceLocator.findService(...)).thenReturn(inboxService).
Another problem is, you tried to use Singleton pattern but in wrong way. A singleton is suppose to return you an instance so the caller can call its instance method. Your findService is preferably an instance method and to be called as ServiceLocator.getInstance().findService(...). To further improve, unless you really need it to be a singleton, you should make it a normal object instance and inject to objects that need it (given you are already using Spring, I see no reason making a Singleton)
The setup for the static method is not mocked correctly
#PrepareForTest({ServiceLocator.class}) //Prepare static class for mock
public class ApproverServiceTest {
IInboxService inboxService;
InboxItem item;
ApproverService approverService;
public void setUp() {
public void updateCompletedInboxStatus() {
String status = "test";
when(ServiceLocator.findService("inboxService")) //<-- NOTE static call
Reference Mocking Static Method
The subject under test should actually be refactored to avoid the service locator anit-pattern / code smell and should follow explicit dependency principle via constructor injection.
public class ApproverService extends AbstractDataService implements IApproverService {
private IInboxService inboxService;
public ApproverService(IInboxService inboxService){
this.inboxService = inboxService;
public void updateCompletedInboxStatus(String status) {
InboxItem inboxItem = inboxService.getInboxItem("test");
That way the subject class is genuine about what it needs to perform its function correctly,
And the test can then be refactored accordingly
public class ApproverServiceTest {
IInboxService inboxService;
InboxItem item;
ApproverService approverService;
public void setUp() {
public void updateCompletedInboxStatus() {
String status = "test";
I have a test utility for with I need to have a fresh instance per test method (to prevent that state leaks between tests). So far, I was using the scope "prototype", but now I want to be able to wire the utility into another test utility, and the wired instances shall be the same per test.
This appears to be a standard problem, so I was wondering if there is a "test method" scope or something similar?
This is the structure of the test class and test utilities:
public class MyTest {
private TestDriver driver;
private TestStateProvider state;
// ... state
// ... methods
#Scope("prototype") // not right because MyTest and TestStateProvider get separate instances
public class TestDriver {
// ...
public class TestStateProvider {
private TestDriver driver;
// ...
I'm aware that I could use #Scope("singleton") and #DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD) but this refreshes more than I need – a new TestDriver instance for each test would be enough. Also, this approach is error-prone because all tests using the TestDriver would need to know that they also need the #DirtiesContext annotation. So I'm looking for a better solution.
It is actually pretty easy to implement a testMethod scope:
public class TestMethodScope implements Scope {
public static final String NAME = "testMethod";
private Map<String, Object> scopedObjects = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCallbacks = new HashMap<>();
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) {
if (!scopedObjects.containsKey(name)) {
scopedObjects.put(name, objectFactory.getObject());
return scopedObjects.get(name);
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) {
destructionCallbacks.put(name, callback);
public Object remove(String name) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getConversationId() {
return null;
public Object resolveContextualObject(String key) {
return null;
public static class TestExecutionListener implements org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener {
public void afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext = (ConfigurableApplicationContext) testContext
TestMethodScope scope = (TestMethodScope) applicationContext.getBeanFactory().getRegisteredScope(NAME);
scope.destructionCallbacks.values().forEach(callback -> callback.run());
public static class ScopeRegistration implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory factory) throws BeansException {
factory.registerScope(NAME, new TestMethodScope());
Just register the test execution listener, and there will be one instance per test of all #Scope("testMethod") annotated types:
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners = TestMethodScope.TestExecutionListener.class,
mergeMode = MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
public class MyTest {
// ... types annotated with #Scope("testMethod")
I ran into the same problem some time ago and came to this solution:
Use Mocks
I wrote some methods to create specific mockito settings to add behavior to each mock.
So create a TestConfiguration class with following methods and bean definition.
private MockSettings createResetAfterMockSettings() {
return MockReset.withSettings(MockReset.AFTER);
private <T> T mockClass(Class<T> classToMock) {
return mock(classToMock, createResetAfterMockSettings());
and your bean definition will look like:
public TestDriver testDriver() {
return mockClass(TestDriver .class);
MockReset.AFTER is used to reset the mock after the test method is run.
And finally add a TestExecutionListeners to your Test class:
I have the following class that contains a member variable, but Mockito can't seem to mock the member variable's methods. Below is my System Under Test:
public class MessageConsumer {
private ConsumerResponse consumerResponse;
private NotificationConsumer notificationConsumer;
#Scheduled(cron = "${com.example.value}")
public void fetch() {
consumerResponse = notificationConsumer.fetchWithReturnConsumerResponse(); //no exception thrown on this line at all -- but could this be the cause of the problem in the test?
