I am rewriting exceptions from an old system and everything was working, but I needed make BAD_REQUEST configurable.
private static final String BAD_REQUEST = "BDRQ";
I tried to just put ConfigProperty, but it doesn't work.
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
public class SXClientException extends RuntimeException {
#ConfigProperty(name = "greeting.error", defaultValue = "BDRQ")
public String BAD_REQUEST;
private final RuntimeException runtimeException;
public SXClientException(RuntimeException e) {
this.runtimeException = e;
public Status getStatus() {
if (BAD_REQUEST.equals(runtimeException.getMessage())) {
return Status.BAD_REQUEST;
// ...
It probably doesn't work since I make them without any CDI.
catch (LegacyOMException e) {
throw new SXClientException(e);
I would prefer to avoid creating another bean (and passing the value) just to compare one String. Any idea how can I read a configuration value for a static-ish value?
you can use org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider.
Works for both static and non static members.
public static final String BAD_REQUEST = ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("greeting.error",String.class);
public final String BAD_REQUEST = ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("greeting.error",String.class);
use follow method:
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/menu.properties");
properties.load(inputStream );
The following Guice module binds a property file to the #Named annotation.
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
import com.google.inject.name.Names;
// Omitted: other imports
public class ExampleModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Names.bindProperties(binder(), getProperties());
private Properties getProperties() {
// Omitted: return the application.properties file
I can now inject properties directly into my classes.
public class Example {
private String title;
private int panelHeight;
The values read from a properties file are strings but, as you can see in the example above, Guice is capable of doing type conversion for int fields.
Now, given the property com.example.background-color=0x333333 I would like to able to get the same type conversion for an arbitrary class, like:
public class Example {
private Color color;
Let's say that the Color class contains a static method decode() and I can obtain a new Color instance by calling Color.decode("0x333333").
How can I configure Guice to do this automatically and behind the scenes for me?
I found a solution by myself looking into the Guice sources, although I have to say it's not the prettiest (more on this later on).
First of all, we need to create a TypeConverter.
import com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import com.google.inject.spi.TypeConverter;
// Omitted: other imports
public class ColorTypeConverter implements TypeConverter {
public Object convert(String value, TypeLiteral<?> toType) {
if (!toType.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(Color.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + toType.getType().getTypeName());
if (value == null || value.isBlank()) {
return null;
return Color.decode(value);
Then, a Matcher. I generalized.
import com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import com.google.inject.matcher.AbstractMatcher;
// Omitted: other imports
public class SubclassMatcher extends AbstractMatcher<TypeLiteral<?>> {
private final Class<?> type;
public SubclassMatcher(Class<?> type) {
this.type = type;
public boolean matches(TypeLiteral<?> toType) {
return toType.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(type);
Finally, add the following line to the Guice module.
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
// Omitted: other imports
public class ExampleModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
binder().convertToTypes(new SubclassMatcher(Color.class), new ColorTypeConverter());
// Omitted: other configurations
Now, the following injection works.
public class Example {
private Color backgroundColor;
It could be prettier. There exists a com.google.inject.matcher.Matchers API which I wasn't able use and could have solved my problem without constructing my personal SubclassMatcher class. See, Matchers.subclassesOf(Class<?>). It's for sure my fault as I don't believe Google wouldn't think of this pretty common use-case. If you find a way to make it work, please leave a comment.
Guice can't do that for you.
I suppose the conversion from String to int happens upon injection and not when you call Names.bindProperties(...)
See the bindProperties methods:
/** Creates a constant binding to {#code #Named(key)} for each entry in {#code properties}. */
public static void bindProperties(Binder binder, Map<String, String> properties) {
binder = binder.skipSources(Names.class);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
binder.bind(Key.get(String.class, new NamedImpl(key))).toInstance(value);
* Creates a constant binding to {#code #Named(key)} for each property. This method binds all
* properties including those inherited from {#link Properties#defaults defaults}.
public static void bindProperties(Binder binder, Properties properties) {
binder = binder.skipSources(Names.class);
// use enumeration to include the default properties
for (Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String propertyName = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
binder.bind(Key.get(String.class, new NamedImpl(propertyName))).toInstance(value);
They are just binding strings.
You could just copy one of them and create your own binding. If the property value is in a color format, bind it additionally as Color.
