What JVM runtime data area are included in ThreadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes(long id) - java

I was trying to get the memory consumption of some code snippets. After some search, I realized that ThreadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes(long id) can be used to achieve this. So I tested this method with the following code:
ThreadMXBean threadMXBean = (ThreadMXBean) ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
// new Long(0);
long beforeMemUsage = threadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes(id);
long afterMemUsage = 0;
// put the code you want to measure here
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
new Long(i);
afterMemUsage = threadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes(id);
System.out.println(afterMemUsage - beforeMemUsage);
I run this code with different iteration times in for loop (0, 1, 10, 20, and 30). And the result as follows:
0 Long: 48 bytes
1 Long: 456 bytes
10 Long: 672 bytes
20 Long: 912 bytes
30 Long: 1152 bytes
The differences between 1 and 10, 10 and 20, as well as 20 and 30 are easy to explain, because the size of Long object is 24 bytes. But I was confused by the huge difference between 0 and 1.
Actually, I guessed this is caused by the class loading. So I uncommented the 3rd line code and the result as follows:
0 Long: 48 bytes
1 Long: 72 bytes
10 Long: 288 bytes
20 Long: 528 bytes
30 Long: 768 bytes
It seems that my guess is confirmed by the result. However, in my opinion, the information of class structure is stored in Method Area, which is not a part of heap memory. As the Javadoc of ThreadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes(long id) indicates, it returns the total amount of memory allocated in heap memory. Have I missed something?
The tested JVM version is:
java version "1.8.0_131"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)

The first invocation of new Long(0) causes the resolution of the constant pool entry referenced by new bytecode. While resolving CONSTANT_Class_info for the first time, JVM loads the referenced class - java.lang.Long.
ClassLoader.loadClass is implemented in Java, and it can certainly allocate Java objects. For instance, getClassLoadingLock method creates a new lock object and a new entry in parallelLockMap:
protected Object getClassLoadingLock(String className) {
Object lock = this;
if (parallelLockMap != null) {
Object newLock = new Object();
lock = parallelLockMap.putIfAbsent(className, newLock);
if (lock == null) {
lock = newLock;
return lock;
Also, when doing a class name lookup in the system dictionary, JVM creates a new String object.
I used async-profiler to record all heap allocations JVM does when loading java.lang.Long class. Here is the clickable interactive Flame Graph:
The graph includes 13 samples - one per each allocated object. The type of an allocated object is not shown, but it can be easily guessed from the context (stack trace).
Green color denotes Java stack trace;
Yellow means VM stack trace.
Note that each java_lang_String::basic_create() (and similar) allocates two objects: an instance of java.lang.String and its backing char[] array.
The graph is produced by the following test program:
import one.profiler.AsyncProfiler;
public class ProfileHeapAlloc {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AsyncProfiler profiler = AsyncProfiler.getInstance();
// Dry run to skip allocations caused by AsyncProfiler initialization
profiler.start("_ZN13SharedRuntime19dtrace_object_allocEP7oopDesci", 0);
// Real profiling session
profiler.start("_ZN13SharedRuntime19dtrace_object_allocEP7oopDesci", 0);
new Long(0);
How to run:
java -Djava.library.path=/path/to/async-profiler -XX:+DTraceAllocProbes ProfileHeapAlloc
Here _ZN13SharedRuntime19dtrace_object_allocEP7oopDesci is the mangled name for SharedRuntime::dtrace_object_alloc() function, which is called by JVM for every heap allocation whenever DTraceAllocProbes flag is on.