System.out.println("consumerResponse's responseCode: " + consumerResponse.getResponseCode()); // NullPointerException thrown here
public ConsumerResponse setConsumerResponse(ConsumerResponse consumerResponse) {
this.consumerResponse = consumerResponse;
public ConsumerResponse getConsumerResponse() {
return consumerResponse;
And the following is the relevant JUnit test for the class:
public class MessageConsumerTest {
private ConsumerResponse consumerResponse;
private MessageConsumer messageConsumer;
public void setup() {
//Failing unit test
public void getResponseCodeShouldReturn200() {
As you can see, I've mocked the ConsumerResponse consumerResponse variable to return "200" when the consumerResponse.getResponseCode() method gets invoked. Instead, I'm getting a NullPointerException.
I'm pretty sure I mocked the member variable correctly and initialized it appropriately (initMocks). I've spent days trying to figure this out. Where am I going wrong?
As NotificationConsumer is also an external dependency for this class, you have to also mock this class as otherwise consumerResponse = notificationConsumer.fetchWithReturnConsumerResponse(); will result into null within your test as you didn't mock the NotificationConsumer. In addition I would suggest not to use #SpringBootTest within this unit test as this annotation will boot the whole Spring context. The following snippet should help you:
public class MessageConsumerTest {
private ConsumerResponse consumerResponse;
private NotificationConsumer notificationConsumer;
private MessageConsumer messageConsumer;
public void setup() {
public void getResponseCodeShouldReturn200() {
I have a test class which is testing an other class method
Other class is structured like this
public abstract class ParentOpManager{
private ProcessorRequestWrapper processorRequestWrapper;
private XYProcessor xyProcessor;
public class ChildOperationManager extends ParentOpManager{
public abstract class ParentClass{
protected final RequestWrapper requestWrapper;
protected final ParentOpManager parentOpManager;
public ParentClass(final RequestWrapper requestWrapper, final ParentOpManager parentOpManager){
this.requestWrapper = requestWrapper;
this.parentOpManager = parentOpManager;
further I have, child classes extending this class
public class ChildClass extends ParentClass{
private NinjaManager ninjaManager;
public ChildClass(final RequestWrapper requestWrapper, #Qualifier("childManager")final ParentOpManager parentOpManager){
super(requestWrapper, parentOpManager);
public void methodA() throws Exception {
Request item = requestWrapper.findItem(); // Problem place 1
public void methodB() throws Exception {
Request item = ninjaManager.findItem(); // Problem place 2
I need to test methods of ChildClass. For this I have written a test class.
public class TestClass{
ChildOperationManager chOpManager;
RequestWrapper requestWrapper;
ChildClass childObject;
public void setup(){
public void testSomeMethodA() throws Exception{
So, the problem is when I am class methodA from test class, requestWrapper is NULL. I can not understand why this is happening ?
If i do like
ChildOperationManager chOpManager = new ChildOperationManager();
RequestWrapper requestWrapper;
ChildClass childObject = new childObject(requestWrapper, chOpManager);
Problem seams to be resolved. There is some other problem which might be some permission issue. But do you think doing this way is good approach ?
Your error is this:
public ChildClass(final RequestWrapper requestWrapper, #Qualifier("childManager")final ParentOpManager parentOpManager){
super(requestWrapper, parentOpManager);
public void methodA() throws Exception {
Request item = requestWrapper.findItem(); // this requestWrapper is null
You don't assign the requestWrapper reference in the child. So it remains null.
You should just remove the member variable requestWrapper and parentOpManager from the child. this way, you'll use the parent's one, which is initialized.
Problem is that Mockito tried to inject mock via constructor in first step.
public class DefaultInjectionEngine {
public void injectMocksOnFields(Set<Field> needingInjection, Set<Object> mocks, Object testClassInstance) {
MockInjection.onFields(needingInjection, testClassInstance)
.tryConstructorInjection() <-- Here
And if it found proper constructor, it doesn't try to inject mocks via property or field.
In your case you have constructor for ChildClass, which was picked by Mockito, but you don't initialize a fields in ChildClass.