As an example:
public class GuiceColors {
public static class GameModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private void bindPropertiesWithColors(Properties properties) {
Binder binder2 = binder().skipSources(Names.class);
// use enumeration to include the default properties
for (Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String propertyName = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
try {
Color decodedColor = Color.decode(value);
binder2.bind(Key.get(Color.class, Names.named(propertyName)))
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// property value cannot be decoded as color, ignore the exception
binder2.bind(Key.get(String.class, Names.named(propertyName))).toInstance(value);
public static class Example {
private Color color;
private String colorString;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new GameModule());
with application.properties being:
com.example.background-color = 0x333333
Still struggling with properly making a cacheBean. I think I want the bean to be a singleton, from what I have read. Will only need
one instance of it. Use it to get often used keywords and so on.
I used this pattern to make my CacheBean (and used a utility method).
If I make this a managedBean by putting it into Faces-config, then I can easily get the value of models
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"
The JSF takes care of instantiating the bean for me.
But I don't want it to reload the same values (like models) over and over. I thought that to get that to happen I needed to make
a POJO and grab the currentInstance of the bean, as in the url.
However, when I made this change (taking the bean out of the faces-config file, I cannot seem to get a handle on the properties.
This won't even compile:
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"
What am I doing wrong?
package com.scoular.cache;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.openntf.domino.xsp.XspOpenLogUtil;
import com.scoular.Utils;
public class CacheBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2665922853615670023L;
public static final String BEAN_NAME = "CacheBean";
private String pcDataDBpath;
private Vector<Object> models = new Vector<Object>();
public CacheBean() {
private void initConfigData() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getters and Setters
public static CacheBean getInstance(String beanName) {
return (CacheBean) Utils.getVariableValue(beanName);
public static CacheBean getInstance() {
return getInstance(BEAN_NAME);
public String getPcDataDBpath() {
return pcDataDBpath;
public void setPcDataDBpath(String pcDataDBpath) {
this.pcDataDBpath = pcDataDBpath;
public void loadDBPaths() {
Session session = Factory.getSession();
Database tmpDB = session.getCurrentDatabase();
pcAppDBpath = (tmpDB.getServer() + "!!" + "scoApps\\PC\\PCApp.nsf");
pcDataDBpath = (tmpDB.getServer() + "!!" + "scoApps\\PC\\PCData.nsf");
compDirDBpath = (tmpDB.getServer() + "!!" + "compdir.nsf");
public void loadModels() {
try {
Session session = Factory.getSession();
Database tmpDB = session.getCurrentDatabase();
Database PCDataDB = session.getDatabase(tmpDB.getServer(), "scoApps\\PC\\PCData.nsf");
ViewNavigator vn = PCDataDB.getView("dbLookupModels").createViewNav();
ViewEntry entry = vn.getFirst();
while (entry != null) {
Vector<Object> thisCat = entry.getColumnValues();
if (entry.isCategory()) {
String thisCatString = thisCat.elementAt(0).toString();
entry = vn.getNextCategory();
} catch (Exception e) {
ackage com.scoular;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
public class Utils {
public static Object getVariableValue(String varName) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
return context.getApplication().getVariableResolver().resolveVariable(context, varName);
When the bean has the right scope you can access the bean directly if is created.
private static final String BEAN_NAME = "CacheBean";
//access to the bean
public static CacheBean get() {
return (CacheBean) JSFUtil.resolveVariable(BEAN_NAME);
//in my JSFUtil class I have the method
public static Object resolveVariable(String variable) {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getVariableResolver().resolveVariable(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), variable);
so in a Java Class you can call
in EL you can use
I can tell you why it's not compiling at least.
That's EL. So there should not be a get or a (). You want
And check your var name as I thought you were using CacheBean and not Cache.
I have a class which is not instantiated and is composed of static methods only. I managed to cover all the parts of the getProperty() except the catch(IOException e) part, however the code seems to be unreachable.
public class ResourceUtils
private static final String IOEXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "ERROR: Problem reading StringBundles.properties";
private static final String PATH_STRING_BUNDLE = "com/qn/config/StringBundles.properties";
public static String getProperty( String key )
Properties property = new Properties();
property.load( ResourceUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( PATH_STRING_BUNDLE ) );
catch( IOException e )
System.err.println( IOEXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE );
return null;
return property.getProperty( key );
I wanted to test the scenario where in the PATH_STRING_BUNDLE would be invalid and it wall pass through the catch(IOException e). However the PATH_STRING_BUNDLE has a final modifier. Can you suggest a way to test this or is testing this part pretty useless or maybe the design of the class have problems.
In your Unit test, temporarily rename the file com/qn/config/StringBundles.properties, and then run the code. When the test is complete, rename it back.
In this situations I usually introduce use this immediate solution (there's also a cleaner solution but it requires wider refactoring): I create a new overload of the method, which takes one extra parameter, and uses this parameter in place of the PATH_STRING_BUNDLE constant. Then I change the original method such that it simply passes PATH_STRING_BUNDLE to the new overload. Here's how the code looks like:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
public class ResourceUtils
private static final String IOEXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "ERROR: Problem reading StringBundles.properties";
private static final String PATH_STRING_BUNDLE = "com/qn/config/StringBundles.properties";
public static String getProperty(String key) {
return getProperty(key, PATH_STRING_BUNDLE);
static String getProperty(String key, String bundlePath)
Properties property = new Properties();
catch( IOException e )
System.err.println( IOEXCEPTION_ERROR_MESSAGE );
return null;
return property.getProperty( key );
Now you can test the scenario where the bundle path is broken simply by calling the new overload passing in whatever value you want for the second parameter.
I use the following enum type:
But now I want to store what exactly the Exception is. Unfortunately you cannot instantiate an enum type. What is the best way to make something like the following possible?
case(OK) {System.out.println("Everything OK!");break;}
case(TIMEOUT) {System.out.println("Timeout :-(");break;}
case(EXCEPTION) {System.out.println("We have an exception: "+status.exception);break;}
My ideas
Class with singletons
class Status
final Exception e;
public final Status OK = new Status(null);
public final Status TIMEOUT = new Status(null);
public Status(Exception e) {this.e=e;}
Then I could do:
if(status==Status.OK) {System.out.println("Everything OK!");}
else if(status==Status.TIMEOUT) {System.out.println("Timeout :-(");}
else {System.out.println("We have an exception: "+status.exception);}
2. Several Classes
class Status {}
class StatusOK extends Status {}
class StatusTimeout extends Status {}
class StatusException extends Status
final Exception e;
public StatusException(Exception e) {this.e=e;}
Then I would need a bunch of "instanceOf"-statements.
P.S.: OK it seems that I didn't explain it clearly enough. In my program I answer requests and I store the status of the processing of those requests:
Map<Request,Status> request2Status;
Thus I cannot use something like Status.getMessage(exception); because at that position in my code I do not know which exception it was. That why I want to save it inside the status.
Chosen solution
private static class LearnStatus implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final LearnStatus OK = new LearnStatus(null);
public static final LearnStatus TIMEOUT = new LearnStatus(null);
public static final LearnStatus NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND = new LearnStatus(null);
public static final LearnStatus QUERY_RESULT_EMPTY = new LearnStatus(null);
public static final LearnStatus NO_QUERY_LEARNED = new LearnStatus(null);
public final Exception exception;
private LearnStatus(Exception exception) {this.exception = exception; }
public static LearnStatus exceptionStatus(Exception cause)
if (cause == null) throw new NullPointerException();
return new LearnStatus(cause);
#Override public String toString()
if(this==OK) {return "OK";}
if(this==TIMEOUT) {return "timeout";}
if(this==NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND) {return "no template found";}
if(this==QUERY_RESULT_EMPTY) {return "query result empty";}
if(this==NO_QUERY_LEARNED) {return "no query learned";}
return "<summary>Exception: <details>"+exception.getLocalizedMessage()+"</details></summary>";
Problems with that
If I serialize an object with Status.OK in it, after deserialization if(status==Status.OK) does not work anymore.
New solution
I now included an enum type within the class. What do you think about it?
private static class LearnStatus implements Serializable
public final Type type;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final LearnStatus OK = new LearnStatus(Type.OK,null);
public static final LearnStatus TIMEOUT = new LearnStatus(Type.TIMEOUT,null);
public static final LearnStatus NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND = new LearnStatus(Type.NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND,null);
public static final LearnStatus QUERY_RESULT_EMPTY = new LearnStatus(Type.QUERY_RESULT_EMPTY,null);
public static final LearnStatus NO_QUERY_LEARNED = new LearnStatus(Type.NO_QUERY_LEARNED,null);
public final Exception exception;
private LearnStatus(Type type, Exception exception) {this.type=type;this.exception = exception;}
public static LearnStatus exceptionStatus(Exception cause)
if (cause == null) throw new NullPointerException();
return new LearnStatus(Type.EXCEPTION,cause);
#Override public String toString()
case OK: return "OK";
case TIMEOUT: return "timeout";
case NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND: return "no template found";
case QUERY_RESULT_EMPTY:return "query result empty";
case NO_QUERY_LEARNED: return "no query learned";
case EXCEPTION: return "<summary>Exception: <details>"+exception.getLocalizedMessage()+"</details></summary>";
default: throw new RuntimeException("switch type not handled");
I would use an Exception unless everything is OK.
System.out.println("Everything OK!");
} catch(TimeoutException te) {
System.out.println("Timeout :-(")
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("We have an exception: " + e);
I don't see any need to use an enum when Exceptions are designed to do this sort of thing.
Adding yet another layer on top of the layer between you and the original exception you can do this.
interface Status {
String getMessage();
enum Statuses implements Status {
OK("Everything OK"), TIMEOUT("Timeout :-(");
private final String message;
private Statuses(String message) { this.message = message; }
String getMessage() { return message; }
class ExceptionStatus implement Status {
private final String message;
String getMessage() { return "Exception: " + message; }
// to print the message
There are several approaches to this, but all of them depend that you don't use Enums or that you don't use them exclusively. Keep in mind that an enum is basically a class that only has well-defined singletons as value.
One possible refactoring of this is to use a normal class with well-defined singletons instead of enums:
class Status implements Serializable {
// for serialization
private enum InternalStatus {
public static final Status OK = new Status(null, InternalStatus.OK);
public static final Status TIMEOUT = new Status(null, InternalStatus.TIMEOUT);
private final Exception exception;
private final InternalStatus internalStatus;
private Status(Exception exception, InternalStatus internalStatus) {
this.exception = exception;
this.internalStatus = internalStatus;
public Exception getException() {
return exception;
public static Status exceptionStatus(Exception cause) {
if (cause == null) throw new NullPointerException();
return new Status(cause, InternalStatus.EXCEPTION);
// deserialization logic handling OK and TIMEOUT being singletons
private final Object readResolve() {
switch (internalStatus) {
case InternalStatus.OK:
return OK;
case InternalStatus.TIMEOUT:
return TIMEOUT;
return this;
You can now check for status == Status.OK and status == Status.TIMEOUT. If your status variable is neither OK nor TIMEOUT, it must be caused by an exception, which you can retrieve via getException.
As a downside, you lose the switch functionality and must check via if.
Is it possible to lazily instantiate a final field?
The following code does not compile:
public class Test{
private final Connection conn;
public Connection getConnection(){
conn = new Connection();
return conn;
Is there an alternative?
No. The point of a final field is that it's set once, during construction, and will never change thereafter. How could the compiler or the VM know anything useful about conn in your case? How would it know that only that property should be able to set it, and not some other method?
Perhaps if you explained what you want the semantics to be, we could come up with an alterative. You could potentially have a "provider" interface representing a way to fetch a value, and then a MemoizingProvider which proxies to another provider, but only once, caching the value otherwise. That wouldn't be able to have a final field for the cached value either, but at least it would only be in one place.
Here's one way you can do it using Memoisation (with Callables):
Class Memo:
public class Memo<T> {
private T result;
private final Callable<T> callable;
private boolean established;
public Memo(final Callable<T> callable) {
this.callable = callable;
public T get() {
if (!established) {
try {
result = callable.call();
established = true;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get value of memo", e);
return result;
Now we can create a final conn!
private final Memo<Connection> conn = new Memo<Connection>(
new Callable<Connection>() {
public Connection call() throws Exception {
return new Connection();
public Connection getConnection() {
return conn.get();
dhiller's answer is the classic double checked locking bug, do not use.
As Jon Skeet said, no, there isn't.
Interpreting your code sample you may want to do something like this:
public class Test{
private final Object mutex = new Object(); // No public locking
private Connection conn;
public Connection getConnection(){
synchronized (mutex) {
conn = new Connection();
return conn;
As a side note, it's possible to change a final field. At least instance fields. You just need some reflection:
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public class LazyFinalField {
private final String finalField = null;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
LazyFinalField o = new LazyFinalField();
System.out.println("Original Value = " + o.finalField);
Field finalField = LazyFinalField.class.getDeclaredField("finalField");
finalField.set(o, "Hello World");
System.out.println("New Value = " + o.finalField);
Original Value = null
New Value = Hello World