memory allocation in collection of 1 million references in java

I created an ArrayList of 1 million MyItem objects and the memory consumed was 106mb(checked from Task Manager) But after adding the same list to two more list through addAll() method ,it takes 259mb. My question is I have added only the references to list , no new objects are created after that 1 million.why does the memory consumption increase eventhough LinkedList has been used (as it wont require contiguous memory blocks so no reallocation will be made)?
How to achieve this efficiently? Data passes through various lists in my program and consuming more than 1GB of memory.Similar scenario is presented above.
public class MyItem{
private String s;
private int id;
private String search;
public MyItem(String s, int id) {
this.s = s;
this.id = id;
public String getS() {
return s;
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getSearchParameter() {
return search;
public void setSearchParameter(String s) {
search = s;
public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]) {
List<MyItem> l = new ArrayList<>();
List<MyItem> list = new LinkedList<>();
List<MyItem> list1 = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000 ; i++) {
MyItem m = new MyItem("hello "+i ,i+1);
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
s.next();//just not to terminate
LinkedList is a doubly-linked list, so elements in the list are represented by nodes, and each node contains 3 references.
From Java 8:
private static class Node<E> {
E item;
Node<E> next;
Node<E> prev;
Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
this.item = element;
this.next = next;
this.prev = prev;
Since you use a lot of memory, you may not be using compressed OOP, so references might be 64-bit, i.e. 8 bytes each.
With an object header of 16 bytes + 8 bytes per reference, a node occupies 40 bytes. With 1 million elements, that would be 40 Mb.
Two lists is 80 Mb, and then remember that Java memory is segmented into pools and objects (the nodes) gets moved around, and your memory consumption of an additional 153 Mb now seems about right.
Note: An Arraylist would only use 8 bytes per element, not 40 bytes, and if you preallocate the backing array, which you can do since you know the size, you would save a lot of memory that way.
Anytime you call LinkedList.addAll behind the scene it will create a LinkedList.Node for each added element so here you created 3 millions of such nodes which is not free, indeed:
This object has 3 references, knowing that the size of a reference is 4 bytes on 32-bit JVM and 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops (-XX:+UseCompressedOops) enabled which is the case by default with heaps less than 32 GB in Java 7 and higher and 8 bytes on 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops disabled (-XX:-UseCompressedOops). So here according to your configuration it gives 12 bytes or 24 bytes.
Then we add the size of the header fields which is 8 bytes on 32-bit JVM and 16 bytes on 64-bit JVM. So here according to your configuration it gives 8 bytes or 16 bytes.
So if we summarize it takes:
20 bytes per instance on 32-bit JVM
28 bytes per instance on 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops enabled
40 bytes per instance on 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops disabled
As you call 3 times addAll of 1 Million objects on a LinkedList, it gives
60 Mo on 32-bit JVM
84 Mo on 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops enabled
120 Mo on 64-bit JVM with UseCompressedOops disabled
The rest is probably the objects not yet collected by the garbage collector, you should try to call System.gc() after loading your ArrayList to get the real size and do the same thing after loading your LinkedList.
If you want to get the size of a given object, you can use SizeOf.
If you use a 64-bit JVM and you want to know if UseCompressedOops is enabled, simply launch your java command in a terminal with only -X options and adds -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep UseCompressedOops so for example if my command is java -Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=4g -cp <something> <my-class>, launch java -Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=4g -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep UseCompressedOops, the beginning of the output should look like this:
bool UseCompressedOops := true {lp64_product}
In this case the flag UseCompressedOops is enabled

why my single threaded java program is consuming more than max heap size?

I have created a simple java program :-
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
public class OOMError {
public static List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Process Id: "+ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName());
List<Person> innerList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++) {
list.add(new Person());
int count = 0;
while(count < 60){
for(int i=0;i<100000;i++){
innerList.add(new Person());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public static class Person{
private String fName ;
private String lName;
fName = new String("Stack");
lName = new String("Overflow");
I ran this program with export JAVA_OPTS='-Xms128m -Xmx1024m'
and i am monitoring my java application RAM usage by top command.
Processes: 94 total, 10 running, 2 stuck, 82 sleeping, 2765 threads 06:59:51
Load Avg: 2.62, 2.74, 2.68 CPU usage: 0.11% user, 0.54% sys, 99.33% idle SharedLibs: 13M resident, 25M data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 28079 total, 19G resident, 24M private, 3449M shared. PhysMem: 2776M wired, 19G active, 3718M inactive, 25G used, 39G free.
VM: 605G vsize, 1199M framework vsize, 118994555(0) pageins, 0(0) pageouts. Networks: packets: 80924129/10G in, 112346940/77G out.
Disks: 4011149/367G read, 9149138/634G written.
89038 java 0.0 02:01.65 31 2 112 437 1237M 10M 1251M 2101M 19G 89038 88799 stuck 501 321189 448 651 300 250145+ 358994 304415+ 0
I am surprised how can i my RSIZE field is 1251M when my max heap size is 1024M and the state is coming as "stuck" ?
What will happen once my heap is full ? Will the application terminate ?
I am using OS X 10.X.X
In JRockit Blog there is an article that explains this:
The command line argument -Xmx sets the maximum Java heap size (mx).
All java objects are created on the Java heap, but the total memory
consumption of the JVM process consist of more things than just the
Java heap. A few examples:
Generated (JIT:ed) code
Loaded libraries (including jar and class files)
Control structures for the java heap
Thread Stacks
User native memory (malloc:ed in JNI)
Source: Why is my JVM process larger than max heap size?

Detect size of HICON with JNA

My final goal is to obtain the icon of a HWND in Java with help of JNA library. Everything works fine except of one important thing: I need the size of the icon for further processing steps in Java.
It seems that I cannot request the size. I always obtain the size 0x0. What am I doing wrong? The basic code example looks like the following. Most API function templates were not part of JNA. So, I had to define them on my own.
final long hicon = ExtUser32.INSTANCE.SendMessageA(hwnd, ExtUser32.WM_GETICON, ExtUser32.ICON_BIG, 0);
final Pointer hIcon = new Pointer(hicon);
final ICONINFO info = new ICONINFO();
final BITMAP bmp = new BITMAP();
final SIZE size = new SIZE();
System.out.println(ExtUser32.INSTANCE.GetIconInfo(hIcon, info));
System.out.println(ExtGdi32.INSTANCE.GetBitmapDimensionEx(info.hbmColor, size));
if (info.hbmColor != null)
final int nWrittenBytes = ExtGdi32.INSTANCE.GetObjectA(info.hbmColor, bmp.size(), bmp.getPointer());
The sysouts print this:
ICONINFO(auto-allocated#0x5b72b4f0 (32 bytes)) {
WinDef$BOOL fIcon#0=1
WinDef$DWORD xHotspot#4=16
WinDef$DWORD yHotspot#8=16
WinDef$HBITMAP hbmMask#10=native#0xffffffffb00515e8 (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef$HBITMAP#b00515e7)
WinDef$HBITMAP hbmColor#18=native#0xffffffffa50515c8 (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef$HBITMAP#a50515c7)
WinUser$SIZE(auto-allocated#0x652a3000 (8 bytes)) {
int cx#0=0
int cy#4=0
BITMAP(auto-allocated#0x5b72b5b0 (32 bytes)) {
WinDef$LONG bmType#0=0
WinDef$LONG bmWidth#4=0
WinDef$LONG bmHeight#8=0
WinDef$LONG bmWidthBytes#c=0
WinDef$WORD bmPlanes#10=0
WinDef$WORD bmBitsPixel#12=0
WinDef$LPVOID bmBits#18=0
The request of ICONINFO structure seems to be correct. But if I try to request the dimension for the set hbmColor structure component by Gdi32.GetBitmapDimensionEx() then the structure keeps initialized with zeros. This approach via hbmColor or hbmMask was suggested by:
How to determine the size of an icon from a HICON?
Error tracing added!
As the sysouts indicate (true), the concerning function invocations didn't fail.
Further observation: In Java, these recreated structure types are intialized with zeros after instantiation. I set the initial values of the structure components in SIZE and BITMAP to a value that deviates from zero. GetBitmapDimensionEx sets it back to zero. But GetObjectA doesn't modify the structure! The function's return result indicates that bytes were written but that's not true!
size.cx = 1;
size.cy = 2;
System.out.println(ExtGdi32.INSTANCE.GetBitmapDimensionEx(info.hbmColor, size));
if (info.hbmColor != null)
final int nWrittenBytes = ExtGdi32.INSTANCE.GetObjectA(info.hbmColor, bmp.size(), bmp.getPointer());
WinUser$SIZE(auto-allocated#0x64fbcb20 (8 bytes)) {
int cx#0=0
int cy#4=0
BITMAP(auto-allocated#0x64fb91f0 (32 bytes)) {
WinDef$LONG bmType#0=1
WinDef$LONG bmWidth#4=2
WinDef$LONG bmHeight#8=3
WinDef$LONG bmWidthBytes#c=4
WinDef$WORD bmPlanes#10=5
WinDef$WORD bmBitsPixel#12=6
WinDef$LPVOID bmBits#18=7
I would have added this as a comment but my reputation is too low:
You are not showing your BITMAP or GetObjectA definitions so I'm guessing but
in your line:
final int nWrittenBytes = ExtGdi32.INSTANCE.GetObjectA(info.hbmColor, bmp.size(), bmp.getPointer());
you fail to call 'bmp.read()' afterwards.
If you look at the javadoc for Struture.getPointer()
you see that you are responsible for calling Structure.write() and Structure.read() before and after making the call to native method that uses a pointer obtained with getPointer(). In your case the write is superfluous but it is a good practice.
To understand why this is necessary consider that your BITMAP/bmp object is a Java object living in Java heap where it can get moved around during garbage collection. Hence the getPointer() cannot return the real address of the 'real' object. Instead it returns a pointer to a separate fixed (non movable) chunk of memory in the native heap (which chunk JNA allocates and associates with your Java object. Now your getObjectA() routine will write its stuff to that memory but JNA or anyone on the java side cannot have a clue that this is what happens. So you need to call the read() to tell JNA to copy the native side stuff to the Java object.
If this is a 32-bit application only:
Your BITMAP structure is incorrect. Here's a simple C program that prints the expected offsets of all the fields of BITMAP, and its total size:
// 24 january 2015
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", sizeof (BITMAP));
#define O(f) printf("%s %x\n", #f, offsetof(BITMAP, f))
return 0;
And here's what I get (in wine, compiled as a 32-bit program with MinGW-w64):
bmType 0
bmWidth 4
bmHeight 8
bmWidthBytes c
bmPlanes 10
bmBitsPixel 12
bmBits 14
Notice that your Java output above has a different size for BITMAP and a different offset for bmBits.
(The BITMAP structure is correct for 64-bit applications.)
Why GetObject() is indicating success is beyond me.
I don't know JNA at all so I don't know what to do about this. Does JNA not provide a WinGDI$BITMAP?

Java uses more memory than anticipated

Ok, so I try to do this little experiment in java. I want to fill up a queue with integers and see how long it takes. Here goes:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class javaQueueTest {
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World!");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int i;
int N = 50000000;
ArrayDeque<Integer> Q = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(N);
for (i = 0;i < N; i = i+1){
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalTime = endTime - startTime;
OK, so I run this and get a
Hello World!
About 12 secs, not bad for 50 million integers. But if I try to run it for 70 million integers I get:
Hello World!
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Integer.java:642)
at javaQueueTest.main(javaQueueTest.java:14)
I also notice that it takes about 10 mins to come up with this message. Hmm so what if I give almost all my memory (8gigs) for the heap? So I run it for heap size of 7gigs but I still get the same error:
javac javaQueueTest.java
java -cp . javaQueueTest -Xmx7g
Hello World!
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Integer.java:642)
at javaQueueTest.main(javaQueueTest.java:14)
I want to ask two things. First, why does it take so long to come up with the error? Second, Why is all this memory not enough? If I run the same experiment for 300 million integers in C (with the glib g_queue) it will run (and in 10 secs no less! although it will slow down the computer alot) so the number of integers must not be at fault here. For the record, here is the C code:
int main(){
clock_t begin,end;
double time_spent;
GQueue *Q;
begin = clock();
Q = g_queue_new();
int N = 300000000;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < N; i = i+1){
end = clock();
time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("elapsed time: %f \n",time_spent);
I compile and get the result:
gcc cQueueTest.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0 gsl ` -o cQueueTest
~/Desktop/Software Development/Tests $ ./cQueueTest
elapsed time: 13.340000
My rough thoughts about your questions:
First, why does it take so long to come up with the error?
As gimpycpu in his comment stated, java does not start with full memory acquisition of your RAM. If you want so (and you have a 64 bit VM for greater amount of RAM), you can add the options -Xmx8g and -Xms8g at VM startup time to ensure that the VM gots 8 gigabyte of RAM and the -Xms means that it will also prepare the RAM for usage instead of just saying that it can use it. This will reduce the runtime significantly. Also as already mentioned, Java integer boxing is quite overhead.
Why is all this memory not enough?
Java introduces for every object a little bit of memory overhead, because the JVM uses Integer references in the ArrayDeque datastructur in comparision to just 4 byte plain integers due to boxing. So you have to calulate about 20 byte for every integer.
You can try to use an int[] instead of the ArrayDeque:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class javaQueueTest {
public static void main(args){
System.out.println("Hello World!");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int i;
int N = 50000000;
int[] a = new int[N];
for (i = 0;i < N; i = i+1){
a[i] = 0;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalTime = endTime - startTime;
This will be ultra fast and due the usage of plain arrays.
On my system I am under one second for every run!
In your case, the GC struggles as it assumes that at least some objects will be short lived. In your case all objects are long lived, this adds a significant overhead to managing this data.
If you use -Xmx7g -Xms7g -verbose:gc and N = 150000000 you get an output like
Hello World!
[GC (Allocation Failure) 1835008K->1615280K(7034368K), 3.8370127 secs]
int is a primitive in Java (4 -bytes), while Integer is the wrapper. This wrapper need a reference to it and a header and padding and the result is that an Integer and its reference uses 20 bytes per value.
The solution is to not queue up some many values at once. You can use a Supplier to provide new values on demand, avoiding the need to create the queue in the first place.
Even so, with 7 GB heap you should be able to create a ArrayQueue of 200 M or more.
First, why does it take so long to come up with the error?
This looks like a classic example of a GC "death spiral". Basically what happens is that the JVM does full GCs repeatedly, reclaiming less and less space each time. Towards the end, the JVM spends more time running the GC than doing "useful" work. Finally it gives up.
If you are experiencing this, the solution is to configure a GC Overhead Limit as described here:
GC overhead limit exceeded
(Java 8 configures a GC overhead limit by default. But you are apparently using an older version of Java ... judging from the exception message.)
Second, Why is all this memory not enough?
See #Peter Lawrey's explanation.
The workaround is to find or implement a queue class that doesn't use generics. Unfortunately, that class will not be compatible with the standard Deque API.
You can catch OutOfMemoryError with :
ArrayDeque<Integer> Q = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(N);
for (i = 0;i < N; i = i+1){
catch(OutOfMemoryError e){
System.err.println("OutOfMemoryError: "+i);
in order to show when the OutOfMemoryError is thrown.
And launch your code with :
java -Xmx4G javaQueueTest
in order to increase heap size for JVM
As mentionned earlier, Java is much slower with Objects than C with primitive types ...

How to determine in java when I'm near to the OutOfMemoryError?

I need to find out when I'm really close to the OutOfMemoryError so I can flush results to file and call runtime.gc();. My code is something like this:
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
if ((1.0 * runtime.totalMemory() / runtime.maxMemory()) > 0.9) {
... flush results to file ...
Is there a better way to do this? Can someone give me a hand please?
I understood that I am playing with fire this way so I reasoned to a more solid and simple way of determining when I've had enough. I am currently working with the Jena model so I do a simple check: if the model has more than 550k statements then I flush so I don't run any risks.
First: if you want to determine if you're close to OutOfMemoryError, then what all you have to do is to compare the current memory with the max memory used by JVM, and that what you already did.
Second: You want to flush results to file, am wondering why you want to do that just if you close to OutOfMemoryError, you simply can use something like a FileWriter which has a buffer, so if the buffer got filled it will flush the results automatically.
Third: don't ever call the GC explicitly, its a bad practice, optimize your JVM memory arguments instead:
-Xmx -> this param to set the max memory that the JVM can allocate
-Xms -> the init memory that JVM will allocate on the start up
-XX:MaxPermSize= -> this for the max Permanent Generation memory
-XX:MaxNewSize= -> this need to be 40% from your Xmx value
-XX:NewSize= -> this need to be 40% from your Xmx value
These will speed up the GC.
And -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC to enable using CMS for the old space.
This seems to work:
public class LowMemoryDetector {
// Use a soft reference to some memory - will be held onto until GC is nearly out of memory.
private final SoftReference<byte[]> buffer;
// The queue that watches for the buffer to be discarded.
private final ReferenceQueue<byte[]> queue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
// Have we seen the low condition?
private boolean seenLow = false;
public LowMemoryDetector(int bufferSize) {
// Make my buffer and add register the queue for it to be discarded to.
buffer = new SoftReference(new byte[bufferSize], queue);
* Please be sure to create a new LMD after it returns true.
* #return true if a memory low condition has been detected.
public boolean low () {
// Preserve that fact that we've seen a low.
seenLow |= queue.poll() != null;
return seenLow;
private static final int OneMeg = 0x100000;
public void test() {
LowMemoryDetector lmd = new LowMemoryDetector(2*OneMeg);
ArrayList<char[]> eatMemory = new ArrayList<>();
int ate = 0;
while ( !lmd.low() ) {
eatMemory.add(new char[OneMeg]);
ate += 1;
// Let it go.
eatMemory = null;
System.out.println("Ate "+ate);
it prints
Ate 1070
for me.
Use a buffer size of something larger than the largest allocation unit you are using. It needs to be big enough so that any allocation request would be satisfied if the buffer was freed.
Please remember that on a 64bit JVM it is potentially possible that you are running with many tb of memory. This approach would almost certainly encounter many difficulties in this case.