As workaround, you can resolve it in this way (just don't use mockito injections):
RequestWrapper wrapper;
ChildOperationManager childOperationManager;
ChildClass childObject;
public void setUp() {
wrapper = Mockito.mock(RequestWrapper.class);
childOperationManager = Mockito.mock(ChildOperationManager.class);
childObject = new ChildClass(wrapper, childOperationManager );
I want to replace an autowired class of a service in my spring boot app with a mocked implementation of that class that I created specifically for testing.
I chose to create this mocked implementation because the behaviour of this class is too complicated to mock using mockito as it requires multiple other mocks itself.
I am not able to work out how to inject this mocked implementation into the service.
Here is a minimal example of the situation:
public class ServiceIWantToTestImpl implements ServiceIWantToTest{
ComplicatedDependency complicatedDependency;
public void methodUsingDependency(){
String string = complicatedDependency.doSomething();
public class MockComplicatedDependency implements ComplicatedDepencency{
public MockComplicatedDependency(...){
// Inject other mocked objects into this mock
public String doSomthing(){
// This would be a mocked version of this function for testing
return "test";
public class TestingTheService(){
private static ServiceIWantToTest serviceIWantToTest = new ServiceIWantToTestImpl();
ComplicatedDependency mockComplicatedDependency;
public static void init(){
mockComplicatedDependency = new MockComplicatedDependency(...);
public void testAttempt(){
serviceIWantToTest.methodUsingDependency(); // This method calls complicatedDependency.doSomething() which does not run the mocked version in MockComplicatedDependency which I wanted to inject, and would always return null instead of the "test" string I put in this example.
Do you have to use Mockito annotations to setup dependencies for the class under test?
If that is not the main constraint why not just do the plain simple setup and introduce a constructor or a setter in ServiceIWantToTestImpl class for the ComplicatedDependency field and set the dependency in your test setup directly to whatever impl of ComplicatedDependency you like e.g.:
public class ServiceIWantToTestImpl implements ServiceIWantToTest {
ComplicatedDependency complicatedDependency;
public ServiceIWantToTestImpl() {
public ServiceIWantToTestImpl(ComplicatedDependency complicatedDependency) {
this.complicatedDependency = complicatedDependency;
public void methodUsingDependency(){
String string = complicatedDependency.doSomething();
public class TestingTheService {
private static ServiceIWantToTestImpl serviceIWantToTest;
public static void init(){
serviceIWantToTest = new ServiceIWantToTestImpl(new MockComplicatedDependency());
public void testAttempt() {
That is one way.
To make it work with Mockito, You could to use #Spy instead of #Mock like this:
public class TestingTheService {
private static ServiceIWantToTestImpl serviceIWantToTest = new ServiceIWantToTestImpl();
private static ComplicatedDependency complicatedDependency = new MockComplicatedDependency();
public static void init() {
public void testAttempt() {
Though this is a bit of a hack. I strongly recommend that you read the JavaDoc of the #Spy annotation and make sure it's expected use is what you really need for your test.
I am trying to unit test a method, which has different branches depending upon the value of an object that is created inside it. The below code demonstrates it.
public class AClass {
public void method2() {
//Some code goes here
public void method1(BClass bObject) {
C_Class cObject = bObject.someMethodThatReturnsC();
if(cObject != null) {
Below is the TestClass:
public class AClassTest {
AClass AClassSpy;
BClass b_objectMock;
C_Class c_objectMock;
public void beforeMethod() {
AClassSpy = spy(new AClass());
public void method1Test () {
verify(AClassSpy, times(2).method2();
However, it always FAILS, since the c_objectMock is always null. What do I do to tell Mockito to not to return a null object?
It works good, just use #Before annotation from junit, not #BeforeMethod, and mark your test method like #Test and remove second bracket from
doReturn(c_objectMock).when(b_objectMock).someMethodThatReturnsC())<-this one;
and add bracket at verify:
verify(AClassSpy, times(2)<-here.method2();
And just take care of your code!
This should work:
public class AClassTest {
private AClass AClassSpy;
private BClass b_objectMock;
private C_Class c_objectMock;
public void beforeMethod() {
AClassSpy = spy(new AClass());
public void method1Test() {
verify(AClassSpy, times(2)).method2();
Instead of before method you can use annotation #RunWith. It looks clearly:
public class AClassTest {
private AClass AClassSpy;
private BClass b_objectMock;
private C_Class c_objectMock;
public void method1Test() {
verify(AClassSpy, times(2)).method2();
You are having this behaviour because you are not mocking property the call to someMethodThatReturnsC.
It should be: